/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Shashank Tulsyan <shashaank at neembuu.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package javax.swing.plaf.nimbus; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import javax.swing.JComponent; /*import java.awt.image.*; import javax.swing.Painter; import javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter;*/ public final class ScrollBarThumbPainter_Modified extends AbstractRegionPainter { //package private integers representing the available states that //this painter will paint. These are used when creating a new instance //of ScrollBarThumbPainter to determine which region/state is being painted //by that instance. public static final int BACKGROUND_DISABLED = 1; public static final int BACKGROUND_ENABLED = 2; public static final int BACKGROUND_FOCUSED = 3; public static final int BACKGROUND_MOUSEOVER = 4; public static final int BACKGROUND_PRESSED = 5; private int state; //refers to one of the static final ints above private PaintContext ctx; //the following 4 variables are reused during the painting code of the layers private Path2D path = new Path2D.Float(); private Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Float(0, 0, 0, 0); private RoundRectangle2D roundRect = new RoundRectangle2D.Float(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); private Ellipse2D ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Float(0, 0, 0, 0); //All Colors used for painting are stored here. Ideally, only those colors being used //by a particular instance of ScrollBarThumbPainter would be created. For the moment at least, //however, all are created for each instance. private Color color1 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 5.1498413E-4f, 0.18061227f, -0.35686278f, 0); private Color color2 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 5.1498413E-4f, -0.21018237f, -0.18039218f, 0); private Color color3 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 7.13408E-4f, -0.53277314f, 0.25098038f, 0); private Color color4 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", -0.07865167f, -0.6317617f, 0.44313723f, 0); private Color color5 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 5.1498413E-4f, -0.44340658f, 0.26666665f, 0); private Color color6 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 5.1498413E-4f, -0.4669379f, 0.38039213f, 0); private Color color7 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", -0.07865167f, -0.56512606f, 0.45098037f, 0); private Color color8 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", -0.0017285943f, -0.362987f, 0.011764705f, 0); private Color color9 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 5.2034855E-5f, -0.41753247f, 0.09803921f, -222); private Color color10 = new Color(255, 200, 0, 255); private Color color11 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", -0.0017285943f, -0.362987f, 0.011764705f, -255); private Color color12 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 0.010237217f, -0.5621849f, 0.25098038f, 0); private Color color13 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 0.08801502f, -0.6317773f, 0.4470588f, 0); private Color color14 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 5.1498413E-4f, -0.45950285f, 0.34117645f, 0); private Color color15 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", -0.0017285943f, -0.48277313f, 0.45098037f, 0); private Color color16 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 0.0f, -0.6357143f, 0.45098037f, 0); private Color color17 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", -0.57865167f, -0.6357143f, -0.54901963f, 0); private Color color18 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 0.0013483167f, 0.29021162f, -0.33725494f, 0); private Color color19 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 0.002908647f, -0.29012606f, -0.015686274f, 0); private Color