package org.odata4j.producer.resources; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.odata4j.core.ODataConstants; import org.odata4j.core.OEntity; import org.odata4j.core.OEntityId; import org.odata4j.core.OEntityIds; import org.odata4j.core.OEntityKey; import org.odata4j.format.FormatParser; import org.odata4j.format.FormatParserFactory; import org.odata4j.format.SingleLink; import org.odata4j.producer.ODataProducer; import org.odata4j.urlencoder.ConversionUtil; /** * * Copyright 2013 Halliburton * @author <a href="">Kevin Chen</a> * */ public abstract class ODataBatchSingleUnit extends ODataBatchUnit { final private UriInfo uriInformation; // this is the uri for individual batch operation, final private URI fullResourceUri; // after parsing the full uri, the query string will be put into the map private MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryMap = null; // the entity name corresponding to the table name private String entitySetName; // if uri contain the primary key to locate a entity private String entityKey; // navigation property private String navProperty; final private String resourceContents; final private MultivaluedMap<String, String> resourceHeaders; private boolean isParsed = false; private boolean hasLinkProperty = false; private String linkTargetProperty; private String linkTargetId; private Response intermediateResponse; /** * Gets the intermediate response. * * @return the intermediate response */ public Response getIntermediateResponse() { return intermediateResponse; } /** * Sets the intermediate response. * * @param intermediateResponse the new intermediate response */ public void setIntermediateResponse(Response intermediateResponse) { this.intermediateResponse = intermediateResponse; } protected abstract Response delegate(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, URI baseUri, ContextResolver<ODataProducer> producerResolver) throws Exception; protected ODataBatchSingleUnit(UriInfo uriInfo, String uri, String contents, MultivaluedMap<String, String> headers) throws URISyntaxException { uriInformation = uriInfo; fullResourceUri = new URI(uri); resourceContents = contents; resourceHeaders = headers; } protected String createResponse(Response response) { StringBuilder batchResponse = new StringBuilder(); batchResponse.append("\n").append(ODataConstants.Headers.CONTENT_TYPE).append(": application/http"); batchResponse.append("\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n"); batchResponse.append(BatchRequestResource.createResponseBodyPart(this, response)); return batchResponse.toString(); } @Override public final Response execute(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, ContextResolver<ODataProducer> producerResolver, URI baseUri) throws Exception { if (!fullResourceUri.toString().startsWith(baseUri.toString())) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("the resouce url does not match base url from batch operation,\n\tbaseUri=" + baseUri + "\n\trequest url=" + fullResourceUri); } if (!isParsed) { parseUri(fullResourceUri, baseUri); isParsed = true; } return delegate(httpHeaders, baseUri, producerResolver); } /** * Creates the response for batch. * * @param httpHeaders the http headers * @param producerResolver the producer resolver * @param baseUri the base uri * @param requestedEntity the requested entity * @return the response * @throws Exception the exception */ public Response createResponseForBatch(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, ContextResolver<ODataProducer> producerResolver, URI baseUri, String requestedEntity) throws Exception { ODataProducer producer = producerResolver.getContext(ODataProducer.class); OEntityKey entityKey = null; //setting isResponse to true, since the entity we get from the response contain not only name and value pairs, but also metadata, relations,etc //so that Json parser will parse it and give you back OEntity. Boolean isResponse = true; BatchRequestResource batchRequestResource = new BatchRequestResource(); OEntity entity = batchRequestResource.getRequestEntity(httpHeaders, getResourceHeaders(), getUriInfo(), requestedEntity, producer.getMetadata(), entitySetName, entityKey, isResponse); return