/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, * v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can * obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. OpenMRS is also distributed under * the terms of the Healthcare Disclaimer located at http://openmrs.org/license. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS Inc. OpenMRS is a registered trademark and the OpenMRS * graphic logo is a trademark of OpenMRS Inc. */ package org.openmrs.api.handler; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.openmrs.Encounter; import org.openmrs.EncounterType; import org.openmrs.GlobalProperty; import org.openmrs.Visit; import org.openmrs.VisitType; import org.openmrs.api.APIException; import org.openmrs.api.GlobalPropertyListener; import org.openmrs.api.VisitService; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsConstants; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsUtil; /** * This handler assigns an encounter to an existing visit, where appropriate, or creates a new one. * * @see EncounterVisitHandler */ public class ExistingOrNewVisitAssignmentHandler extends ExistingVisitAssignmentHandler implements GlobalPropertyListener { private static volatile Map<EncounterType, VisitType> encounterVisitMapping; private static void setEncounterVisitMapping(Map<EncounterType, VisitType> encounterVisitMapping) { ExistingOrNewVisitAssignmentHandler.encounterVisitMapping = encounterVisitMapping; } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.handler.ExistingVisitAssignmentHandler#getDisplayName(java.util.Locale) */ @Override public String getDisplayName(Locale locale) { return Context.getMessageSourceService().getMessage("visit.assignmentHandler.assignToExistingVisitOrNew", null, locale); } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.handler.ExistingVisitAssignmentHandler#beforeCreateEncounter(org.openmrs.Encounter) * @should assign existing visit if match found * @should assign new visit if no match found * @should resolve encounter and visit type uuids as global property values */ @Override public void beforeCreateEncounter(Encounter encounter) { //Do the default assignment to an existing visit. super.beforeCreateEncounter(encounter); //Do nothing if the encounter already belongs to a visit. if (encounter.getVisit() != null) { return; } Visit visit = new Visit(); visit.setStartDatetime(encounter.getEncounterDatetime()); visit.setLocation(encounter.getLocation()); visit.setPatient(encounter.getPatient()); if (encounterVisitMapping == null) { //initial one-time setup setEncounterVisitMapping(new HashMap<EncounterType, VisitType>()); Context.getAdministrationService().addGlobalPropertyListener(this); } VisitType visitType = encounterVisitMapping.get(encounter.getEncounterType()); if (visitType == null) { visitType = loadVisitType(encounter.getEncounterType()); //replace reference instead of synchronizing Map<EncounterType, VisitType> newMap = new HashMap<EncounterType, VisitType>(encounterVisitMapping); newMap.put(encounter.getEncounterType(), visitType); setEncounterVisitMapping(newMap); } visit.setVisitType(visitType); //set stop date time to last millisecond of the encounter day. visit.setStopDatetime(OpenmrsUtil.getLastMomentOfDay(encounter.getEncounterDatetime())); encounter.setVisit(visit); } /** * Get the visit type corresponding to an encounter type by reading valid mappings * from a global property * @param encounterType * @return * @throws APIException */ private static VisitType loadVisitType(EncounterType encounterType) throws APIException { String value = Context.getAdministrationService().getGlobalPropertyValue( OpenmrsConstants.GP_ENCOUNTER_TYPE_TO_VISIT_TYPE_MAPPING, ""); // Value should be in this format "3:4, 5:2, 1:2, 2:2" for encounterTypeId:visitTypeId // or encounterTypeUuid:visitTypeUuid o a mixture of uuids and id if (!StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { VisitService visitService = Context.getVisitService(); String targetEncounterTypeId = encounterType.getId().toString(); String[] mappings = value.split(","); for (String mapping : mappings) { int index = mapping.indexOf(':'); if (index > 0) { String encounterTypeIdOrUuid = mapping.substring(0, index).trim(); if (targetEncounterTypeId.equals(encounterTypeIdOrUuid) || encounterType.getUuid().equals(encounterTypeIdOrUuid)) { String visitTypeIdOrUuid = mapping.substring(index + 1).trim(); VisitType visitType = null; if (StringUtils.isNumeric(visitTypeIdOrUuid)) { visitType = visitService.getVisitType(Integer.parseInt(visitTypeIdOrUuid)); } else { visitType = visitService.getVisitTypeByUuid(visitTypeIdOrUuid); } if (visitType != null) { return visitType; } } } } // Reaching here means this encounter type is not in the user's mapping. throw new APIException("GlobalProperty.error.loadVisitType", new Object[] { encounterType.getName() }); } return Context.getVisitService().getAllVisitTypes().get(0); } @Override public boolean supportsPropertyName(String propertyName) { return OpenmrsConstants.GP_ENCOUNTER_TYPE_TO_VISIT_TYPE_MAPPING.equals(propertyName); } @Override public void globalPropertyChanged(GlobalProperty newValue) { setEncounterVisitMapping(new HashMap<EncounterType, VisitType>()); } @Override public void globalPropertyDeleted(String propertyName) { setEncounterVisitMapping(new HashMap<EncounterType, VisitType>()); } }