package org.open2jam.render; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import org.open2jam.render.entities.Entity; /** * this class will represent the skin selected * and will contain all data necessary to the render * make the scene * * @author fox */ public class Skin { private final HashMap<String,Entity> named_entities; private final ArrayList<Entity> other_entities; int max_layer = 0; float screen_scale_x; float screen_scale_y; int judgment_line; public Skin() { named_entities = new HashMap<String,Entity>(); other_entities = new ArrayList<Entity>(); } public HashMap<String,Entity> getEntityMap(){ return named_entities; } public ArrayList<Entity> getEntityList(){ return other_entities; } public ArrayList<Entity> getAllEntities(){ ArrayList<Entity> al = new ArrayList<Entity>(); al.addAll(named_entities.values()); al.addAll(other_entities); return al; } public float getScreenScaleX() { return screen_scale_x; } public float getScreenScaleY() { return screen_scale_y; } public int getJudgmentLine() { return judgment_line; } }