/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2010 Atos Worldline SAS * * Licensed by Atos Worldline SAS under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * Atos Worldline SAS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package net.padaf.preflight; import static net.padaf.preflight.ValidatorConfig.ACRO_FORM_FILTER; import static net.padaf.preflight.ValidatorConfig.BOOKMARK_FILTER; import static net.padaf.preflight.ValidatorConfig.CATALOG_FILTER; import static net.padaf.preflight.ValidatorConfig.FILE_SPECIF_FILTER; import static net.padaf.preflight.ValidatorConfig.FONT_FILTER; import static net.padaf.preflight.ValidatorConfig.GRAPHIC_FILTER; import static net.padaf.preflight.ValidatorConfig.META_DATA_FILTER; import static net.padaf.preflight.ValidatorConfig.PAGE_FILTER; import static net.padaf.preflight.ValidatorConfig.STREAM_FILTER; import static net.padaf.preflight.ValidatorConfig.TRAILER_FILTER; import static net.padaf.preflight.ValidatorConfig.XREF_FILTER; import net.padaf.preflight.actions.ActionManagerFactory; import net.padaf.preflight.annotation.PDFAbAnnotationFactory; import net.padaf.preflight.helpers.AcroFormValidationHelper; import net.padaf.preflight.helpers.BookmarkValidationHelper; import net.padaf.preflight.helpers.CatalogValidationHelper; import net.padaf.preflight.helpers.FileSpecificationValidationHelper; import net.padaf.preflight.helpers.FontValidationHelper; import net.padaf.preflight.helpers.GraphicsValidationHelper; import net.padaf.preflight.helpers.MetadataValidationHelper; import net.padaf.preflight.helpers.PagesValidationHelper; import net.padaf.preflight.helpers.StreamValidationHelper; import net.padaf.preflight.helpers.TrailerValidationHelper; import net.padaf.preflight.helpers.XRefValidationHelper; /** * This Factory Provide an instance of PdfAValidator.<BR /> * If you call the <I>createValidatorInstance</I> without ValidationConfig, the instance will * be created using the right default configuration. (static attributes in this factory)<BR /> * If you call the <I>createValidatorInstance</I> with your own ValidationConfig, be careful setting * helpers with the right priority. For a PDF/A here is the 3 first helpers to call : * <UL> * <li>CatalogValidationHelper to initialize the OCCProfileWrapper in the DocumentHandler * <li>StreamValidationHelper to check the length of stream before parse them. * <li>FontValidationHelper to store FontContainers in the DocumentHandler before validate Text operator * </UL> * In addition you can set a custom AnnotationValidatorFactory and a custom ActionManagerFactory. By default * the configuration object defines the PDFAbAnnotationFactory and the ActionManagerFactory. */ public class PdfAValidatorFactory { public static final String PDF_A_1_b = "PDF/A-1b"; /** * Create the Generic Configuration For the PDF/A-1B file * @return */ public static ValidatorConfig getStandardPDFA1BConfiguration () { ValidatorConfig pdfa1bStandardConfig = new ValidatorConfig(); pdfa1bStandardConfig.addPriorHelpers(STREAM_FILTER, StreamValidationHelper.class); pdfa1bStandardConfig.addPriorHelpers(CATALOG_FILTER, CatalogValidationHelper.class); pdfa1bStandardConfig.addPriorHelpers(FONT_FILTER, FontValidationHelper.class); pdfa1bStandardConfig.addPriorHelpers(GRAPHIC_FILTER, GraphicsValidationHelper.class); pdfa1bStandardConfig.addStandHelpers(TRAILER_FILTER, TrailerValidationHelper.class); pdfa1bStandardConfig.addStandHelpers(XREF_FILTER, XRefValidationHelper.class); pdfa1bStandardConfig.addStandHelpers(BOOKMARK_FILTER, BookmarkValidationHelper.class); pdfa1bStandardConfig.addStandHelpers(ACRO_FORM_FILTER, AcroFormValidationHelper.class); pdfa1bStandardConfig.addStandHelpers(FILE_SPECIF_FILTER, FileSpecificationValidationHelper.class); // Page Helper must be called after the FontHelper to check // if Fonts used by the page content are embedded in the PDF file. pdfa1bStandardConfig.addStandHelpers(PAGE_FILTER, PagesValidationHelper.class); pdfa1bStandardConfig.addStandHelpers(META_DATA_FILTER, MetadataValidationHelper.class); pdfa1bStandardConfig.setActionFactory(ActionManagerFactory.class); pdfa1bStandardConfig.setAnnotationFactory(PDFAbAnnotationFactory.class); return pdfa1bStandardConfig; } /** * Return an implementation of PdfAValidator according to the given format using the * default configuration linked to the format. * * @param format * "PDF/A-1b" for a PDF/A-1b validator. * @return * @throws ValidationException */ public PdfAValidator createValidatorInstance(String format) throws ValidationException { if (PDF_A_1_b.equals(format)) { return new PdfA1bValidator(getStandardPDFA1BConfiguration()); } else { throw new ValidationException("Unknown pdf format : " + format); } } /** * Return an implementation of PdfAValidator according to the given format. * * @param format "PDF/A-1b" for a PDF/A-1b validator. * @param conf Instance of ValidatorConfig to use customized Helper * @return * @throws ValidationException */ public PdfAValidator createValidatorInstance(String format, ValidatorConfig conf) throws ValidationException { if (conf == null) { return createValidatorInstance(format); } if (PDF_A_1_b.equals(format)) { return new PdfA1bValidator(conf); } else { throw new ValidationException("Unknown pdf format : " + format); } } }