package org.netxilia.server.js; import static org.netxilia.server.js.NX.nx; import static org.netxilia.server.jslib.NetxiliaGlobal.$; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.$array; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.$map; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.$object; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.$or; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.$properties; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.confirm; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.parseInt; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.setTimeout; import static org.stjs.javascript.Global.window; import static org.stjs.javascript.JSObjectAdapter.$prototype; import static org.stjs.javascript.JSStringAdapter.fromCharCode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.netxilia.server.js.plugins.NetxiliaDialogOptions; import org.netxilia.server.jslib.JSON; import org.netxilia.server.jslib.NetxiliaJQuery; import org.stjs.javascript.Array; import org.stjs.javascript.JsFunction; import org.stjs.javascript.Map; import org.stjs.javascript.dom.Element; import org.stjs.javascript.functions.Callback0; import org.stjs.javascript.functions.Callback1; import org.stjs.javascript.functions.Callback3; import org.stjs.javascript.functions.Function0; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.Event; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.EventHandler; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.JQueryXHR; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.Position; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.plugins.DialogOptions; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.plugins.DialogUI; import org.stjs.javascript.jquery.plugins.UIEventHandler; public class Application { private Map<String, Sheet> sheets; private boolean exiting = false; private String copySource = null; private String copyContent = null; private String cutSource = null; public Sheet activeSheet; public boolean autoInsertRow = false; public int pageSize = 0; private String lastSortSpec = null; private Map<String, NetxiliaJQuery> dialogs; public SheetDescription desc; public Long windowId; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public void init(SheetDescription desc) { sheets = $map(); dialogs = $map(); final Map<String, Object> cookie = this.getCookie(); final Application that = this; pageSize = desc.pageSize; // $('.sheetEditor').threeColumn({resizeRight:true}); $(".sheetEditor").splitter(); $(".tabs").tabs(); nx.utils.positionUnder("#foreground-menu", "#foreground-popup"); nx.utils.positionUnder("#background-menu", "#background-popup"); nx.utils.positionUnder("#borders-menu", "#borders-popup"); nx.utils.positionUnder("#fontSizes-menu", "#fontSizes-popup"); nx.utils.positionUnder("#formatters-menu", "#formatters-popup"); $("#foreground-menu").popupmenu($map("target", "#foreground-popup", "time", 300)); $("#background-menu").popupmenu($map("target", "#background-popup", "time", 300)); $("#borders-menu").popupmenu($map("target", "#borders-popup", "time", 300)); $("#fontSizes-menu").popupmenu($map("target", "#fontSizes-popup", "time", 300)); $("#formatters-menu").popupmenu($map("target", "#formatters-popup", "time", 300, "closeOnClick", true)); this.desc = desc; // now init the sheets this.sheets.$put(, new Sheet().init(this.desc, $(".mainCells"))); this.sheets.$put( + ".summary", new Sheet().init( (SheetDescription) $object($.extend((Map) $map(), (Map) $properties(this.desc), (Map) $map("name", + ".summary"))), $(".summaryCells"))); this.sheets.$put( + "." + this.desc.username, new Sheet().init( (SheetDescription) $object($.extend((Map) $map(), (Map) $properties(this.desc), (Map) $map("name", + "." + this.desc.username))), $(".privateCells"))); this.activeSheet = this.sheets.