/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010 Oak Ridge National Laboratory. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.widgets.figures; import java.beans.BeanInfo; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ColorConstants; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Cursors; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.FigureListener; import org.eclipse.draw2d.FigureUtilities; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.MouseEvent; import org.eclipse.draw2d.MouseListener; import org.eclipse.draw2d.MouseMotionListener; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Polyline; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.PointList; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.PrecisionPoint; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.internal.widgets.introspection.DefaultWidgetIntrospector; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.internal.widgets.introspection.Introspectable; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.widgets.datadefinition.ByteArrayWrapper; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.widgets.datadefinition.ColorMap; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.widgets.datadefinition.DoubleArrayWrapper; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.widgets.datadefinition.FloatArrayWrapper; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.widgets.datadefinition.IPrimaryArrayWrapper; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.widgets.datadefinition.IntArrayWrapper; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.widgets.datadefinition.LongArrayWrapper; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.widgets.datadefinition.ShortArrayWrapper; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.widgets.datadefinition.ColorMap.PredefinedColorMap; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.widgets.figureparts.ColorMapRamp; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.widgets.figureparts.ROIFigure; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.xygraph.figures.Axis; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.xygraph.linearscale.Range; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.xygraph.util.SWTConstants; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.xygraph.util.SingleSourceHelper2; import org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.xygraph.util.XYGraphMediaFactory; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Font; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.ImageData; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.PaletteData; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; /**An intensity graph figure. * @author Xihui Chen * */ public class IntensityGraphFigure extends Figure implements Introspectable { /** * Color depth of the image data in RGB1 mode, since SWT only support 8 bit color depth, * it has to convert all data to [0,255]. * @author Xihui Chen * */ public enum ColorDepth { BIT8("8 bit"), //No need to convert BIT16("16 bit"), //Convert by >>8 BIT24("24 bit"), //Convert by >>16 BIT30("30 bit"), //Convert by >>22 SCALE("Scaled to [Max, Min]"), //Convert by (x-min)/(max-min)*255 LOWER8BIT("Use only lower 8 bits"); //Convert by &0xFF private ColorDepth(String description) { this.description = description; } private String description; @Override public String toString() { return description; } public static String[] stringValues() { String[] sv = new String[values().length]; int i = 0; for (ColorDepth p : values()) sv[i++] = p.toString(); return sv; } } private static final int MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 10000000; /** * ROI listener which will be notified whenever ROI moved. * @author Xihui * */ public interface IROIListener{ /**Called whenever ROI updated. * @param xIndex x index of ROI start. * @param yIndex y index of ROI start * @param width width of ROI * @param height height of ROI */ public void roiUpdated(int xIndex, int yIndex, int width, int height); } /**Provides info to be displayed on ROI label. * @author Xihui Chen * */ public interface IROIInfoProvider{ /**Return the information to be displayed on ROI label. * It will called whenever the ROI is repainted. * @param xIndex x index of ROI start. * @param yIndex y index of ROI start * @param width width of ROI * @param height height of ROI */ public String getROIInfo(int xIndex, int yIndex, int width, int height); } class SinglePixelProfileCrossHair extends Figure { /** * Center coordinates */ private int crossX, crossY; /** * Data index of cross center on cropped data array. */ private Point crossDataIndex; private boolean inDefaultPosition = true; private Polyline hLine, vLine; private Figure crossPoint; public SinglePixelProfileCrossHair() { hLine = new Polyline(); hLine.setCursor(Cursors.SIZENS); hLine.setForegroundColor(ColorConstants.yellow); hLine.setTolerance(3); hLine.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener.Stub(){ @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) { setCrossPosition(crossX, me.y, true); me.consume(); } }); hLine.addMouseListener(new MouseListener.Stub(){ @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { me.consume(); } }); vLine = new Polyline(); vLine.setCursor(Cursors.SIZEWE); vLine.setForegroundColor(ColorConstants.yellow); vLine.setTolerance(3); vLine.addMouseListener(new MouseListener.Stub(){ @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { me.consume(); } }); vLine.