package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import; import; import org.azavea.helpers.Logger; import org.azavea.otm.App; import org.azavea.otm.LoginManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class RequestGenerator { private RestClient client; LoginManager loginManager = App.getLoginManager(); private static int PHOTOUPLOADTIMEOUT = 30000; public RequestGenerator() { client = new RestClient(); } // Dependency injection to support unit-testing public void setClient(RestClient client) { this.client = client; } /** * Cancel any pending or active requests started from the provided context */ public void cancelRequests(Context activityContext) { client.cancelRequests(activityContext); } public void getVersion(JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { client.get("/version", null, handler); } public void getPlot(int id, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { client.get("/plots/" + id, null, handler); } public void getImage(String imageUrl, BinaryHttpResponseHandler binaryHttpResponseHandler) { client.getImage(imageUrl, binaryHttpResponseHandler); } /* Helper method used to access an endpoint whose return value varies by whether the user is logged in. Try to make the request with the user logged in, fall back on non-logged in if failure. */ private void userOptionalGet(String url, RequestParams rp, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { User user = loginManager.loggedInUser; try { if (loginManager.isLoggedIn()) { client.getWithAuthentication(url, user.getUserName(), user.getPassword(), rp, handler); } else { client.get(url, rp, handler); } } catch (JSONException e) { Logger.error(e); client.get(url, rp, handler); } } public void getPlotsNearLocation(double geoY, double geoX, RequestParams rp, ContainerRestHandler<PlotContainer> handler) { String url = getInstanceNameUri(String.format("locations/%s,%s/plots", geoY, geoX)); userOptionalGet(url, rp, handler); } public void getPlotsNearLocation(double geoY, double geoX, boolean recent, boolean pending, ContainerRestHandler<PlotContainer> handler) { SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = App.getSharedPreferences(); String maxPlots = sharedPrefs.getString("max_nearby_plots", "10"); RequestParams params = new RequestParams(); params.put("max_plots", maxPlots); params.put("filter_recent", Boolean.toString(recent)); params.put("filter_pending", Boolean.toString(pending)); getPlotsNearLocation(geoY, geoX, params, handler); } public void getPublicInstances(JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { client.get("instances", null, handler); } public void getInstancesNearLocation(double geoY, double geoX, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { String url = String.format("locations/%s,%s/instances", geoY, geoX); userOptionalGet(url, null, handler); } /** * Request information on a specific OTM instance * * @param urlName Short URL slug name of instance */ public void getInstanceInfo(String urlName, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { userOptionalGet("/instance/" + urlName, null, handler); } private String getInstanceNameUri(String path) { InstanceInfo instance = App.getAppInstance().getCurrentInstance(); if (path.charAt(0) == '/') { path = path.substring(1); } if (instance != null) { return "/instance/" + instance.getUrlName() + "/" + path; } return ""; } public void updatePlot(Plot plot, AsyncHttpResponseHandler handler) { if (loginManager.isLoggedIn()) { try { final Plot plotCopy = getPlotCopy(plot); client.putWithAuthentication(getInstanceNameUri("plots/"), loginManager.loggedInUser.getUserName(), loginManager.loggedInUser.getPassword(), plot.getId(), plotCopy, handler); } catch (JSONException e) { handleBadResponse(e); } } else { redirectToLoginActivity(); } } public void getUserEdits(Context context, User user, int offset, int count, AsyncHttpResponseHandler handler) throws JSONException { if (user != null) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("offset", Integer.toString(offset)); params.put("length", Integer.toString(count)); client.getWithAuthentication("/user/" + user.getId() + "/edits", loginManager.loggedInUser.getUserName(), loginManager.loggedInUser.getPassword(), new RequestParams(params), handler); } } public void addUser(User user, AsyncHttpResponseHandler handler) throws JSONException { client.postWithAuthentication("/user/", loginManager.loggedInUser.getUserName(), loginManager.loggedInUser.getPassword(), user, handler); } public void logIn(Context context, String username, String password, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { client.getWithAuthentication("/user", username, password, null, handler); } public void getAllSpecies(JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { userOptionalGet(getInstanceNameUri("species"), null, handler); } public void deleteCurrentTreeOnPlot(Context context, int plotId, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) throws JSONException { client.deleteWithAuthentication(context, "/plots/" + plotId + "/tree", loginManager.loggedInUser.getUserName(), loginManager.loggedInUser.getPassword(), handler); } public void deletePlot(Context context, int plotId, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) throws JSONException { client.deleteWithAuthentication(context, "/plots/" + plotId, loginManager.loggedInUser.getUserName(), loginManager.loggedInUser.getPassword(), handler); } public void addTreePhoto(Plot plot, Bitmap bm, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) throws JSONException { String formattedPath = String.format("plots/%s/tree/photo", plot.getId()); client.postWithAuthentication(getInstanceNameUri(formattedPath), bm, loginManager.loggedInUser.getUserName(), loginManager.loggedInUser.getPassword(), handler, PHOTOUPLOADTIMEOUT); } public void addProfilePhoto(Bitmap bm, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) throws JSONException { User user = loginManager.loggedInUser; String formattedPath = String.format("user/%s/photo/profile", user.getId()); client.postWithAuthentication(formattedPath, bm, user.getUserName(), user.getPassword(), handler, PHOTOUPLOADTIMEOUT); } public void changePassword(Context context, String newPassword, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) throws JSONException { Model password = new Password(newPassword); client.putWithAuthentication("/user/" + loginManager.loggedInUser.getId(), loginManager.loggedInUser.getUserName(), loginManager.loggedInUser.getPassword(), password, handler); } private void handleBadResponse(JSONException e) { Logger.error(e); } private void redirectToLoginActivity() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void register(Context context, User user, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) {, "/user", user, handler); } public void addPlot(Plot plot, AsyncHttpResponseHandler handler) throws JSONException { final Plot plotCopy = getPlotCopy(plot); client.postWithAuthentication(getInstanceNameUri("plots"), loginManager.loggedInUser.getUserName(), loginManager.loggedInUser.getPassword(), plotCopy, handler); } public void rejectPendingEdit(int id, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, JSONException { String url = String.format("/pending-edits/%d/reject", id); client.postWithAuthentication(url, loginManager.loggedInUser.getUserName(), loginManager.loggedInUser.getPassword(), handler); } public void approvePendingEdit(int id, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, JSONException { String url = String.format("/pending-edits/%d/approve", id); client.postWithAuthentication(url, loginManager.loggedInUser.getUserName(), loginManager.loggedInUser.getPassword(), handler); } private Plot getPlotCopy(Plot plot) throws JSONException { // Only send up plot and tree, and only send tree if the tree is there final String[] fieldsToCopy = plot.hasTree() ? new String[] {"plot", "tree"} : new String[] {"plot"}; final JSONObject copy = new JSONObject(plot.getData(), fieldsToCopy); return new Plot(copy); } }