package org.odata4j.edm; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.core4j.Enumerable; import org.core4j.Func; import org.core4j.Func1; import org.core4j.Predicate1; import org.odata4j.core.ImmutableList; import org.odata4j.core.Named; import org.odata4j.core.OPredicates; /** * A CSDL EntityType element. * * <p>The EntityType element represents the structure of a top-level concept, such as a customer or order, * in a conceptual model. An entity type is a template for instances of entity types in an application. * Each template contains the following information: * <li>A unique name. (Required.) * <li>An entity key that is defined by one or more properties. (Required.) * <li>Properties for containing data. (Optional.) * <li>Navigation properties that allow for navigation from one end of an association to the other end. (Optional.) * * <p>In an application, an instance of an entity type represents a specific object (such as a specific customer or order). * Each instance of an entity type must have a unique entity key within an entity set. * * <p>Two entity type instances are considered equal only if they are of the same type and the values of their entity keys are the same. * * @see <a href="">[msdn] EntityType Element (CSDL)</a> */ public class EdmEntityType extends EdmStructuralType { private final String alias; private final Boolean hasStream; private final Boolean openType; private final List<String> keys; private final List<EdmNavigationProperty> navigationProperties; private EdmEntityType(String namespace, String alias, String name, Boolean hasStream, Boolean openType, ImmutableList<String> keys, EdmEntityType baseType, List<EdmProperty.Builder> properties, ImmutableList<EdmNavigationProperty> navigationProperties, EdmDocumentation doc, ImmutableList<EdmAnnotation<?>> annotations, ImmutableList<EdmAnnotation<?>> annotElements, Boolean isAbstract) { super(baseType, namespace, name, properties, doc, annotations, annotElements, isAbstract); this.alias = alias; this.hasStream = hasStream; this.openType = openType; this.keys = (keys == null || keys.isEmpty()) ? (baseType == null ? findConventionalKeys() : null) : keys; if (baseType == null && this.keys == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Root types must have keys"); if (baseType != null && this.keys != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Keys on root types only"); this.navigationProperties = navigationProperties; } private List<String> findConventionalKeys() { for (EdmProperty prop : getProperties()) { if (prop.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Id") && prop.getType().isSimple() && !prop.isNullable()) { return Enumerable.create(prop.getName()).toList(); } } return null; } public String getAlias() { return alias; } public Boolean getHasStream() { return hasStream != null ? hasStream : false; } public Boolean getOpenType() { return openType; } public String getFQAliasName() { return alias == null ? null : (alias + "." + getName()); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("EdmEntityType[%s.%s,alias=%s]", getNamespace(), getName(), alias); } /** * Finds a navigation property by name, searching up the type hierarchy if necessary. */ public EdmNavigationProperty findNavigationProperty(String name) { return getNavigationProperties().firstOrNull(OPredicates.nameEquals(EdmNavigationProperty.class, name)); } /** * Gets the navigation properties defined for this entity type <i>not including</i> inherited properties. */ public Enumerable<EdmNavigationProperty> getDeclaredNavigationProperties() { return Enumerable.create(navigationProperties); } /** * Finds a navigation property by name on this entity type <i>not including</i> inherited properties. */ public EdmNavigationProperty findDeclaredNavigationProperty(String name) { return getDeclaredNavigationProperties().firstOrNull(OPredicates.nameEquals(EdmNavigationProperty.class, name)); } /** * Gets the navigation properties defined for this entity type <i>including</i> inherited properties. */ public Enumerable<EdmNavigationProperty> getNavigationProperties() { return isRootType() ? getDeclaredNavigationProperties() : getBaseType().getNavigationProperties().union(getDeclaredNavigationProperties()); } /** * Gets the keys for this EdmEntityType. Keys are defined only in a root types. */ public