package org.nextprot.api.core.domain; import org.nextprot.api.commons.exception.NextProtException; import org.nextprot.api.core.dao.EntityName; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; public class Overview implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; private static class PE { String name; int level; PE(String name, int level) {; this.level=level;} } private static Map<String,PE> peMap; static { // key: as stored in db, value: as to be displayed peMap = new HashMap<>(); peMap.put("protein level", new PE("Evidence_at_protein_level",1)); peMap.put("transcript level", new PE("Evidence_at_transcript_level",2)); peMap.put("homology", new PE("Inferred_from_homology",3)); peMap.put("predicted", new PE("Predicted",4)); peMap.put("uncertain", new PE("Uncertain",5)); } private History history; private List<Family> families; private List<EntityName> proteinNames; private List<EntityName> geneNames; private List<EntityName> functionalRegionNames; private List<EntityName> cleavedRegionNames; private List<EntityName> additionalNames; private List<EntityName> isoformNames; public List<EntityName> getIsoformNames() { return isoformNames; } public void setIsoformNames(List<EntityName> isoformNames) { this.isoformNames = isoformNames; } public History getHistory() { return history; } /** * The recommended name is composed by 1 full name and can optionally contain n short names and n ECs (enzyme names) * @return the recommended name as full and its synonyms (shorts ent ECs) if they exists */ public EntityName getRecommendedProteinName() { EntityName recommendedName = new EntityName(); for(EntityName name : this.proteinNames){ if(name.isMain()){ recommendedName.setCategory(name.getCategory()); recommendedName.setClazz(name.getClazz()); recommendedName.setId(name.getId()); recommendedName.setMain(true); recommendedName.setName(name.getName()); recommendedName.setParentId(name.getParentId()); recommendedName.setQualifier(name.getQualifier()); recommendedName.setType(name.getType()); for(EntityName sname : name.getSynonyms()){ if(!"full".equals(sname.getQualifier())){ recommendedName.addSynonym(sname); //add the short and children } } for(EntityName sname : name.getOtherRecommendedEntityNames()){ if(!"full".equals(sname.getQualifier())){ recommendedName.addOtherRecommendedEntityName(sname); //add the short and children } } } } return recommendedName; } /** * Each alternative name can either 1 full name with n shorts and n ECs. * We also include here the additional names: allergen / CD antigen and INN * @return */ public List<EntityName> getAlternativeProteinNames() { List<EntityName> result = new ArrayList<>(); for(EntityName name : this.proteinNames){ if(name.isMain() && name.getSynonyms() != null){ for(EntityName sname : name.getSynonyms()){ if("full".equals(sname.getQualifier())){ result.add(sname); } } } } //adding additional names into alternatives if(this.additionalNames != null){ //this includes CD antigen / allergen and INN result.addAll(this.additionalNames); } result.sort(EntityName.newDefaultComparator()); return result; } public String getProteinExistenceInfo() { return this.history.getProteinExistenceInfo(); } public String getProteinExistence() { return this.history.getProteinExistence(); } public int getProteinExistenceLevel() { return this.history.getProteinExistenceLevel(); } public void setHistory(History history) { this.history = history; } public List<Family> getFamilies() { return families; } public void setFamilies(List<Family> families) { this.families = families; } public static class History implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 778801504825937620L; @Deprecated private String proteinExistence, proteinExistenceInfo; private Date nextprotIntegrationDate; private Date nextprotUpdateDate; private Date uniprotIntegrationDate; private Date uniprotUpdateDate; private String uniprotVersion; private Date lastSequenceUpdate; private String sequenceVersion; private final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); /** * @deprecated (Should use overview instead) * @return a string to be displayed in ttl, xml, etc. representing the protein existence */ @Deprecated public String getProteinExistence() { return Overview.peMap.get(proteinExistence).name; } /** * @deprecated (Should use overview instead) */ @Deprecated public String getProteinExistenceInfo() { return proteinExistenceInfo; } /** * @deprecated (Should use overview instead) * @return the string stored in the db (not the one to be displayed, experted, etc...) */ @Deprecated public String getProteinExistenceRaw() { return this.proteinExistence; } /** * @deprecated (Should use overview instead) * @return an integer representing the protein existence level between 1 and 5. * 1 is the highest level of certainty */ @Deprecated