/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.nutch.crawl; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.io.SequenceFile.Reader.Option; import org.apache.nutch.crawl.CrawlDBTestUtil.URLCrawlDatum; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * Basic generator test. 1. Insert entries in crawldb 2. Generates entries to * fetch 3. Verifies that number of generated urls match 4. Verifies that * highest scoring urls are generated * */ public class TestGenerator { Configuration conf; Path dbDir; Path segmentsDir; FileSystem fs; final static Path testdir = new Path("build/test/generator-test"); @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { conf = CrawlDBTestUtil.createConfiguration(); fs = FileSystem.get(conf); fs.delete(testdir, true); } @After public void tearDown() { delete(testdir); } private void delete(Path p) { try { fs.delete(p, true); } catch (IOException e) { } } /** * Test that generator generates fetchlish ordered by score (desc). * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testGenerateHighest() throws Exception { final int NUM_RESULTS = 2; ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum> list = new ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum>(); for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { list.add(createURLCrawlDatum("http://aaa/" + pad(i), 1, i)); } createCrawlDB(list); Path generatedSegment = generateFetchlist(NUM_RESULTS, conf, false); Path fetchlist = new Path(new Path(generatedSegment, CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME), "part-00000"); ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum> l = readContents(fetchlist); // sort urls by score desc Collections.sort(l, new ScoreComparator()); // verify we got right amount of records Assert.assertEquals(NUM_RESULTS, l.size()); // verify we have the highest scoring urls Assert.assertEquals("http://aaa/100", (l.get(0).url.toString())); Assert.assertEquals("http://aaa/099", (l.get(1).url.toString())); } private String pad(int i) { String s = Integer.toString(i); while (s.length() < 3) { s = "0" + s; } return s; } /** * Comparator that sorts by score desc. */ public class ScoreComparator implements Comparator<URLCrawlDatum> { public int compare(URLCrawlDatum tuple1, URLCrawlDatum tuple2) { if (tuple2.datum.getScore() - tuple1.datum.getScore() < 0) { return -1; } if (tuple2.datum.getScore() - tuple1.datum.getScore() > 0) { return 1; } return 0; } } /** * Test that generator obeys the property "generate.max.per.host". * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testGenerateHostLimit() throws Exception { ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum> list = new ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum>(); list.add(createURLCrawlDatum("http://www.example.com/index1.html", 1, 1)); list.add(createURLCrawlDatum("http://www.example.com/index2.html", 1, 1)); list.add(createURLCrawlDatum("http://www.example.com/index3.html", 1, 1)); createCrawlDB(list); Configuration myConfiguration = new Configuration(conf); myConfiguration.setInt(Generator.GENERATOR_MAX_COUNT, 2); Path generatedSegment = generateFetchlist(Integer.MAX_VALUE, myConfiguration, false); Path fetchlistPath = new Path(new Path(generatedSegment, CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME), "part-00000"); ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum> fetchList = readContents(fetchlistPath); // verify we got right amount of records Assert.assertEquals(1, fetchList.size()); myConfiguration = new Configuration(conf); myConfiguration.setInt(Generator.GENERATOR_MAX_COUNT, 3); generatedSegment = generateFetchlist(Integer.MAX_VALUE, myConfiguration, false); fetchlistPath = new Path(new Path(generatedSegment, CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME), "part-00000"); fetchList = readContents(fetchlistPath); // verify we got right amount of records Assert.assertEquals(2, fetchList.size()); myConfiguration = new Configuration(conf); myConfiguration.setInt(Generator.GENERATOR_MAX_COUNT, 4); generatedSegment = generateFetchlist(Integer.MAX_VALUE, myConfiguration, false); fetchlistPath = new Path(new Path(generatedSegment, CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME), "part-00000"); fetchList = readContents(fetchlistPath); // verify we got right amount of records Assert.assertEquals(3, fetchList.size()); } /** * Test that generator obeys the property "generator.max.count" and * "generator.count.per.domain". * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testGenerateDomainLimit() throws Exception { ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum> list = new ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum>(); list.add(createURLCrawlDatum("http://a.example.com/index.html", 1, 1)); list.add(createURLCrawlDatum("http://b.example.com/index.html", 1, 1)); list.add(createURLCrawlDatum("http://c.example.com/index.html", 