package; import org.azavea.helpers.JSONHelper; import org.azavea.helpers.Logger; import org.azavea.otm.NestedJsonAndKey; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; public abstract class Model { protected JSONObject data; protected String safeGetString(String key) { return JSONHelper.safeGetString(data, key); } protected long getLongOrDefault(String key, Long defaultValue) throws JSONException { if (data.isNull(key)) { return defaultValue; } else { return data.getLong(key); } } protected Double getDoubleOrDefault(String key, Double defaultValue) throws JSONException { if (data.isNull(key)) { return defaultValue; } else { return data.getDouble(key); } } public void setData(JSONObject data) { = data; } public JSONObject getData() { return data; } public Object getField(String key) { return data.isNull(key) ? null : data.opt(key); } /** * Return the value of a key name, which can be nested using . notation. If * the key does not exist or the value of the key, it will return a null * value */ public Object getValueForKey(String key) { try { String[] keys = key.split("\\."); NestedJsonAndKey found = getValueForKey(keys, 0, data, false); if (found != null) { return found.get(); } else { return null; } } catch (JSONException e) {"Could not find key: " + key + " on plot/tree object", e); return null; } } public void setValueForKey(String key, Object value) throws Exception { try { String[] keys = key.split("\\."); NestedJsonAndKey found = getValueForKey(keys, 0, data, true); if (found != null) { found.set(value); } else { Logger.warning("Specified key does not exist, cannot set value: " + key); } } catch (Exception e) {"Could not set value key: " + key + " on plot/tree object"); throw e; } } /** * Return value for keys, which could be nested as an array */ private NestedJsonAndKey getValueForKey(String[] keys, int index, JSONObject json, boolean createNodeIfEmpty) throws JSONException { if (index < keys.length - 1 && keys.length > 1) { JSONObject child; if (json.isNull(keys[index]) && createNodeIfEmpty) { child = new JSONObject(); json.put(keys[index], child); } else { child = json.getJSONObject(keys[index]); } index++; return getValueForKey(keys, index, child, createNodeIfEmpty); } // We care to distinguish between a null value and a missing key. if (json.has(keys[index])) { return new NestedJsonAndKey(json, keys[index]); } else if (createNodeIfEmpty) { // Create an empty node for this key return new NestedJsonAndKey(json.put(keys[index], ""), keys[index]); } else { return null; } } }