public int getProteinExistenceLevel() { return Overview.peMap.get(proteinExistence).level; } /** * @deprecated (Should use overview instead) * @param proteinExistenceInfo */ @Deprecated public void setProteinExistenceInfo(String proteinExistenceInfo) { this.proteinExistenceInfo = proteinExistenceInfo; } /** * * @param proteinExistence string as stored in the sequence identifier property value */ public void setProteinExistence(String proteinExistence) { this.proteinExistence = proteinExistence; } public Date getNextprotIntegrationDate() { return nextprotIntegrationDate; } public String getFormattedNextprotIntegrationDate() { return this.dateFormat.format(this.nextprotIntegrationDate); } public void setNextprotIntegrationDate(Date nextprotIntegrationDate) { this.nextprotIntegrationDate = nextprotIntegrationDate; } public Date getNextprotUpdateDate() { return nextprotUpdateDate; } public String getFormattedNextprotUpdateDate() { return this.dateFormat.format(this.nextprotUpdateDate); } public void setNextprotUpdateDate(Date nextprotUpdateDate) { this.nextprotUpdateDate = nextprotUpdateDate; } public Date getUniprotIntegrationDate() { return uniprotIntegrationDate; } public String getFormattedUniprotIntegrationDate() { return this.dateFormat.format(this.uniprotIntegrationDate); } public void setUniprotIntegrationDate(Date uniprotIntegrationDate) { this.uniprotIntegrationDate = uniprotIntegrationDate; } public Date getUniprotUpdateDate() { return uniprotUpdateDate; } public String getFormattedUniprotUpdateDate() { return this.dateFormat.format(this.uniprotUpdateDate); } public void setUniprotUpdateDate(Date uniprotUpdateDate) { this.uniprotUpdateDate = uniprotUpdateDate; } public String getUniprotVersion() { return uniprotVersion; } public void setUniprotVersion(String uniprotVersion) { this.uniprotVersion = uniprotVersion; } public Date getLastSequenceUpdate() { return lastSequenceUpdate; } public void setLastSequenceUpdate(Date lastSequenceUpdate) { this.lastSequenceUpdate = lastSequenceUpdate; } public String getSequenceVersion() { return sequenceVersion; } public void setSequenceVersion(String sequenceVersion) { this.sequenceVersion = sequenceVersion; } } public enum EntityNameClass { PROTEIN_NAMES("proteinNames"), GENE_NAMES("geneNames"), FUNCTIONAL_REGION_NAMES("functionalRegionNames"), CLEAVED_REGION_NAMES("cleavedRegionNames"), ADDITIONAL_NAMES("additionalNames"); //TODO not sure if we need additional names in the API anymore private String className; EntityNameClass(String className) { this.className = className; } public String getClassName() { return className; } public static EntityNameClass getValue(String value) { for(EntityNameClass clazz : EntityNameClass.values()) if(clazz.className.equals(value)) return clazz; return null; } } public List<EntityName> getProteinNames() { return proteinNames; } public String getMainProteinName() { EntityName name = getMainEntityName(proteinNames, EntityNameClass.PROTEIN_NAMES); return name.getName(); } public void setProteinNames(List<EntityName> proteinNames) { this.proteinNames = proteinNames; } /** * Contains gene names and ORF names * @return */ public List<EntityName> getGeneNames() { return geneNames; } public String getMainGeneName() { EntityName name = getMainEntityName(geneNames, EntityNameClass.GENE_NAMES); if(name != null) return name.getName(); else return null; } public boolean hasMainGeneName() { return geneNames != null && getMainEntityName(geneNames, EntityNameClass.GENE_NAMES) != null; } public boolean hasMainProteinName() { return proteinNames != null && getMainEntityName(proteinNames, EntityNameClass.PROTEIN_NAMES) != null; } public void setGeneNames(List<EntityName> geneNames) { this.geneNames = geneNames; } public List<EntityName> getFunctionalRegionNames() { return functionalRegionNames; } public void setFunctionalRegionNames(List<EntityName> functionalRegionNames) { this.functionalRegionNames = functionalRegionNames; } public List<EntityName> getCleavedRegionNames() { return cleavedRegionNames; } public void setCleavedRegionNames(List<EntityName> cleavedRegionNames) { this.cleavedRegionNames = cleavedRegionNames; } public List<EntityName> getAdditionalNames() { return additionalNames; } public void setAdditionalNames(List<EntityName> additionalNames) { this.additionalNames = additionalNames; } /** * Get the main entity name * @param entityNameList the list of entity names * @return */ private static EntityName getMainEntityName(List<EntityName> entityNameList, EntityNameClass entityNameClass) { if (entityNameList != null) { for (EntityName entityName : entityNameList) { if (entityName.isMain()) return entityName; } } if(entityNameClass.equals(EntityNameClass.PROTEIN_NAMES)){ throw new NextProtException("could not find main protein name"); }else return null; } }