color20 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", -8.738637E-4f, -0.40612245f, 0.21960783f, 0); private Color color21 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 0.0f, -0.01765871f, 0.015686274f, 0); private Color color22 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 0.0f, -0.12714285f, 0.1372549f, 0); private Color color23 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 0.0018727183f, -0.23116884f, 0.31372547f, 0); private Color color24 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", -8.738637E-4f, -0.3579365f, -0.33725494f, 0); private Color color25 = decodeColor("nimbusBase", 0.004681647f, -0.3857143f, -0.36078435f, 0); //Array of current component colors, updated in each paint call private Object[] componentColors; public ScrollBarThumbPainter_Modified(int state) { this(new PaintContext(new Insets(0, 15, 0, 15), new Dimension(38, 15), false, AbstractRegionPainter.PaintContext.CacheMode.NINE_SQUARE_SCALE, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 2.0),state); //if(state==BACKGROUND_ENABLED){ color1 = color1.brighter().brighter(); //color2 = color2.brighter();//.brighter(); //} } public ScrollBarThumbPainter_Modified(PaintContext ctx, int state) { super(); this.state = state; this.ctx = ctx; } @Override protected void doPaint(Graphics2D g, JComponent c, int width, int height, Object[] extendedCacheKeys) { //populate componentColors array with colors calculated in getExtendedCacheKeys call componentColors = extendedCacheKeys; //generate this entire method. Each state/bg/fg/border combo that has //been painted gets its own KEY and paint method. switch(state) { case BACKGROUND_ENABLED: paintBackgroundEnabled(g); break; case BACKGROUND_MOUSEOVER: paintBackgroundMouseOver(g); break; case BACKGROUND_PRESSED: paintBackgroundPressed(g); break; } } @Override protected final PaintContext getPaintContext() { return ctx; } private void paintBackgroundEnabled(Graphics2D g) { path = decodePath1(); g.setPaint(decodeGradient1(path)); g.fill(path); path = decodePath2(); g.setPaint(decodeGradient2(path)); g.fill(path); path = decodePath3(); g.setPaint(decodeGradient3(path)); //g.fill(path); path = decodePath4(); g.setPaint(color10); //g.fill(path); path = decodePath5(); g.setPaint(decodeGradient4(path)); //g.fill(path); } private void paintBackgroundMouseOver(Graphics2D g) { path = decodePath1(); g.setPaint(decodeGradient1(path)); g.fill(path); path = decodePath2(); g.setPaint(decodeGradient5(path)); g.fill(path); path = decodePath3(); g.setPaint(decodeGradient3(path)); g.fill(path); path = decodePath4(); g.setPaint(color10); g.fill(path); path = decodePath5(); g.setPaint(decodeGradient4(path)); g.fill(path); } private void paintBackgroundPressed(Graphics2D g) { path = decodePath1(); g.setPaint(decodeGradient6(path)); g.fill(path); path = decodePath2(); g.setPaint(decodeGradient7(path)); g.fill(path); path = decodePath3(); g.setPaint(decodeGradient8(path)); g.fill(path); path = decodePath4(); g.setPaint(color10); g.fill(path); path = decodePath6(); g.setPaint(decodeGradient9(path)); g.fill(path); } private Path2D decodePath1() { path.reset(); path.moveTo(decodeX(0.0f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(0.0f), decodeY(1.0666667f)); path.curveTo(decodeAnchorX(0.0f, 0.0f), decodeAnchorY(1.0666667222976685f, 6.0f), decodeAnchorX(1.0f, -10.0f), decodeAnchorY(2.0f, 0.0f), decodeX(1.0f), decodeY(2.0f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(2.0f), decodeY(2.0f)); path.curveTo(decodeAnchorX(2.0f, 10.0f), decodeAnchorY(2.0f, 0.0f), decodeAnchorX(3.0f, 0.0f), decodeAnchorY(1.0666667222976685f, 6.0f), decodeX(3.0f), decodeY(1.0666667f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(3.0f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(0.0f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.closePath(); return path; } private Path2D