package ids.clustering.algorithm; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.logging.Logger; import ids.clustering.model.Clusters; import ids.clustering.model.Distance; import ids.clustering.model.ObjectiveFunctionType; import ids.clustering.utils.ClusterUtils; import ids.utils.CommonUtils; import ids.utils.ConstraintsUtils; import ids.utils.FindMaxDistance; import ids.utils.SearchResult; import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList; import cern.colt.list.IntArrayList; import cern.colt.matrix.*; import cern.colt.matrix.impl.SparseDoubleMatrix2D; /** * This is the universal HMRF-Kmeans clustering algorithm which suppose to work with any * distance function * @author Artur.Abdullin * */ public class HMRFKmeansU { // data private double[][] data; private int n = 0; private int dim = 0; private int k = 0; // number of clusters private boolean verbose = false; private boolean debug = false; // Utilities private CommonUtils utils; private ClusterUtils clusterUtils; private FindMaxDistance mDistance; // logger private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); // distance private Distance distanceFunction = Distance.SQEUCLIDEAN; private double phi_d = 0; // cluster membership private int[] idx = null;; private int[] prev_idx = null; public int[] getIDX() { return idx; } // value of the objective function private double objF = 0; public double getObjF() { return objF; } private ArrayList<Double> objF_log = new ArrayList<Double>(); public double[] getObjF_all() { int v_tt = objF_log.size(); double[] res = new double[v_tt]; for (int i = 0; i < v_tt; i++) res[i] = objF_log.get(i); return res; } private double objF_term1 = 0; public double getObjF_term1() { return objF_term1; } // cluster selection private boolean useTC = true; // number of iterations private int number_of_iterations = 0; // maximum number of iterations private int max_number_of_iterations = 100; // maximum number of iterations in ICM algorithm private int max_number_of_iterations_icm = 100; // cluster centroids private double[][] centroids = null; public double[][] getCentroids() { return centroids; } // constraints private DoubleMatrix2D Mconstraints = null; private DoubleMatrix2D Cconstraints = null; private double[][] constraints_list = null; // objective function type, by default this is the basic HMRF-Kmeans with w = 1 private ObjectiveFunctionType obj_type = ObjectiveFunctionType.NO_WEIGTHS; // Constructors public HMRFKmeansU(double[][] inputData, int numberOfClusters, HMRFKmeansParams par) { // check input parameters checkInputParameters(inputData, numberOfClusters); // parse parameters parseParams(par); if (verbose) System.out.println("HMRF-Kmeans:"); // Initialization Initialization(); } public HMRFKmeansU(int[][] inputData, int numberOfClusters, HMRFKmeansParams par) { if (inputData == null) System.exit(1); int n = inputData.length; if (n == 0) System.exit(1); int m = inputData[0].length; double[][] res = new double[n][m]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) res[i][j] = (double)inputData[i][j]; } // check input parameters checkInputParameters(res, numberOfClusters); // parse parameters parseParams(par); if (verbose) System.out.println("HMRF-Kmeans:"); // Initialization Initialization(); } private void checkInputParameters(double[][] inputData, int numberOfClusters) { = inputData; if ( == null) { System.out.println("Data set is not set."); System.exit(1); } this.k = numberOfClusters; if (this.k < 2) { System.out.println("Number of clusters cannot be set less then 2 (current os " + k + ")"); System.exit(1); } this.n =; if (this.n == 0) { System.out.println("The number of data objects is 0."); System.exit(1); } this.dim =[0].length; if (this.dim == 0) { System.out.println("The dimension of data objects is 0."); System.exit(1); } } private void parseParams(HMRFKmeansParams par) { // type of objective function this.obj_type = par.obj_type; // verbose this.verbose = par.verbose; this.debug = par.debug; // distance this.distanceFunction = par.distanceFunction; this.phi_d = par.phi_d; // max iterations this.max_number_of_iterations = par.max_number_of_iterations; this.max_number_of_iterations_icm = par.max_number_of_iterations_icm; // constraints this.constraints_list = par.constraints; // centroids this.centroids = par.centeroids; // cluster selection this.useTC = par.useTC; } private void Initialization() { // utilities utils = new CommonUtils(false); clusterUtils = new ClusterUtils(false); // initialize