/* * VAbilityTokenTest.java * Copyright 2013 (C) James Dempsey * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Created on 26/12/2013 09:04:19 * * $Id$ */ package plugin.exporttokens; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import pcgen.AbstractCharacterTestCase; import pcgen.cdom.base.UserSelection; import pcgen.cdom.content.CNAbility; import pcgen.cdom.content.CNAbilityFactory; import pcgen.cdom.enumeration.AspectName; import pcgen.cdom.enumeration.ListKey; import pcgen.cdom.enumeration.MapKey; import pcgen.cdom.enumeration.Nature; import pcgen.cdom.enumeration.ObjectKey; import pcgen.cdom.enumeration.SkillArmorCheck; import pcgen.cdom.helper.Aspect; import pcgen.cdom.helper.CNAbilitySelection; import pcgen.core.Ability; import pcgen.core.AbilityCategory; import pcgen.core.Globals; import pcgen.core.PlayerCharacter; import pcgen.core.bonus.Bonus; import pcgen.core.bonus.BonusObj; import pcgen.core.prereq.Prerequisite; import pcgen.core.prereq.PrerequisiteOperator; import pcgen.io.ExportHandler; import pcgen.util.TestHelper; import pcgen.util.enumeration.Visibility; /** * <code>VAbilityTokenTest</code> tests the functioning of the VABILITY * token processing code. * * * @author James Dempsey <jdempsey@users.sourceforge.net> */ public class VAbilityTokenTest extends AbstractCharacterTestCase { /** * Quick test suite creation - adds all methods beginning with "test" * @return The Test suite */ public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(VAbilityTokenTest.class); } private Ability skillFocus; /* * @see TestCase#setUp() */ @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter(); // Make some ability categories and add them to the game mode Ability ab1 = TestHelper.makeAbility("Perform (Dance)", AbilityCategory.FEAT, "General.Fighter"); ab1.put(ObjectKey.MULTIPLE_ALLOWED, Boolean.FALSE); ab1.put(ObjectKey.VISIBILITY, Visibility.DEFAULT); List<Aspect> colourList = new ArrayList<>(); colourList.add(new Aspect("Colour", "Green")); ab1.addToMapFor(MapKey.ASPECT, AspectName.getConstant("Colour"), colourList); List<Aspect> sizeList = new ArrayList<>(); sizeList.add(new Aspect("Size", "L")); ab1.addToMapFor(MapKey.ASPECT, AspectName.getConstant("Size"), sizeList); List<Aspect> shapeList = new ArrayList<>(); Aspect cube = new Aspect("Shape", "Cube"); Prerequisite prereq = new Prerequisite(); prereq.setKind("ALIGN"); prereq.setKey("LG"); prereq.setOperator(PrerequisiteOperator.EQ); cube.addPrerequisite(prereq); shapeList.add(cube); shapeList.add(new Aspect("Shape", "Icosahedron")); ab1.addToMapFor(MapKey.ASPECT, AspectName.getConstant("Shape"), shapeList); List<Aspect> sidesList = new ArrayList<>(); sidesList.add(new Aspect("Sides", "20")); ab1.addToMapFor(MapKey.ASPECT, AspectName.getConstant("Sides"), sidesList); List<Aspect> ageList = new ArrayList<>(); ageList.add(new Aspect("Age In Years", "2000")); ab1.addToMapFor(MapKey.ASPECT, AspectName.getConstant("Age In Years"), ageList); CNAbility cna = CNAbilityFactory.getCNAbility(AbilityCategory.FEAT, Nature.VIRTUAL, ab1); character.addAbility(new CNAbilitySelection(cna), UserSelection.getInstance(), UserSelection.getInstance()); TestHelper.makeSkill("Bluff", "Charisma", cha, true, SkillArmorCheck.NONE); TestHelper.makeSkill("Listen", "Wisdom", wis, true, SkillArmorCheck.NONE); skillFocus = TestHelper.makeAbility("Skill Focus", AbilityCategory.FEAT, "General"); BonusObj aBonus = Bonus.newBonus(Globals.getContext(), "SKILL|LIST|3"); if (aBonus != null) { skillFocus.addToListFor(ListKey.BONUS, aBonus); } skillFocus.put(ObjectKey.MULTIPLE_ALLOWED, true); Globals.getContext().unconditionallyProcess(skillFocus, "CHOOSE", "SKILL|ALL"); cna = CNAbilityFactory.getCNAbility(AbilityCategory.FEAT, Nature.VIRTUAL, skillFocus); character.addAbility(new CNAbilitySelection(cna, "KEY_Bluff"), UserSelection.getInstance(), UserSelection.getInstance()); character.addAbility(new CNAbilitySelection(cna, "KEY_Listen"), UserSelection.getInstance(), UserSelection.getInstance()); character.calcActiveBonuses(); } /** * Tests the aspect subtoken of VABILITY without a specific aspect. */ public void testAspect() { VAbilityToken tok = new VAbilityToken(); ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(null); PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter(); assertEquals( "Age In Years: 2000, Colour: Green, Shape: Icosahedron, Sides: 20, Size: L", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASPECT", character, eh)); } /** * Tests the ASPECTCOUNT subtoken of VABILITY. */ public void testAspectCount() { VAbilityToken tok = new