$get(; window.onbeforeunload = new Callback0() { public void $invoke() { that.exiting = true; that.terminateWindow(); that.setCookie(); } }; nx.resources.getHeaders = new Function0<Map<String, ? extends Object>>() { public Map<String, ? extends Object> $invoke() { return $map("nxwindow", that.windowId); } }; nx.resources.disconnected = new Callback0() { public void $invoke() { that.dlgDisconnected(); } }; this.resize(); $(window).resize(new EventHandler() { public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) {; return false; } }); $(window.document).keydown(new EventHandler() { public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { if ( == "input") { return false; } return that.activeSheet.shortcuts.handleEvent(ev); } }).keypress(new EventHandler() { public boolean onEvent(Event ev, Element THIS) { if (that.activeSheet.waitForKeypress) { that.activeSheet.editingContext.showDefaultEditor(that.activeSheet.selection.start, fromCharCode(String.class, ev.which)); that.activeSheet.waitForKeypress = false; } return false; } }); final DialogBounds2 pdlg = (DialogBounds2) cookie.$get("pdlg"); $(".privateCellsDiv").dialog(new DialogOptions<NetxiliaJQuery>() { { resizable = true; width = pdlg.w; height = "" + pdlg.h; position = $array(pdlg.l, pdlg.t); autoOpen = pdlg.o; close = new UIEventHandler<DialogUI<NetxiliaJQuery>>() { public boolean onEvent(Event ev, DialogUI<NetxiliaJQuery> ui, Element THIS) { that.menuStatus(); return false; } }; } }); $(".topline .first").after("<li><select id='users'><option id='count'>Other users (0)</option></select></li>"); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private Map<String, Object> getCookie() { String cookieString = $.cookie("nx"); Map<String, Object> cookie = cookieString != null ? $properties(JSON.parse(cookieString)) : (Map) $map(); int wwindow = $(window).width(); cookie = $.extend((Map) $map("pdlg", new DialogBounds2(wwindow - 480 - 50, 120, 480, 280, true)), (Map) $properties(cookie)); return cookie; } private void setCookie() { NetxiliaJQuery pdlg = $(".ui-dialog:has(.privateCellsDiv)");; DialogBounds2 pdlgBounds = (DialogBounds2) pdlg.bounds(null); pdlg.hide(); pdlgBounds.o = (Boolean) $(".privateCellsDiv").dialog("isOpen"); String cookieData = JSON.stringify($map("pdlg", pdlgBounds)); $.cookie("nx", cookieData, $map("expires", 300)); } private void layout() { // $('.sheetEditor').layout({resize: false}); } /** * called to calculate the size of the application's elements */ private void resize() { NetxiliaJQuery editor = $(".sheetEditor"); Position editorOff = editor.offset(); } public Sheet sheet(String name) { return this.sheets.$get(name); } public void setActiveSheet(Sheet sheet) { if (sheet == this.activeSheet) { return; } // make scrollbars for cell divs appear only when needed if (this.activeSheet != null) { $(".cellsDiv", this.activeSheet.container).addClass("no-overflow"); } if (sheet != null) { $(".cellsDiv", sheet.container).removeClass("no-overflow"); } this.activeSheet = sheet; this.menuStatus(); } public void insertRow(boolean below) { final Application controller = this; nx.resources.rows.insert(this.desc.workbook,, below ? this.activeSheet.selection.start.row + 1 : this.activeSheet.selection.start.row, new Callback1<Void>() { public void $invoke(Void v) { controller.activeSheet.checkAutoInsertRow(); } }); } private void deleteRow() { nx.resources.rows.del(this.desc.workbook,, this.activeSheet.selection.start.row, null); } private void insertCol(boolean right) { nx.resources.columns.insert(this.desc.workbook,, this.activeSheet.selection.start.col, null); } private void deleteCol() { nx.resources.columns.del(this.desc.workbook,, this.activeSheet.selection.start.col, null); } /** * merge selected cells */ private void mergeCells() { nx.resources.cells.merge(this.desc.workbook, this.activeSheet.selection.ref(true), null, null); } /** * validationErros contains one entry per wrong parameter. Each entry contains a list of the errors concerning the * field. */ private void processEventErrors(Array<Array<String>> validationErrors) { for (int f : validationErrors) { for (int e : validationErrors.$get(f)) { String err = validationErrors.