package org.apache.nutchbase.util.hbase; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Writables; import; import org.apache.nutch.crawl.Inlink; import org.apache.nutch.parse.Outlink; import org.apache.nutch.parse.ParseStatus; import org.apache.nutch.protocol.ProtocolStatus; public class ImmutableRowPart implements Writable, TableColumns { protected static final int INLINKS_STR_LEN = INLINKS_STR.length(); protected static final int OUTLINKS_STR_LEN = OUTLINKS_STR.length(); protected RowResult rowResult; /** For Writable. Do not use directly. */ public ImmutableRowPart() { rowResult = new RowResult(); } public ImmutableRowPart(RowResult rowResult) { this.rowResult = rowResult; } protected String stringify(Cell c) { if (c == null) return null; return Bytes.toString(c.getValue()); } protected byte[] get(byte[] column) { final Cell c = rowResult.get(column); return c == null ? null : c.getValue(); } public ImmutableRowPart(final byte[] rowId) { rowResult = new RowResult(rowId, new HbaseMapWritable<byte[], Cell>()); } public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { rowResult.readFields(in); } public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { rowResult.write(out); } public byte[] getRowId() { return rowResult.getRow(); } /** Checks if row has the specified column. * * @param col Column to be checked * @return true if given column exists in row */ public boolean hasColumn(byte[] col) { return rowResult.containsKey(col); } public String getBaseUrl() { return stringify(rowResult.get(BASE_URL)); } public byte getStatus() { return rowResult.get(STATUS).getValue()[0]; } public byte[] getSignature() { if (!hasColumn(SIGNATURE)) return null; return rowResult.get(SIGNATURE).getValue(); } public byte[] getPrevSignature() { if (!hasColumn(PREV_SIGNATURE)) return null; return rowResult.get(PREV_SIGNATURE).getValue(); } public long getFetchTime() { return Bytes.toLong(rowResult.get(FETCH_TIME).getValue()); } public long getPrevFetchTime() { Cell c = rowResult.get(PREV_FETCH_TIME); if (c == null) return 0L; return Bytes.toLong(c.getValue()); } public long getModifiedTime() { return Bytes.toLong(rowResult.get(MODIFIED_TIME).getValue()); } public int getFetchInterval() { return Bytes.toInt(rowResult.get(FETCH_INTERVAL).getValue()); } public int getRetriesSinceFetch() { return Bytes.toInt(rowResult.get(RETRIES).getValue()); } public ProtocolStatus getProtocolStatus() { final ProtocolStatus protocolStatus = new ProtocolStatus(); final byte[] val = rowResult.get(PROTOCOL_STATUS).getValue(); try { return (ProtocolStatus) Writables.getWritable(val, protocolStatus); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public float getScore() { Cell score = rowResult.get(SCORE); if (score != null) { return TableUtil.toFloat(score.getValue()); } else { return 0.0f; } } public float getPagerank() { Cell PR = rowResult.get(PAGERANK); if (PR != null) { return TableUtil.toFloat(PR.getValue()); } else { return 0.0f; } } public float getVotes() { Cell votes = rowResult.get(VOTES); if (votes != null) { return TableUtil.toFloat(votes.getValue()); } else { return 0.0f; } } public byte[] getContent() { return rowResult.get(CONTENT).getValue(); } public String getContentType() { return stringify(rowResult.get(CONTENT_TYPE)); } public String getText() { return stringify(rowResult.get(TEXT)); } public String getTitle() { return stringify(rowResult.get(TITLE)); } public ParseStatus getParseStatus() { final ParseStatus parseStatus = new ParseStatus(); final byte[] val = rowResult.get(PARSE_STATUS).getValue(); try { return (ParseStatus) Writables.getWritable(val, parseStatus); } catch (final IOException e) { return null; } } public String getReprUrl() { return stringify(rowResult.get(REPR_URL)); } public Collection<Outlink> getOutlinks() { final List<Outlink> outlinks = new ArrayList<Outlink>(); for (final byte[] col : rowResult.keySet()) { final String column = Bytes.toString(col); if (column.startsWith(OUTLINKS_STR)) { final String toUrl = column.substring(OUTLINKS_STR_LEN); final String anchor = Bytes.toString(rowResult.get(col).getValue()); outlinks.add(new Outlink(toUrl, anchor)); } } return outlinks; } public Collection<Inlink> getInlinks() { final List<Inlink> inlinks = new ArrayList<Inlink>(); for (final byte[] col : rowResult.keySet()) { final String column = Bytes.toString(col); if (column.startsWith(INLINKS_STR)) { final String fromUrl = column.substring(INLINKS_STR_LEN); final String anchor = Bytes.toString(rowResult.get(col).getValue()); inlinks.add(new Inlink(fromUrl, anchor)); } } return inlinks; } /** Returns a header. * @param key Header-key * @return headers if it exists, null otherwise */ public String getHeader(String key) { final byte[] headerKey = Bytes.toBytes(HEADERS_STR + key); if (!hasColumn(headerKey)) { return null; } return stringify(rowResult.get(headerKey)); } /** Checks if a metadata key exists in "metadata" column. * @param metaKey Key to search in metadata column * @return true if key exists */ public boolean hasMeta(String metaKey) { return hasColumn(Bytes.toBytes(METADATA_STR + metaKey)); } /** Read a metadata key from "metadata" column. * @param metaKey Key to search in metadata column * @return Value in byte array form or null if metadata doesn't exist */ public byte[] getMeta(String metaKey) { final byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes(METADATA_STR + metaKey); return get(col); } /** Read a metadata key from "metadata" column. * @param metaKey Key to search in metadata column * @return Value in string form or null if metadata doesn't exist */ public String getMetaAsString(String metaKey) { final byte[] val = getMeta(metaKey); return val == null ? null : Bytes.toString(val); } /** * Reads a value from an abitrary row * @param key the String key name * @return the value as a byte array null if there is no value for the key. */ public byte[] getColumn(String key) { final byte[] headerKey = Bytes.toBytes(key); if (!hasColumn(headerKey)) { return null; } return rowResult.get(Bytes.toBytes(key)).getValue(); } public Set<byte[]> getColumns() { return rowResult.keySet(); } /** * Reads a value from an abitrary row * @param key the String key name * @return the value as a byte array null if there is no value for the key. */ public String getColumnAsString(String key) { final byte[] val = getColumn(key); return val == null ? null : Bytes.toString(val); } }