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener.Stub(){ @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) { setCrossPosition(me.x, crossY, true); me.consume(); } }); crossPoint = new Figure(); crossPoint.setCursor(Cursors.SIZEALL); crossPoint.addMouseListener(new MouseListener.Stub(){ @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { me.consume(); } }); crossPoint.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener.Stub(){ @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) { setCrossPosition(me.x, me.y, true); me.consume(); } }); add(hLine); add(vLine); add(crossPoint); addFigureListener(new FigureListener() { public void figureMoved(IFigure source) { if(crossDataIndex != null){ Point p = graphArea.getGeoLocation(crossDataIndex.x, crossDataIndex.y); setCrossPosition(p.x, p.y, false); } } }); addCroppedDataSizeListener(new ICroppedDataSizeListener() { public void croppedDataSizeChanged(int croppedDataWidth, int croppedDataHeight) { crossDataIndex = graphArea.getDataLocation(crossX, crossY); } }); } @Override public boolean containsPoint(int x, int y) { return hLine.containsPoint(x, y) || vLine.containsPoint(x, y) || crossPoint.containsPoint(x, y); } @Override protected void layout() { Rectangle bounds = getBounds(); //First time when it was created. if(inDefaultPosition){ setCrossPosition(bounds.x + bounds.width/2, bounds.y + bounds.height/2, true); }else{ Point p = graphArea.getGeoLocation(crossDataIndex.x, crossDataIndex.y); setCrossPosition(p.x, p.y, false); } } public void setCrossHairColor(Color crossHairColor) { hLine.setForegroundColor(crossHairColor); vLine.setForegroundColor(crossHairColor); } /**set Cross Position * @param x * @param y */ public void setCrossPosition(int x, int y, boolean updatedCrossDataIndex){ Rectangle bounds = getBounds(); if(x < bounds.x) crossX = bounds.x; else if(x>=bounds.x + bounds.width) crossX = bounds.x + bounds.width-1; else crossX = x; if(y < bounds.y) crossY = bounds.y; else if(y>=bounds.y + bounds.height) crossY = bounds.y + bounds.height-1; else crossY = y; inDefaultPosition = false; if(updatedCrossDataIndex){ crossDataIndex = graphArea.getDataLocation(crossX, crossY); if(croppedDataArray != null) fireProfileDataChanged(croppedDataArray, croppedDataWidth, croppedDataHeight); } hLine.setPoints(new PointList(new int[]{bounds.x,crossY, bounds.width+bounds.x, crossY})); vLine.setPoints(new PointList(new int[]{crossX, bounds.y, crossX, bounds.y + bounds.height})); crossPoint.setBounds(new Rectangle(crossX-5, crossY-5, 10,10)); } } public class GraphArea extends Figure{ private final static int CURSOR_SIZE = 14; private SinglePixelProfileCrossHair crossHair; public GraphArea() { if(runMode){ setCursor(null); GraphAreaZoomer zoomer = new GraphAreaZoomer(); addMouseMotionListener(zoomer); addMouseListener(zoomer); } setSinglePixelProfiling(isSingleLineProfiling()); } protected void setSinglePixelProfiling(boolean isSinglePixelProfiling) { if(!runMode) return; if(isSingleLineProfiling()){ if(crossHair == null) crossHair = new SinglePixelProfileCrossHair(); add(crossHair); }else if(crossHair != null && crossHair.getParent()==this) remove(crossHair); dataDirty = true; repaint(); } @Override protected void layout() { Rectangle clientArea = getClientArea(); if(runMode && isSingleLineProfiling()){ crossHair.setBounds(clientArea); } for(ROIFigure roiFigure : roiMap.values()){ roiFigure.setBounds(clientArea); } } private synchronized IPrimaryArrayWrapper cropDataArray(int left, int right, int top, int bottom){ if((left != 0 || right != 0 || top != 0 || bottom != 0) && (dataWidth - left - right) * (dataHeight - top-bottom) >0){ int i=0; if((dataWidth - left - right) * (dataHeight - top - bottom) > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) return dataArray; double[] result = null; if (inRGBMode) { result = new double[(dataWidth - left - right) * (dataHeight - top - bottom)*3]; for (int y = top; y < (dataHeight - bottom); y++) { for (int x = left; x < (dataWidth - right); x++) { int p=y * dataWidth*3 + x*3; result[i] = dataArray.get(p); result[i+1]=dataArray.get(p+1); result[i+2]=dataArray.get(p+2); i+=3; } } } else { result = new double[(dataWidth - left - right) * (dataHeight - top - bottom)]; for (int y = top; y < (dataHeight - bottom); y++) { for (int x = left; x < (dataWidth - right); x++) { result[i++] = dataArray.get(y * dataWidth + x); } } } return new DoubleArrayWrapper(result); }else return dataArray; } /**Get data index location on cropped data array from geometry location. * @param x x much be inside graph area. * @param y y much be inside graph area * @return */ public PrecisionPoint getDataLocation(double x, double y){ Rectangle clientArea = getClientArea(); double hIndex = croppedDataWidth * (x - clientArea.x)/(double)clientArea.width; double vIndex = croppedDataHeight * (y - clientArea.y)/(double)clientArea.height; return new PrecisionPoint(hIndex, vIndex); } /**Get geometry location from data index location on cropped data array. * @param xIndex x index location on cropped data array * @param yIndex y index location on cropped data array * @return */ public PrecisionPoint getGeoLocation(double xIndex, double yIndex){ Rectangle clientArea = getClientArea(); if(croppedDataHeight == 0 || croppedDataWidth ==0) return new PrecisionPoint(clientArea.x, clientArea.y); double x = (xIndex*clientArea.width)/(double)croppedDataWidth + clientArea.x; double y = (yIndex*clientArea.height)/(double)croppedDataHeight + clientArea.y; return new PrecisionPoint(x, y); } @Override protected synchronized void paintClientArea(Graphics graphics) { if(dataArray == null) return; Rectangle clientArea = getClientArea(); //draw image if data is dirty or bufferedImage has not been created yet if(dataDirty || bufferedImage == null){ dataDirty = false; if(bufferedImage != null){ bufferedImage.dispose(); bufferedImage = null; } if(clientArea.width <0 || clientArea.height <0) return; if(dataWidth == 0 || dataHeight == 0 || (!isInRGBMode() && dataArray.getSize() < dataWidth * dataHeight) || (isInRGBMode() && dataArray.getSize() < 3*dataWidth * dataHeight)){ graphics.drawRectangle(new Rectangle( clientArea.x - (yAxis.isVisible()? 1:0), clientArea.y, clientArea.width-(yAxis.isVisible()? 0:1), clientArea.height - (xAxis.isVisible()? 0:1))); if(dataArray.getSize() ==0) graphics.drawText("No data.", clientArea.getLocation()); else if(!isInRGBMode() && dataArray.getSize() < dataWidth * dataHeight) graphics.drawText("Size of input data is less than dataWidth*dataHeight!", clientArea.getLocation()); else if(isInRGBMode() && dataArray.getSize() < 3*dataWidth * dataHeight) graphics.drawText("Size of input data is less than 3*dataWidth*dataHeight!" + "\nPlease make sure the data is in RGB mode.", clientArea.getLocation()); return; } if(dataWidth - cropLeft - cropRight < 0 || dataHeight - cropTop - cropBottom < 0) return; croppedDataArray = cropDataArray(cropLeft, cropRight, cropTop, cropBottom); fireProfileDataChanged(croppedDataArray, croppedDataWidth, croppedDataHeight); // for(ROIFigure roiFigure : roiMap.values()){ // roiFigure.fireROIUpdated(); // } boolean shrink= false; if(clientArea.width*clientArea.height < croppedDataHeight * croppedDataWidth){ shrink = true; } if(shrink){ if(bufferedImageData == null || bufferedImageData.width != clientArea.width || bufferedImageData.height !=clientArea.height){ bufferedImageData = new ImageData(clientArea.width, clientArea.height, 24, colorMap.getPalette()); } }else if(bufferedImageData == null || bufferedImageData.width != croppedDataWidth || bufferedImageData.height !=croppedDataHeight) bufferedImageData = new ImageData(croppedDataWidth, croppedDataHeight, 24, colorMap.getPalette()); ImageData imageData = null; if(inRGBMode) try { imageData = drawRGBImage(croppedDataArray, croppedDataWidth, croppedDataHeight, max, min, bufferedImageData, shrink); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { graphics.drawText("Drawing Exception: RGB value is not between 0 and 255." + "\nPlease check if the data or color depth is correct.", clientArea.getLocation()); } else imageData = colorMap.drawImage(croppedDataArray, croppedDataWidth, croppedDataHeight, max, min, bufferedImageData, shrink); if(imageData == null) return; bufferedImage = new Image(Display.getCurrent(), imageData); } graphics.drawImage(bufferedImage, new Rectangle(bufferedImage.getBounds()), clientArea); if(armed && end != null && start != null){ graphics.setLineStyle(SWTConstants.LINE_DOT); graphics.setLineWidth(1); graphics.setForegroundColor(BLACK_COLOR); graphics.drawRectangle(start.x, start.y, end.x - start.x, end.y - start.y); } // System.out.println((System.nanoTime() - startTime)/1000000); // startTime = System.nanoTime(); super.paintClientArea(graphics); } private synchronized void updateTextCursor(MouseEvent me) { if(SWT.getPlatform().startsWith("rap")) //$NON-NLS-1$ return; if(croppedDataArray == null) return; if(getCursor() != null) getCursor().dispose(); double xCoordinate = xAxis.getPositionValue(me.x, false); double yCoordinate = yAxis.getPositionValue(me.y, false); Point dataLocation = getDataLocation(me.x, me.y); if(dataLocation == null) return; if((dataLocation.y)*croppedDataWidth + dataLocation.x >= croppedDataArray.getSize()) return; double valueUnderMouse; if(inRGBMode){ int index = (dataLocation.y) * croppedDataWidth * 3 + dataLocation.x * 3; if(index >= croppedDataArray.getSize()-3) return; valueUnderMouse = (croppedDataArray.get(index) + croppedDataArray.get(index + 1) + croppedDataArray .get(index + 2)) / 3; } else { int index = (dataLocation.y)*croppedDataWidth + dataLocation.x; if(index >= croppedDataArray.getSize()) return; valueUnderMouse = croppedDataArray.get(index); } String text = "(" + xAxis.format(xCoordinate) + ", " + yAxis.format(yCoordinate) + ", "+ yAxis.format(valueUnderMouse) + ")"; text = text + getPixelInfo(dataLocation.x + cropLeft, dataLocation.y + cropTop, xCoordinate, yCoordinate, valueUnderMouse); Dimension size = FigureUtilities.getTextExtents( text, Display.getDefault().getSystemFont()); Image image = new Image(Display.getDefault(), size.width + CURSOR_SIZE, size.height + CURSOR_SIZE); GC gc = SingleSourceHelper2.getImageGC(image); //gc.setAlpha(0); gc.setBackground(TRANSPARENT_COLOR); gc.fillRectangle(image.getBounds()); gc.setForeground(BLACK_COLOR); gc.drawLine(0, CURSOR_SIZE/2, CURSOR_SIZE, CURSOR_SIZE/2); gc.drawLine(CURSOR_SIZE/2, 0, CURSOR_SIZE/2, CURSOR_SIZE); gc.setBackground(WHITE_COLOR); gc.fillRectangle(CURSOR_SIZE, CURSOR_SIZE, image.getBounds().width-CURSOR_SIZE, image.getBounds().height-CURSOR_SIZE); gc.drawText(text, CURSOR_SIZE, CURSOR_SIZE, true); ImageData imageData = image.getImageData(); imageData.transparentPixel = imageData.palette.getPixel(TRANSPARENT_COLOR.getRGB()); setCursor(SingleSourceHelper2.createCursor(Display.getCurrent(), imageData, CURSOR_SIZE/2 ,CURSOR_SIZE/2, SWT.CURSOR_CROSS)); gc.dispose(); image.dispose(); } } class GraphAreaZoomer extends MouseMotionListener.Stub implements MouseListener{ public void mouseDoubleClicked(MouseEvent me) { if(me.button !