package com.openxc.remote; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteCallbackList; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import android.util.Log; import com.openxc.DataPipeline; import com.openxc.interfaces.VehicleInterface; import com.openxc.interfaces.VehicleInterfaceDescriptor; import com.openxc.interfaces.VehicleInterfaceException; import com.openxc.interfaces.VehicleInterfaceFactory; import com.openxc.interfaces.bluetooth.BluetoothVehicleInterface; import com.openxc.messages.MessageKey; import com.openxc.messages.VehicleMessage; import com.openxc.sinks.DataSinkException; import com.openxc.sinks.RemoteCallbackSink; import com.openxc.sources.ApplicationSource; import com.openxc.sources.DataSourceException; import com.openxc.sources.NativeLocationSource; import com.openxc.sources.VehicleDataSource; import com.openxc.sources.WakeLockManager; import com.openxcplatform.R; /** * The VehicleService is the centralized source of all vehicle data. * * This server is intended to be a singleton on an Android device. All OpenXC * applciations funnel data to and from this service so they can share sources, * sinks and vehicle interfaces. * * Applications should not use this service directly, but should bind to the * in-process {@link com.openxc.VehicleManager} instead - that has an interface * that respects Measurement types. The interface used for the * VehicleService is purposefully primitive as there are a small set of * objects that can be natively marshalled through an AIDL interface. * * Only one vehicle interface can be active at at time, and it can be set with * the {@link #setVehicleInterface(String, String)} method. * * This service uses the same {@link com.openxc.DataPipeline} as the * {@link com.openxc.VehicleManager} to move data from sources to sinks, but it * the pipeline is not modifiable by the application as there is no good way to * pass running sources through the AIDL interface. The same style is used here * for clarity and in order to share code. */ public class VehicleService extends Service implements DataPipeline.Operator { private final static String TAG = "VehicleService"; private final static int SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_ID = 1000; // Work around an issue with instrumentation tests and foreground services // public static boolean sIsUnderTest = false; private boolean mForeground = false; private DataPipeline mPipeline = new DataPipeline(this); private ApplicationSource mApplicationSource = new ApplicationSource(); private VehicleDataSource mNativeLocationSource; private VehicleInterface mVehicleInterface; private RemoteCallbackSink mNotifier = new RemoteCallbackSink(); private WakeLockManager mWakeLocker; private boolean mUserPipelineActive; private final RemoteCallbackList<ViConnectionListener> mViConnectionListeners = new RemoteCallbackList<>(); @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); Log.i(TAG, "Service starting"); mWakeLocker = new WakeLockManager(this, TAG); } /** * Shut down any associated services when this service is about to die. * * This stops the data source (e.g. stops trace playback) and kills the * thread used for notifying measurement listeners. */ @Override public void onDestroy() { Log.i(TAG, "Service being destroyed"); mPipeline.stop(); } /** * Initialize the service and data source when a client binds to us. */ @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { Log.i(TAG, "Service binding in response to " + intent); initializeDefaultSources(); initializeDefaultSinks(mPipeline); return mBinder; } private void moveToForeground() { if(!mForeground) { Log.i(TAG, "Moving service to foreground."); try { // I'd like to not have to depend on the EnablerActivity, but // the notification needs to have some application it starts // when the users clicks the notification. Intent intent = new Intent(this, Class.forName("com.openxc.enabler.OpenXcEnablerActivity")); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity( this, 0, intent, 0); NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this); notificationBuilder.setContentTitle(getString(R.string.openxc_name)) .setContentInfo(getString(R.string.notification_content)) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.openxc_notification_icon_small_white) .setContentIntent(pendingIntent); startForeground(SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_ID,; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // This may happen if you are running the instrumentation tests // and it's not an error } mForeground = true; } } private void removeFromForeground() { if(mForeground) { Log.i(TAG, "Removing service from foreground."); if(!sIsUnderTest) { stopForeground(true); } mForeground = false; } } private void initializeDefaultSinks(DataPipeline pipeline) { pipeline.addSink(mNotifier); } private void initializeDefaultSources() { mPipeline.addSource(mApplicationSource); } private final VehicleServiceInterface.Stub mBinder = new VehicleServiceInterface.Stub() { @Override public VehicleMessage get(MessageKey key) { return mPipeline.get(key); } @Override public boolean send(VehicleMessage command) { command.untimestamp(); boolean sent = false; synchronized(VehicleService.this) { if(mVehicleInterface != null && mVehicleInterface.isConnected()) { try { mVehicleInterface.receive(command); Log.d(TAG, "Sent " + command + " using interface " + mVehicleInterface); sent = true; } catch(DataSinkException e) { Log.w(TAG, mVehicleInterface + " unable to send command", e); } } else { Log.w(TAG, "No connected VI available to send command"); } } return sent; } @Override public void receive(VehicleMessage measurement) { mApplicationSource.handleMessage(measurement); } @Override public void register(VehicleServiceListener listener) { Log.i(TAG, "Adding listener " + listener); mNotifier.register(listener); } @Override public void unregister(VehicleServiceListener listener) { Log.i(TAG, "Removing listener " + listener); mNotifier.unregister(listener); } @Override public int getMessageCount() { return VehicleService.this.mPipeline.getMessageCount(); } @Override public void setVehicleInterface(String interfaceName, String resource) { VehicleService.this.setVehicleInterface( interfaceName, resource); } @Override public void addViConnectionListener(ViConnectionListener listener) { VehicleService.this.addViConnectionListener(listener); } @Override public void setBluetoothPollingStatus(boolean enabled) { VehicleService.this.setBluetoothPollingStatus(enabled); } @Override public void setNativeGpsStatus(boolean enabled) { VehicleService.this.setNativeGpsStatus(enabled); } @Override public VehicleInterfaceDescriptor getVehicleInterfaceDescriptor() { VehicleInterfaceDescriptor descriptor = null; synchronized(VehicleService.this) { if(mVehicleInterface != null) { descriptor = new VehicleInterfaceDescriptor(mVehicleInterface); } } return descriptor; } @Override public void userPipelineActivated() { mUserPipelineActive = true; VehicleService.this.onPipelineActivated(); } @Override public void userPipelineDeactivated() { mUserPipelineActive = false; if(!VehicleService.this.mPipeline.isActive()) { VehicleService.this.onPipelineDeactivated(); } } @Override public boolean isViConnected() { return VehicleService.this.mPipeline.isActive(); } }; private void addViConnectionListener(ViConnectionListener listener) { synchronized(mViConnectionListeners) { mViConnectionListeners.register(listener); } } private void setVehicleInterface(String interfaceName, String resource) { Class<? extends VehicleInterface> interfaceType = null; if(interfaceName != null) { try { interfaceType = VehicleInterfaceFactory.findClass(interfaceName); } catch(VehicleInterfaceException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to find VI matching " + interfaceName + " -- disabling current interface"); } } synchronized(this) { if(mVehicleInterface != null && (interfaceName == null || (interfaceType != null && !mVehicleInterface.getClass().isAssignableFrom( interfaceType)))) { Log.i(TAG, "Disabling currently active VI " + mVehicleInterface); mVehicleInterface.stop(); mPipeline.removeSource(mVehicleInterface); mVehicleInterface = null; } if(interfaceName != null && interfaceType != null) { if(mVehicleInterface == null || !mVehicleInterface.getClass().isAssignableFrom( interfaceType)) { try { mVehicleInterface = interfaceType, VehicleService.this, resource); } catch(VehicleInterfaceException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to set vehicle interface", e); return; } mPipeline.addSource(mVehicleInterface); } else { try { if(mVehicleInterface.setResource(resource)) { Log.d(TAG, "Changed resource of already " + "active interface " + mVehicleInterface); } else { Log.d(TAG, "Interface " + mVehicleInterface + " already had same active resource " + resource + " -- not restarting"); } } catch(DataSourceException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to change resource", e); } } } Log.i(TAG, "Set vehicle interface to " + mVehicleInterface); } } private void setNativeGpsStatus(boolean enabled) { Log.i(TAG, "Setting native GPS to " + enabled); if(enabled && mNativeLocationSource == null) { mNativeLocationSource = new NativeLocationSource(this); mPipeline.addSource(mNativeLocationSource); } else if(!enabled) { mPipeline.removeSource(mNativeLocationSource); mNativeLocationSource = null; } } private synchronized void setBluetoothPollingStatus(boolean enabled) { if(mVehicleInterface != null && mVehicleInterface instanceof BluetoothVehicleInterface) { ((BluetoothVehicleInterface)mVehicleInterface).setPollingStatus( enabled); } } @Override public synchronized void onPipelineActivated() { mWakeLocker.acquireWakeLock(); moveToForeground(); if(mVehicleInterface != null && mVehicleInterface.isConnected()) { VehicleInterfaceDescriptor descriptor = new VehicleInterfaceDescriptor(mVehicleInterface); synchronized(mViConnectionListeners) { int i = mViConnectionListeners.beginBroadcast(); while(i > 0) { i--; try { mViConnectionListeners.getBroadcastItem(i).onConnected(descriptor); } catch(RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't notify VI connection " + "listener -- did it crash?", e); } } mViConnectionListeners.finishBroadcast(); } } } @Override public void onPipelineDeactivated() { if(!mUserPipelineActive) { mWakeLocker.releaseWakeLock(); removeFromForeground(); synchronized(this) { if(mVehicleInterface == null || !mVehicleInterface.isConnected()) { synchronized(mViConnectionListeners) { int i = mViConnectionListeners.beginBroadcast(); while(i > 0) { i--; try { mViConnectionListeners.getBroadcastItem(i).onDisconnected(); } catch(RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't notify VI connection " + "listener -- did it crash?", e); } } mViConnectionListeners.finishBroadcast(); } } } } } }