package org.codehaus.modello.generator.xml.stax; /* * Copyright (c) 2004, * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ import junit.framework.Assert; import org.codehaus.modello.test.model.Build; import org.codehaus.modello.test.model.Component; import org.codehaus.modello.test.model.MailingList; import org.codehaus.modello.test.model.Model; import org.codehaus.modello.test.model.Organization; import org.codehaus.modello.test.model.Repository; import org.codehaus.modello.test.model.Scm; import org.codehaus.modello.test.model.SourceModification; import; import; import org.codehaus.modello.verifier.Verifier; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.ReaderFactory; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.TimeZone; import; /** * @author <a href="">Trygve Laugstøl</a> */ public class StaxVerifier extends Verifier { /** * TODO: Add a association thats not under the root element */ public void verify() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { TimeZone.setDefault( TimeZone.getTimeZone( "America/New_York" ) ); verifyWriter(); verifyReader(); verifyReaderAliases(); verifyReaderDuplicates(); } public void verifyEncodedRead() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { File file = new File( "src/test/verifiers/stax/expected-encoding.xml" ); Reader reader = ReaderFactory.newXmlReader( file ); MavenStaxReader modelReader = new MavenStaxReader(); Model model = reader ); Assert.assertEquals( "Maven\u00A9", model.getName() ); } public void verifyReadDefaultAttribute() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { File file = new File( "src/test/verifiers/stax/expected-default-extend.xml" ); Reader reader = ReaderFactory.newXmlReader( file ); MavenStaxReader modelReader = new MavenStaxReader(); Model model = reader ); Assert.assertEquals( "foo", model.getExtend() ); } public void verifyWriter() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String expectedXml = FileUtils.fileRead( getTestFile( "src/test/verifiers/stax/expected.xml" ) ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build the model thats going to be written. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Model expected = new Model(); expected.setExtend( "/foo/bar" ); expected.setName( "Maven" ); expected.setModelVersion( "4.0.0" ); MailingList mailingList = new MailingList(); mailingList.setName( "Mailing list" ); mailingList.setSubscribe( "Super Subscribe" ); mailingList.setUnsubscribe( "Duper Unsubscribe" ); mailingList.setArchive( "?ber Archive" ); expected.addMailingList( mailingList ); Scm scm = new Scm(); String connection = "connection"; String developerConnection = "developerConnection"; String url = "url"; scm.setConnection( connection ); scm.setDeveloperConnection( developerConnection ); scm.setUrl( url ); expected.setScm( scm ); Build build = new Build(); build.setSourceDirectory( "src/main/java" ); build.setUnitTestSourceDirectory( "src/test/java" ); SourceModification sourceModification = new SourceModification(); sourceModification.setClassName( "excludeEclipsePlugin" ); sourceModification.setDirectory( "foo" ); sourceModification.addExclude( "de/abstrakt/tools/codegeneration/eclipse/*.java" ); build.addSourceModification( sourceModification ); expected.setBuild( build ); Component component = new Component(); component.setName( "component1" ); expected.addComponent( component ); component = new Component(); component.setName( "component2" ); component.setComment( "comment2" ); expected.addComponent( component ); Component c2 = new Component(); c2.setName( "sub" ); c2.setComment( "subcomment" ); component.getComponents().add( c2 ); component = new Component(); component.setName( "component3" ); Xpp3Dom xpp3Dom = new Xpp3Dom( "custom" ); Xpp3Dom child = new Xpp3Dom( "foo" ); child.setValue( "bar" ); xpp3Dom.addChild( child ); child = new Xpp3Dom( "bar" ); child.setAttribute( "att1", "value" ); child.setValue( "baz" ); xpp3Dom.addChild( child ); child = new Xpp3Dom( "el1" ); xpp3Dom.addChild( child ); Xpp3Dom el1 = child; child = new Xpp3Dom( "el2" ); child.setValue( "te&xt" ); el1.addChild( child ); component.setCustom( xpp3Dom ); expected.addComponent( component ); component = new Component(); component.setName( "component4" ); expected.addComponent( component ); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty( "name", "value" ); component.setFlatProperties( properties ); properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty( "key", "theValue" ); component.setProperties( properties ); Repository repository = new Repository(); repository.setId( "foo" ); expected.addRepository( repository ); repository = new Repository(); repository.setId( "bar" ); expected.addRepository( repository ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write out the model // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MavenStaxWriter writer = new MavenStaxWriter(); StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter(); writer.write( buffer, expected ); String actualXml = buffer.toString(); // System.out.println( expectedXml ); // // System.out.println( actualXml ); Assert.assertEquals( cleanLineEndings( expectedXml.trim() ), scrubXmlDeclQuotes( actualXml.trim() ) ); MavenStaxReader reader = new MavenStaxReader(); Model actual = new StringReader( actualXml ) ); Assert.assertNotNull( "Actual", actual ); assertModel( expected, actual ); buffer = new StringWriter(); writer.write( buffer, actual ); Assert.assertEquals( cleanLineEndings( expectedXml.trim() ), scrubXmlDeclQuotes( buffer.toString().trim() ) ); } private String cleanLineEndings( String s ) { return s.replaceAll( "\r\n", "\n" ); } private String scrubXmlDeclQuotes( String s ) { s = cleanLineEndings( s ); if ( s.startsWith( "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>")) { return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + s.substring( "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>".length() ); } return s; } public void verifyReader() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { MavenStaxReader reader = new MavenStaxReader(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test that the entities is properly resolved // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- String xml = "<mavenModel>\n" + " <groupId>Laugst\u00f8l</groupId>\n" + "</mavenModel>"; Model