the membership vector idx = new int[n]; Arrays.fill(idx, -1); prev_idx = new int[n]; Arrays.fill(prev_idx, -1); // find the maximum distance in the data set if (phi_d == 0) { mDistance = new FindMaxDistance(false); phi_d = mDistance.getMaxDistance(data, n, dim, distanceFunction); if (debug)"The maximum distance in the data set is: " + phi_d); } // centroids message String message = "Using user specified centroids"; // constraint list if (constraints_list != null) { if (verbose) System.out.println("Constraints are detected"); parseConstraintList(); if (useTC) { if (verbose) System.out.println("Using TC to propogate constrains"); ConstraintsUtils constraintsUtils = new ConstraintsUtils(debug); Mconstraints = constraintsUtils.TransitiveClosure(Mconstraints); // get neighborhoods int[] neighborhoodLambda = constraintsUtils.getNeighborhood(); // number of neighborhoods int lambda = utils.getMaxValue(neighborhoodLambda).getValue() + 1; if (debug)"Number of lambda neighborhoods is " + lambda); // infer cannot-link constraints constraintsUtils.inferCannotLinkConstraints(Cconstraints, neighborhoodLambda, lambda); // get new centroids based on lambda neigh if (centroids == null) { // replace centroids only iff its null message = "Using TC to generate the centroids"; centroids = clusterSelection(neighborhoodLambda, lambda); } } } else { if (verbose) System.out.println("No constraints are detected"); } // constraints if (centroids == null) { // randomly generate centroids message = "Generating random centroids"; centroids = clusterUtils.generateRandomClusterCentroids(data, k); } if (verbose) System.out.println(message); if (debug) utils.printMatrix(centroids); // cluster memberships without any constraints idx = clusterUtils.getClusterMemberships(data, centroids, distanceFunction); } /** * This function parses constraint list in the following format * |point 1| |point2| |constraint_type| * constraint type could have two values: 1 for must-link constraints and 2 for * cannot-link constraints */ private void parseConstraintList() { if (debug)"Parsing constraints.."); Mconstraints = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(n, n); Cconstraints = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(n, n); for (int i = 0; i < constraints_list.length; i++) { int a = (int)constraints_list[i][0] - 1; // -1 since data ID starts from 0 but from 1 in the constant file int b = (int)constraints_list[i][1] - 1; if (((int)constraints_list[i][2])==1) { // must-link constraints Mconstraints.setQuick(a, b, 1.0); Mconstraints.setQuick(b, a, 1.0); if (debug) { double d = utils.getDistance(data[a], data[b], distanceFunction);"Creating a must-link constraint between object " + a + " and " + b + ". Distance between points is " + d); } } else if (((int)constraints_list[i][2])==2) { // cannot-link constraints Cconstraints.setQuick(a, b, 1.0); Cconstraints.setQuick(b, a, 1.0); if (debug) { double d = utils.getDistance(data[a], data[b], distanceFunction);"Creating a cannot-link constraint between object " + a + " and " + b + ". Distance between points is " + d); } } else { log.severe("Cannot find constraints type"); } } // end for loop if (debug)"Parsing constraints..done."); } // Cluster - main procedure public void cluster() { while (true) { // one cycle number_of_iterations++; if (debug)"Start iteration " + number_of_iterations); // EM algorithm E_step(); M_step(); // stop condition if (Arrays.equals(idx, prev_idx)) break; if (number_of_iterations >= max_number_of_iterations) { if (debug) System.out.println("The maximum number of iterations (" + max_number_of_iterations + ") has been reached"); break; } prev_idx = idx.clone(); } // output if (verbose) { System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Maximum distance: " + phi_d); System.out.println("Number of clusters: " + k); System.out.println("Number of samples: " + n + ", with " + dim + " features"); System.out.println("Distance funciton: " + distanceFunction); if (constraints_list != null) { // get number of cannot link constraints IntArrayList c_rowList = new IntArrayList(); IntArrayList c_columnList = new IntArrayList(); DoubleArrayList c_values = new DoubleArrayList(); Cconstraints.getNonZeros(c_rowList, c_columnList, c_values); int n_cannot_link = c_values.size(); IntArrayList m_rowList = new IntArrayList(); IntArrayList m_columnList = new IntArrayList(); DoubleArrayList m_values = new DoubleArrayList(); Mconstraints.getNonZeros(m_rowList, m_columnList, m_values); int