/** * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Sonatype, Inc. * All rights reserved. Includes the third-party code listed at http://www.sonatype.com/products/nexus/attributions. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it only under the terms of the GNU Affero General * Public License Version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 along with this program. If not, see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses. * * Sonatype Nexus (TM) Open Source Version is available from Sonatype, Inc. Sonatype and Sonatype Nexus are trademarks of * Sonatype, Inc. Apache Maven is a trademark of the Apache Foundation. M2Eclipse is a trademark of the Eclipse Foundation. * All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. */ package org.sonatype.nexus.index; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.maven.index.ArtifactInfo; import org.apache.maven.index.ArtifactInfoFilter; import org.apache.maven.index.FlatSearchResponse; import org.apache.maven.index.IteratorSearchResponse; import org.apache.maven.index.MAVEN; import org.apache.maven.index.SearchType; import org.apache.maven.index.UniqueArtifactFilterPostprocessor; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Requirement; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils; import org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.NoSuchRepositoryException; /** * Searches Lucene index for artifacts based on maven artifact coordinates. * * @author Alin Dreghiciu */ @Component( role = Searcher.class, hint = "mavenCoordinates" ) public class MavenCoordinatesSearcher implements Searcher { /** * The key for group term. */ public static final String TERM_GROUP = "g"; /** * The key for artifact term. */ public static final String TERM_ARTIFACT = "a"; /** * The key for version term. */ public static final String TERM_VERSION = "v"; /** * The key for packaging term. */ public static final String TERM_PACKAGING = "p"; /** * The key for classifier term. */ public static final String TERM_CLASSIFIER = "c"; @Requirement private IndexerManager m_lucene; /** * Map should contain a term with key {@link #TERM_GROUP} or {@link #TERM_ARTIFACT} or {@link #TERM_VERSION} or * {@link #TERM_PACKAGING} or {@link #TERM_CLASSIFIER} which has a non null value. {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean canHandle( final Map<String, String> terms ) { return ( terms.containsKey( TERM_GROUP ) && !StringUtils.isEmpty( terms.get( TERM_GROUP ) ) ) || ( terms.containsKey( TERM_ARTIFACT ) && !StringUtils.isEmpty( terms.get( TERM_ARTIFACT ) ) ) || ( terms.containsKey( TERM_VERSION ) && !StringUtils.isEmpty( terms.get( TERM_VERSION ) ) ) || ( terms.containsKey( TERM_PACKAGING ) && !StringUtils.isEmpty( terms.get( TERM_PACKAGING ) ) ) || ( terms.containsKey( TERM_CLASSIFIER ) && !StringUtils.isEmpty( terms.get( TERM_CLASSIFIER ) ) ); } public SearchType getDefaultSearchType() { return SearchType.EXACT; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public FlatSearchResponse flatSearch( final Map<String, String> terms, final String repositoryId, final Integer from, final Integer count, final Integer hitLimit ) throws NoSuchRepositoryException { if ( !canHandle( terms ) ) { return new FlatSearchResponse( null, 0, Collections.<ArtifactInfo> emptySet() ); } return m_lucene.searchArtifactFlat( terms.get( TERM_GROUP ), terms.get( TERM_ARTIFACT ), terms.get( TERM_VERSION ), terms.get( TERM_PACKAGING ), terms.get( TERM_CLASSIFIER ), repositoryId, from, count, hitLimit ); } public IteratorSearchResponse flatIteratorSearch( Map<String, String> terms, String repositoryId, Integer from, Integer count, Integer hitLimit, boolean uniqueRGA, SearchType searchType, List<ArtifactInfoFilter> filters ) throws NoSuchRepositoryException { if ( !canHandle( terms ) ) { return IteratorSearchResponse.empty( null ); } // if the user is querying against these fields, we want to return them properly if ( filters != null ) { for ( ArtifactInfoFilter filter : filters ) { if ( filter instanceof UniqueArtifactFilterPostprocessor ) { UniqueArtifactFilterPostprocessor uFilter = (UniqueArtifactFilterPostprocessor) filter; if ( terms.containsKey( MavenCoordinatesSearcher.TERM_VERSION ) ) { uFilter.addField( MAVEN.VERSION ); } if ( terms.containsKey( MavenCoordinatesSearcher.TERM_PACKAGING ) ) { uFilter.addField( MAVEN.PACKAGING ); } if ( terms.containsKey( MavenCoordinatesSearcher.TERM_CLASSIFIER ) ) { uFilter.addField( MAVEN.CLASSIFIER ); } // in GAV search, we _always_ expand repository uFilter.addField( MAVEN.REPOSITORY_ID ); break; } } } return m_lucene.searchArtifactIterator( terms.get( TERM_GROUP ), terms.get( TERM_ARTIFACT ), terms.get( TERM_VERSION ), terms.get( TERM_PACKAGING ), terms.get( TERM_CLASSIFIER ), repositoryId, from, count, hitLimit, false, searchType, filters ); } }