/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package neembuu.uploader.translation; import neembuu.rus.DefaultValue; /** * * @author Shashank */ public interface TranslationValues { @DefaultValue(s = "About") String aboutButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Login failed: account not actived.") String accountnotactived(); @DefaultValue(s = "Accounts") String accountsButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Hosts (Account only)") String acctonlyPanel(); @DefaultValue(s = "Add to Queue") String addToQueueButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "All uploads have been completed :)") String allUploadsCompleted(); @DefaultValue(s = "Auto-retry failed uploads") String autoRetryFailedUploads(); @DefaultValue(s = "The IP address has been banned.") String bannedip(); @DefaultValue(s = "Login failed: user is banned.") String banneduser(); @DefaultValue(s = "Buffer size:") String bufferSize(); @DefaultValue(s = "Captcha control") String captchacontrol(); @DefaultValue(s = "The captcha you entered is incorrect.") String captchaerror(); @DefaultValue(s = "Clear History") String clearHistoryButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Download the latest version from here") String clicklabel(); @DefaultValue(s = "Do you wish to clear upload history?") String confirmClear(); @DefaultValue(s = "Connection") String connection(); @DefaultValue(s = "Copy Delete URL") String copyDeleteURL(); @DefaultValue(s = "Copy Download URL") String copyDownloadURL(); @DefaultValue(s = "Your outdated Neembuu Uploader version") String currentversionlabel(); @DefaultValue(s = "Daily upload limits exceeded. The limit is:") String dailyuploadlimit(); @DefaultValue(s = "Delete URL") String Delete_URL(); @DefaultValue(s = "Diagnosis") String diagnosisPanel(); @DefaultValue(s = "username and password must be both filled or both empty") String dialogerror(); @DefaultValue(s = "Download URL") String Download_URL(); @DefaultValue(s = "Empty file") String emptyfile(); @DefaultValue(s = "Exit") String exitButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Enter a name for the html file..") String exportLinkDialog(); @DefaultValue(s = "Export Links") String exportLinks(); @DefaultValue(s = "File") String File(); @DefaultValue(s = "File is in black list") String fileinblacklist(); @DefaultValue(s = "filetype not supported") String filetypenotsupported(); @DefaultValue(s = "Hosts (Free and Account)") String freeandacctPanel(); @DefaultValue(s = "General") String general(); @DefaultValue(s = "Getting Cookie") String GETTINGCOOKIE(); @DefaultValue(s = "Getting errors") String GETTINGERRORS(); @DefaultValue(s = "Getting link") String GETTINGLINK(); @DefaultValue(s = "Go ahead, Make more uploads.. :)") String goAheadMakeMoreUploads(); @DefaultValue(s = "Go to Download URL") String gotoDownloadURL(); @DefaultValue(s = "Host") String Host(); @DefaultValue(s = "Host name") String Hostname(); @DefaultValue(s = "HTTP") String http(); @DefaultValue(s = "The server declined to allow the requested access.") String http403(); @DefaultValue(s = "Enter your account details for the appropriate hosts..") String infoLabel(); @DefaultValue(s = "Select whichever sites you would like to upload to.. You need not select again unless you want to change..") String infoLabel1(); @DefaultValue(s = "If you don't have an account or if you want to disable an account or if a site has temporary login problems,leave both the fields blank and save..") String infoLabel2(); @DefaultValue(s = "Get a free account from the appropriate sites if you don't have one so you can manage files on the cloud..") String infoLabel3(); @DefaultValue(s = "Initializing") String INITIALISING(); @DefaultValue(s = "Login failed: password or login is incorrect.") String invalidlogin(); @DefaultValue(s = "Login failed: password is incorrect.") String invalidpassword(); @DefaultValue(s = "The given proxy configuration is wrong.") String invalidproxy(); @DefaultValue(s = "The given proxy host is wrong.") String invalidproxyhost(); @DefaultValue(s = "The given proxy port is wrong.") String invalidproxyport(); @DefaultValue(s = "Login failed: user is incorrect.") String invaliduser(); @DefaultValue(s = "Selected Host(s):") String jLabel2(); @DefaultValue(s = "Max. no. of simultaneous uploads:") String jLabel3(); @DefaultValue(s = "Recently Uploaded Files") String label(); @DefaultValue(s = "Choose your language: ") String languageLabel(); @DefaultValue(s = "Language") String languagePanel(); @DefaultValue(s = "For filesize limitations and other info on each site, click here") String limitationsLabel(); @DefaultValue(s = "Login failed: account is temporarily locked.") String lockedaccount(); @DefaultValue(s = "Logged in") String LOGGEDIN(); @DefaultValue(s = "Enable logging reports to nu.log file") String loggingCheckBox(); @DefaultValue(s = "Logging Failed") String LOGGINGFAILED(); @DefaultValue(s = "Logging in") String LOGGINGIN(); @DefaultValue(s = "Login failed due to server problem or plugin is out-of-date or invalid login details.. Please check in a browser and try again...") String loginerror(); @DefaultValue(s = "Manual proxy configuration") String manualProxy(); @DefaultValue(s = "Maximum file size limit:") String maxfilesize(); @DefaultValue(s = "NeembuuUploader Loading...") String message(); @DefaultValue(s = "Minimum