1, 1)); createCrawlDB(list); Configuration myConfiguration = new Configuration(conf); myConfiguration.setInt(Generator.GENERATOR_MAX_COUNT, 2); myConfiguration.set(Generator.GENERATOR_COUNT_MODE, Generator.GENERATOR_COUNT_VALUE_DOMAIN); Path generatedSegment = generateFetchlist(Integer.MAX_VALUE, myConfiguration, false); Path fetchlistPath = new Path(new Path(generatedSegment, CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME), "part-00000"); ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum> fetchList = readContents(fetchlistPath); // verify we got right amount of records Assert.assertEquals(1, fetchList.size()); myConfiguration = new Configuration(myConfiguration); myConfiguration.setInt(Generator.GENERATOR_MAX_COUNT, 3); generatedSegment = generateFetchlist(Integer.MAX_VALUE, myConfiguration, false); fetchlistPath = new Path(new Path(generatedSegment, CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME), "part-00000"); fetchList = readContents(fetchlistPath); // verify we got right amount of records Assert.assertEquals(2, fetchList.size()); myConfiguration = new Configuration(myConfiguration); myConfiguration.setInt(Generator.GENERATOR_MAX_COUNT, 4); generatedSegment = generateFetchlist(Integer.MAX_VALUE, myConfiguration, false); fetchlistPath = new Path(new Path(generatedSegment, CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME), "part-00000"); fetchList = readContents(fetchlistPath); // verify we got right amount of records Assert.assertEquals(3, fetchList.size()); } /** * Test generator obeys the filter setting. * * @throws Exception * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testFilter() throws IOException, Exception { ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum> list = new ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum>(); list.add(createURLCrawlDatum("http://www.example.com/index.html", 1, 1)); list.add(createURLCrawlDatum("http://www.example.net/index.html", 1, 1)); list.add(createURLCrawlDatum("http://www.example.org/index.html", 1, 1)); createCrawlDB(list); Configuration myConfiguration = new Configuration(conf); myConfiguration.set("urlfilter.suffix.file", "filter-all.txt"); Path generatedSegment = generateFetchlist(Integer.MAX_VALUE, myConfiguration, true); Assert.assertNull("should be null (0 entries)", generatedSegment); generatedSegment = generateFetchlist(Integer.MAX_VALUE, myConfiguration, false); Path fetchlistPath = new Path(new Path(generatedSegment, CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME), "part-00000"); ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum> fetchList = readContents(fetchlistPath); // verify nothing got filtered Assert.assertEquals(list.size(), fetchList.size()); } /** * Read contents of fetchlist. * * @param fetchlist * path to Generated fetchlist * @return Generated {@link URLCrawlDatum} objects * @throws IOException */ private ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum> readContents(Path fetchlist) throws IOException { // verify results Option rFile = SequenceFile.Reader.file(fetchlist); SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(conf, rFile); ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum> l = new ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum>(); READ: do { Text key = new Text(); CrawlDatum value = new CrawlDatum(); if (!reader.next(key, value)) { break READ; } l.add(new URLCrawlDatum(key, value)); } while (true); reader.close(); return l; } /** * Generate Fetchlist. * * @param numResults * number of results to generate * @param config * Configuration to use * @return path to generated segment * @throws IOException */ private Path generateFetchlist(int numResults, Configuration config, boolean filter) throws IOException { // generate segment Generator g = new Generator(config); Path[] generatedSegment = g.generate(dbDir, segmentsDir, -1, numResults, Long.MAX_VALUE, filter, false); if (generatedSegment == null) return null; return generatedSegment[0]; } /** * Creates CrawlDB. * * @param list * database contents * @throws IOException * @throws Exception */ private void createCrawlDB(ArrayList<URLCrawlDatum> list) throws IOException, Exception { dbDir = new Path(testdir, "crawldb"); segmentsDir = new Path(testdir, "segments"); fs.mkdirs(dbDir); fs.mkdirs(segmentsDir); // create crawldb CrawlDBTestUtil.createCrawlDb(conf, fs, dbDir, list); } /** * Constructs new {@link URLCrawlDatum} from submitted parameters. * * @param url * url to use * @param fetchInterval * {@link CrawlDatum#setFetchInterval(float)} * @param score * {@link CrawlDatum#setScore(float)} * @return Constructed object */ private URLCrawlDatum createURLCrawlDatum(final String url, final int fetchInterval, final float score) { return new CrawlDBTestUtil.URLCrawlDatum(new Text(url), new CrawlDatum( CrawlDatum.STATUS_DB_UNFETCHED, fetchInterval, score)); } }