n_must_link = m_values.size() - n; System.out.println("Number of Must Constraints: " + n_must_link); System.out.println("Number of Cannot Constraints: " + n_cannot_link); } System.out.println("Number of iterations: " + number_of_iterations); System.out.println("Objective function value: " + objF); System.out.println(""); } } private double[][] clusterSelection(int[] nLambda, int lambda) { double[][] c = new double[k][dim]; if (lambda > k) { Clusters cluster_lambda = clusterUtils.getClusterCentoids(data, n, dim, nLambda, lambda, distanceFunction); double[][] c_lambda = cluster_lambda.centroids; // find the largest subgraph and normalized it int[] w = cluster_lambda.clusterSizes; double[] dw = new double[lambda]; SearchResult<Integer> sr = utils.getMaxValue(w); int max_w = sr.getValue(); if (max_w != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < w.length; i++) { dw[i] = (double)w[i]/max_w; } } else { log.severe("ACHTUNG! Division by zero! The maximum neigh size is 0."); } // do the weighted farther first algorithm int[] c_index = new int[k]; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) c_index[i] = -1; int cnc = 0; // current number of clusters c_index[cnc] = sr.getIndex(); // first cluster is the biggest cluster c[cnc] = c_lambda[sr.getIndex()]; // distance between cluster`s centroids double[] dc = new double[lambda]; while ((cnc+1) < k) { for (int i = 0; i < lambda; i++) { // the current candidate double[] x = c_lambda[i]; dc[i] = 0; if (!utils.isContained(c_index, cnc+1, i)) { for (int j = 0; j < cnc+1; j++) { double[] y = c_lambda[c_index[j]]; dc[i] += dw[c_index[j]] * dw[i] * utils.getDistance(x, y, distanceFunction); } } } cnc++; SearchResult<Double> srd = utils.getMaxValue(dc); c_index[cnc] = srd.getIndex(); c[cnc] = c_lambda[srd.getIndex()]; } } else { int[] index = utils.getRandomPermutation(n, k-lambda); double[][] temp = new double[lambda][dim]; Clusters cl = clusterUtils.getClusterCentoids(data, n, dim, nLambda, lambda, distanceFunction); temp = cl.centroids; for (int i = 0; i < lambda; i++) { c[i] = temp[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < k-lambda; i++) { c[lambda + i] = data[index[i]]; } } return c; } private void E_step() { int[] prev_idx_icm = idx.clone(); // number of iterations int v_tt = 0; while (true) { v_tt++; objF = 0; objF_term1 = 0; // value of the objective function but only first term if (debug)"Starting ICM iteration " + v_tt); // randomize points the data set int[] rand_index = utils.getRandomPermutation(n, n); for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) { int current_point_index = rand_index[i]; double f_min = Double.MAX_VALUE; int j_min = 0; // assign points to clusters for (int j=0; j<k; j++) { double f = getObjectiveFunction(current_point_index, j); //System.out.println("Distance is " + f); if (f<f_min) { f_min = f; j_min = j; } } //System.out.println("Adding " + f_min + " to the objective function " + objF); idx[current_point_index] = j_min; objF = objF + f_min; //how would kmeans work /* double f_term1_min = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int j=0; j<k; j++) { double f_term = utils.getDistance(data[current_point_index], centroids[j], distanceFunction); if (f_term<f_term1_min) f_term1_min = f_term; } objF_term1 = objF_term1 + f_term1_min; */ objF_term1 = objF_term1 + utils.getDistance(data[current_point_index], centroids[j_min], distanceFunction); } // break loop if (Arrays.equals(prev_idx_icm, idx)) { if (debug) {"ICM algorithm has been finished in (" + v_tt + ") iterations");"Value of the objective function is " + objF); } break; } if (v_tt >= max_number_of_iterations_icm) { log.warning("Reached maximum number of iterations (" + max_number_of_iterations_icm + ") in ICM algorithm"); break; } prev_idx_icm = idx.clone(); } if (debug) { //"E-Step: the value of the objective function: " + objF); //System.out.println("Membership vector: "); //Arrays.toString(idx); } if (verbose) System.out.printf("E-Step: the value of the objective function: %5.4f (%5.4f)\n", objF, objF_term1); objF_log.add(objF); } private void M_step() { Clusters clusters = clusterUtils.getClusterCentoids(data, n, dim, idx, k, distanceFunction); centroids = clusters.centroids; if (debug) {"M-Step:");"Cluster centroids: "); utils.printMatrix(centroids, k, dim); } } private double getObjectiveFunction(int point_index, int cluster_index) { double kmeans_part = 0; double must_link_part = 0; double cannot_link_part = 