/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) Emil Crumhorn - Hexapixel.com - emil.crumhorn@gmail.com * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * emil.crumhorn@gmail.com - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.ganttchart.themes; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.ganttchart.ColorCache; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.ganttchart.GanttSection; import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.ganttchart.IColorManager; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color; public class ColorThemeHighContrastBlack implements IColorManager { public Color getArrowColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(0, 255, 255); } public Color getReverseArrowColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(255, 0, 0); } public Color getBlack() { return ColorCache.getColor(0, 0, 0); } public Color getEventBorderColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(0, 0, 0); } public Color getFadeOffColor1() { return ColorCache.getColor(147, 147, 147); } public Color getFadeOffColor2() { return ColorCache.getColor(170, 170, 170); } public Color getFadeOffColor3() { return ColorCache.getColor(230, 230, 230); } public Color getLineColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(50, 50, 50); } public Color getWeekDividerLineColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(100, 100, 100); } public Color getPercentageBarColorTop() { return ColorCache.getColor(253, 239, 80); } public Color getPercentageBarColorBottom() { return ColorCache.getColor(253, 239, 80); } public Color getPercentageBarRemainderColorTop() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getPercentageBarRemainderColorBottom() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getTextColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(53, 228, 61); } public Color getTodayBackgroundColorTop() { return ColorCache.getColor(228, 53, 61); } public Color getTodayBackgroundColorBottom() { return getTodayBackgroundColorTop(); } public Color getTextHeaderBackgroundColorTop() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getTextHeaderBackgroundColorBottom() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getTimeHeaderBackgroundColorBottom() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getTimeHeaderBackgroundColorTop() { return getTextHeaderBackgroundColorTop(); } public Color getHourTimeDividerColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(170, 170, 170); } public Color getMonthTimeDividerColor() { return getHourTimeDividerColor(); } public Color getWeekTimeDividerColor() { return getMonthTimeDividerColor(); } public Color getYearTimeDividerColor() { return getHourTimeDividerColor(); } public Color getWeekdayBackgroundColorTop() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getWeekdayBackgroundColorBottom() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getWhite() { return ColorCache.getWhite(); } public Color getSaturdayBackgroundColorTop() { return ColorCache.getColor(80, 80, 80); } public Color getSaturdayBackgroundColorBottom() { return ColorCache.getColor(80, 80, 80); } public Color getSaturdayTextColor() { return getTextColor(); } public Color getSundayBackgroundColorTop() { return getSaturdayBackgroundColorTop(); } public Color getSundayBackgroundColorBottom() { return getSaturdayBackgroundColorBottom(); } public Color getHolidayBackgroundColorTop() { return getSaturdayBackgroundColorTop(); } public Color getHolidayBackgroundColorBottom() { return getSaturdayBackgroundColorBottom(); } public Color getWeekdayTextColor() { return getTextColor(); } public Color getSundayTextColor() { return getSaturdayTextColor(); } public Color getRevisedEndColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(255, 0, 0); } public Color getRevisedStartColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(0, 180, 0); } public Color getZoomBackgroundColorTop() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getZoomBackgroundColorBottom() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getZoomBorderColor() { return ColorCache.getWhite(); } public Color getZoomTextColor() { return getTextColor(); } public Color getTooltipBackgroundColor() { return getAdvancedTooltipInnerFillBottomColor(); } public Color getTooltipForegroundColor() { return getBlack(); } public Color getTooltipForegroundColorFaded() { return ColorCache.getColor(100, 100, 100); } public Color getScopeBorderColor() { return getBlack(); } public Color getScopeGradientColorBottom() { return ColorCache.getColor(255, 255, 255); } public Color getScopeGradientColorTop() { return ColorCache.getColor(98, 98, 98); } public Color getTopHorizontalLinesColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(80, 80, 80); } public Color getTodayLineColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(0, 255, 0); } public int getTodayLineAlpha() { return 125; } public int getWeekDividerAlpha() { return 50; } public boolean useAlphaDrawing() { return false; } public boolean useAlphaDrawingOn3DEventDropShadows() { return true; } public Color getTickMarkColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(253, 186, 80); } public Color getAdvancedTooltipBorderColor() { return ColorCache.getWhite(); } public Color getAdvancedTooltipDividerColor() { return ColorCache.getWhite(); } public Color getAdvancedTooltipDividerShadowColor() { return ColorCache.getWhite(); } public Color getAdvancedTooltipInnerFillBottomColor() { return getAdvancedTooltipInnerFillTopColor(); } public Color getAdvancedTooltipInnerFillTopColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(7, 254, 246); } public Color getAdvancedTooltipShadowCornerInnerColor() { return getAdvancedTooltipInnerFillTopColor(); } public Color getAdvancedTooltipShadowCornerOuterColor() { return getAdvancedTooltipInnerFillTopColor(); } public Color getAdvancedTooltipShadowInnerCornerColor() { return getAdvancedTooltipInnerFillTopColor(); } public Color getAdvancedTooltipTextColor() { return ColorCache.getWhite(); } public Color getActiveSessionBarColorLeft() { return getBlack(); } public Color getActiveSessionBarColorRight() { return getBlack(); } public Color getNonActiveSessionBarColorLeft() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getNonActiveSessionBarColorRight() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getSessionBarDividerColorLeft() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getSessionBarDividerColorRight() { return ColorCache.getBlack(); } public Color getSelectedDayColorBottom() { return getSelectedDayColorTop(); } public Color getSelectedDayColorTop() { return ColorCache.getColor(227, 229, 32); } public Color getSelectedDayHeaderColorBottom() { return ColorCache.getColor(230, 230, 230); } public Color getSelectedDayHeaderColorTop() { return ColorCache.getColor(255, 255, 255); } public Color getPhaseHeaderBackgroundColorBottom() { return getTimeHeaderBackgroundColorBottom(); } public Color getPhaseHeaderBackgroundColorTop() { return getTimeHeaderBackgroundColorTop(); } public Color getOriginalLocationColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(253, 145, 80); } public Color getVerticalInsertMarkerColor() { return getOriginalLocationColor(); } public Color getPeriodLineColor() { return ColorCache.getColor(255, 0, 0); } public Color getSectionDetailAreaForegroundColor(GanttSection section) { return getWeekdayBackgroundColorTop(); } public Color getSectionDetailAreaBackgroundColor(GanttSection section) { return getWeekdayBackgroundColorBottom(); } public boolean drawSectionDetailGradientTopDown() { return true; } }