file size limit:") String minfilesize(); @DefaultValue(s = "Minimize to System Tray") String minimizeToTray(); @DefaultValue(s = "Move selected row(s) Down in Queue") String moveDownButtonToolTip(); @DefaultValue(s = "Move selected row(s) to Bottom of Queue") String moveToBottomButtonToolTip(); @DefaultValue(s = "Move selected row(s) to Top of Queue") String moveToTopToolTip(); @DefaultValue(s = "Move selected row(s) Up in Queue") String moveUpButtonToolTip(); @DefaultValue(s = "NA") String NA(); @DefaultValue(s = "Neembuu Uploader") String neembuuuploader(); @DefaultValue(s = "Latest available version of Neembuu Uploader") String newversionlabel(); @DefaultValue(s = "files selected..") String nfilesselected(); @DefaultValue(s = "Nimbus Theme") String nimbusThemeRadioButtonAvailableText(); @DefaultValue(s = "Nimbus Theme (Requires Java SString 6 Update 10 or later)") String nimbusThemeRadioButtonNotAvailableText(); @DefaultValue(s = "No proxy") String noProxy(); @DefaultValue(s = "No rows selected..") String noRowsSelected(); @DefaultValue(s = "Password") String Password(); @DefaultValue(s = "Please select some files..") String pleaseSelectAnyFiles(); @DefaultValue(s = "Please wait..") String PLEASEWAIT(); @DefaultValue(s = "Progress") String Progress(); @DefaultValue(s = "Proxy") String proxy(); @DefaultValue(s = "Http Proxy:") String proxyaddressLabel(); @DefaultValue(s = "Proxy Configuration") String proxyPanel(); @DefaultValue(s = "Port:") String proxyportLabel(); @DefaultValue(s = "The given proxy has timed out.") String proxytimeout(); @DefaultValue(s = "Queued") String QUEUED(); @DefaultValue(s = "Upload History") String recentButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Register New") String registerButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Remove Finished") String removeFinished(); @DefaultValue(s = "Remove from queue") String removeFromQueue(); @DefaultValue(s = "Remove Selected") String removeSelectedButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Retry failed") String RETRYFAILED(); @DefaultValue(s = "Retrying..") String RETRYING(); @DefaultValue(s = "Retry Upload") String retryUpload(); @DefaultValue(s = "Re-Uploading..") String REUPLOADING(); @DefaultValue(s = "Save") String savebutton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Save current path on exit") String saveCurrentPath(); @DefaultValue(s = "Save queued links on exit") String saveQueuedLinksOnExit(); @DefaultValue(s = "Save controls state on exit") String saveStateCheckBox(); @DefaultValue(s = "Saving state...") String savingstate(); @DefaultValue(s = "Select atleast one host..") String selectAtleastOneHost(); @DefaultValue(s = "None.. :(") String selectedHostsLabel(); @DefaultValue(s = "Select File(s)") String selectFileButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Select Hosts") String selectHostsButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Select File(s) to upload or Drag and drop files over this window:") String jPanel2_setBorder(); @DefaultValue(s = "Upload Queue:") String setBorder(); @DefaultValue(s = "Settings") String settings(); @DefaultValue(s = "Show an overall progress") String showOverallProgress(); @DefaultValue(s = "Size") String Size(); @DefaultValue(s = "Speed") String Speed(); @DefaultValue(s = "Start Queue") String startQueueButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Start queued uploads if any") String startQueueButtonToolTip(); @DefaultValue(s = "State") String statePanel(); @DefaultValue(s = "Status") String Status(); @DefaultValue(s = "Stop Further") String stopFurtherButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Stop when the current upload is finished") String stopFurtherButtonToolTip(); @DefaultValue(s = "Stop Upload") String stopUpload(); @DefaultValue(s = "System Default Theme") String systemThemeRadioButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Theme (requires restart)") String themePanel(); @DefaultValue(s = "Accounts Manager") String title(); @DefaultValue(s = "Select favorite hosts to upload") String title2(); @DefaultValue(s = "Upload History") String title3(); @DefaultValue(s = "Too many tries, try again later.") String toomanytries(); @DefaultValue(s = "To Retry") String TORETRY(); @DefaultValue(s = "Double click to restore") String trayIconToolTip(); @DefaultValue(s = "english") @Deprecated String unicodeString(); @DefaultValue(s = "Upload Failed") String UPLOADFAILED(); @DefaultValue(s = "Upload failed") String uploadfailed(); @DefaultValue(s = "Upload Finished") String UPLOADFINISHED(); @DefaultValue(s = "Uploading") String UPLOADING(); @DefaultValue(s = "Upload Invalid") String UPLOADINVALID(); @DefaultValue(s = "Upload limit exceeded") String uploadlimit(); @DefaultValue(s = "Upload Stopped") String UPLOADSTOPPED(); @DefaultValue(s = "Username") String Username(); @DefaultValue(s = "en") String languageLocale(); @DefaultValue(s = "English(Default)") String languageDisplayName(); @DefaultValue(s = "Version 3.0 onwards, users need to activate plugins by selecting them in the activate plugins tab.") String version3activateManuallyMessage(); @DefaultValue(s = "Activate Plugins") String activatePlugins(); @DefaultValue(s = "Updating Plugins") String updatingPlugins(); @DefaultValue(s = "Uploader's Forum") String forumButton(); @DefaultValue(s = "Donate") String donateButton(); }