/* * Sistema de Ouvidoria: um canal através do qual os usuários * podem encaminhar suas reclamações, elogios e sugestões. * * Copyright (C) 2011 SERPRO * * Este programa é software livre; você pode redistribuí-lo e/ou * modificá-lo sob os termos da Licença Pública Geral GNU, conforme * publicada pela Free Software Foundation; tanto a versão 2 da * Licença como (a seu critério) qualquer versão mais nova. * * Este programa é distribuído na expectativa de ser útil, mas SEM * QUALQUER GARANTIA; sem mesmo a garantia implícita de * COMERCIALIZAÇÃO ou de ADEQUAÇÃO A QUALQUER PROPÓSITO EM * PARTICULAR. Consulte a Licença Pública Geral GNU para obter mais * detalhes. * * Você deve ter recebido uma cópia da Licença Pública Geral GNU, * sob o título "LICENCA.txt", junto com esse programa. Se não, * acesse o Portal do Software Público Brasileiro no endereço * http://www.softwarepublico.gov.br/ ou escreva para a Fundação do * Software Livre (FSF) Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02111-1301, USA. * * Contatos através do seguinte endereço internet: * http://www.serpro.gov.br/sistemaouvidoria/ */ package br.gov.serpro.ouvidoria.util; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.oro.text.perl.Perl5Util; import org.jfree.chart.labels.CategoryLabelGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.labels.PieSectionLabelGenerator; import org.jfree.data.category.CategoryDataset; import org.jfree.data.general.PieDataset; import br.gov.serpro.ouvidoria.controller.gerencial.administracao.OrgaoCtrl; import br.gov.serpro.ouvidoria.dao.DaoFactory; import br.gov.serpro.ouvidoria.dao.hibernate.HibernateDaoFactory; import br.gov.serpro.ouvidoria.model.Orgao; import br.gov.serpro.ouvidoria.util.freechart.data.DBUtilsKit; import br.gov.serpro.ouvidoria.util.freechart.data.EnhancedJDBCPieDataset; import br.gov.serpro.ouvidoria.util.freechart.data.JDBCFlatCategoryDataset; import br.gov.serpro.ouvidoria.util.freechart.data.PercentColumnFilter; import br.gov.serpro.ouvidoria.util.freechart.data.PieDatasetFilterListener; import br.gov.serpro.ouvidoria.util.freechart.data.StringKit; /** * * @author SERPRO * @version $Revision: $, $Date: 2011/10/21 18:53:46 $ * @version 0.1, Date: 2005/01/28 */ public class ReportHelperHist { private final static Perl5Util p5Util = new Perl5Util(); private static final class TotalQueryFilter extends PercentColumnFilter implements CategoryLabelGenerator, PieDatasetFilterListener, PieSectionLabelGenerator { private Map map = null; private NumberFormat formatter; public TotalQueryFilter(String totalField) { super(totalField); this.map = new HashMap(); formatter = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); formatter.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); } public final Number filterValue(Number value, Comparable rowKey, Comparable columnKey, Object data) { if (columnKey == null) columnKey = ""; Number result = super.filterValue(value, rowKey, columnKey, data); if (result != PercentColumnFilter.DOUBLE_ZERO) this.map.put(rowKey.toString() + "|" + columnKey.toString(), this.formatter .format(((Double) result).doubleValue() / 100d) + " (" + value.toString() + ")"); return result; } public Number filterValue(Comparable key, Number value, Object data) { return filterValue(value, key, null, data); } public final String generateLabel(CategoryDataset dataset, int series, int category) { Object result = this.map.get(dataset.getRowKey(series).toString() + "|" + dataset.getColumnKey(category).toString()); return result == null ? "" : result.toString(); } public String