/* * Copyright 2012-2015 org.opencloudb. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.opencloudb.mysql.nio; import org.opencloudb.mysql.CharsetUtil; import org.opencloudb.mysql.SecurityUtil; import org.opencloudb.mysql.nio.handler.ResponseHandler; import org.opencloudb.net.ConnectionException; import org.opencloudb.net.NIOHandler; import org.opencloudb.net.mysql.EOFPacket; import org.opencloudb.net.mysql.ErrorPacket; import org.opencloudb.net.mysql.HandshakePacket; import org.opencloudb.net.mysql.OkPacket; import org.opencloudb.net.mysql.Reply323Packet; /** * MySQL 验证处理器 * * @author mycat */ public class MySQLConnectionAuthenticator implements NIOHandler { private final MySQLConnection source; private final ResponseHandler listener; public MySQLConnectionAuthenticator(MySQLConnection source, ResponseHandler listener) { this.source = source; this.listener = listener; } public void connectionError(MySQLConnection source, Throwable e) { listener.connectionError(e, source); } @Override public void handle(byte[] data) { try { switch (data[4]) { case OkPacket.FIELD_COUNT: HandshakePacket packet = source.getHandshake(); if (packet == null) { processHandShakePacket(data); // 发送认证数据包 source.authenticate(); break; } // 处理认证结果 source.setHandler(new MySQLConnectionHandler(source)); source.setAuthenticated(true); if (listener != null) { listener.connectionAcquired(source); } break; case ErrorPacket.FIELD_COUNT: ErrorPacket err = new ErrorPacket(); err.read(data); throw new ConnectionException(err.errno, new String(err.message)); case EOFPacket.FIELD_COUNT: auth323(data[3]); break; default: packet = source.getHandshake(); if (packet == null) { processHandShakePacket(data); // 发送认证数据包 source.authenticate(); break; } throw new RuntimeException("Unknown Packet!"); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (listener != null) { listener.connectionError(e, source); } throw e; } } private void processHandShakePacket(byte[] data) { HandshakePacket packet; // 设置握手数据包 packet = new HandshakePacket(); packet.read(data); source.setHandshake(packet); source.setThreadId(packet.threadId); // 设置字符集编码 int charsetIndex = (packet.serverCharsetIndex & 0xff); String charset = CharsetUtil.getCharset(charsetIndex); if (charset != null) { source.setCharsetIndex(charsetIndex); source.setCharset(charset); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown charsetIndex:" + charsetIndex); } } private void auth323(byte packetId) { // 发送323响应认证数据包 Reply323Packet r323 = new Reply323Packet(); r323.packetId = ++packetId; String pass = source.getPassword(); if (pass != null && pass.length() > 0) { byte[] seed = source.getHandshake().seed; r323.seed = SecurityUtil.scramble323(pass, new String(seed)) .getBytes(); } r323.write(source); } }