VAbilityToken(); ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(null); PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter(); assertEquals("5", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASPECTCOUNT", character, eh)); } /** * Tests the ASPECT subtoken of VABILITY with an aspect specified. */ public void testSingleAspect() { VAbilityToken tok = new VAbilityToken(); ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(null); PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter(); assertEquals( "Shape: Icosahedron", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASPECT.2", character, eh)); assertEquals( "20", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASPECT.Sides", character, eh)); assertEquals( "Green", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASPECT.Colour", character, eh)); assertEquals( "2000", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASPECT.Age In Years", character, eh)); } /** * Tests the ASPECT subtoken of VABILITY with an invalid aspect specified. */ public void testNonExistantSingleAspect() { VAbilityToken tok = new VAbilityToken(); ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(null); PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter(); assertEquals("", tok .getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASPECT.-5", character, eh)); assertEquals("", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASPECT.5", character, eh)); assertEquals("", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASPECT.500", character, eh)); assertEquals("", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASPECT.Attack Type", character, eh)); assertEquals("", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASPECT.Target", character, eh)); } /** * Tests the HASASPECT subtoken of VABILITY. */ public void testHasAspect() { VAbilityToken tok = new VAbilityToken(); ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(null); PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter(); assertEquals("N", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.HASASPECT.3", character, eh)); assertEquals("N", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.HASASPECT.5", character, eh)); assertEquals("N", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.HASASPECT.Attack Type", character, eh)); assertEquals("Y", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.HASASPECT.Colour", character, eh)); assertEquals("Y", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.HASASPECT.Age In Years", character, eh)); } /** * Tests the name subtoken of VABILITY. */ public void testName() { VAbilityToken tok = new VAbilityToken(); ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(null); PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter(); assertEquals( "Perform (Dance)", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.NAME", character, eh)); assertEquals( "Skill Focus", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.1.NAME", character, eh)); } /** * Tests the key subtoken of VABILITY. */ public void testKey() { VAbilityToken tok = new VAbilityToken(); ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(null); PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter(); assertEquals( "KEY_Perform (Dance)", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.KEY", character, eh)); assertEquals( "KEY_Skill Focus", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.1.KEY", character, eh)); } /** * Tests the associated subtoken of VABILITY. */ public void testAssociated() { VAbilityToken tok = new VAbilityToken(); ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(null); PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter(); assertEquals("", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASSOCIATED", character, eh)); assertEquals("Bluff,Listen", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.1.ASSOCIATED", character, eh)); assertEquals("Bluff", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.1.ASSOCIATED.0", character, eh)); assertEquals("Listen", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.1.ASSOCIATED.1", character, eh)); } /** * Tests the ASSOCIATEDCOUNT subtoken of VABILITY. */ public void testAssociatedCount() { VAbilityToken tok = new VAbilityToken(); ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(null); PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter(); assertEquals("0", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.0.ASSOCIATEDCOUNT", character, eh)); assertEquals("2", tok.getToken("VABILITY.FEAT.1.ASSOCIATEDCOUNT", character, eh)); } }