/** * OrbisGIS is a java GIS application dedicated to research in GIScience. * OrbisGIS is developed by the GIS group of the DECIDE team of the * Lab-STICC CNRS laboratory, see <http://www.lab-sticc.fr/>. * * The GIS group of the DECIDE team is located at : * * Laboratoire Lab-STICC – CNRS UMR 6285 * Equipe DECIDE * UNIVERSITÉ DE BRETAGNE-SUD * Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Vannes * 8, Rue Montaigne - BP 561 56017 Vannes Cedex * * OrbisGIS is distributed under GPL 3 license. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 CNRS (IRSTV FR CNRS 2488) * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 CNRS (Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285) * * This file is part of OrbisGIS. * * OrbisGIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * OrbisGIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * OrbisGIS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * For more information, please consult: <http://www.orbisgis.org/> * or contact directly: * info_at_ orbisgis.org */ package org.orbisgis.view.toc.actions.cui.components; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import org.orbisgis.corejdbc.AbstractRowSet; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.Reader; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Array; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.NClob; import java.sql.Ref; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.RowId; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException; import java.sql.SQLWarning; import java.sql.SQLXML; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Convert a Map into a one line ResultSet. * @author Nicolas Fortin */ public class OneLineResultSet extends AbstractRowSet { private Map<String, Integer> columns; private Object[] values; private int index = 0; private int geometryIndex = -1; public OneLineResultSet(String[] fields, Object[] values) { this.values = values; this.columns = new HashMap<>(fields.length); for(int i = 0; i< fields.length; i++) { if(values[i] instanceof Geometry) { geometryIndex = i + 1; } columns.put(fields[i].toUpperCase(), i); } } @Override public boolean next() throws SQLException { if(index < 2) { index++; return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public Geometry getGeometry() throws SQLException { if(geometryIndex == -1) { return null; } else { return (Geometry)values[geometryIndex]; } } @Override public void updateGeometry(int columnIndex, Geometry geometry) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateGeometry(String columnLabel, Geometry geometry) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void close() throws SQLException { } @Override public boolean wasNull() throws SQLException { return false; } @Override public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException { return null; } @Override public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException { } @Override public String getCursorName() throws SQLException { return null; } @Override public ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(); } @Override public Object getObject(int columnIndex) throws SQLException { return values[columnIndex]; } @Override public int findColumn(String columnLabel) throws SQLException { Integer columnId = columns.get(columnLabel.toUpperCase()); if(columnId == null) { throw new SQLException("This result set does not contain the column "+columnLabel); } return columnId; } @Override public boolean isBeforeFirst() throws SQLException { return index == 0; } @Override public boolean isAfterLast() throws SQLException { return index == 1; } @Override public boolean isFirst() throws SQLException { return index == 1; } @Override public boolean isLast() throws SQLException { return isFirst(); } @Override public void beforeFirst() throws SQLException { index = 0; } @Override public void afterLast() throws SQLException { index = 2; } @Override public boolean first() throws SQLException { index = 1; return true; } @Override public boolean last() throws SQLException { index = 1; return true; } @Override public int getRow() throws SQLException { return index; } @Override public boolean absolute(int row) throws SQLException { index = row; return true; } @Override public boolean relative(int rows) throws SQLException { return absolute(index + rows); } @Override public boolean previous() throws SQLException { return absolute(Math.max(0, index - 1)); } @Override public boolean rowUpdated() throws SQLException { return false; } @Override public boolean rowInserted() throws SQLException { return false; } @Override public boolean rowDeleted() throws SQLException { return false; } @Override public void updateNull(int columnIndex) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBoolean(int columnIndex, boolean x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateByte(int columnIndex, byte x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateShort(int columnIndex, short x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateInt(int columnIndex, int x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateLong(int columnIndex, long x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateFloat(int columnIndex, float x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateDouble(int columnIndex, double x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBigDecimal(int columnIndex, BigDecimal x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateString(int columnIndex, String x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBytes(int columnIndex, byte[] x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateDate(int columnIndex, Date x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateTime(int columnIndex, Time x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateTimestamp(int columnIndex, Timestamp x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateCharacterStream(int columnIndex, Reader x, int length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateObject(int columnIndex, Object x, int scaleOrLength) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateObject(int columnIndex, Object x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateNull(String columnLabel) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBoolean(String columnLabel, boolean x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateByte(String columnLabel, byte x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateShort(String columnLabel, short x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateInt(String columnLabel, int x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateLong(String columnLabel, long x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateFloat(String columnLabel, float x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateDouble(String columnLabel, double x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBigDecimal(String columnLabel, BigDecimal x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateString(String columnLabel, String x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBytes(String columnLabel, byte[] x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateDate(String columnLabel, Date x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateTime(String columnLabel, Time x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateTimestamp(String columnLabel, Timestamp x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateAsciiStream(String columnLabel, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBinaryStream(String columnLabel, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateCharacterStream(String columnLabel, Reader reader, int length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateObject(String columnLabel, Object x, int scaleOrLength) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateObject(String columnLabel, Object x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void insertRow() throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateRow() throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void deleteRow() throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void refreshRow() throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void cancelRowUpdates() throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void moveToInsertRow() throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void moveToCurrentRow() throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public Statement getStatement() throws SQLException { return null; } @Override public void updateRef(int columnIndex, Ref x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateRef(String columnLabel, Ref x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBlob(int columnIndex, Blob x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBlob(String columnLabel, Blob x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateClob(int columnIndex, Clob x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateClob(String columnLabel, Clob x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateArray(int columnIndex, Array x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateArray(String columnLabel, Array x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public RowId getRowId(int columnIndex) throws SQLException { return null; } @Override public RowId getRowId(String columnLabel) throws SQLException { return null; } @Override public void updateRowId(int columnIndex, RowId x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateRowId(String columnLabel, RowId x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public int getHoldability() throws SQLException { return 0; } @Override public boolean isClosed() throws SQLException { return false; } @Override public void updateNString(int columnIndex, String nString) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateNString(String columnLabel, String nString) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateNClob(int columnIndex, NClob nClob) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateNClob(String columnLabel, NClob nClob) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateSQLXML(int columnIndex, SQLXML xmlObject) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateSQLXML(String columnLabel, SQLXML xmlObject) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateNCharacterStream(int columnIndex, Reader x, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateNCharacterStream(String columnLabel, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateCharacterStream(int columnIndex, Reader x, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateAsciiStream(String columnLabel, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBinaryStream(String columnLabel, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateCharacterStream(String columnLabel, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBlob(int columnIndex, InputStream inputStream, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBlob(String columnLabel, InputStream inputStream, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateClob(int columnIndex, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateClob(String columnLabel, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateNClob(int columnIndex, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateNClob(String columnLabel, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateNCharacterStream(int columnIndex, Reader x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateNCharacterStream(String columnLabel, Reader reader) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex, InputStream x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex, InputStream x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateCharacterStream(int columnIndex, Reader x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateAsciiStream(String columnLabel, InputStream x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBinaryStream(String columnLabel, InputStream x) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateCharacterStream(String columnLabel, Reader reader) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBlob(int columnIndex, InputStream inputStream) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateBlob(String columnLabel, InputStream inputStream) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateClob(int columnIndex, Reader reader) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateClob(String columnLabel, Reader reader) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateNClob(int columnIndex, Reader reader) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } @Override public void updateNClob(String columnLabel, Reader reader) throws SQLException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Read only RowSet"); } }