/** * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Sonatype, Inc. * All rights reserved. Includes the third-party code listed at http://www.sonatype.com/products/nexus/attributions. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it only under the terms of the GNU Affero General * Public License Version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 along with this program. If not, see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses. * * Sonatype Nexus (TM) Open Source Version is available from Sonatype, Inc. Sonatype and Sonatype Nexus are trademarks of * Sonatype, Inc. Apache Maven is a trademark of the Apache Foundation. M2Eclipse is a trademark of the Eclipse Foundation. * All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. */ package org.sonatype.nexus.integrationtests.nexus526; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.maven.index.artifact.Gav; import org.sonatype.nexus.integrationtests.AbstractNexusIntegrationTest; import org.sonatype.nexus.test.utils.FeedUtil; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndEntry; import com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndFeed; /** * Tests for deployment entries in feeds. */ public class Nexus526FeedsIT extends AbstractNexusIntegrationTest { private Gav gav; public Nexus526FeedsIT() throws Exception { super( "nexus-test-harness-repo" ); this.gav = new Gav( this.getTestId(), "artifact1", "1.0.0", null, "jar", 0, new Date().getTime(), "Artifact 1", false, null, false, null ); } @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) @Test public void recentCachedOrDeployedFileFeedTest() throws Exception { SyndFeed feed = FeedUtil.getFeed( "recentlyCachedOrDeployedFiles" ); this.validateLinksInFeeds( feed ); List<SyndEntry> entries = feed.getEntries(); Assert.assertTrue( entries.size() >= 2, "Expected more then 2 entries, but got " + entries.size() + " - " + entries ); List<SyndEntry> latestEntries = new ArrayList<SyndEntry>( 2 ); latestEntries.add( entries.get( 0 ) ); latestEntries.add( entries.get( 1 ) ); validateFileInFeedEntries( latestEntries ); } @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) @Test public void recentChangedFileFeedTest() throws Exception { SyndFeed feed = FeedUtil.getFeed( "recentlyChangedFiles" ); this.validateLinksInFeeds( feed ); List<SyndEntry> entries = feed.getEntries(); Assert.assertTrue( entries.size() >= 2, "Expected more then 2 entries, but got " + entries.size() + " - " + entries ); List<SyndEntry> latestEntries = new ArrayList<SyndEntry>( 2 ); latestEntries.add( entries.get( 0 ) ); latestEntries.add( entries.get( 1 ) ); validateFileInFeedEntries( latestEntries ); } @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) @Test public void recentDeployedFileFeedTest() throws Exception { SyndFeed feed = FeedUtil.getFeed( "recentlyDeployedFiles" ); this.validateLinksInFeeds( feed ); List<SyndEntry> entries = feed.getEntries(); Assert.assertTrue( entries.size() >= 2, "Expected more then 2 entries, but got " + entries.size() + " - " + entries ); List<SyndEntry> latestEntries = new ArrayList<SyndEntry>( 2 ); latestEntries.add( entries.get( 0 ) ); latestEntries.add( entries.get( 1 ) ); validateFileInFeedEntries( latestEntries ); } @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) @Test public void recentCachedOrDeployedArtifactFeedTest() throws Exception { SyndFeed feed = FeedUtil.getFeed( "recentlyCachedOrDeployedArtifacts" ); this.validateLinksInFeeds( feed ); List<SyndEntry> entries = feed.getEntries(); Assert.assertTrue( entries.size() >= 1, "Expected more then 1 entries, but got " + entries.size() + " - " + entries ); List<SyndEntry> latestEntries = new ArrayList<SyndEntry>( 1 ); latestEntries.add( entries.get( 0 ) ); validateArtifactInFeedEntries( latestEntries ); } @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) @Test public void recentChangedFileArtifactTest() throws Exception { SyndFeed feed = FeedUtil.getFeed( "recentlyChangedArtifacts" ); this.validateLinksInFeeds( feed ); List<SyndEntry> entries = feed.getEntries(); Assert.assertTrue( entries.size() >= 1, "Expected more then 1 entries, but got " + entries.size() + " - " + entries ); List<SyndEntry> latestEntries = new ArrayList<SyndEntry>( 1 ); latestEntries.add( entries.get( 0 ) ); validateArtifactInFeedEntries( latestEntries ); } @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) @Test public void recentDeployedArtifactFeedTest() throws Exception { SyndFeed feed = FeedUtil.getFeed( "recentlyDeployedArtifacts" ); this.validateLinksInFeeds( feed ); List<SyndEntry> entries = feed.getEntries(); Assert.assertTrue( entries.size() >= 1, "Expected more then 1 entries, but got " + entries.size() + " - " + entries ); List<SyndEntry> latestEntries = new ArrayList<SyndEntry>( 1 ); latestEntries.add( entries.get( 0 ) ); validateArtifactInFeedEntries( latestEntries ); } private void validateArtifactInFeedEntries( List<SyndEntry> entries ) throws Exception { String link = getBaseNexusUrl() + "content/repositories/" + getTestRepositoryId() + "/" + getRelitiveArtifactPath( gav.getGroupId(), gav.getArtifactId(), gav.getVersion(), "pom", null ); for ( SyndEntry entry : entries ) { // check if the title contains the groupid, artifactid, and version String title = entry.getTitle(); Assert.assertTrue( title.contains( gav.getGroupId() ), "Feed title does not contain the groupId. Title was: " + title ); Assert.assertTrue( title.contains( gav.getArtifactId() ), "Feed title does not contain the artifactId. Title was: " + title ); Assert.assertTrue( title.contains( gav.getVersion() ), "Feed title does not contain the version. Title was: " + title ); Assert.assertEquals( link, entry.getLink() ); } } private void validateFileInFeedEntries( List<SyndEntry> entries ) throws Exception { String pomName = gav.getArtifactId() + "-" + gav.getVersion() + ".pom"; String contentName = gav.getArtifactId() + "-" + gav.getVersion() + "." + gav.getExtension(); for ( SyndEntry entry : entries ) { // check if the title contains the file name (pom or jar) String title = entry.getTitle(); Assert.assertTrue( title.contains( pomName ) || title.contains( contentName ) ); } } private void validateLinksInFeeds( SyndFeed feed ) { Assert.assertTrue( feed.getLink().startsWith( this.getBaseNexusUrl() ), "Feed link is wrong" ); List<SyndEntry> entries = feed.getEntries(); for ( SyndEntry syndEntry : entries ) { Assert.assertTrue( syndEntry.getLink().startsWith( this.getBaseNexusUrl() ), "Feed item link is wrong, is: " + syndEntry.getLink() ); } } }