$get(f).$get(e); // if ( == "wrongWindowId") { // this.acquireWindowId(); // return; // } } } } /** * acquire a new window id for the first time or if the current window id is no longer valid. */ private void acquireWindowId() { if (this.exiting) { return; } final Application controller = this;,, new Callback1<WindowIndex>() { public void $invoke(WindowIndex response) { controller.windowId =;,, new Callback1<Array<WindowInfo>>() { public void $invoke(Array<WindowInfo> windows) { for (int s : windows) { if (windows.$get(s) != controller.windowId) { controller.forAllSheets($properties($prototype(Sheet.class)).$get("addWindow"), windows.$get(s)); } } } }, null); controller.pollEvents(); } }, new Callback3<String, JQueryXHR, String>() { public void $invoke(String status, JQueryXHR xhr, String err) { setTimeout(new Callback0() { public void $invoke() { controller.acquireWindowId(); } }, 1000); } }); } /** * called to terminate the current window (usually when the user quit the page) */ private void terminateWindow() {, null, null); } private void forAllSheets(Object... arguments) { Array<Object> v = $array(); JsFunction<Void> f = (JsFunction<Void>) arguments[0]; for (int i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) { v.push(arguments[i]); } for (String s : this.sheets) { f.apply(this.sheets.$get(s), v); } } private void addWindow(WindowInfo windowInfo) { long wid =; $("#users").append("<option id='" + wid + "'>" + windowInfo.username + "</option>"); $("#users #count").text("Other users (" + ($("#users option").size() - 1) + ")"); } private void removeWindow(WindowInfo windowInfo) { long wid =; $("#users #" + wid).remove(); $("#users #count").text("Other users (" + ($("#users option").size() - 1) + ")"); } private void processEvents(Array<NetxiliaEvent> events) { if (events == null || events.$length() == 0) { return; } // if (events.errors) { // this.processEventErrors(events.errors); // return; // } Map<String, Array<NetxiliaEvent>> evBySheet = $map(); for (int e : events) { NetxiliaEvent ev = events.$get(e); if (ev.type == "windowCreated") { this.addWindow(ev.windowInfo); this.forAllSheets($properties($prototype(Sheet.class)).$get("addWindow"), ev.windowInfo); continue; } else if (ev.type == "windowTerminated") { this.removeWindow(ev.windowInfo); this.forAllSheets($properties($prototype(Sheet.class)).$get("removeWindow"), ev.windowInfo); continue; } else if (ev.type == "windowUndoChanged") { $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_undo").toggleClass("disabled", !ev.windowInfo.undoEnabled); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_redo").toggleClass("disabled", !ev.windowInfo.redoEnabled); continue; } Array<NetxiliaEvent> evs = evBySheet.$get(ev.sheetName); if (evs == null) { evs = $array(); evBySheet.$put(ev.sheetName, evs); } evs.push(ev); } for (String s : evBySheet) { this.sheets.$get(s).processEvents(evBySheet.$get(s)); } this.menuStatus(); } // poll for events private void pollEvents() { final Application controller = this;, new Callback1<Array<NetxiliaEvent>>() { public void $invoke(Array<NetxiliaEvent> response) { try { controller.processEvents(response); } catch (Exception e) { } controller.pollEvents(); } }, new Callback3<String, JQueryXHR, String>() { public void $invoke(String status, JQueryXHR xhr, String err) { // TODO check for error setTimeout(new Callback0() { public void $invoke() { controller.acquireWindowId(); } }, 1000); } }); } /** * replicates the value of the first cell in the selection to the rest */ public void replicate() { nx.resources.cells.replicate(this.desc.workbook, this.activeSheet.selection.start.ref(true), this.activeSheet.selection.ref(false), null); } private void css(String style, String group) { boolean isSet = this.activeSheet.selection.start.hasCss(style); nx.resources.cells.applyStyle(this.desc.workbook, this.activeSheet.selection.ref(true), style, isSet ? "clear" : "add", null); this.activeSheet.selectionContent.focus(); } private void clearCss(String group) { if (group == null) { nx.resources.cells.applyStyle(this.desc.workbook, this.activeSheet.selection.ref(true), null, "set", null); } else { nx.resources.cells.applyStyle(this.desc.workbook, this.activeSheet.selection.ref(true), group, "clear", null); } this.activeSheet.selectionContent.focus(); } /** * receives an object with the place where border has to be set. The "h" property contains the setting for the edges * left and right, "v" for top and bottom. A setting is expressed as an array of any of "f" (first), "m" (middle), * "l" (last) * */ private void borders(Map<String, Array<String>> borderStyle) { Array<CellWithStyle> updates = this.activeSheet.selection.borders($or(borderStyle, $map("h", $array("f", "m", "l"), "v", $array("f", "m", "l")))); for (int u : updates) { nx.resources.cells.applyStyle(this.desc.workbook, updates.$get(u).ref, updates.$get(u).style, borderStyle != null ? "add" : "clear", null); } this.activeSheet.selectionContent.focus(); } /** * called after a paste operation */ public void cbPaste(boolean fromMenu) { if (this.cutSource != null) { // cut & paste nx.resources.cells.move(this.desc.workbook, this.cutSource, this.activeSheet.selection.start.ref(true), null); this.cutSource = null; return; } // copy & paste if (fromMenu) { if (this.copyContent != null) { nx.resources.cells.paste(this.desc.workbook, this.copySource != null ? this.copySource : this.activeSheet.selection.start.ref(true), this.activeSheet.selection.start.ref(true), this.copyContent, null); } } else { String content = this.copyContent != null ? this.copyContent : (String) this.activeSheet.selectionContent .val(); nx.resources.cells.paste(this.desc.workbook, this.copySource != null ? this.copySource : this.activeSheet.selection.start.ref(true), this.activeSheet.selection.start.ref(true), content, null); if (this.copyContent != this.activeSheet.selectionContent.val()) { // this is a paste coming from outside this.copyContent = null; this.copySource = null; }; } } public void cbCopy(boolean fromMenu) { this.copySource = this.activeSheet.selection.start.ref(true); this.copyContent = (String) this.activeSheet.selectionContent.val(); this.cutSource = null; } public void cbCut(boolean fromMenu) { this.cutSource = this.activeSheet.selection.ref(true); // mark cut area } public void toggleTreeView() { this.activeSheet.toggleTreeView(); } /** * called when the container of a sheet was scrolled */ public void onScroll(Sheet sheet) { if ( == {// synchronize summary sheet with main sheet this.sheet( + ".summary").syncScroll(sheet); } } /** * called when a column was resized */ public void onResizeColumns(Sheet sheet) { if ( == {// synchronize summary sheet with main sheet this.sheet( + ".summary").syncColumnSizes(sheet); } } private boolean allSheetsLoaded() { for (String s : this.sheets) { if (!this.sheets.$get(s).loaded) { return false; } } return true; } private void onAllFramesLoaded() { if (this.windowId != null) { return; } this.acquireWindowId(); this.sheet( + ".summary").container.nxtable("synchronize", this.sheet(; // this.sheet(; // this.sheet(; // this.sheet(; } public void onFrameLoaded(Sheet sheet) { if (this.allSheetsLoaded()) { this.onAllFramesLoaded(); } if (this.activeSheet != sheet) { $(".cellsDiv", sheet.container).addClass("no-overflow"); } } public void info(String msg) { $("#message").toggle(msg); $("#message").text(msg); } public void print() { + "/rest/sheets/" + this.desc.workbook + "/" + + "/pdf", "_blank"); } public void sort() { String sortSpec = "+" + nx.utils.columnLabel(this.sheet(; if (this.lastSortSpec == sortSpec) { sortSpec = "-" + nx.utils.columnLabel(this.sheet(; } this.lastSortSpec = sortSpec; nx.resources.sheets.sort(this.desc.workbook,, sortSpec, null, null); } /** * popup find dialog and selects the first cell matching. */ private void dlgDisconnected() { final Application that = this; $.nxdialog("disconnected", new NetxiliaDialogOptions() { { height = 250; closable = false; buttons = $map("Login", new Callback1<Element>() { public