=1) return; if(xAxisRange !=null) xAxis.setRange(xAxisRange); if(yAxisRange != null) yAxis.setRange(yAxisRange); if(originalCrop != null){ setCropLeft(originalCrop.x); setCropTop(originalCrop.y); setCropRight(originalCrop.width); setCropBottom(originalCrop.height); graphArea.repaint(); } } @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) { if(!armed) return; if(graphArea.getClientArea().contains(me.getLocation())){ graphArea.updateTextCursor(me); end = me.getLocation(); graphArea.repaint(); } } @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) { graphArea.updateTextCursor(me); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { requestFocus(); // Only react to 'main' mouse button if (me.button != 1) return; armed = true; //get start position start = me.getLocation(); end = null; me.consume(); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) { if(armed && end != null && start != null){ zoom(); } armed = false; end = null; start = null; } } public interface ICroppedDataSizeListener { void croppedDataSizeChanged(int croppedDataWidth, int croppedDataHeight); } public interface IProfileDataChangeLisenter{ /**Called whenever profile data changed. This is called in a non-UI thread. * @param xProfileData Profile data on x Axis. * @param yProfileData Profile data on y Axis. * @param xAxisRange x Axis range. * @param yAxisRange y Axis range. */ void profileDataChanged(double[] xProfileData, double[] yProfileData, Range xAxisRange, Range yAxisRange); } public interface IPixelInfoProvider{ /**Get related information on this pixel, which will be displayed below the cursor. * @param xIndex x index of the pixel * @param yIndex y index of the pixel * @param xCoordinate x axis coordinate of the pixel * @param yCoordinate y axis coordinate of the pixel * @param pixelValue value of the pixel * @return the information about this pixel. */ public String getPixelInfo(int xIndex, int yIndex, double xCoordinate, double yCoordinate, double pixelValue); } private int dataWidth, dataHeight; private int cropLeft, cropRight, cropTop, cropBottom; // private double[] dataArray; private IPrimaryArrayWrapper dataArray; private IPrimaryArrayWrapper croppedDataArray; private int croppedDataWidth, croppedDataHeight; private double max, min; private ColorMapRamp colorMapRamp; private GraphArea graphArea; private ColorMap colorMap; private final Axis xAxis; private final Axis yAxis; private Range xAxisRange = null; private Range yAxisRange = null; private Rectangle originalCrop = null; private final static int GAP = 3; private org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point start; private org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point end; private boolean armed; private boolean dataDirty; //true if the image need to be redrawn private ImageData bufferedImageData; private Image bufferedImage; //the buffered image private List<IProfileDataChangeLisenter> profileListeners; private List<IPixelInfoProvider> pixelInfoProviders; private List<ICroppedDataSizeListener> croppedDataSizeListeners; private boolean runMode; private Map<String, ROIFigure> roiMap; // private long startTime = System.nanoTime(); private final Color WHITE_COLOR = XYGraphMediaFactory.getInstance().getColor( XYGraphMediaFactory.COLOR_WHITE); private final Color BLACK_COLOR = XYGraphMediaFactory.getInstance().getColor( XYGraphMediaFactory.COLOR_BLACK); private final Color TRANSPARENT_COLOR = XYGraphMediaFactory.getInstance().getColor( new RGB(123,0,23)); private boolean inRGBMode = false; private ColorDepth colorDepth = ColorDepth.BIT8; private PaletteData palette = new PaletteData(0xff, 0xff00, 0xff0000); private Boolean savedShowRamp; private boolean isSingleLineProfiling = false; private Color roiColor = ColorConstants.cyan; public IntensityGraphFigure() { this(true); } public IntensityGraphFigure(boolean runMode) { this.runMode = runMode; dataArray = new DoubleArrayWrapper(new double[0]); max = 255; min = 0; dataWidth = 0; dataHeight = 0; profileListeners = new ArrayList<IProfileDataChangeLisenter>(); colorMap = new ColorMap(PredefinedColorMap.GrayScale, true, true); colorMapRamp = new ColorMapRamp(); colorMapRamp.setMax(max); colorMapRamp.setMin(min); colorMapRamp.setColorMap(colorMap); graphArea = new GraphArea(); xAxis = new Axis("X", false); yAxis = new Axis("Y", true); add(colorMapRamp); add(graphArea); add(xAxis); add(yAxis); roiMap = new HashMap<String, ROIFigure>(2); setFocusTraversable(true); setRequestFocusEnabled(true); } public void addProfileDataListener(IProfileDataChangeLisenter listener){ if(listener != null) profileListeners.add(listener); } public void addPixelInfoProvider(IPixelInfoProvider pixelInfoProvider){ if(pixelInfoProvider != null){ if(pixelInfoProviders == null) pixelInfoProviders = new