/* * This file or a portion of this file is licensed under the terms of * the Globus Toolkit Public License, found in file GTPL, or at * http://www.globus.org/toolkit/download/license.html. This notice must * appear in redistributions of this file, with or without modification. * * Redistributions of this Software, with or without modification, must * reproduce the GTPL in: (1) the Software, or (2) the Documentation or * some other similar material which is provided with the Software (if * any). * * Copyright 1999-2004 University of Chicago and The University of * Southern California. All rights reserved. */ package org.griphyn.vdl.router; import org.griphyn.vdl.classes.*; import org.griphyn.vdl.parser.*; import org.griphyn.vdl.router.*; import org.griphyn.vdl.dbschema.*; import org.griphyn.vdl.directive.*; import org.griphyn.vdl.util.ChimeraProperties; import org.griphyn.vdl.util.Logging; import org.griphyn.vdl.toolkit.Toolkit; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.SQLException; public class ToText extends Toolkit { public ToText( String arg0 ) { super(arg0); } public void showUsage() { } public static void main( String[] args ) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, Exception { ToText me = new ToText("ToText"); if ( args.length != 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "java prg xml" ); // create debug output Logging.instance().register( "state", System.err ); Logging.instance().register( "route", System.err ); // // force file // me.m_props.setProperty( "vds.db.vds", "file" ); // me.m_props.setProperty( "vds.db.file.store", args[0] ); // user supplied database, set up me.m_dbschema String vdcSchemaName = ChimeraProperties.instance().getVDCSchemaName(); Connect connect = new Connect(); DatabaseSchema dbschema = connect.connectDatabase(vdcSchemaName); Definitions defs = null; if ( dbschema instanceof InMemorySchema ) { // already everything in main memory, use backdoor (Yuck! Dirty!) // avoid duplicating DVs in main memory. defs = ((InMemorySchema) dbschema).backdoor(); } else { // Load all Definitions into an in-memory database (uiuiui) me.m_logger.log( "app", 1, "loading *all* definitions into memory" ); defs = new Definitions(); defs.setDefinition( ((VDC) dbschema).searchDefinition( null, null, null, -1 ) ); } if ( defs == null ) { System.err.println( "No input data, nothing to route" ); return ; } // create new route object, in memory classes Route r = new Route( new InMemorySchema(defs) ); // dump contents onto stdout //r.dump(System.out); no longer a valid operation } }