void $invoke(Element THIS) { $(THIS).dialog("close"); window.location.reload(); } }); } }); } private void dlgFind() { final Application that = this; $("#find #findMessage").text(""); $.nxdialog("find", new NetxiliaDialogOptions() { { modal = false; height = 200; buttons = $map("Search", new Callback1<Element>() { public void $invoke(Element THIS) { String searchFormula = "=A1=value(\"" + $("#searchText", THIS).val() + "\")"; String lastFindRef = that.sheet(; if (lastFindRef == "A1") { lastFindRef = null; } nx.resources.cells.find(that.desc.workbook,, lastFindRef, searchFormula, new Callback1<String>() { public void $invoke(String refString) { if (refString == null) { $("#find #findMessage").text("Not found"); return; } $("#find #findMessage").text(""); JsCellReference ref = nx.utils.parseCellReference(refString); // XXX:page works correctly only without filter! int page = parseInt(ref.row /; Sheet sheet = that.sheet(; if (page != sheet.pageNo) { sheet.selection.start.row = sheet.selection.end.row = ref.row; sheet.selection.start.col = sheet.selection.end.col = ref.col; sheet.viewPage(page, false); } else { sheet.selectionRange(ref.row, ref.col, ref.row, ref.col, false, false); } } }, null); } }); } }); } private void dlgStyles() { final Application that = this; $.nxdialog("styles", new NetxiliaDialogOptions() { { modal = false; height = 200; buttons = $map("Apply", new Callback1<Element>() { public void $invoke(Element THIS) { NetxiliaJQuery $dlg = $(THIS); String styles = (String) $dlg.find("#selectedStyles").val(); nx.resources.cells.applyStyle(that.desc.workbook, that.activeSheet.selection.ref(true), styles, "set", null); } }); } }); } private void dlgEditAliases() { final Application that = this; String defs = ""; int x = 0; for (String ref : this.activeSheet.aliases) { String alias = this.activeSheet.aliases.$get(ref); defs += "<label>" + alias + "</label> "; defs += "<input type='text' id='alias" + x + "' value='" + ref + "'>"; defs += "<a href='#' onclick='\"" + alias + "\",$(\"#alias" + x + "\").val())'>Save</a> "; defs += "<a href='#' onclick='\"" + alias + "\")'>Delete</a> "; defs += "<br>"; ++x; } $("#aliases #aliasDefinitions").html(defs); $.nxdialog("aliases", new NetxiliaDialogOptions() { { modal = true; height = 250; closable = false; buttons = $map("Done", new Callback1<Element>() { public void $invoke(Element THIS) { $(THIS).dialog("close"); } }); } }); } public void dlgChart(Integer chartId, ChartDescription chart) { final Application that = this; $("#chart #chartId").val(chartId != null ? chartId : -1); if (chart != null) { $("#chart #chartArea").val(chart.areaReference); $("#chart #chartType").val(chart.type); $("#chart #chartTitle").val(chart.title.text); } else { $("#chart #chartArea").val(this.activeSheet.selection.ref(false)); } $.nxdialog("chart", new NetxiliaDialogOptions() { { modal = true; height = 250; buttons = $map("Save", new Callback1<Element>() { public void $invoke(Element THIS) { String title = (String) $("#chart #chartTitle").val(); String areaRef = (String) $("#chart #chartArea").val(); String type = (String) $("#chart #chartType").val(); int id = parseInt($("#chart #chartId").val()); if (id < 0) { nx.resources.charts.add(that.desc.workbook,, areaRef, title, type, new Callback1<Void>() { public void $invoke(Void v) { that.activeSheet.reload(); } }, null); } else { nx.resources.charts.set(that.desc.workbook,, id, areaRef, title, type, new Callback1<Void>() { public void $invoke(Void v) { that.activeSheet.reload(); } }, null); } $(this).dialog("close"); } }); } }); } private void deleteAlias(String alias) { if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the alias '" + alias + "'?")) { return; } nx.resources.sheets.deleteAlias(this.activeSheet.desc.workbook,, alias, null, null); } private void setAlias(String alias, String ref) { nx.resources.sheets .setAlias(this.activeSheet.desc.workbook,, alias, ref, null, null); } public void undo() {, null, null); } public void redo() {, null, null); } private