batchRequestResource.createResponseForBatch(httpHeaders, getUriInfo(), producer, getEnitySetName(), entity, getMediaTypeListForBatch()); } public UriInfo getUriInfo() { return uriInformation; } public URI getFullResourceUri() { return fullResourceUri; } public MultivaluedMap<String, String> getQueryStringsMap() { return queryMap; } public String getEnitySetName() { return entitySetName; } public String getEntityKey() { return entityKey; } public String getResourceContent() { return resourceContents; } public MultivaluedMap<String, String> getResourceHeaders() { return resourceHeaders; } public MediaType getResourceMediaType() { String contentType = resourceHeaders.getFirst(ODataConstants.Headers.CONTENT_TYPE); MediaType type = BatchRequestResource.getMediaType(contentType); return type; } /** * Gets the media type list for batch. * * @return the media type list for batch */ public List<MediaType> getMediaTypeListForBatch() { List<MediaType> mediaTypeList = null; MediaType mediaType = getResourceMediaType(); if (mediaType != null) { mediaTypeList = new ArrayList<MediaType>(); mediaTypeList.add(mediaType); } return mediaTypeList; } /** * @return the navProperty */ public String getNavProperty() { return navProperty; } public boolean isEntityCountRequest() { if (navProperty != null && navProperty.toLowerCase().equals("$count")) { return true; } return false; } public boolean hasLinkProperty() { return hasLinkProperty; } public String getLinkTargetProperty() { return linkTargetProperty; } public String getLinkTargetId() { return linkTargetId; } protected LinksRequestResource getLinkRequestResouce() { if (!hasLinkProperty) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("the request is not a link request: " + fullResourceUri); } OEntityKey targetEntityKey = linkTargetId == null || linkTargetId.isEmpty() ? null : OEntityKey.parse(linkTargetId); return new LinksRequestResource(OEntityIds.create(entitySetName, OEntityKey.parse(entityKey)), linkTargetProperty, targetEntityKey); } @Override public String getBatchUnitContentType() { return "\r\nContent-Type: application/http\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary"; } /** * parse the request uri to create query String Map * @param baseUri * @return * @throws URISyntaxException */ private void parseUri(URI fullUri, URI baseUri) { // $link in odata spec String linkPatten = "$links/"; // get the query string from the request queryMap = ConversionUtil.decodeQueryString(fullResourceUri); // get the entity/navigation part without query string URI relUri = baseUri.relativize(fullUri); String entityUriString = relUri.getPath(); // remove starting / if existed if (entityUriString.startsWith("/")) { entityUriString = entityUriString.substring(1); } int i = entityUriString.indexOf('/'); if (i != -1) { entitySetName = entityUriString.substring(0, i).trim(); navProperty = entityUriString.substring(i + 1).trim(); } else { entitySetName = entityUriString; } // now check if the entity set has primary key associated with it i = entitySetName.indexOf('('); if (i != -1) { entityKey = entitySetName.substring(i + 1, entitySetName.length() - 1).trim(); entitySetName = entitySetName.substring(0, i).trim(); } // now check if the navigation property is a link property if (navProperty != null && navProperty.startsWith(linkPatten)) { hasLinkProperty = true; linkTargetProperty = navProperty.substring(linkPatten.length()); i = linkTargetProperty.indexOf('('); if (i != -1) { int j = linkTargetProperty.lastIndexOf(')'); if (j != -1) { linkTargetId = linkTargetProperty.substring(i + 1, j).trim(); } else { linkTargetId = linkTargetProperty.substring(i + 1).trim(); } linkTargetProperty = linkTargetProperty.substring(0, i).trim(); } } return; } /** * Helper method to parse link uri to get the link target's entity id. * @param httpHeaders the batch request header * @param uriInfo batch request uri info * @param payload link request payload * @return entity id */ protected OEntityId parseLinkRequestUri(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, UriInfo uriInfo, String payload) { FormatParser<SingleLink> parser = FormatParserFactory.getParser(SingleLink.class, getResourceMediaType(), null); SingleLink link = parser.parse(new StringReader(payload)); return OEntityIds.parse(uriInfo.getBaseUri().toString(), link.getUri()); } }