package com.opensoc.hbase; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Durability; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Increment; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple; /** * Configuration for Storm {@link Tuple} to HBase serialization. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class TupleTableConfig implements Serializable { public static final long DEFAULT_INCREMENT = 1L; private String tableName; protected String tupleRowKeyField; protected String tupleTimestampField; protected Map<String, Set<String>> columnFamilies; private boolean batch = true; protected Durability durability = Durability.USE_DEFAULT; private long writeBufferSize = 0L; /** * Initialize configuration * * @param table * The HBase table name * @param rowKeyField * The {@link Tuple} field used to set the rowKey */ public TupleTableConfig(final String table, final String rowKeyField) { this.tableName = table; this.tupleRowKeyField = rowKeyField; this.tupleTimestampField = ""; this.columnFamilies = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); } /** * Initialize configuration * * @param table * The HBase table name * @param rowKeyField * The {@link Tuple} field used to set the rowKey * @param timestampField * The {@link Tuple} field used to set the timestamp */ public TupleTableConfig(final String table, final String rowKeyField, final String timestampField) { this.tableName = table; this.tupleRowKeyField = rowKeyField; this.tupleTimestampField = timestampField; this.columnFamilies = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); } /** * Add column family and column qualifier to be extracted from tuple * * @param columnFamily * The column family name * @param columnQualifier * The column qualifier name */ public void addColumn(final String columnFamily, final String columnQualifier) { Set<String> columns = this.columnFamilies.get(columnFamily); if (columns == null) { columns = new HashSet<String>(); } columns.add(columnQualifier); this.columnFamilies.put(columnFamily, columns); } /** * Creates a HBase {@link Put} from a Storm {@link Tuple} * * @param tuple * The {@link Tuple} * @return {@link Put} */ public Put getPutFromTuple(final Tuple tuple) { byte[] rowKey = Bytes.toBytes(tuple.getStringByField(tupleRowKeyField)); long ts = 0; if (!tupleTimestampField.equals("")) { ts = tuple.getLongByField(tupleTimestampField); } Put p = new Put(rowKey); p.setDurability(durability); if (columnFamilies.size() > 0) { for (String cf : columnFamilies.keySet()) { byte[] cfBytes = Bytes.toBytes(cf); for (String cq : columnFamilies.get(cf)) { byte[] cqBytes = Bytes.toBytes(cq); byte[] val = tuple.getBinaryByField(cq); if (ts > 0) { p.add(cfBytes, cqBytes, ts, val); } else { p.add(cfBytes, cqBytes, val); } } } } return p; } /** * Creates a HBase {@link Increment} from a Storm {@link Tuple} * * @param tuple * The {@link Tuple} * @param increment * The amount to increment the counter by * @return {@link Increment} */ public Increment getIncrementFromTuple(final Tuple tuple, final long increment) { byte[] rowKey = Bytes.toBytes(tuple.getStringByField(tupleRowKeyField)); Increment inc = new Increment(rowKey); inc.setDurability(durability); if (columnFamilies.size() > 0) { for (String cf : columnFamilies.keySet()) { byte[] cfBytes = Bytes.toBytes(cf); for (String cq : columnFamilies.get(cf)) { byte[] val; try { val = Bytes.toBytes(tuple.getStringByField(cq)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // if cq isn't a tuple field, use cq for counter instead of tuple // value val = Bytes.toBytes(cq); } inc.addColumn(cfBytes, val, increment); } } } return inc; } /** * Increment the counter for the given family and column by the specified * amount * <p> * If the family and column already exist in the Increment the counter value * is incremented by the specified amount rather than overridden, as it is in * HBase's {@link Increment#addColumn(byte[], byte[], long)} method * * @param inc * The {@link Increment} to update * @param family * The column family * @param qualifier * The column qualifier * @param amount * The amount to increment the counter by */ public static void addIncrement(Increment inc, final byte[] family, final byte[] qualifier, final Long amount) { NavigableMap<byte[], Long> set = inc.getFamilyMapOfLongs().get(family); if (set == null) { set = new TreeMap<byte[], Long>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); } // If qualifier exists, increment amount Long counter = set.get(qualifier); if (counter == null) { counter = 0L; } set.put(qualifier, amount + counter); inc.getFamilyMapOfLongs().put(family, set); } /** * @return the tableName */ public String getTableName() { return tableName; } /** * @return Whether batch mode is enabled */ public boolean isBatch() { return batch; } /** * @param batch * Whether to enable HBase's client-side write buffer. * <p> * When enabled your bolt will store put operations locally until the * write buffer is full, so they can be sent to HBase in a single RPC * call. When disabled each put operation is effectively an RPC and * is sent straight to HBase. As your bolt can process thousands of * values per second it is recommended that the write buffer is * enabled. * <p> * Enabled by default */ public void setBatch(boolean batch) { this.batch = batch; } /** * @param setDurability * Sets whether to write to HBase's edit log. * <p> * Setting to false will mean fewer operations to perform when * writing to HBase and hence better performance, but changes that * haven't been flushed to a store file will be lost in the event of * HBase failure * <p> * Enabled by default */ public void setDurability(Durability durability) { this.durability = durability; } public Durability getDurability() { return durability; } /** * @param writeBufferSize * Overrides the client-side write buffer size. * <p> * By default the write buffer size is 2 MB (2097152 bytes). If you * are storing larger data, you may want to consider increasing this * value to allow your bolt to efficiently group together a larger * number of records per RPC * <p> * Overrides the write buffer size you have set in your * hbase-site.xml e.g. <code>hbase.client.write.buffer</code> */ public void setWriteBufferSize(long writeBufferSize) { this.writeBufferSize = writeBufferSize; } /** * @return the writeBufferSize */ public long getWriteBufferSize() { return writeBufferSize; } /** * @return A Set of configured column families */ public Set<String> getColumnFamilies() { return this.columnFamilies.keySet(); } /** * @return the tupleRowKeyField */ public String getTupleRowKeyField() { return tupleRowKeyField; } }