0; // simple k-means kmeans_part = utils.getDistance(data[point_index], centroids[cluster_index], distanceFunction); // Different type of objective functions if (obj_type == ObjectiveFunctionType.CENTROIDS) { return kmeans_part; } else if (obj_type == ObjectiveFunctionType.NO_WEIGTHS) { // check if there are any constraints if (constraints_list == null) { if (debug) { System.out.println("The constraint list is NULL. EXIT.");"The constraint list is NULL. EXIT."); } return kmeans_part; } // get must-link constraints for the current point DoubleMatrix1D target = Mconstraints.viewRow(point_index); IntArrayList cols = new IntArrayList(); DoubleArrayList values = new DoubleArrayList(); target.getNonZeros(cols, values); // must-link constraints part for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) { int other_point = cols.get(i); // index of the connected point if ((cluster_index != idx[other_point])&(point_index != other_point)) { must_link_part += utils.getDistance(data[point_index], data[other_point], distanceFunction); /* if (debug)"Must-link: Objective function has been modified - points " + point_index + " and " + other_point + " in cluster " + cluster_index + ". Current value of the must link part: " + must_link_part); */ } } // get cannot-link constraints for the current point target = Cconstraints.viewRow(point_index); cols = new IntArrayList(); values = new DoubleArrayList(); target.getNonZeros(cols, values); // cannot-link constraints part for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) { int other_point = cols.get(i); if (cluster_index == idx[other_point]) { cannot_link_part += (phi_d - utils.getDistance(data[point_index], data[other_point], distanceFunction)); /* if (debug)"Cannot-link: Objective function has been modified - points " + point_index + " and " + other_point + " in cluster " + cluster_index + ". Current value of: " + cannot_link_part); */ } } // return the sum of all components double res = kmeans_part + must_link_part + cannot_link_part; if (debug) { /* if (kmeans_part >0) System.out.println("k-means part of the distance is " + kmeans_part); if (must_link_part >0) System.out.println("must-link part of the distance is " + must_link_part); if (cannot_link_part >0) System.out.println("cannot-link part of the distance is " + cannot_link_part); System.out.println("The total distance between point " + point_index + " and cluster " + cluster_index + ": " + res); */ } //if (kmeans_part >0) System.out.println("k-means part of the distance is " + kmeans_part); //if (must_link_part >0) System.out.println("must-link part of the distance is " + must_link_part); //if (cannot_link_part >0) System.out.println("cannot-link part of the distance is " + cannot_link_part); //System.out.println("The total distance between point " + point_index + " and cluster " + cluster_index + ": " + res); return res; } else if (obj_type == ObjectiveFunctionType.CONST_WEIGHTS) { double w = 0.0439/0.3937; // check if there are any constraints if (constraints_list == null) { if (debug) { System.out.println("The constraint list is NULL. EXIT.");"The constraint list is NULL. EXIT."); } return kmeans_part; } // get must-link constraints for the current point DoubleMatrix1D target = Mconstraints.viewRow(point_index); IntArrayList cols = new IntArrayList(); DoubleArrayList values = new DoubleArrayList(); target.getNonZeros(cols, values); // must-link constraints part for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) { int other_point = cols.get(i); // index of the connected point if ((cluster_index != idx[other_point])&(point_index != other_point)) { must_link_part += w*utils.getDistance(data[point_index], data[other_point], distanceFunction); } } // get cannot-link constraints for the current point target = Cconstraints.viewRow(point_index); cols = new IntArrayList(); values = new DoubleArrayList(); target.getNonZeros(cols, values); // cannot-link constraints part for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) { int other_point = cols.get(i); if (cluster_index == idx[other_point]) { cannot_link_part += w*(phi_d - utils.getDistance(data[point_index], data[other_point], distanceFunction)); } } // return the sum of all components double res = kmeans_part + must_link_part + cannot_link_part; return res; } else { System.out.println("Could not find the specified type of objective function. EXIT"); log.severe("Could not find the specified type of objective function. EXIT"); System.exit(1); return 0; } } }