package org.nextprot.api.tasks.solr.indexer.entry.impl; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.ChromosomalLocation; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.Entry; import org.nextprot.api.solr.index.EntryIndex.Fields; import org.nextprot.api.tasks.solr.indexer.entry.EntryFieldBuilder; import org.nextprot.api.tasks.solr.indexer.entry.FieldBuilder; import; @EntryFieldBuilder public class ChromosomeFieldBuilder extends FieldBuilder { @Override protected void init(Entry entry) { // build GENE_BAND by concatenating distinct band and chr+band // build CHR_LOC field by concatenating distinct chromosomal locations (chr + band) after sorting them alphabetically // build CHR_LOCS field based of first element in CHR_LOC // Note that CHR_LOC is displayed in UI search result and CHR_LOC_S is used to sort UI search result // this is why it is important to compute the CHR_LOC_S based on the first location displayed in UI (consistency) List<String> gblist = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> clset = new TreeSet<String>(); Set<String> gbset = new TreeSet<String>( Collections.reverseOrder() ); // The reverse is important otherwise solr may find wrong locations with queries like 11q13 in "19q13.11 q13.11" List<ChromosomalLocation> chrlocs = entry.getChromosomalLocations(); for (ChromosomalLocation data : chrlocs) { String ch = data.getChromosome()==null ? "" : data.getChromosome(); String gb1 = data.getBand()==null ? "" : data.getBand(); String gb2 = ch + gb1; String cl = ch + ("unknown".equals(gb1) ? "" : gb1); gbset.add(gb1); gbset.add(gb2); clset.add(cl); } String gene_band = Joiner.on(" ").skipNulls().join(gbset).trim(); String chr_loc = Joiner.on(" ").skipNulls().join(clset).trim(); Integer chr_loc_s = sortChr(chr_loc); addField(Fields.GENE_BAND, gene_band); addField(Fields.CHR_LOC, chr_loc); addField(Fields.CHR_LOC_S, chr_loc_s); } @Override public Collection<Fields> getSupportedFields() { return Arrays.asList(Fields.CHR_LOC, Fields.CHR_LOC_S, Fields.GENE_BAND); } // Allows to sort results based on chromosomal location public static Integer sortChr(String chrs) { // base the computation of chr_loc_s on first chr_loc String chr = chrs.split(" ")[0]; String[] chr_loc = chr.split("([pq]|cen)"); // split on p or q Integer f_chr0 = 1000000; Integer f_q = 50000; Integer f_chr1 = 1000; Integer max_chr = 50; // max chr location after pq Integer chr0, chr1; // push unknown chromosome at the end if (chr.indexOf("unknown") > -1 || chr.equals("")) { return f_chr0 * 30; } if (chr_loc[0].equalsIgnoreCase("x")) { chr0 = 23 * f_chr0; } else if (chr_loc[0].equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { chr0 = 24 * f_chr0; } else if (chr_loc[0].equalsIgnoreCase("mt")) { chr0 = 25 * f_chr0; } else { chr0 = Integer.parseInt(chr_loc[0]) * f_chr0; } // sort(cen) = 10E5*XX + 10E4-1 if (chr.indexOf("cen") > -1) return chr0 + f_q - 1; // sort(chr) = 10E5*XX if (chr_loc.length == 1) return (chr0); // extract double value from digits after p or q Double aux = (Double.parseDouble(chr_loc[1].split("[-,]")[0]) * f_chr1); chr1 = aux.intValue(); // sort(q) = 10E5*XX + 10E4 + 100*YY if (chr.indexOf('q') > -1) { return chr0 + chr1 + f_q; } // sort(p) = 10E6*XX + 1000*(45-YY) //descending order return chr0 + f_chr1 * max_chr - chr1; } }