generateSectionLabel(PieDataset dataset, Comparable key) { Object result = this.map.get(key.toString() + "|"); return result == null ? "" : result.toString(); } } public static List getRecordList(HttpServletRequest request) throws SQLException { return getRecordList(request, "count"); } public static List getRecordList(HttpServletRequest request, String totalField) throws SQLException { String query = getQuery(request); List result = DBUtilsKit.selectAsListMap(query); result.add(new Double(100f / ReportKit.getCountFromList(result, totalField))); return result; } public static Object getDataSet(String index, String[] sel_meio_envio, String chart_type, boolean detailed, String timeDomain, String h_locais, Orgao orgao, String txt_periodo_i, String txt_periodo_f, String i_local) throws SQLException { boolean isLine = chart_type.indexOf("line") >= 0; String query = getQuery(index, sel_meio_envio, chart_type, detailed, timeDomain, i_local == null || i_local.length() == 0 ? h_locais : i_local, orgao, txt_periodo_i, txt_periodo_f); boolean index1 = "1".equals(index); boolean index2 = "2".equals(index); boolean index4 = "4".equals(index); if (index1) { Object ds = ReportKit.getDataSet(chart_type, false, null, false); if (ds instanceof EnhancedJDBCPieDataset) { EnhancedJDBCPieDataset pds = (EnhancedJDBCPieDataset) ds; pds.getColumnHelper().setCustomMapping(new int[] { 1, 4 }); TotalQueryFilter tqf = new TotalQueryFilter("AVALIADOS"); pds.setFilter(tqf); pds.setLabelGenerator(tqf); pds.executeQuery(query, true); return ds; } JDBCFlatCategoryDataset dataSet = (JDBCFlatCategoryDataset) ds; // TIME LOCAL RESPONDIDOS AVALIADOS SATISFATORIOS dataSet.getColumnHelper().setCustomMapping( detailed ? (!isLine ? new int[] { 2, 1, 5 } : new int[] { 2, 1, 5 }) : (isLine ? new int[] { -1, 1, 4 } : new int[] { 1, -2, 4 })); TotalQueryFilter tqf = new TotalQueryFilter("AVALIADOS"); dataSet.setFilter(tqf); dataSet.setLabelGenerator(tqf); dataSet.executeQuery(query, true); dataSet.fillGaps(); return dataSet; } else if (index4) { Object ds = ReportKit.getDataSet(chart_type, false, null, false); if (ds instanceof EnhancedJDBCPieDataset) { EnhancedJDBCPieDataset pds = (EnhancedJDBCPieDataset) ds; pds.getColumnHelper().setCustomMapping(new int[] { 1, 3 }); TotalQueryFilter tqf = new TotalQueryFilter("COUNT"); pds.setFilter(tqf); pds.setLabelGenerator(tqf); pds.executeQuery(query, true); return ds; } JDBCFlatCategoryDataset dataSet = (JDBCFlatCategoryDataset) ds; // TIME LOCAL RESPONDIDOS AVALIADOS SATISFATORIOS dataSet.getColumnHelper().setCustomMapping( detailed ? (!isLine ? new int[] { 2, 1, 4 } : new int[] { 2, 1, 4 }) : (isLine ? new int[] { -1, 1, 3 } : new int[] { 1, -2, 3 })); TotalQueryFilter tqf = new TotalQueryFilter("COUNT"); dataSet.setFilter(tqf); dataSet.setLabelGenerator(tqf); dataSet.executeQuery(query, true); dataSet.fillGaps(); return dataSet; } else if (index2) { Object ds = ReportKit.getDataSet(chart_type, false, null, false); if (ds instanceof EnhancedJDBCPieDataset) { EnhancedJDBCPieDataset pds = (EnhancedJDBCPieDataset) ds; pds.getColumnHelper().setCustomMapping(new int[] { 1, 3 }); pds.executeQuery(query, true); return ds; } } return ReportKit.getDataSet(chart_type, (detailed || index2) || chart_type.indexOf("line") >= 0, query, true); } public static String getQuery(HttpServletRequest request) { boolean detail = false; final DaoFactory daoFactory = new HibernateDaoFactory(); if ("d".