package com.openxc.measurements; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import; import; import com.openxc.NoValueException; import com.openxc.messages.EventedSimpleVehicleMessage; import com.openxc.messages.MessageKey; import com.openxc.messages.NamedVehicleMessage; import com.openxc.messages.SimpleVehicleMessage; import com.openxc.units.Unit; import com.openxc.util.AgingData; import com.openxc.util.Range; /** * The BaseMeasurement is the base implementation of the Measurement, and * wraps an instance of a {@link Unit}, and the value it returns is always * in terms of this Unit. * * The Unit wrapper might seem annoying at first, but it is critical to avoid * misinterpreting the unit and crashing your lander into Mars * ( * * Most applications will not use this class directly, but will import specific * child classes that correspond to specific types of measurements - i.e. the * parameterized instances of this class with a Unit. That may seem like a * "pseudo-typedef" but we're using it to enforce the binding between * the measurement and its unit type. This unfortunately means we have to add * constructors to every child class because they aren't inherited from * Measurement. If you know of a better way, please say so. */ public abstract class BaseMeasurement<TheUnit extends Unit> implements Measurement { private static final String TAG = BaseMeasurement.class.toString(); protected AgingData<TheUnit> mValue; private Range<TheUnit> mRange; private static Map<Class<? extends Measurement>, String> sCachedPrettyNames = new HashMap<>(); private static BiMap<String, Class<? extends Measurement>> sMeasurementIdToClass; static { sMeasurementIdToClass = HashBiMap.create(); try { cacheMeasurementId(AcceleratorPedalPosition.class); cacheMeasurementId(BrakePedalStatus.class); cacheMeasurementId(EngineSpeed.class); cacheMeasurementId(FuelConsumed.class); cacheMeasurementId(FuelLevel.class); cacheMeasurementId(HeadlampStatus.class); cacheMeasurementId(HighBeamStatus.class); cacheMeasurementId(IgnitionStatus.class); cacheMeasurementId(Latitude.class); cacheMeasurementId(Longitude.class); cacheMeasurementId(Odometer.class); cacheMeasurementId(ParkingBrakeStatus.class); cacheMeasurementId(SteeringWheelAngle.class); cacheMeasurementId(TorqueAtTransmission.class); cacheMeasurementId(TransmissionGearPosition.class); cacheMeasurementId(TurnSignalStatus.class); cacheMeasurementId(VehicleButtonEvent.class); cacheMeasurementId(VehicleDoorStatus.class); cacheMeasurementId(VehicleSpeed.class); cacheMeasurementId(WindshieldWiperStatus.class); } catch(UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException e) { } } public abstract String getGenericName(); /** * Construct a new Measurement with the given value. * * @param value the TheUnit this measurement represents. */ public BaseMeasurement(TheUnit value) { if(!sMeasurementIdToClass.inverse().containsKey(this.getClass())) { try { cacheMeasurementId(this.getClass()); } catch(UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Incomplete BaseMeasurement subclass", e); } } mValue = new AgingData<>(value); } /** * Construct an new Measurement with the given value and valid Range. * * There is not currently any automated verification that the value is * within the range - this is up to the application programmer. * * @param value the TheUnit this measurement represents. * @param range the valid {@link Range} of values for this measurement. */ public BaseMeasurement(TheUnit value, Range<TheUnit> range) { this(value); mRange = range; } @Override public void setTimestamp(long timestamp) { mValue.setTimestamp(timestamp); } @Override public long getAge() { return mValue.getAge(); } @Override public long getBirthtime() { return mValue.getTimestamp(); } @Override public boolean hasRange() { return mRange != null; } @Override public Range<TheUnit> getRange() { return mRange; } @Override public TheUnit getValue() { return mValue.getValue(); } @Override public Object getSerializedValue() { return getValue().getSerializedValue(); } @Override public SimpleVehicleMessage toVehicleMessage() { return new SimpleVehicleMessage(mValue.getTimestamp(), getGenericName(), getSerializedValue()); } public String getName(Context context) { String name = getGenericName(); if(!sCachedPrettyNames.containsKey(getClass())) { // Make sure to not use the package name here, we have to find the // resource using the package name of the app using the library instead. int identifier = context.getResources().getIdentifier( getGenericName() + "_label", "string", context.getPackageName()); if(identifier != 0) { name = context.getString(identifier); sCachedPrettyNames.put(getClass(), name); } } else if(sCachedPrettyNames.get(getClass()) != null) { name = sCachedPrettyNames.get(getClass()); } return name; } private static void cacheMeasurementId( Class<? extends Measurement> measurementType) throws UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException { String measurementId; try { measurementId = (String) measurementType.getField("ID").get( measurementType); sMeasurementIdToClass.put(measurementId, measurementType); } catch(NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException( measurementType + " doesn't have an ID field", e); } catch(IllegalAccessException e) { throw new UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException( measurementType + " has an inaccessible " + "ID field", e); } } public static MessageKey getKeyForMeasurement( Class<? extends Measurement> measurementType) throws UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException { if(!sMeasurementIdToClass.inverse().containsKey(measurementType)) { cacheMeasurementId(measurementType); } return new NamedVehicleMessage( sMeasurementIdToClass.inverse().get(measurementType)).getKey(); } public static Class<? extends Measurement> getClassForId(String measurementId) throws UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException { Class<? extends Measurement> result = sMeasurementIdToClass.get( measurementId); if(result == null) { throw new UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException( "Didn't have a measurement with ID " + measurementId + " cached"); } return result; } public static Measurement getMeasurementFromMessage( SimpleVehicleMessage message) throws UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException, NoValueException { Class<? extends Measurement> measurementClass = BaseMeasurement.getClassForId(message.getName()); return BaseMeasurement.getMeasurementFromMessage(measurementClass, message); } public static Measurement getMeasurementFromMessage( Class<? extends Measurement> measurementType, SimpleVehicleMessage message) throws UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException, NoValueException { Constructor<? extends Measurement> constructor; if(message == null) { throw new NoValueException(); } try { Measurement measurement; SimpleVehicleMessage simpleMessage = message.asSimpleMessage(); Class<?> valueClass = simpleMessage.getValue().getClass(); if(valueClass == Double.class || valueClass == Integer.class) { valueClass = Number.class; } if(message instanceof EventedSimpleVehicleMessage) { EventedSimpleVehicleMessage eventedMessage = message.asEventedMessage(); Class<?> eventClass = eventedMessage.getEvent().getClass(); if(eventClass == Double.class || eventClass == Integer.class) { eventClass = Number.class; } try { constructor = measurementType.getConstructor( valueClass, eventClass); } catch(NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException( measurementType + " doesn't have the expected constructor, " + measurementType + "(" + valueClass + ", " + eventClass + ")"); } measurement = constructor.newInstance( eventedMessage.getValue(), eventedMessage.getEvent()); } else { try { constructor = measurementType.getConstructor(valueClass); } catch(NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException( measurementType + " doesn't have the expected constructor, " + measurementType + "(" + valueClass + ")"); } measurement = constructor.newInstance( simpleMessage.getValue()); } if (simpleMessage.getTimestamp() != null) { measurement.setTimestamp(simpleMessage.getTimestamp()); } // return measurement; } catch(InstantiationException e) { throw new UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException( measurementType + " is abstract", e); } catch(IllegalAccessException e) { throw new UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException( measurementType + " has a private constructor", e); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException( measurementType + " has unexpected arguments", e); } catch(InvocationTargetException e) { throw new UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException( measurementType + "'s constructor threw an exception", e); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(this == obj) { return true; } if(obj == null) { return false; } if(getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final BaseMeasurement<TheUnit> other = (BaseMeasurement<TheUnit>) obj; return Objects.equal(getValue(), other.getValue()) && Objects.equal(other.getRange(), getRange()); } @Override public String toString() { return getValue().toString(); } }