package org.open2jam.parsers; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.open2jam.parsers.utils.ByteHelper; import org.open2jam.parsers.utils.Logger; class OJNParser { private static final String genre_map[] = {"Ballad","Rock","Dance","Techno","Hip-hop", "Soul/R&B","Jazz","Funk","Classical","Traditional","Etc"}; /** the signature that appears at offset 4, "ojn\0" in little endian */ private static final int OJN_SIGNATURE = 0x006E6A6F; public static boolean canRead(File file) { return file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".ojn"); } public static ChartList parseFile(File file) { ByteBuffer buffer; RandomAccessFile f; try{ f = new RandomAccessFile(file.getAbsolutePath(),"r"); buffer = f.getChannel().map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, 300); }catch(IOException e){, "IO exception on reading OJN file {0}", file.getName()); return null; } buffer.order(java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); OJNChart easy = new OJNChart(); OJNChart normal = new OJNChart(); OJNChart hard = new OJNChart(); int songid = buffer.getInt(); int signature = buffer.getInt(); if(signature != OJN_SIGNATURE){, "File [{0}] isn't a OJN file !", file); return null; } float encode_version = buffer.getFloat(); int genre = buffer.getInt(); String str_genre = genre_map[(genre<0||genre>10)?10:genre]; easy.genre = str_genre; normal.genre = str_genre; hard.genre = str_genre; float bpm = buffer.getFloat(); easy.bpm = bpm; normal.bpm = bpm; hard.bpm = bpm; easy.level = buffer.getShort(); normal.level = buffer.getShort(); hard.level = buffer.getShort(); buffer.getShort(); // 0, always int event_count[] = new int[3]; event_count[0] = buffer.getInt(); event_count[1] = buffer.getInt(); event_count[2] = buffer.getInt(); easy.notes = buffer.getInt(); normal.notes = buffer.getInt(); hard.notes = buffer.getInt(); int measure_count[] = new int[3]; measure_count[0] = buffer.getInt(); measure_count[1] = buffer.getInt(); measure_count[2] = buffer.getInt(); int package_count[] = new int[3]; package_count[0] = buffer.getInt(); package_count[1] = buffer.getInt(); package_count[2] = buffer.getInt(); short old_encode_version = buffer.getShort(); short old_songid = buffer.getShort(); byte old_genre[] = new byte[20]; buffer.get(old_genre); int bmp_size = buffer.getInt(); int file_version = buffer.getInt(); byte title[] = new byte[64]; buffer.get(title); String str_title = ByteHelper.toString(title); easy.title = str_title; normal.title = str_title; hard.title = str_title; byte artist[] = new byte[32]; buffer.get(artist); String str_artist = ByteHelper.toString(artist); easy.artist = str_artist; normal.artist = str_artist; hard.artist = str_artist; byte noter[] = new byte[32]; buffer.get(noter); String str_noter = ByteHelper.toString(noter); easy.noter = str_noter; normal.noter = str_noter; hard.noter = str_noter; byte ojm_file[] = new byte[32]; buffer.get(ojm_file); File sample_file = new File(file.getParent(), ByteHelper.toString(ojm_file)); easy.sample_file = sample_file; normal.sample_file = sample_file; hard.sample_file = sample_file; int cover_size = buffer.getInt(); easy.cover_size = cover_size; normal.cover_size = cover_size; hard.cover_size = cover_size; easy.duration = buffer.getInt(); normal.duration = buffer.getInt(); hard.duration = buffer.getInt(); easy.note_offset = buffer.getInt(); normal.note_offset = buffer.getInt(); hard.note_offset = buffer.getInt(); int cover_offset = buffer.getInt(); easy.note_offset_end = normal.note_offset; normal.note_offset_end = hard.note_offset; hard.note_offset_end = cover_offset; easy.cover_offset = cover_offset; normal.cover_offset = cover_offset; hard.cover_offset = cover_offset; easy.source = file; normal.source = file; hard.source = file; ChartList list = new ChartList(); list.add(easy); list.add(normal); list.add(hard); list.source_file = file; buffer.clear(); try { f.close(); } catch (IOException ex) {, "Error closing the file (lol?) {0}", ex); } return list; } public static EventList parseChart(OJNChart chart) { EventList event_list = new EventList(); try{ RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(chart.getSource().getAbsolutePath(), "r"); int start = chart.note_offset; int end = chart.note_offset_end; ByteBuffer buffer = f.getChannel().map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, start, end - start); buffer.order(java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); readNoteBlock(event_list, buffer); f.close(); }catch( e){, "File {0} not found !!", chart.getSource().getName()); } catch (IOException e){, "IO exception on reading OJN file {0}", chart.getSource().getName()); } return event_list; } private static void readNoteBlock(EventList event_list, ByteBuffer buffer) { while(buffer.hasRemaining()) { int measure = buffer.getInt(); short channel_number = buffer.getShort(); short events_count = buffer.getShort(); Event.Channel channel; switch(channel_number) { case 0:channel = Event.Channel.TIME_SIGNATURE;break; case 1:channel = Event.Channel.BPM_CHANGE;break; case 2:channel = Event.Channel.NOTE_1;break; case 3:channel = Event.Channel.NOTE_2;break; case 4:channel = Event.Channel.NOTE_3;break; case 5:channel = Event.Channel.NOTE_4;break; case 6:channel = Event.Channel.NOTE_5;break; case 7:channel = Event.Channel.NOTE_6;break; case 8:channel = Event.Channel.NOTE_7;break; default: channel = Event.Channel.AUTO_PLAY; } for(double i=0;i<events_count;i++) { double position = i / events_count; if(channel == Event.Channel.BPM_CHANGE || channel == Event.Channel.TIME_SIGNATURE) // fractional measure or BPM event { float v = buffer.getFloat(); if(v == 0)continue; event_list.add(new Event(channel,measure,position,v,Event.Flag.NONE)); }else{ // note event short value = buffer.getShort(); int volume_pan = buffer.get(); int type = buffer.get(); if(value == 0)continue; // ignore value=0 events // MIN 1 ~ 15 MAX, special 0 = MAX float volume = ((volume_pan >> 4) & 0x0F) / 16f; if(volume == 0)volume = 1; // LEFT 1 ~ 8 CENTER 8 ~ 15 RIGHT, special: 0 = 8 float pan = (volume_pan & 0x0F); if(pan == 0)pan = 8; pan -= 8; pan /= 8f; //TODO or maybe 7f? (15-8) / 8 = 7 / 8 = 0.875 and it should be 1, right? value--; // make zero-based ( zero was the "ignore" value ) // A lot of fixes here are done thanks to keigen shu. He's stealing my protagonism D: Event.Flag f = Event.Flag.NONE; if(type%8 > 3) value += 1000; type %= 4; switch(type) { case 0: f = Event.Flag.NONE; break; case 1: //Unused (#W Normal displayed in NoteTool) break; case 2: //fix for autoplay longnotes, convert them to normal notes (it doesn't matter but... still xD) f = Event.Flag.HOLD; break; case 3: f = Event.Flag.RELEASE; break; } event_list.add(new Event(channel,measure,position,value,f,volume, pan)); } } } Collections.sort(event_list); } }