expected = new Model(); String groupId = "Laugst\u00f8l"; expected.setGroupId( groupId ); Model actual = new StringReader( xml ) ); assertModel( expected, actual ); } public void verifyReaderAliases() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { MavenStaxReader reader = new MavenStaxReader(); String xml = "<mavenModel>\n" + " <website></website>\n" + " <organisation><name>my-org</name></organisation>\n" + "</mavenModel>"; Model expected = new Model(); expected.setUrl( "" ); Organization org = new Organization(); org.setName( "my-org" ); expected.setOrganization( org ); Model actual = new StringReader( xml ) ); assertModel( expected, actual ); } public void verifyReaderDuplicates() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { MavenStaxReader reader = new MavenStaxReader(); String xml = "<mavenModel>\n" + " <builder><sourceDirectory /><sourceDirectory /></builder>\n" + "</mavenModel>"; try { new StringReader( xml ) ); "Should have obtained a parse error for duplicate sourceDirectory" ); } catch ( XMLStreamException expected ) { Assert.assertTrue( true ); } xml = "<mavenModel>\n" + " <builder><sourceDirectory /></builder>\n" + " <builder><sourceDirectory /></builder>\n" + "</mavenModel>"; try { new StringReader( xml ) ); "Should have obtained a parse error for duplicate build" ); } catch ( XMLStreamException expected ) { Assert.assertTrue( true ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Assertions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void assertModel( Model expected, Model actual ) { Assert.assertNotNull( "Actual model", actual ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/extend", expected.getExtend(), actual.getExtend() ); // assertParent( expected.getParent(), actual.getParent() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/modelVersion", expected.getModelVersion(), actual.getModelVersion() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/groupId", expected.getGroupId(), actual.getGroupId() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/artifactId", expected.getArtifactId(), actual.getArtifactId() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/type", expected.getType(), actual.getType() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/name", expected.getName(), actual.getName() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/version", expected.getVersion(), actual.getVersion() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/shortDescription", expected.getShortDescription(), actual.getShortDescription() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/description", expected.getDescription(), actual.getDescription() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/url", expected.getUrl(), actual.getUrl() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/logo", expected.getLogo(), actual.getLogo() ); // assertIssueManagement(); // assertCiManagement(); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/inceptionYear", expected.getInceptionYear(), actual.getInceptionYear() ); // assertEquals( "/model/siteAddress", expected.getSiteAddress(), actual.getSiteAddress() ); // assertEquals( "/model/siteDirectory", expected.getSiteDirectory(), actual.getSiteDirectory() ); // assertEquals( "/model/distributionSite", expected.getDistributionSite(), actual.getDistributionSite() ); // assertEquals( "/model/distributionDirectory", expected.getDistributionDirectory(), actual.getDistributionDirectory() ); assertMailingLists( expected.getMailingLists(), actual.getMailingLists() ); /* assertDevelopers( ); assertContributors( ); assertDependencies( ); assertLicenses( ); assertPackageGroups( ); assertReports( ); */ assertScm( expected.getScm(), actual.getScm() ); /* assertBuild( ); assertOrganization( expected.getOrganization(), actual.getOrganization() ); */ assertBuild( expected.getBuild(), actual.getBuild() ); } public void assertMailingLists( List expected, List actual ) { Assert.assertNotNull( "/model/mailingLists", actual ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/mailingLists.size", expected.size(), actual.size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++ ) { assertMailingList( i, (MailingList) expected.get( i ), actual.get( i ) ); } } public void assertMailingList( int i, MailingList expected, Object actualObject ) { Assert.assertNotNull( "/model/mailingLists[" + i + "]", actualObject ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/mailingLists", MailingList.class, actualObject.getClass() ); MailingList actual = (MailingList) actualObject; Assert.assertEquals( "/model/mailingLists[" + i + "]/name", expected.getName(), actual.getName() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/mailingLists[" + i + "]/subscribe", expected.getSubscribe(), actual.getSubscribe() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/mailingLists[" + i + "]/unsubscribe", expected.getUnsubscribe(), actual.getUnsubscribe() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/mailingLists[" + i + "]/archive", expected.getArchive(), actual.getArchive() ); } public void assertScm( Scm expected, Object actualObject ) { if ( expected == null ) { Assert.assertNull( "/model/scm", actualObject ); } else { Assert.assertNotNull( "/model/scm", actualObject ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/scm", Scm.class, actualObject.getClass() ); Scm actual = (Scm) actualObject; Assert.assertEquals( "/model/scm/connection", expected.getConnection(), actual.getConnection() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/scm/developerConnection", expected.getDeveloperConnection(), actual.getDeveloperConnection() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/scm/url", expected.getUrl(), actual.getUrl() ); } } public void assertBuild( Build expected, Object actualObject ) { if ( expected == null ) { Assert.assertNull( "/model/builder", actualObject ); } else { Assert.assertNotNull( "/model/builder", actualObject ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/builder", Build.class, actualObject.getClass() ); Build actual = (Build) actualObject; Assert.assertEquals( "/model/builder/sourceDirectory", expected.getSourceDirectory(), actual.getSourceDirectory() ); Assert.assertEquals( "/model/builder/unitTestSourceDirectory", expected.getUnitTestSourceDirectory(), actual.getUnitTestSourceDirectory() ); } } }