ArrayList<IPixelInfoProvider>(); pixelInfoProviders.add(pixelInfoProvider); } } public void addCroppedDataSizeListener(ICroppedDataSizeListener listener){ if(croppedDataSizeListeners == null) croppedDataSizeListeners = new ArrayList<ICroppedDataSizeListener>(); croppedDataSizeListeners.add(listener); } /** Add a new ROI to the graph. * @param name name of the ROI. It must be unique for this graph. * @param color color of the ROI. * @param roiListener listener on ROI updates. Can be null. * @param roiInfoProvider provides information for the ROI. Can be null. */ public void addROI(String name, IROIListener roiListener, IROIInfoProvider roiInfoProvider){ ROIFigure roiFigure = new ROIFigure(this, name, roiColor, roiListener, roiInfoProvider); roiMap.put(name, roiFigure); graphArea.add(roiFigure); } public void removeROI(String name){ if(roiMap.containsKey(name)){ ROIFigure roiFigure = roiMap.get(name); roiMap.remove(name); graphArea.remove(roiFigure); } } public void setROIVisible(String name, boolean visible){ if(roiMap.containsKey(name)){ roiMap.get(name).setVisible(visible); } } private double[] calculateXProfileData(IPrimaryArrayWrapper data, int dw, int dh){ double[] output = new double[dw]; if(isSingleLineProfiling()){ Point dataloc = graphArea.getDataLocation(graphArea.crossHair.crossX, graphArea.crossHair.crossY); for(int i=0; i<dw; i++){ if(inRGBMode){ int index = dataloc.y*dw*3 + i*3; output[i] = (data.get(index) + data.get(index + 1) + data .get(index + 2)) / 3; }else output[i] = data.get(dataloc.y*dw + i); } }else { for (int i = 0; i < dw; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dh; j++) if (inRGBMode) { int index = j * dw * 3 + i * 3; output[i] += (data.get(index) + data.get(index + 1) + data .get(index + 2)) / 3; } else output[i] += data.get(j * dw + i); output[i] /= dh; } } return output; } private double[] calculateYProfileData(IPrimaryArrayWrapper data, int dw, int dh) { double[] output = new double[dh]; if (isSingleLineProfiling()) { Point dataloc = graphArea.getDataLocation(graphArea.crossHair.crossX, graphArea.crossHair.crossY); for (int i = 0; i < dh; i++) { if (inRGBMode) { int index = dataloc.x *3 + i*dw* 3; output[i] = (data.get(index) + data.get(index + 1) + data .get(index + 2)) / 3; } else output[i] = data.get(dataloc.x + i*dw); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < dh; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dw; j++) if (inRGBMode) { int index = i * dw * 3 + j * 3; output[i] += (data.get(index) + data.get(index + 1) + data .get(index + 2)) / 3; } else output[i] += data.get(i * dw + j); output[i] /= dw; } } return output; } public void dispose(){ if(bufferedImage != null){ bufferedImage.dispose(); bufferedImage = null; } } /**Calculate the image data from source RGB data array [RGBRGBRGB...]. * @param dataArray the source data in RGB mode. * @param dataWidth number of columns of dataArray; This will be the width of image data. * @param dataHeight number of rows of dataArray; This will be the height of image data. * @param max the upper limit of the data in dataArray * @param min the lower limit of the data in dataArray * @param imageData the imageData to be filled. null if a new instance should be created. * @param shrink true if area size of image data is smaller than dataWidth*dataHeight. If this is true, it will use * the nearest neighbor iamge scaling algorithm as described at http://tech-algorithm.com/articles/nearest-neighbor-image-scaling/. * @return the image data. null if dataWidth or dataHeight is less than 1 or larger than the data array. */ private ImageData drawRGBImage(IPrimaryArrayWrapper dataArray, int dataWidth, int dataHeight, double max, double min, ImageData imageData, boolean shrink) { if (dataWidth < 1 || dataHeight < 1 || dataWidth * dataHeight * 3 > dataArray.getSize() || dataWidth * dataHeight < 0) return null; if (imageData == null) imageData = new ImageData(dataWidth, dataHeight, 24, palette); if (shrink) { int height = imageData.height; int width = imageData.width; // EDIT: added +1 to account for an early rounding problem int x_ratio = (int) ((dataWidth << 16) / width) + 1; int y_ratio = (int) ((dataHeight << 16) / height) + 1; // int x_ratio = (int)((w1<<16)/w2) ; // int y_ratio = (int)((h1<<16)/h2) ; int x2, y2; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { x2 = ((j * x_ratio) >> 16); y2 = ((i * y_ratio) >> 16); int index = y2 * dataWidth * 3 + x2 * 3; int pixel = calcRGBPixel(dataArray, max, min, index); imageData.setPixel(j, i, pixel); } } } else { for (int y = 0; y < dataHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < dataWidth; x++) { // the index of the value in the color table array int index = y * dataWidth * 3 + x * 3; int pixel = calcRGBPixel(dataArray, max, min, index); imageData.setPixel(x, y, pixel); } } } return imageData; } /** * @param dataArray * @param max * @param min * @param index * @return */ protected int calcRGBPixel(IPrimaryArrayWrapper dataArray, double max, double min, int index) { int r = (int) dataArray.get(index); int g = (int) dataArray.get(index + 1); int b = (int) dataArray.get(index + 2); switch (colorDepth) { case BIT16: r = r >> 8; g = g >> 8; b = b >> 8; break; case BIT24: r = r >> 16; g = g >> 16; b = b >> 16; break; case BIT30: r = r >> 22; g = g >> 22; b = b >> 22; break; case LOWER8BIT: r = r & 0xFF; b = b & 0xFF; g = g & 0xFF; break; case SCALE: r = (int) ((dataArray.get(index) - min) / (max - min) * 255); g = (int) ((dataArray.get(index + 1) - min) / (max - min) * 255); b = (int) ((dataArray.get(index + 2) - min) / (max - min) * 255); break; case BIT8: default: break; } // if(r>255) r=255; else if(r<0) r=0; // if(g>255) g=255; else if(g<0) g=0; // if(b>255) b=255; else if(b<0) b=0; int pixel = palette.getPixel(new RGB(r, g, b)); return pixel; } private synchronized void fireProfileDataChanged(final IPrimaryArrayWrapper data, final int dw, final int dh) { if (profileListeners.size() <= 0) return; double[] xProfileData = calculateXProfileData(data, dw, dh); double[] yProfileData = calculateYProfileData(data, dw, dh); for (IProfileDataChangeLisenter lisenter : profileListeners) lisenter.profileDataChanged(xProfileData, yProfileData, xAxis.getRange(), yAxis.getRange()); } /** * @return the colorMap */ public ColorMap getColorMap() { return colorMap; } /** * @return the cropBottom */ public int getCropBottom() { return cropBottom; } /** * @return the cropLeft */ public int getCropLeft() { return cropLeft; } /** * @return the cropRigth */ public int getCropRight() { return cropRight; } /** * @return the cropTop */ public int getCropTop() { return cropTop; } public double[] getDataArray() { double[] data = new double[dataArray.getSize()]; for(int i=0; i<dataArray.getSize(); i++){ data[i]=dataArray.get(i); } return data; } /** * @return the dataHeight */ public int getDataHeight() { return dataHeight; } /** * @return the dataWidth */ public int getDataWidth() { return dataWidth; } public GraphArea getGraphArea() { return graphArea; } /** * @return the two dimension insets (cropped_width, cropped_height) of graph area */ public Dimension getGraphAreaInsets() { int width = getInsets().getWidth(); int height = getInsets().getHeight(); if(colorMapRamp.isVisible()) width += (colorMapRamp.getPreferredSize( getClientArea().width, getClientArea().height).width + GAP); //This is a temporary fix of cursor value problem when the axes are invisible boolean yVisible = true;// yAxis.isVisible(); boolean xVisible = true;// xAxis.isVisible(); if(yVisible){ width += yAxis.getPreferredSize(getClientArea().width, getClientArea().height).width; height += yAxis.getMargin(); if(!xVisible) height += yAxis.getMargin(); } if(xVisible){ height += xAxis.getPreferredSize(getClientArea().width, getClientArea().height).height; if(!colorMapRamp.isVisible()) width += xAxis.getMargin(); if(!yVisible) width += xAxis.getMargin(); } return new Dimension(width, height); } /** * @return the max */ public double getMax() { return max; } /** * @return the min */ public double getMin() { return min; } /** * @return the xAxis */ public final Axis getXAxis() { return xAxis; } /** * @return the yAxis */ public final Axis getYAxis() { return yAxis; } /** * @return true if the input data is in RGB mode. For example, the input data is a 1D array of * [RGBRGBRGBRGB...] */ public boolean isInRGBMode() { return inRGBMode; } /** * @return the runMode */ public boolean isRunMode() { return runMode; } public boolean isShowRamp(){ return colorMapRamp.isVisible(); } @Override protected void layout() { Rectangle clientArea = getClientArea().getCopy(); Rectangle yAxisBounds = null, xAxisBounds = null, rampBounds; //This is a temporary fix of cursor value problem when the axes are invisible boolean xVisible = true;// xAxis.isVisible(); boolean yVisible = true;//yAxis.isVisible(); if(yVisible){ Dimension yAxisSize = yAxis.getPreferredSize(clientArea.width, clientArea.height); yAxisBounds = new Rectangle(clientArea.x, clientArea.y, yAxisSize.width, yAxisSize.height); // the height is not correct for now clientArea.x += yAxisSize.width; clientArea.y += yAxis.getMargin(); clientArea.height -= xVisible? yAxis.getMargin() : 2*yAxis.getMargin()-1; clientArea.width -= yAxisSize.width; } if(xVisible){ Dimension xAxisSize = xAxis.getPreferredSize(clientArea.width, clientArea.height); xAxisBounds = new Rectangle((yVisible ? yAxisBounds.x + yAxisBounds.width - xAxis.getMargin()-1 : clientArea.x), clientArea.y + clientArea.height - xAxisSize.height, xAxisSize.width, xAxisSize.height); // the width is not correct for now clientArea.height -= xAxisSize.height; //re-adjust yAxis height if(yVisible){ yAxisBounds.height -= (xAxisSize.height - yAxis.getMargin()); }else{ clientArea.x +=xAxis.getMargin(); clientArea.width -= xAxis.getMargin()-1; } } if(colorMapRamp.isVisible()){ Dimension rampSize = colorMapRamp.getPreferredSize(clientArea.width, clientArea.height); rampBounds = new Rectangle(clientArea.x + clientArea.width - rampSize.width, clientArea.y, rampSize.width, clientArea.height); colorMapRamp.setBounds(rampBounds); clientArea.width -= (rampSize.width + GAP); //re-adjust xAxis width if(xVisible) if(yVisible) xAxisBounds.width -=(rampSize.width + GAP - 2*xAxis.getMargin()); else xAxisBounds.width -= (rampSize.width + GAP - xAxis.getMargin()); }else{ //re-adjust xAxis width if(xVisible){ if(yVisible) xAxisBounds.width += xAxis.getMargin(); clientArea.width -= xAxis.getMargin(); } } if(yVisible){ yAxis.setBounds(yAxisBounds); } if(xVisible){ xAxis.setBounds(xAxisBounds); } graphArea.setBounds(clientArea); super.layout(); } /** * @param colorMap the colorMap to set */ public final void setColorMap(ColorMap