package com.gorillalogic.agents.html.automators; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import com.gorillalogic.monkeytalk.Command; import com.gorillalogic.monkeytalk.automators.AutomatorConstants; public class CheckBoxAutomator extends WebElementAutomator { public static String componentType = "CheckBox"; public static String[] aliases = { "Toggle" }; protected WebElement element; @Override public String getComponentType() { return componentType; } public String getElementExpr() { return "//input[@type = 'checkbox']"; } @Override protected String getLocatorExpr() { if (getOrdinal() != null) return "(" + getElementExpr() + ")" + "[" + getOrdinal() + "]"; else if (getMonkeyOrdinal() != null) return "(" + getElementExpr() + "[" + getWhereExpr(getMonkeyOrdinal().get(0)) + "])[" + getMonkeyOrdinal().get(1) + "]"; return getElementExpr() + "[" + getWhereExpr(this.monkeyId) + "]"; } @Override public String play(Command command) { String action = command.getAction(); element = driver.findElement(By.xpath(getLocatorExpr())); if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(AutomatorConstants.ACTION_ON) || action.equalsIgnoreCase(AutomatorConstants.ACTION_OFF)) { return toggle(command); } return; } protected String toggle(Command command) { String action = command.getAction(); try { if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(AutomatorConstants.ACTION_ON)) { if (!element.isSelected()); return null; } else { if (element.isSelected()); return null; } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find checkbox with monkeyID '" + command.getMonkeyId() + "'"); } } @Override protected String getProperty(String prop) { if (prop.equals("value")) { if (element.isSelected()) return "on"; else return "off"; } return super.getProperty(prop); } }