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("r_modo_exibicao"))) detail = true; OrgaoCtrl orgaoCtrl = new OrgaoCtrl(daoFactory); Orgao orgao = (Orgao) orgaoCtrl.get((String) request.getSession() .getAttribute(Constants.ID_SESSAO_ORGAO)); return getQuery(request.getParameter("sel_indicador"), request .getParameterValues("sel_meio_envio"), request .getParameter("sel_tipo_grafico"), detail, request .getParameter("sel_agrupamento"), request .getParameter("h_locais"), orgao, request .getParameter("txt_periodo_i"), request .getParameter("txt_periodo_f")); } /** * @param index * @param chart_type * @param detailed * @param timeDomain * @param h_locais * @param orgao * @param txt_periodo_i * @param txt_periodo_f * @return A query correspondente aos parâmetros passados. */ public static String getQuery(String index, String[] sel_meio_envio, String chart_type, boolean detailed, String timeDomain, String h_locais, Orgao orgao, String txt_periodo_i, String txt_periodo_f) { /* * # {0} = TIME # {1} = TIME (if detailed, add 'loco.fields,') # {2} = * from_tables (if detailed, add loco.left_join) # {3} = where_tables # * {4} = date local # {5} = group_by (add time_domain. if detailed, add * ',loco.fields') # {6} = date local a_in # {7} = date local a_in2 # * {8} = {time match} = TIME {AND a_in.COD_LOCAL_OCORR = * a.COD_LOCAL_OCORR} a_in # {9} = {time match} = TIME {AND * a_in2.COD_LOCAL_OCORR = a.COD_LOCAL_OCORR} a_in2 * * ih.select.1=SELECT {1} COUNT(a.COD_ACNMNT) AS COUNT\,\ \ (SELECT * COUNT(a.COD_ACNMNT) FROM acionamento a_in\, respostaacionamento * r_in\, tipoavaliacaoresposta t_in\ \ WHERE a_in.COD_RESP = * r_in.COD_RESP AND r_in.COD_TIPO_AVAL_RESP = t_in.COD_TIPO_AVAL_RESP \ \ * AND {6} \ \ AND {8} \) AS AVALIADOS\,\ \ (SELECT COUNT(a.COD_ACNMNT) * FROM acionamento a_in2\, respostaacionamento r_in2\, * tipoavaliacaoresposta t_in2\ \ WHERE a_in2.COD_RESP = r_in2.COD_RESP * AND r_in2.COD_TIPO_AVAL_RESP = t_in2.COD_TIPO_AVAL_RESP \ \ {7} \ \ * AND t_in2.IND_TIPO_AVAL_RESP = 'P'\ \ AND {9} \) AS SATISFATORIOS\ \ * FROM acionamento a\, estadoacionamento e {1}\ \ WHERE {4} {3} GROUP * BY TIME{5} ih.from_tables.1= ih.where_tables.1=a.COD_ESTADO_ACNMNT = * e.COD_ESTADO_ACNMNT AND e.COD_ESTADO_ACNMNT IN (5\, 6) * * * #ie.select.2=SELECT {0}{4} SUM( DATEDIFF(r.DAT_ENVIO_RESP\, * r.DAT_RESP_ACNMNT) ) / COUNT(a.COD_ACNMNT) AS MEDIA_DIAS\, * COUNT(a.COD_ACNMNT) AS COUNT\ #\ FROM acionamento a {1} WHERE {2}{3} * #ie.from_tables.2=\, estadoacionamento e\, respostaacionamento r \, * acionador u \, meioenvioresposta m * #ie.where_tables.2=a.COD_ESTADO_ACNMNT = e.COD_ESTADO_ACNMNT AND * a.COD_RESP = r.COD_RESP AND a.COD_ACNDOR = u.COD_ACNDOR\ #\ AND * u.COD_MEIO_ENVIO_RESP_ORGAO = m.COD_MEIO_ENV_RESP AND * e.COD_ESTADO_ACNMNT = 6 AND m.COD_MEIO_ENV_RESP IN (4\, 5\, 3) */ final String baseQuery = ReportKit.getConfig().getString( "ih.select." + index); String groupBy = ""; String orgaoField = !detailed && "2".equals(index) ? "'" + orgao.getDescricao() + "' as orgao, " : ""; if ("2".equals(index)) groupBy = " GROUP BY TIME"; String dateCrit = ReportKit.getDateCrit(txt_periodo_i, txt_periodo_f); String locCrit = ReportKit.getLocationCrit(h_locais); final String timeField = ReportKit.getConfig().getString( "ie.time." + timeDomain) + ", "; String firstFields = timeField; String fromTable = ReportKit.getConfig().getString( "ih.from_tables." + index); if (detailed) { firstFields += (firstFields.length() > 0 ? " " : "") + ReportKit.getConfig().getString("loco.fields") + ", "; fromTable += " " + ReportKit.getConfig().getString("loco.left_join"); groupBy += (groupBy.length() > 0 ? ", " : ", ") + ReportKit.getConfig().getString("loco.fields"); } String whereTable = ReportKit.getConfig().getString( "ih.where_tables." + index); String query; String subSelect; if ("1".equals(index)) { /* * # {5} = group_by (add time_domain. if detailed, add * ',loco.fields') # {6} = date local a_in # {7} = date local a_in2 # * {8} = {time match} = TIME {AND a_in.COD_LOCAL_OCORR = * a.COD_LOCAL_OCORR} a_in # {9} = {time match} = TIME {AND * a_in2.COD_LOCAL_OCORR = a.COD_LOCAL_OCORR} a_in2 * * subSelect = MessageFormat.format(subSelect, new Object[] { * p5Util.substitute(A_LOCO_DOT, * p5Util.substitute("s/\\sAS\\sTIME,//i", timeField)), detailed ? * p5Util.substitute("s/(a_in.COD_LOCAL_OCORR)\\s(IN \\(.*?\\))/$1 = * a.COD_LOCAL_OCORR/", locoDotProc) : locoDotProc }); * */ final String A_LOCO_DOT = "s/(\\s|\\(|^)(loco|a)([. ])/$1$2_in$3/ig"; final String A_LOCO_DOT2 = "s/(\\s|\\(|^)(loco|a)([. ])/$1$2_in2$3/ig"; String locoDotProc = p5Util.substitute(A_LOCO_DOT, dateCrit .substring(5) + locCrit); String locoDotProc2 = p5Util.substitute(A_LOCO_DOT2, dateCrit .substring(5) + locCrit); query = MessageFormat .format( baseQuery, new Object[] { timeField, firstFields, fromTable, whereTable, dateCrit + locCrit, groupBy, detailed ? p5Util .substitute( "s/(a_in.COD_LOCAL_OCORR)\\s(IN \\(.*?\\))/$1 = a.COD_LOCAL_OCORR/", locoDotProc) : locoDotProc, detailed ? p5Util .substitute( "s/(a_in2.COD_LOCAL_OCORR)\\s(IN \\(.*?\\))/$1 = a.COD_LOCAL_OCORR/", locoDotProc2) : locoDotProc2, p5Util.substitute(A_LOCO_DOT, p5Util .substitute("s/\\sAS\\sTIME,//i", timeField)) + "= TIME", p5Util.substitute(A_LOCO_DOT2, p5Util .substitute("s/\\sAS\\sTIME,//i", timeField)) + "= TIME" }); } else if ("4".equals(index)) { /* * # {4} = subquery # TOTAL DE ATENDIMENTOS NO PRAZO # SELECT * time_domain, COUNT(a.COD_ACNMNT) AS COUNT GROUP BY time_domain * ih.select.4=SELECT {0} COUNT(a.COD_ACNMNT) AS COUNT\, ({4}) AS * COUNT_IN FROM acionamento a {1} WHERE {2} GROUP BY TIME{3} * ih.subselect.4=SELECT COUNT(a_in.COD_ACNMNT) FROM acionamento * a_in\ \ WHERE a_in.IND_ATEND_PRAZO = ''1'' AND {0} = TIME AND {1} * ih.from_tables.4= ih.where_tables.4=1=1 * * String subQuery = * MessageFormat.format(ReportKit.getConfig().getString("if.base_subquery"), * new Object[] { detailed ? " " + p5Util.substitute(A_LOCO_DOT, * ReportKit.getConfig().getString("loco.left_join")) : "", * p5Util.substitute(A_LOCO_DOT, dateCrit.substring(5) + locCrit), * p5Util.substitute(A_LOCO_DOT, * p5Util.substitute("s/\\sAS\\sTIME,//i", timeField)), detailed ? " * and loco_in.DSC_LOCAL_OCORR = " + * ReportKit.getConfig().getString("loco.fields") : "" }); * */ final String A_LOCO_DOT = "s/(\\s|\\(|^)(loco|a)([. ])/$1$2_in$3/ig"; String locoDotProc = p5Util.substitute(A_LOCO_DOT, dateCrit .substring(5) + locCrit); subSelect = ReportKit.getConfig() .getString("ie.subselect." + index); subSelect = MessageFormat .format( subSelect, new Object[] { p5Util.substitute(A_LOCO_DOT, p5Util .substitute("s/\\sAS\\sTIME,//i", timeField)), detailed ? p5Util .substitute( "s/(a_in.COD_LOCAL_OCORR)\\s(IN \\(.*?\\))/$1 = a.COD_LOCAL_OCORR/", locoDotProc) : locoDotProc }); query = MessageFormat.format(baseQuery, new Object[] { firstFields, fromTable, whereTable + dateCrit + locCrit, groupBy, subSelect }); } else { String meios = ""; if (sel_meio_envio != null && sel_meio_envio.length > 0) { meios = "m.COD_MEIO_ENV_RESP IN ("+ StringKit.join(sel_meio_envio) + ") AND "; } query = MessageFormat.format(baseQuery, new Object[] { firstFields, fromTable, ("2".equals(index) ? meios : "") + whereTable + dateCrit + locCrit, groupBy + ("2".equals(index) ? " ORDER BY a.DAT_ACNMNT" : ""), orgaoField }); } return query; } }