/** * */ package net.padaf.xmpbox.type; import java.util.List; import net.padaf.xmpbox.XMPMetadata; /** * Object representation of an Thumbnail XMP type * * @author eric */ public class ThumbnailType extends ComplexPropertyContainer { protected static final String ELEMENT_NS = "http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/g/img/"; protected XMPMetadata metadata; /** * * @param metadata * The metadata to attach to this property * @param namespace * the namespace URI to associate to this property * @param prefix * The prefix to set for this property * @param propertyName * The local Name of this thumbnail type */ public ThumbnailType(XMPMetadata metadata, String namespace, String prefix, String propertyName) { super(metadata, namespace, prefix, propertyName); this.metadata = metadata; setAttribute(new Attribute(null, "rdf", "parseType", "Resource")); } /** * * @param metadata * The metadata to attach to this property * @param prefix * The prefix to set for this property * @param propertyName * The local Name of this thumbnail type */ public ThumbnailType(XMPMetadata metadata, String prefix, String propertyName) { super(metadata, prefix, propertyName); this.metadata = metadata; setAttribute(new Attribute(null, "rdf", "parseType", "Resource")); } /** * Give the first property found in this container with type and localname * expected * * @param localName * the localname of property wanted * @param type * the property type of property wanted * @return the property wanted */ protected AbstractField getFirstEquivalentProperty(String localName, Class<? extends AbstractField> type) { List<AbstractField> list = getPropertiesByLocalName(localName); if (list != null) { for (AbstractField abstractField : list) { // System.out.println(abstractField.getQualifiedName()); if (abstractField.getClass().equals(type)) { return abstractField; } } } return null; } /** * Get Height * * @return the height */ public Integer getHeight() { AbstractField absProp = getFirstEquivalentProperty("height", IntegerType.class); if (absProp != null) { return ((IntegerType) absProp).getValue(); } return null; } /** * Set Height * * @param prefix * the prefix of Height property to set * @param name * the name of Height property to set * @param height * the value of Height property to set */ public void setHeight(String prefix, String name, Integer height) { this.addProperty(new IntegerType(metadata, prefix, name, height)); } /** * Get Width * * @return the width */ public Integer getWidth() { AbstractField absProp = getFirstEquivalentProperty("width", IntegerType.class); if (absProp != null) { return ((IntegerType) absProp).getValue(); } return null; } /** * Set Width * * @param prefix * the prefix of width property to set * @param name * the name of width property to set * @param width * the value of width property to set */ public void setWidth(String prefix, String name, Integer width) { this.addProperty(new IntegerType(metadata, prefix, name, width)); } /** * Get The img data * * @return the img */ public String getImg() { AbstractField absProp = getFirstEquivalentProperty("image", TextType.class); if (absProp != null) { return ((TextType) absProp).getStringValue(); } return null; } /** * Set Image data * * @param prefix * the prefix of image property to set * @param name * the name of image property to set * @param image * the value of image property to set */ public void setImg(String prefix, String name, String image) { this.addProperty(new TextType(metadata, prefix, name, image)); } /** * Get Format * * @return the format */ public String getFormat() { AbstractField absProp = getFirstEquivalentProperty("format", TextType.class); if (absProp != null) { return ((TextType) absProp).getStringValue(); } return null; } /** * Set Format * * @param prefix * the prefix of format property to set * @param name * the name of format property to set * @param format * the value of format property to set */ public void setFormat(String prefix, String name, String format) { this.addProperty(new TextType(metadata, prefix, name, format)); } }