package org.netxilia.server.js.editors; import static org.netxilia.server.js.NX.nx; import static org.netxilia.server.jslib.NetxiliaGlobal.$; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.$map; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.setTimeout; import org.netxilia.server.js.Bounds2; import org.netxilia.server.js.Cell; import org.netxilia.server.js.CellRange; import org.netxilia.server.jslib.CaretPosition; import org.netxilia.server.jslib.NetxiliaJQuery; import org.stjs.javascript.Array; import org.stjs.javascript.Map; import org.stjs.javascript.RegExp; import org.stjs.javascript.dom.Element; import org.stjs.javascript.functions.Callback0; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.Event; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.EventHandler; public class TextEditor implements Editor { private Map<String, Object> params; private NetxiliaJQuery editorElement; private EditingContext context; public TextEditor(EditingContext context, Map<String, Object> params) { this.params = params; this.context = context; } @Override public String value() { return this.editorElement != null ? (String) this.editorElement.val() : null; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) @Override public void edit(Cell cell, Bounds2 pos, String value) { final TextEditor that = this; this.editorElement = this.context.elements.$get("default-editor"); if (this.editorElement == null) { this.editorElement = $( "<textarea id='default-editor' autocapitalize='off' class='editor-visible-index'></textarea>") .appendTo(this.context.container); // enlarge editor as needed this.editorElement.keydown(new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { if (that.context.valueChanged != null && ev.keyCode != 13) { final NetxiliaJQuery $elm = $(THIS); setTimeout(new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { that.context.valueChanged.$invoke((String) $elm.val()); } }, 1); } if (ev.keyCode < 32) { return true; } if ($(THIS).height() < THIS.scrollHeight) { $(THIS).height(THIS.scrollHeight); } return false; } }); this.context.elements.$put("default-editor", this.editorElement); } int pwidth = this.editorElement.parent().width(); this.editorElement.css($map("top",, "left", pos.left, "width", org.stjs.javascript.Math.min(pos.width + 150, pwidth - pos.left), "height", pos.height)); this.editorElement.attr("minHeight", "" + pos.height); // cell->editor if (value != null) { this.editorElement.val(value); } else { this.editorElement.val(cell.getValue()); } setTimeout(new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { if (that.editorElement.height() < that.editorElement.get(0).scrollHeight) { that.editorElement.height(that.editorElement.get(0).scrollHeight); } that.editorElement.putCursorAtEnd(); } }, 1); } @Override public void setCaptureSelection(CellRange selection) { // TODO modify selection also int cursor = this.editorElement.caret().start; String v = (String) this.editorElement.val(); String leftString = v.substring(0, cursor); RegExp endWithRefRegex = new RegExp(nx.utils.regexRef.source + "$"); final int keepPos; Array<String> m = endWithRefRegex.exec(leftString); if (m != null) { // replace the matching part with the new reference this.editorElement.val(v.substring(0, cursor - m.$get(0).length()) + selection.start.ref(false) + v.substring(cursor)); keepPos = cursor - m.$get(0).length() + selection.start.ref(false).length(); } else { // add the new reference this.editorElement.val(v.substring(0, cursor) + selection.start.ref(false) + v.substring(cursor)); keepPos = cursor + selection.start.ref(false).length(); } this.editorElement.caret(new CaretPosition() { { start = keepPos; end = keepPos; } }); if (this.context.valueChanged != null) { this.context.valueChanged.$invoke((String) this.editorElement.val()); } } @Override public void show(boolean show) { if (show) {; this.editorElement.focus(); } else { this.editorElement.hide(); } } }