decodePath2() { path.reset(); path.moveTo(decodeX(0.06666667f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(0.06666667f), decodeY(1.0666667f)); path.curveTo(decodeAnchorX(0.06666667014360428f, -0.045454545454545414f), decodeAnchorY(1.0666667222976685f, 8.45454545454545f), decodeAnchorX(1.0f, -5.863636363636354f), decodeAnchorY(1.933333396911621f, 0.0f), decodeX(1.0f), decodeY(1.9333334f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(2.0f), decodeY(1.9333334f)); path.curveTo(decodeAnchorX(2.0f, 5.909090909090935f), decodeAnchorY(1.933333396911621f, -3.552713678800501E-15f), decodeAnchorX(2.933333396911621f, -0.045454545454546746f), decodeAnchorY(1.0666667222976685f, 8.36363636363636f), decodeX(2.9333334f), decodeY(1.0666667f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(2.9333334f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(0.06666667f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.closePath(); return path; } private Path2D decodePath3() { path.reset(); path.moveTo(decodeX(0.4f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(0.06666667f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(0.16060607f), decodeY(1.5090909f)); path.curveTo(decodeAnchorX(0.16060607135295868f, 0.0f), decodeAnchorY(1.5090909004211426f, 0.0f), decodeAnchorX(0.20000000298023224f, -0.9545454545454564f), decodeAnchorY(1.1363636255264282f, 1.5454545454545472f), decodeX(0.2f), decodeY(1.1363636f)); path.curveTo(decodeAnchorX(0.20000000298023224f, 0.9545454545454564f), decodeAnchorY(1.1363636255264282f, -1.5454545454545472f), decodeAnchorX(0.4000000059604645f, 0.0f), decodeAnchorY(1.0f, 0.0f), decodeX(0.4f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.closePath(); return path; } private Path2D decodePath4() { path.reset(); path.moveTo(decodeX(2.4242425f), decodeY(1.5121212f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(2.4242425f), decodeY(1.5121212f)); path.closePath(); return path; } private Path2D decodePath5() { path.reset(); path.moveTo(decodeX(2.9363637f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(2.6030304f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.curveTo(decodeAnchorX(2.6030304431915283f, 0.0f), decodeAnchorY(1.0f, 0.0f), decodeAnchorX(2.7787880897521973f, -0.6818181818181728f), decodeAnchorY(1.1333333253860474f, -1.227272727272727f), decodeX(2.778788f), decodeY(1.1333333f)); path.curveTo(decodeAnchorX(2.7787880897521973f, 0.6818181818181728f), decodeAnchorY(1.1333333253860474f, 1.227272727272727f), decodeAnchorX(2.8393938541412354f, 0.0f), decodeAnchorY(1.5060606002807617f, 0.0f), decodeX(2.8393939f), decodeY(1.5060606f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(2.9363637f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.closePath(); return path; } private Path2D decodePath6() { path.reset(); path.moveTo(decodeX(2.9363637f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(2.5563636f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.curveTo(decodeAnchorX(2.556363582611084f, 0.0f), decodeAnchorY(1.0f, 0.0f), decodeAnchorX(2.7587878704071045f, -0.6818181818181728f), decodeAnchorY(1.1399999856948853f, -1.2272727272727266f), decodeX(2.7587879f), decodeY(1.14f)); path.curveTo(decodeAnchorX(2.7587878704071045f, 0.6818181818181728f), decodeAnchorY(1.1399999856948853f, 1.227272727272727f), decodeAnchorX(2.8393938541412354f, 0.0f), decodeAnchorY(1.5060606002807617f, 0.0f), decodeX(2.8393939f), decodeY(1.5060606f)); path.lineTo(decodeX(2.9363637f), decodeY(1.0f)); path.closePath(); return path; } private Paint decodeGradient1(Shape s) { Rectangle2D bounds = s.getBounds2D(); float x = (float)bounds.getX(); float y = (float)bounds.getY(); float w = (float)bounds.getWidth(); float h = (float)bounds.getHeight(); return decodeGradient((0.5f * w) + x, (0.0f * h) + y, (0.5f * w) + x, (1.0f * h) + y, new float[] { 0.0f,0.5f,1.0f }, new Color[] { color1, decodeColor(color1,color2,0.5f), color2}); } private Paint decodeGradient2(Shape s) { Rectangle2D