colorMap) { if(colorMap == null) return; this.colorMap = colorMap; colorMapRamp.setColorMap(colorMap); dataDirty = true; repaint(); } /** * @param cropBottom the cropBottom to set */ public final void setCropBottom(int cropBottom) { if(cropBottom < 0 || cropBottom + cropTop > dataHeight) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if(this.cropBottom == cropBottom) return; this.cropBottom = cropBottom; dataDirty = true; updateCroppedDataSize(); repaint(); } /** * @param cropLeft the cropLeft to set */ public final void setCropLeft(int cropLeft) { if(cropLeft <0 || cropLeft + cropRight > dataWidth) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if(this.cropLeft == cropLeft) return; this.cropLeft = cropLeft; dataDirty = true; updateCroppedDataSize(); repaint(); } /** * @param cropRight the cropRigth to set */ public final void setCropRight(int cropRight) { if(cropRight < 0 || cropRight + cropLeft > dataWidth) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if(this.cropRight == cropRight) return; this.cropRight = cropRight; dataDirty = true; updateCroppedDataSize(); repaint(); } /** * @param cropTop the cropTop to set */ public final void setCropTop(int cropTop) { if(cropTop < 0 || cropTop + cropBottom > dataHeight) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if(this.cropTop == cropTop) return; this.cropTop = cropTop; dataDirty = true; updateCroppedDataSize(); repaint(); } /**Set the double[] data array for the intensity graph. It must be called in UI thread. * Warning: for big image for example 1024*768, it may takes several milliseconds (10-50ms) * to paint the image. If this is called too fast that exceeds the painting capability, * it may cause memory leaking. * @param data the dataArray to set * */ public final void setDataArray(double[] data) { if(dataArray instanceof DoubleArrayWrapper){ ((DoubleArrayWrapper)dataArray).setData(data); }else dataArray = new DoubleArrayWrapper(data); setDataArray(dataArray); } /**Set the short[] data array for the intensity graph. It must be called in UI thread. * Warning: for big image for example 1024*768, it may takes several milliseconds (10-50ms) * to paint the image. If this is called too fast that exceeds the painting capability, * it may cause memory leaking. * @param data the dataArray to set * */ public final void setDataArray(short[] data) { if(dataArray instanceof ShortArrayWrapper){ ((ShortArrayWrapper)dataArray).setData(data); }else dataArray = new ShortArrayWrapper(data); setDataArray(dataArray); } /**Set the byte[] data array for the intensity graph. It must be called in UI thread. * Warning: for big image for example 1024*768, it may takes several milliseconds (10-50ms) * to paint the image. If this is called too fast that exceeds the painting capability, * it may cause memory leaking. * @param data the dataArray to set * */ public final void setDataArray(byte[] data) { if(dataArray instanceof ByteArrayWrapper){ ((ByteArrayWrapper)dataArray).setData(data); }else dataArray = new ByteArrayWrapper(data); setDataArray(dataArray); } /**Set the int[] data array for the intensity graph. It must be called in UI thread. * Warning: for big image for example 1024*768, it may takes several milliseconds (10-50ms) * to paint the image. If this is called too fast that exceeds the painting capability, * it may cause memory leaking. * @param data the dataArray to set * */ public final void setDataArray(int[] data) { if(dataArray instanceof IntArrayWrapper){ ((IntArrayWrapper)dataArray).setData(data); }else dataArray = new IntArrayWrapper(data); setDataArray(dataArray); } /**Set the long[] data array for the intensity graph. It must be called in UI thread. * Warning: for big image for example 1024*768, it may takes several milliseconds (10-50ms) * to paint the image. If this is called too fast that exceeds the painting capability, * it may cause memory leaking. * @param data the dataArray to set * */ public final void setDataArray(long[] data) { if(dataArray instanceof LongArrayWrapper){ ((LongArrayWrapper)dataArray).setData(data); }else dataArray = new LongArrayWrapper(data); setDataArray(dataArray); } /**Set the float[] data array for the intensity graph. It must be called in UI thread. * Warning: for big image for example 1024*768, it may takes several milliseconds (10-50ms) * to paint the image. If this is called too fast that exceeds the painting capability, * it may cause memory leaking. * @param data the dataArray to set * */ public final void setDataArray(float[] data) { if(dataArray instanceof FloatArrayWrapper){ ((FloatArrayWrapper)dataArray).setData(data); }else dataArray = new FloatArrayWrapper(data); setDataArray(dataArray); } /**Set the data array wrapper for the intensity graph. It must be called in UI thread. * Warning: for big image for example 1024*768, it may takes several milliseconds (10-50ms) * to paint the image. If this is called too fast that exceeds the painting capability, * it may cause memory leaking. * @param data the dataArray to set * */ public synchronized final void setDataArray(IPrimaryArrayWrapper dataWrapper){ dataArray = dataWrapper; croppedDataArray = null; dataDirty = true; graphArea.repaint(); } /** * @param dataHeight the dataHeight to set */ public final void setDataHeight(int dataHeight) { if(dataHeight <0|| dataWidth * dataHeight > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE || dataWidth * dataHeight < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if(this.dataHeight == dataHeight) return; this.dataHeight = dataHeight; updateCroppedDataSize(); dataDirty = true; repaint(); } /** * @param dataWidth the dataWidth to set */ public final void setDataWidth(int dataWidth) { if(dataWidth < 0 || dataWidth * dataHeight > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE || dataWidth * dataHeight < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if(this.dataWidth == dataWidth) return; this.dataWidth = dataWidth; updateCroppedDataSize(); dataDirty = true; repaint(); } /**Set if the input data is in RGB mode. For example, the input data is a 1D array of * [RGBRGBRGBRGB...]