package com.opensoc.pcapservice; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Resource; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ZooKeeperConnectionException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.NoServerForRegionException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils; import; /** * Singleton class which integrates with HBase table and returns pcaps sorted by * timestamp(dsc) for the given list of keys. Creates HConnection if it is not * already created and the same connection instance is being used for all * requests * * @author sheetal * @version $Revision: 1.0 $ */ @Path("/") public class PcapGetterHBaseImpl implements IPcapGetter { /** The pcap getter h base. */ private static IPcapGetter pcapGetterHBase = null; /** The Constant LOG. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(PcapGetterHBaseImpl.class); /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see, * java.lang.String, long, long, boolean, boolean, long) */ @GET @Path("pcap/test") @Produces("text/html") public Response index() throws URISyntaxException { return Response.ok("ALL GOOD").build(); } public PcapsResponse getPcaps(List<String> keys, String lastRowKey, long startTime, long endTime, boolean includeReverseTraffic, boolean includeDuplicateLastRow, long maxResultSize) throws IOException { Assert .isTrue( checkIfValidInput(keys, lastRowKey), "No valid input. One of the value must be present from {keys, lastRowKey}");" keys=" + keys.toString() + "; lastRowKey=" + lastRowKey); PcapsResponse pcapsResponse = new PcapsResponse(); // 1. Process partial response key if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(lastRowKey)) { pcapsResponse = processKey(pcapsResponse, lastRowKey, startTime, endTime, true, includeDuplicateLastRow, maxResultSize); // LOGGER.debug("after scanning lastRowKey=" + // pcapsResponse.toString()+"*********************************************************************"); if (pcapsResponse.getStatus() == PcapsResponse.Status.PARTIAL) { return pcapsResponse; } } // 2. Process input keys List<String> sortedKeys = sortKeysByAscOrder(keys, includeReverseTraffic); List<String> unprocessedKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); unprocessedKeys.addAll(sortedKeys); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(lastRowKey)) { unprocessedKeys.clear(); unprocessedKeys = getUnprocessedSublistOfKeys(sortedKeys, lastRowKey); }"unprocessedKeys in getPcaps" + unprocessedKeys.toString()); if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(unprocessedKeys)) { for (int i = 0; i < unprocessedKeys.size(); i++) { pcapsResponse = processKey(pcapsResponse, unprocessedKeys.get(i), startTime, endTime, false, includeDuplicateLastRow, maxResultSize); // LOGGER.debug("after scanning input unprocessedKeys.get(" + i + ") =" // + // pcapsResponse.toString()+"*********************************************************************"); if (pcapsResponse.getStatus() == PcapsResponse.Status.PARTIAL) { return pcapsResponse; } } } return pcapsResponse; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see, long, * long, boolean) */ public PcapsResponse getPcaps(String key, long startTime, long endTime, boolean includeReverseTraffic) throws IOException { Assert.hasText(key, "key must not be null or empty"); return getPcaps(Arrays.asList(key), null, startTime, endTime, includeReverseTraffic, false, ConfigurationUtil.getDefaultResultSize()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ public PcapsResponse getPcaps(List<String> keys) throws IOException { Assert.notEmpty(keys, "'keys' must not be null or empty"); return getPcaps(keys, null, -1, -1, ConfigurationUtil.isDefaultIncludeReverseTraffic(), false, ConfigurationUtil.getDefaultResultSize()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ public PcapsResponse getPcaps(String key) throws IOException { Assert.hasText(key, "key must not be null or empty"); return getPcaps(Arrays.asList(key), null, -1, -1, ConfigurationUtil.isDefaultIncludeReverseTraffic(), false, ConfigurationUtil.getDefaultResultSize()); } /** * Always returns the singleton instance. * * @return IPcapGetter singleton instance * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public static IPcapGetter getInstance() throws IOException { if (pcapGetterHBase == null) { synchronized (PcapGetterHBaseImpl.class) { if (pcapGetterHBase == null) { pcapGetterHBase = new PcapGetterHBaseImpl(); } } } return pcapGetterHBase; } /** * Instantiates a new pcap getter h base impl. */ private PcapGetterHBaseImpl() { } /** * Adds reverse keys to the list if the flag 'includeReverseTraffic' is set to * true; removes duplicates and sorts the list by ascending order;. * * @param keys * input keys * @param includeReverseTraffic * flag whether or not to include reverse traffic * @return List<String> */ @VisibleForTesting List<String> sortKeysByAscOrder(List<String> keys, boolean includeReverseTraffic) { Assert.notEmpty(keys, "'keys' must not be null"); if (includeReverseTraffic) { keys.addAll(PcapHelper.reverseKey(keys)); } List<String> deDupKeys = removeDuplicateKeys(keys); Collections.sort(deDupKeys); return deDupKeys; } /** * Removes the duplicate keys. * * @param keys * the keys * @return the list */ @VisibleForTesting public List<String> removeDuplicateKeys(List<String> keys) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(keys); return new ArrayList<String>(set); } /** * <p> * Returns the sublist starting from the element after the lastRowKey * to the last element in the list; if the 'lastRowKey' is not matched * the complete list will be returned. * </p> * * <pre> * Eg : * keys = [18800006-1800000b-06-0019-caac, 18800006-1800000b-06-0050-5af6, 18800006-1800000b-11-0035-3810] * lastRowKey = "18800006-1800000b-06-0019-caac-65140-40815" * and the response from this method [18800006-1800000b-06-0050-5af6, 18800006-1800000b-11-0035-3810] * </pre> * * @param keys * keys * @param lastRowKey * last row key of the previous partial response * @return List<String> */ @VisibleForTesting List<String> getUnprocessedSublistOfKeys(List<String> keys, String lastRowKey) { Assert.notEmpty(keys, "'keys' must not be null"); Assert.hasText(lastRowKey, "'lastRowKey' must not be null"); String partialKey = getTokens(lastRowKey, 5); int startIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { if (partialKey.equals(keys.get(i))) { startIndex = i + 1; break; } } List<String> unprocessedKeys = keys.subList(startIndex, keys.size()); return unprocessedKeys; } /** * Returns the first 'noOfTokens' tokens from the given key; token delimiter * "-";. * * @param key * given key * @param noOfTokens * number of tokens to retrieve * @return the tokens */ @VisibleForTesting String getTokens(String key, int noOfTokens) { String delimeter = HBaseConfigConstants.PCAP_KEY_DELIMETER; String regex = "\\" + delimeter; String[] keyTokens = key.split(regex); Assert.isTrue(noOfTokens < keyTokens.length, "Invalid value for 'noOfTokens'"); StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < noOfTokens; i++) { sbf.append(keyTokens[i]); if (i != (noOfTokens - 1)) { sbf.append(HBaseConfigConstants.PCAP_KEY_DELIMETER); } } return sbf.toString(); } /** * Process key. * * @param pcapsResponse * the pcaps response * @param key * the key * @param startTime * the start time * @param endTime * the end time * @param isPartialResponse * the is partial response * @param includeDuplicateLastRow * the include duplicate last row * @param maxResultSize * the max result size * @return the pcaps response * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ @VisibleForTesting PcapsResponse processKey(PcapsResponse pcapsResponse, String key, long startTime, long endTime, boolean isPartialResponse, boolean includeDuplicateLastRow, long maxResultSize) throws IOException { HTable table = null; Scan scan = null; List<Cell> scannedCells = null; try { // 1. Create start and stop row for the key; Map<String, String> keysMap = createStartAndStopRowKeys(key, isPartialResponse, includeDuplicateLastRow); // 2. if the input key contains all fragments (7) and it is not part // of previous partial response (isPartialResponse), // 'keysMap' will be null; do a Get; currently not doing any // response size related checks for Get; // by default all cells from a specific row are sorted by timestamp if (keysMap == null) { Get get = createGetRequest(key, startTime, endTime); List<Cell> cells = executeGetRequest(table, get); for (Cell cell : cells) { pcapsResponse.addPcaps(CellUtil.cloneValue(cell)); } return pcapsResponse; } // 3. Create and execute Scan request scan = createScanRequest(pcapsResponse, keysMap, startTime, endTime, maxResultSize); scannedCells = executeScanRequest(table, scan);"scannedCells size :" + scannedCells.size()); addToResponse(pcapsResponse, scannedCells, maxResultSize); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Exception occurred while fetching Pcaps for the keys :" + key, e); if (e instanceof ZooKeeperConnectionException || e instanceof MasterNotRunningException || e instanceof NoServerForRegionException) { int maxRetryLimit = ConfigurationUtil.getConnectionRetryLimit(); System.out.println("maxRetryLimit =" + maxRetryLimit); for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= maxRetryLimit; attempt++) { System.out.println("attempting =" + attempt); try { HBaseConfigurationUtil.closeConnection(); // closing the // existing // connection // and retry, // it will // create a new // HConnection scannedCells = executeScanRequest(table, scan); addToResponse(pcapsResponse, scannedCells, maxResultSize); break; } catch (IOException ie) { if (attempt == maxRetryLimit) { LOGGER.error("Throwing the exception after retrying " + maxRetryLimit + " times."); throw e; } } } } } finally { if (table != null) { table.close(); } } return pcapsResponse; } /** * Adds the to response. * * @param pcapsResponse * the pcaps response * @param scannedCells * the scanned cells * @param maxResultSize * the max result size */ private void addToResponse(PcapsResponse pcapsResponse, List<Cell> scannedCells, long maxResultSize) { String lastKeyFromCurrentScan = null; if (scannedCells != null && scannedCells.size() > 0) { lastKeyFromCurrentScan = new String(CellUtil.cloneRow(scannedCells .get(scannedCells.size() - 1))); } // 4. calculate the response size Collections.sort(scannedCells, PcapHelper.getCellTimestampComparator()); for (Cell sortedCell : scannedCells) { pcapsResponse.addPcaps(CellUtil.cloneValue(sortedCell)); } if (!pcapsResponse.isResonseSizeWithinLimit(maxResultSize)) { pcapsResponse.setStatus(PcapsResponse.Status.PARTIAL); // response size // reached pcapsResponse.setLastRowKey(new String(lastKeyFromCurrentScan)); } } /** * Builds start and stop row keys according to the following logic : 1. * Creates tokens out of 'key' using pcap_id delimiter ('-') 2. if the input * 'key' contains (assume : configuredTokensInRowKey=7 and * minimumTokensIninputKey=5): a). 5 tokens * ("srcIp-dstIp-protocol-srcPort-dstPort") startKey = * "srcIp-dstIp-protocol-srcPort-dstPort-00000-00000" stopKey = * "srcIp-dstIp-protocol-srcPort-dstPort-99999-99999" b). 6 tokens * ("srcIp-dstIp-protocol-srcPort-dstPort-id1") startKey = * "srcIp-dstIp-protocol-srcPort-dstPort-id1-00000" stopKey = * "srcIp-dstIp-protocol-srcPort-dstPort-id1-99999" * * c). 7 tokens ("srcIp-dstIp-protocol-srcPort-dstPort-id1-id2") 1>. if the * key is NOT part of the partial response from previous request, return * 'null' 2>. if the key is part of partial response from previous request * startKey = "srcIp-dstIp-protocol-srcPort-dstPort-id1-(id2+1)"; 1 is added * to exclude this key as it was included in the previous request stopKey = * "srcIp-dstIp-protocol-srcPort-dstPort-99999-99999" * * @param key * the key * @param isLastRowKey * if the key is part of partial response * @param includeDuplicateLastRow * the include duplicate last row * @return Map<String, String> */ @VisibleForTesting Map<String, String> createStartAndStopRowKeys(String key, boolean isLastRowKey, boolean includeDuplicateLastRow) { String delimeter = HBaseConfigConstants.PCAP_KEY_DELIMETER; String regex = "\\" + delimeter; String[] keyTokens = key.split(regex); String startKey = null; String endKey = null; Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); int configuredTokensInRowKey = ConfigurationUtil .getConfiguredTokensInRowkey(); int minimumTokensIninputKey = ConfigurationUtil .getMinimumTokensInInputkey(); Assert .isTrue( minimumTokensIninputKey <= configuredTokensInRowKey, "tokens in the input key (separated by '-'), must be less than or equal to the tokens used in hbase table row key "); // in case if the input key contains 'configuredTokensInRowKey' tokens and // it is NOT a // partial response key, do a Get instead of Scan if (keyTokens.length == configuredTokensInRowKey) { if (!isLastRowKey) { return null; } // it is a partial response key; 'startKey' is same as input partial // response key; 'endKey' can be built by replacing // (configuredTokensInRowKey - minimumTokensIninputKey) tokens // of input partial response key with '99999' if (keyTokens.length == minimumTokensIninputKey) { return null; } int appendingTokenSlots = configuredTokensInRowKey - minimumTokensIninputKey; if (appendingTokenSlots > 0) { String partialKey = getTokens(key, minimumTokensIninputKey); StringBuffer sbfStartNew = new StringBuffer(partialKey); StringBuffer sbfEndNew = new StringBuffer(partialKey); for (int i = 0; i < appendingTokenSlots; i++) { if (i == (appendingTokenSlots - 1)) { if (!includeDuplicateLastRow) { sbfStartNew .append(HBaseConfigConstants.PCAP_KEY_DELIMETER) .append( Integer.valueOf(keyTokens[minimumTokensIninputKey + i]) + 1); } else { sbfStartNew.append(HBaseConfigConstants.PCAP_KEY_DELIMETER) .append(keyTokens[minimumTokensIninputKey + i]); } } else { sbfStartNew.append(HBaseConfigConstants.PCAP_KEY_DELIMETER).append( keyTokens[minimumTokensIninputKey + i]); } sbfEndNew.append(HBaseConfigConstants.PCAP_KEY_DELIMETER).append( getMaxLimitForAppendingTokens()); } startKey = sbfStartNew.toString(); endKey = sbfEndNew.toString(); } } else { StringBuffer sbfStart = new StringBuffer(key); StringBuffer sbfEnd = new StringBuffer(key); for (int i = keyTokens.length; i < configuredTokensInRowKey; i++) { sbfStart.append(HBaseConfigConstants.PCAP_KEY_DELIMETER).append( getMinLimitForAppendingTokens()); sbfEnd.append(HBaseConfigConstants.PCAP_KEY_DELIMETER).append( getMaxLimitForAppendingTokens()); } startKey = sbfStart.toString(); endKey = sbfEnd.toString(); } map.put(HBaseConfigConstants.START_KEY, startKey); map.put(HBaseConfigConstants.END_KEY, endKey); return map; } /** * Returns false if keys is empty or null AND lastRowKey is null or * empty; otherwise returns true;. * * @param keys * input row keys * @param lastRowKey * partial response key * @return boolean */ @VisibleForTesting boolean checkIfValidInput(List<String> keys, String lastRowKey) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(keys) && StringUtils.isEmpty(lastRowKey)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Executes the given Get request. * * @param table * hbase table * @param get * Get * @return List<Cell> * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private List<Cell> executeGetRequest(HTable table, Get get) throws IOException {"Get :" + get.toString()); table = (HTable) HBaseConfigurationUtil.getConnection().getTable( ConfigurationUtil.getTableName()); Result result = table.get(get); List<Cell> cells = result.getColumnCells( ConfigurationUtil.getColumnFamily(), ConfigurationUtil.getColumnQualifier()); return cells; } /** * Execute scan request. * * @param table * hbase table * @param scan * the scan * @return the list * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private List<Cell> executeScanRequest(HTable table, Scan scan) throws IOException {"Scan :" + scan.toString()); table = (HTable) HBaseConfigurationUtil.getConnection().getTable( ConfigurationUtil.getConfiguration().getString("")); ResultScanner resultScanner = table.getScanner(scan); List<Cell> scannedCells = new ArrayList<Cell>(); for (Result result =; result != null; result = resultScanner .next()) { List<Cell> cells = result.getColumnCells( ConfigurationUtil.getColumnFamily(), ConfigurationUtil.getColumnQualifier()); if (cells != null) { for (Cell cell : cells) { scannedCells.add(cell); } } } return scannedCells; } /** * Creates the get request. * * @param key * the key * @param startTime * the start time * @param endTime * the end time * @return the gets the * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ @VisibleForTesting Get createGetRequest(String key, long startTime, long endTime) throws IOException { Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(key)); // set family name get.addFamily(ConfigurationUtil.getColumnFamily()); // set column family, qualifier get.addColumn(ConfigurationUtil.getColumnFamily(), ConfigurationUtil.getColumnQualifier()); // set max versions get.setMaxVersions(ConfigurationUtil.getMaxVersions()); // set time range setTimeRangeOnGet(get, startTime, endTime); return get; } /** * Creates the scan request. * * @param pcapsResponse * the pcaps response * @param keysMap * the keys map * @param startTime * the start time * @param endTime * the end time * @param maxResultSize * the max result size * @return the scan * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ @VisibleForTesting Scan createScanRequest(PcapsResponse pcapsResponse, Map<String, String> keysMap, long startTime, long endTime, long maxResultSize) throws IOException { Scan scan = new Scan(); // set column family, qualifier scan.addColumn(ConfigurationUtil.getColumnFamily(), ConfigurationUtil.getColumnQualifier()); // set start and stop keys scan.setStartRow(keysMap.get(HBaseConfigConstants.START_KEY).getBytes()); scan.setStopRow(keysMap.get(HBaseConfigConstants.END_KEY).getBytes()); // set max results size : remaining size = max results size - ( current // pcaps response size + possible maximum row size) long remainingSize = maxResultSize - (pcapsResponse.getResponseSize() + ConfigurationUtil.getMaxRowSize()); if (remainingSize > 0) { scan.setMaxResultSize(remainingSize); } // set max versions scan.setMaxVersions(ConfigurationUtil.getConfiguration().getInt( "hbase.table.column.maxVersions")); // set time range setTimeRangeOnScan(scan, startTime, endTime); return scan; } /** * Sets the time range on scan. * * @param scan * the scan * @param startTime * the start time * @param endTime * the end time * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private void setTimeRangeOnScan(Scan scan, long startTime, long endTime) throws IOException { boolean setTimeRange = true; if (startTime < 0 && endTime < 0) { setTimeRange = false; } if (setTimeRange) { if (startTime < 0) { startTime = 0; } else { startTime = PcapHelper.convertToDataCreationTimeUnit(startTime); } if (endTime < 0) { endTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } else { endTime = PcapHelper.convertToDataCreationTimeUnit(endTime); } Assert.isTrue(startTime < endTime, "startTime value must be less than endTime value"); scan.setTimeRange(startTime, endTime); } } /** * Sets the time range on get. * * @param get * the get * @param startTime * the start time * @param endTime * the end time * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private void setTimeRangeOnGet(Get get, long startTime, long endTime) throws IOException { boolean setTimeRange = true; if (startTime < 0 && endTime < 0) { setTimeRange = false; } if (setTimeRange) { if (startTime < 0) { startTime = 0; } else { startTime = PcapHelper.convertToDataCreationTimeUnit(startTime); } if (endTime < 0) { endTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } else { endTime = PcapHelper.convertToDataCreationTimeUnit(endTime); } Assert.isTrue(startTime < endTime, "startTime value must be less than endTime value"); get.setTimeRange(startTime, endTime); } } /** * Gets the min limit for appending tokens. * * @return the min limit for appending tokens */ private String getMinLimitForAppendingTokens() { int digits = ConfigurationUtil.getAppendingTokenDigits(); StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++) { sbf.append("0"); } return sbf.toString(); } /** * Gets the max limit for appending tokens. * * @return the max limit for appending tokens */ private String getMaxLimitForAppendingTokens() { int digits = ConfigurationUtil.getAppendingTokenDigits(); StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++) { sbf.append("9"); } return sbf.toString(); } /** * The main method. * * @param args * the arguments * * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args == null || args.length < 2) { usage(); return; } String outputFileName = null; outputFileName = args[1]; List<String> keys = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(args[2], ",")); System.out.println("Geting keys " + keys); long startTime = 0; long endTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (args.length > 3) { startTime = Long.valueOf(args[3]); } if (args.length > 4) { endTime = Long.valueOf(args[4]); } System.out.println("With start time " + startTime + " and end time " + endTime); PcapGetterHBaseImpl downloader = new PcapGetterHBaseImpl(); PcapsResponse pcaps = downloader.getPcaps(keys, null, startTime, endTime, false, false, 6); File file = new File(outputFileName); FileUtils.write(file, "", false); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(file, pcaps.getPcaps(), true); } /** * Usage. */ private static void usage() { System.out.println("java " + PcapGetterHBaseImpl.class.getName() // $codepro.audit.disable // debuggingCode + " <zk quorum> <output file> <start key> [stop key]"); } }