bounds = s.getBounds2D(); float x = (float)bounds.getX(); float y = (float)bounds.getY(); float w = (float)bounds.getWidth(); float h = (float)bounds.getHeight(); return decodeGradient((0.5f * w) + x, (0.0f * h) + y, (0.5f * w) + x, (1.0f * h) + y, new float[] { 0.038922157f,0.0508982f,0.06287425f,0.19610777f,0.32934132f,0.48952097f,0.6497006f,0.8248503f,1.0f }, new Color[] { color3, decodeColor(color3,color4,0.5f), color4, decodeColor(color4,color5,0.5f), color5, decodeColor(color5,color6,0.5f), color6, decodeColor(color6,color7,0.5f), color7}); } private Paint decodeGradient3(Shape s) { Rectangle2D bounds = s.getBounds2D(); float x = (float)bounds.getX(); float y = (float)bounds.getY(); float w = (float)bounds.getWidth(); float h = (float)bounds.getHeight(); return decodeGradient((0.06818182f * w) + x, (-0.005952381f * h) + y, (0.3689091f * w) + x, (0.23929171f * h) + y, new float[] { 0.0f,0.5f,1.0f }, new Color[] { color8, decodeColor(color8,color9,0.5f), color9}); } private Paint decodeGradient4(Shape s) { Rectangle2D bounds = s.getBounds2D(); float x = (float)bounds.getX(); float y = (float)bounds.getY(); float w = (float)bounds.getWidth(); float h = (float)bounds.getHeight(); return decodeGradient((0.9409091f * w) + x, (0.035928145f * h) + y, (0.5954546f * w) + x, (0.26347303f * h) + y, new float[] { 0.0f,0.5f,1.0f }, new Color[] { color8, decodeColor(color8,color11,0.5f), color11}); } private Paint decodeGradient5(Shape s) { Rectangle2D bounds = s.getBounds2D(); float x = (float)bounds.getX(); float y = (float)bounds.getY(); float w = (float)bounds.getWidth(); float h = (float)bounds.getHeight(); return decodeGradient((0.5f * w) + x, (0.0f * h) + y, (0.5f * w) + x, (1.0f * h) + y, new float[] { 0.038922157f,0.0508982f,0.06287425f,0.19610777f,0.32934132f,0.48952097f,0.6497006f,0.8248503f,1.0f }, new Color[] { color12, decodeColor(color12,color13,0.5f), color13, decodeColor(color13,color14,0.5f), color14, decodeColor(color14,color15,0.5f), color15, decodeColor(color15,color16,0.5f), color16}); } private Paint decodeGradient6(Shape s) { Rectangle2D bounds = s.getBounds2D(); float x = (float)bounds.getX(); float y = (float)bounds.getY(); float w = (float)bounds.getWidth(); float h = (float)bounds.getHeight(); return decodeGradient((0.5f * w) + x, (0.0f * h) + y, (0.5f * w) + x, (1.0f * h) + y, new float[] { 0.0f,0.5f,1.0f }, new Color[] { color17, decodeColor(color17,color18,0.5f), color18}); } private Paint decodeGradient7(Shape s) { Rectangle2D bounds = s.getBounds2D(); float x = (float)bounds.getX(); float y = (float)bounds.getY(); float w = (float)bounds.getWidth(); float h = (float)bounds.getHeight(); return decodeGradient((0.5f * w) + x, (0.0f * h) + y, (0.5f * w) + x, (1.0f * h) + y, new float[] { 0.038922157f,0.0508982f,0.06287425f,0.19610777f,0.32934132f,0.48952097f,0.6497006f,0.8248503f,1.0f }, new Color[] { color19, decodeColor(color19,color20,0.5f), color20, decodeColor(color20,color21,0.5f), color21, decodeColor(color21,color22,0.5f), color22, decodeColor(color22,color23,0.5f), color23}); } private Paint decodeGradient8(Shape s) { Rectangle2D bounds = s.getBounds2D(); float x = (float)bounds.getX(); float y = (float)bounds.getY(); float w = (float)bounds.getWidth(); float h = (float)bounds.getHeight(); return decodeGradient((0.06818182f * w) + x, (-0.005952381f * h) + y, (0.3689091f * w) + x, (0.23929171f * h) + y, new float[] { 0.0f,0.5f,1.0f }, new Color[] { color24, decodeColor(color24,color9,0.5f), color9}); } private Paint decodeGradient9(Shape s) { Rectangle2D bounds = s.getBounds2D(); float x = (float)bounds.getX(); float y = (float)bounds.getY(); float w = (float)bounds.getWidth(); float h = (float)bounds.getHeight(); return decodeGradient((0.9409091f * w) + x, (0.035928145f * h) + y, (0.37615633f * w) + x, (0.34910178f * h) + y, new float[] { 0.0f,0.5f,1.0f }, new Color[] { color25, decodeColor(color25,color11,0.5f), color11}); } }