. If it is true, the color of the pixel will come from the * data directly and the color map will be ignored. * * @param inRGBMode true if the input data in RGB mode. */ public synchronized void setInRGBMode(boolean inRGBMode) { if(isInRGBMode() == inRGBMode) return; if(!isInRGBMode()){ if(savedShowRamp == null) savedShowRamp = isShowRamp(); colorMapRamp.setVisible(false); }else if(savedShowRamp != null) colorMapRamp.setVisible(savedShowRamp); this.inRGBMode = inRGBMode; dataDirty = true; repaint(); } /** * @param max the max to set */ public final void setMax(double max) { if(this.max == max) return; this.max = max; colorMapRamp.setMax(max); dataDirty = true; repaint(); } @Override public void setFont(Font f) { super.setFont(f); colorMapRamp.setFont(f); } /** * @param min the min to set */ public final void setMin(double min) { if(this.min == min) return; this.min = min; colorMapRamp.setMin(min); dataDirty = true; repaint(); } /**Set color of ROI figures. * @param roiColor */ public void setROIColor(Color roiColor) { this.roiColor = roiColor; for(ROIFigure f : roiMap.values()) f.setROIColor(roiColor); } public Color getRoiColor() { return roiColor; }; public void setROIDataBounds(String name, int xIndex, int yIndex, int width, int height){ if(roiMap.containsKey(name)) roiMap.get(name).setROIDataBounds(xIndex, yIndex, width, height); else throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " is not an existing ROI"); } public ROIFigure getROI(String name){ return roiMap.get(name); } /** * @param runMode the runMode to set */ public void setRunMode(boolean runMode) { this.runMode = runMode; } public void setShowRamp(boolean show){ if(isShowRamp() == show) return; if(!isInRGBMode()){ colorMapRamp.setVisible(show); } savedShowRamp = show; dataDirty = true; revalidate(); } private void zoom(){ double t1, t2; if(xAxisRange == null || yAxisRange == null){ xAxisRange = xAxis.getRange(); yAxisRange = yAxis.getRange(); } if(originalCrop == null){ originalCrop = new Rectangle(cropLeft, cropTop, cropRight, cropBottom); } Point leftTop = graphArea.getDataLocation( Math.min(start.x, end.x), Math.min(start.y, end.y)); Point rightBottom = graphArea.getDataLocation( Math.max(start.x, end.x), Math.max(start.y, end.y)); if(leftTop == null || rightBottom == null || leftTop.equals(rightBottom)) return; int toBeCropLeft = cropLeft + leftTop.x; int toBeCropTop = cropTop + leftTop.y; int toBeCropRight = cropRight + croppedDataWidth - rightBottom.x; int toBeCropBottom = cropBottom + croppedDataHeight - rightBottom.y; if(toBeCropLeft + toBeCropRight >= dataWidth || toBeCropBottom + toBeCropTop >=dataHeight) return; setCropLeft(toBeCropLeft); setCropTop(toBeCropTop); setCropRight(toBeCropRight); setCropBottom(toBeCropBottom); graphArea.repaint(); t1 = xAxis.getPositionValue(start.x, false); t2 = xAxis.getPositionValue(end.x, false); xAxis.setRange(t1, t2, true); t1 = yAxis.getPositionValue(start.y, false); t2 = yAxis.getPositionValue(end.y, false); yAxis.setRange(t1, t2,true); } public BeanInfo getBeanInfo() throws IntrospectionException { return new DefaultWidgetIntrospector().getBeanInfo(this.getClass()); } /** * @return the colorDepth */ public ColorDepth getColorDepth() { return colorDepth; } /**Set Color depth of the image. * @param colorDepth the colorDepth to set */ public void setColorDepth(ColorDepth colorDepth) { this.colorDepth = colorDepth; dataDirty = true; repaint(); } /**If it is profiling on single pixel. * @return the isSinglePixelProfiling */ public boolean isSingleLineProfiling() { return isSingleLineProfiling; } /**Profile on single pixel. * @param isSingleLineProfiling the isSinglePixelProfiling to set */ public void setSingleLineProfiling(boolean isSingleLineProfiling) { if(isSingleLineProfiling() == isSingleLineProfiling) return; this.isSingleLineProfiling = isSingleLineProfiling; graphArea.setSinglePixelProfiling(isSingleLineProfiling); } public String getPixelInfo(int xIndex, int yIndex, double xCoordinate, double yCoordinate, double pixelValue){ String result = ""; if(pixelInfoProviders == null) return result; for(IPixelInfoProvider p: pixelInfoProviders){ result += " " + p.getPixelInfo(xIndex, yIndex, xCoordinate, yCoordinate, pixelValue); } return result; } /** * */ protected void updateCroppedDataSize() { croppedDataWidth = dataWidth - cropLeft - cropRight; croppedDataHeight = dataHeight - cropTop - cropBottom; if(croppedDataSizeListeners != null){ for(ICroppedDataSizeListener listener : croppedDataSizeListeners){ listener.croppedDataSizeChanged(croppedDataWidth, croppedDataHeight); } } } }