void toggleFilter(boolean withFormula) { this.activeSheet.toggleFilter(withFormula); this.menuStatus(); } private void dlgPrivateNotes() { $(".privateCellsDiv").dialog("open"); } private void dlgAddFormatter() { final Application that = this; $("#addFormatter #formatterSourceWorkbook").val(this.activeSheet.desc.workbook); $.nxdialog("addFormatter", new NetxiliaDialogOptions() { { modal = true; height = 250; width = 350; buttons = $map("Apply", new Callback1<Element>() { public void $invoke(Element THIS) { String name = (String) $("#addFormatter #formatterName").val(); String sourceWorkbook = (String) $("#addFormatter #formatterSourceWorkbook").val(); String nameRef = (String) $("#addFormatter #formatterNameRange").val(); String valueRef = (String) $("#addFormatter #formatterValueRange").val(); nx.resources.formatters.setFormatter(that.desc.workbook, name, sourceWorkbook, nameRef, valueRef, null); // TODO should refresh the formatters list $(THIS).dialog("close"); } }); } }); } public void menuStatus() { final Application that = this; setTimeout(new Callback0() { @Override public void $invoke() { if (that.activeSheet == null || that.activeSheet.selection == null) { return; } // styling - TODO do for entire selection $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_bold").toggleClass("active", that.activeSheet.selection.start.hasCss("b")); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_italic").toggleClass("active", that.activeSheet.selection.start.hasCss("i")); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_underline").toggleClass("active", that.activeSheet.selection.start.hasCss("u")); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_strikethrough").toggleClass("active", that.activeSheet.selection.start.hasCss("s")); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_alignleft").toggleClass("active", that.activeSheet.selection.start.hasCss("a-l")); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_aligncenter").toggleClass("active", that.activeSheet.selection.start.hasCss("a-c")); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_alignright") .toggleClass("active", that.activeSheet.selection.start.hasCss("a-r")); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_alignjustify").toggleClass("active", that.activeSheet.selection.start.hasCss("a-j")); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_wordwrap").toggleClass("active", that.activeSheet.selection.start.hasCss("wp")); // $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_fontSize").text(that.activeSheet.selection.start.$td.css("font-size")); // filters $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_filter").toggleClass("active", that.activeSheet.filter != null && !that.activeSheet.filterFormula); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_filterFormula").toggleClass("active", that.activeSheet.filter != null && that.activeSheet.filterFormula); // structural $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_mergecells").toggleClass("disabled", that.activeSheet.filter != null); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_insertrow").toggleClass("disabled", that.activeSheet.filter != null); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_autoinsertrow").toggleClass("disabled", that.activeSheet.filter != null); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_deleterow").toggleClass("disabled", that.activeSheet.filter != null); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_insertcol").toggleClass("disabled", that.activeSheet.filter != null); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_deletecol").toggleClass("disabled", that.activeSheet.filter != null); CellRange.StyleRange selectedStyles = that.activeSheet.selection.css(); $("#styles #selectedStyles").val(selectedStyles.css); $("#styles #selectedStyles").toggleClass("partial", selectedStyles.partial); $(".toolbar .ToolIcon_privateNotes").toggleClass("disabled", (Boolean) $(".privateCellsDiv").dialog("isOpen")); } }, 50); } }