List<String> getKeys() { return isRootType() ? keys : getBaseType().getKeys(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return new Builder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(EdmEntityType entityType, BuilderContext context) { return context.newBuilder(entityType, new Builder()); } /** Mutable builder for {@link EdmEntityType} objects. */ public static class Builder extends EdmStructuralType.Builder<EdmEntityType, Builder> implements Named { private String alias; private Boolean hasStream; private Boolean openType; private final List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); private final List<EdmNavigationProperty.Builder> navigationProperties = new ArrayList<EdmNavigationProperty.Builder>(); private EdmEntityType.Builder baseTypeBuilder; private String baseTypeNameFQ; @Override Builder newBuilder(EdmEntityType entityType, BuilderContext context) { fillBuilder(entityType, context); context.register(entityType, this); this.alias = entityType.alias; this.hasStream = entityType.hasStream; this.openType = entityType.openType; if (entityType.keys != null) { // subtypes don't have keys! this.keys.addAll(entityType.keys); } if (entityType.getBaseType() != null) { baseTypeBuilder = EdmEntityType.newBuilder(entityType.getBaseType(), context); } for (EdmNavigationProperty navigationProperty : entityType.navigationProperties) this.navigationProperties.add(EdmNavigationProperty.newBuilder(navigationProperty, context)); return this; } @Override public EdmEntityType build() { return (EdmEntityType) _build(); } @Override protected EdmEntityType buildImpl() { List<EdmNavigationProperty> builtNavProps = new ArrayList<EdmNavigationProperty>(); for (EdmNavigationProperty.Builder navigationProperty : this.navigationProperties) { builtNavProps.add(; } return new EdmEntityType(namespace, alias, name, hasStream, openType, ImmutableList.copyOf(keys), (EdmEntityType) (this.baseTypeBuilder != null ? : null), properties, ImmutableList.copyOf(builtNavProps), getDocumentation(), ImmutableList.copyOf(getAnnotations()), ImmutableList.copyOf(getAnnotationElements()), isAbstract); } public Builder addNavigationProperties(EdmNavigationProperty.Builder... navigationProperties) { return addNavigationProperties(Arrays.asList(navigationProperties)); } public Builder addNavigationProperties(List<EdmNavigationProperty.Builder> navProperties) { this.navigationProperties.addAll(navProperties); return this; } public Builder addKeys(List<String> keys) { this.keys.addAll(keys); return this; } public Builder addKeys(String... keys) { return addKeys(Arrays.asList(keys)); } @Override public String getName() { return name; } public Builder setBaseType(EdmEntityType.Builder baseType) { this.baseTypeBuilder = baseType; return this; } public Builder setBaseType(String baseTypeName) { this.baseTypeNameFQ = baseTypeName; return this; } public Builder setAlias(String alias) { this.alias = alias; return this; } public Builder setHasStream(Boolean hasStream) { this.hasStream = hasStream; return this; } public Builder setOpenType(Boolean openType) { this.openType = openType; return this; } public String getAlias() { return alias; } public String getFQAliasName() { // TODO share or remove return alias == null ? null : (alias + "." + getName()); } public String getFQBaseTypeName() { return baseTypeNameFQ != null ? baseTypeNameFQ : (baseType != null ? baseType.getFullyQualifiedTypeName() : null); } public List<EdmNavigationProperty.Builder> getNavigationProperties() { return navigationProperties; } public Func<EdmEntityType> builtFunc() { return new Func<EdmEntityType>() { @Override public EdmEntityType apply() { return (EdmEntityType) build(); } }; } public static Func1<EdmEntityType.Builder, String> func1_getFullyQualifiedTypeName() { return new Func1<EdmEntityType.Builder, String>() { @Override public String apply(Builder input) { return input.getFullyQualifiedTypeName(); } }; } public static Func1<EdmEntityType.Builder, String> func1_getFQAliasName() { return new Func1<EdmEntityType.Builder, String>() { @Override public String apply(Builder input) { return input.getFQAliasName(); } }; } public static Predicate1<Builder> pred1_hasAlias() { return new Predicate1<EdmEntityType.Builder>() { @Override public boolean apply(Builder input) { return input.getAlias() != null; } }; } } }