/** * Copyright 2011-2013 Akiban Technologies, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* The original from which this derives bore the following: */ /* Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.CreateAliasNode Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.akiban.sql.parser; import com.akiban.sql.StandardException; import com.akiban.sql.types.AliasInfo; import com.akiban.sql.types.DataTypeDescriptor; import com.akiban.sql.types.RoutineAliasInfo; import com.akiban.sql.types.SynonymAliasInfo; import com.akiban.sql.types.UDTAliasInfo; import java.util.List; /** * A CreateAliasNode represents a CREATE ALIAS statement. * */ public class CreateAliasNode extends DDLStatementNode { // indexes into routineElements public static final int PARAMETER_ARRAY = 0; public static final int TABLE_NAME = PARAMETER_ARRAY + 1; public static final int DYNAMIC_RESULT_SET_COUNT = TABLE_NAME + 1; public static final int LANGUAGE = DYNAMIC_RESULT_SET_COUNT + 1; public static final int EXTERNAL_NAME = LANGUAGE + 1; public static final int PARAMETER_STYLE = EXTERNAL_NAME + 1; public static final int SQL_CONTROL = PARAMETER_STYLE + 1; public static final int DETERMINISTIC = SQL_CONTROL + 1; public static final int NULL_ON_NULL_INPUT = DETERMINISTIC + 1; public static final int RETURN_TYPE = NULL_ON_NULL_INPUT + 1; public static final int ROUTINE_SECURITY_DEFINER = RETURN_TYPE + 1; public static final int INLINE_DEFINITION = ROUTINE_SECURITY_DEFINER + 1; // Keep ROUTINE_ELEMENT_COUNT last (determines set cardinality). // Note: Remember to also update the map ROUTINE_CLAUSE_NAMES in // SQLGrammar.jj when elements are added. public static final int ROUTINE_ELEMENT_COUNT = INLINE_DEFINITION + 1; private String javaClassName; private String methodName; private boolean createOrReplace; private AliasInfo.Type aliasType; private AliasInfo aliasInfo; private String definition; /** * Initializer for a CreateAliasNode * * @param aliasName The name of the alias * @param targetObject Target name * @param methodName The method name * @param aliasType The alias type * * @exception StandardException Thrown on error */ public void init(Object aliasName, Object targetObject, Object methodName, Object aliasSpecificInfo, Object aliasType, Object createOrReplace) throws StandardException { TableName qn = (TableName)aliasName; this.aliasType = (AliasInfo.Type)aliasType; this.createOrReplace = (Boolean)createOrReplace; initAndCheck(qn); switch (this.aliasType) { case UDT: this.javaClassName = (String)targetObject; aliasInfo = new UDTAliasInfo(); implicitCreateSchema = true; break; case PROCEDURE: case FUNCTION: { //routineElements contains the description of the procedure. // // 0 - Object[] 3 element array for parameters // 1 - TableName - specific name // 2 - Integer - dynamic result set count // 3 - String language // 4 - String external name (also passed directly to create alias node - ignore // 5 - ParameterStyle parameter style // 6 - SQLAllowed - SQL control // 7 - Boolean - CALLED ON NULL INPUT (always TRUE for procedures) // 8 - DataTypeDescriptor - return type (always NULL for procedures) // 9 - Boolean - definers rights // 10 - String - inline definition Object[] routineElements = (Object[])aliasSpecificInfo; Object[] parameters = (Object[])routineElements[PARAMETER_ARRAY]; int paramCount = ((List)parameters[0]).size(); String[] names = null; DataTypeDescriptor[] types = null; int[] modes = null; if (paramCount != 0) { names = new String[paramCount]; ((List<String>)parameters[0]).toArray(names); types = new DataTypeDescriptor[paramCount]; ((List<DataTypeDescriptor>)parameters[1]).toArray(types); modes = new int[paramCount]; for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { int currentMode = ((List<Integer>)parameters[2]).get(i).intValue(); modes[i] = currentMode; } if (paramCount > 1) { String[] dupNameCheck = new String[paramCount]; System.arraycopy(names, 0, dupNameCheck, 0, paramCount); java.util.Arrays.sort(dupNameCheck); for (int dnc = 1; dnc < dupNameCheck.length; dnc++) { if (! dupNameCheck[dnc].equals("") && dupNameCheck[dnc].equals(dupNameCheck[dnc - 1])) throw new StandardException("Duplicate parameter name"); } } } Integer drso = (Integer)routineElements[DYNAMIC_RESULT_SET_COUNT]; int drs = drso == null ? 0 : drso.intValue(); RoutineAliasInfo.SQLAllowed sqlAllowed = (RoutineAliasInfo.SQLAllowed)routineElements[SQL_CONTROL]; Boolean isDeterministicO = (Boolean)routineElements[DETERMINISTIC]; boolean isDeterministic = (isDeterministicO == null) ? false : isDeterministicO.booleanValue(); Boolean definersRightsO = (Boolean)routineElements[ROUTINE_SECURITY_DEFINER]; boolean definersRights = (definersRightsO == null) ? false : definersRightsO.booleanValue(); Boolean calledOnNullInputO = (Boolean)routineElements[NULL_ON_NULL_INPUT]; boolean calledOnNullInput = (calledOnNullInputO == null) ? false : calledOnNullInputO.booleanValue(); DataTypeDescriptor returnType = (DataTypeDescriptor)routineElements[RETURN_TYPE]; String language = (String)routineElements[LANGUAGE]; String pstyle = (String)routineElements[PARAMETER_STYLE]; this.definition = (String)routineElements[INLINE_DEFINITION]; this.javaClassName = (String)targetObject; this.methodName = (String)methodName; aliasInfo = new RoutineAliasInfo(this.methodName, paramCount, names, types, modes, drs, language, pstyle, sqlAllowed, isDeterministic, definersRights, calledOnNullInput, returnType); implicitCreateSchema = true; } break; case SYNONYM: String targetSchema = null; implicitCreateSchema = true; TableName t = (TableName)targetObject; if (t.getSchemaName() != null) targetSchema = t.getSchemaName(); aliasInfo = new SynonymAliasInfo(targetSchema, t.getTableName()); break; default: assert false : "Unexpected value for aliasType " + aliasType; } } public String getJavaClassName() { return javaClassName; } public String getMethodName() { return methodName; } public String getExternalName() { if (javaClassName == null) return methodName; else if (methodName == null) return javaClassName; else return javaClassName + "." + methodName; } public boolean isCreateOrReplace() { return createOrReplace; } public AliasInfo.Type getAliasType() { return aliasType; } public AliasInfo getAliasInfo() { return aliasInfo; } public String getDefinition() { return definition; } /** * Convert this object to a String. See comments in QueryTreeNode.java * for how this should be done for tree printing. * * @return This object as a String */ public String toString() { return "aliasType: " + aliasType + "\n" + "aliasInfo: " + aliasInfo + "\n" + "createOrReplace: " + createOrReplace + "\n" + ((definition != null) ? ("definition: " + definition + "\n") : ("javaClassName: " + javaClassName + "\n" + "methodName: " + methodName + "\n")) + super.toString(); } /** * Fill this node with a deep copy of the given node. */ public void copyFrom(QueryTreeNode node) throws StandardException { super.copyFrom(node); CreateAliasNode other = (CreateAliasNode)node; this.javaClassName = other.javaClassName; this.methodName = other.methodName; this.definition = other.definition; this.aliasType = other.aliasType; this.aliasInfo = other.aliasInfo; // TODO: Clone? } public String statementToString() { switch (this.aliasType) { case UDT: return "CREATE TYPE"; case PROCEDURE: return "CREATE PROCEDURE"; case SYNONYM: return "CREATE SYNONYM"; default: return "CREATE FUNCTION"; } } }