/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.nifi.processors.gcp.storage; /** * Common attributes being written and accessed through Google Cloud Storage. */ public class StorageAttributes { private StorageAttributes() {} public static final String BUCKET_ATTR = "gcs.bucket"; public static final String BUCKET_DESC = "Bucket of the object."; public static final String KEY_ATTR = "gcs.key"; public static final String KEY_DESC = "Name of the object."; public static final String SIZE_ATTR = "gcs.size"; public static final String SIZE_DESC = "Size of the object."; public static final String CACHE_CONTROL_ATTR = "gcs.cache.control"; public static final String CACHE_CONTROL_DESC = "Data cache control of the object."; public static final String COMPONENT_COUNT_ATTR = "gcs.component.count"; public static final String COMPONENT_COUNT_DESC = "The number of components which make up the object."; public static final String CONTENT_DISPOSITION_ATTR = "gcs.content.disposition"; public static final String CONTENT_DISPOSITION_DESC = "The data content disposition of the object."; public static final String CONTENT_ENCODING_ATTR = "gcs.content.encoding"; public static final String CONTENT_ENCODING_DESC = "The content encoding of the object."; public static final String CONTENT_LANGUAGE_ATTR = "gcs.content.language"; public static final String CONTENT_LANGUAGE_DESC = "The content language of the object."; public static final String CRC32C_ATTR = "gcs.crc32c"; public static final String CRC32C_DESC = "The CRC32C checksum of object's data, encoded in base64 in " + "big-endian order."; public static final String CREATE_TIME_ATTR = "gcs.create.time"; public static final String CREATE_TIME_DESC = "The creation time of the object (milliseconds)"; public static final String DELETE_TIME_ATTR = "gcs.delete.time"; public static final String DELETE_TIME_DESC = "The deletion time of the object (milliseconds)"; public static final String UPDATE_TIME_ATTR = "gcs.update.time"; public static final String UPDATE_TIME_DESC = "The last modification time of the object (milliseconds)"; public static final String ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_ATTR = "gcs.encryption.algorithm"; public static final String ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_DESC = "The algorithm used to encrypt the object."; public static final String ENCRYPTION_SHA256_ATTR = "gcs.encryption.sha256"; public static final String ENCRYPTION_SHA256_DESC = "The SHA256 hash of the key used to encrypt the object"; public static final String ETAG_ATTR = "gcs.etag"; public static final String ETAG_DESC = "The HTTP 1.1 Entity tag for the object."; public static final String GENERATED_ID_ATTR = "gcs.generated.id"; public static final String GENERATED_ID_DESC = "The service-generated for the object"; public static final String GENERATION_ATTR = "gcs.generation"; public static final String GENERATION_DESC = "The data generation of the object."; public static final String MD5_ATTR = "gcs.md5"; public static final String MD5_DESC = "The MD5 hash of the object's data encoded in base64."; public static final String MEDIA_LINK_ATTR = "gcs.media.link"; public static final String MEDIA_LINK_DESC = "The media download link to the object."; public static final String METAGENERATION_ATTR = "gcs.metageneration"; public static final String METAGENERATION_DESC = "The metageneration of the object."; public static final String OWNER_ATTR = "gcs.owner"; public static final String OWNER_DESC = "The owner (uploader) of the object."; public static final String OWNER_TYPE_ATTR = "gcs.owner.type"; public static final String OWNER_TYPE_DESC = "The ACL entity type of the uploader of the object."; public static final String URI_ATTR = "gcs.uri"; public static final String URI_DESC = "The URI of the object as a string."; }