package org.codehaus.modello.plugin.snakeyaml; /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2013, * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.codehaus.modello.ModelloException; import org.codehaus.modello.model.Model; import org.codehaus.modello.model.ModelAssociation; import org.codehaus.modello.model.ModelClass; import org.codehaus.modello.model.ModelDefault; import org.codehaus.modello.model.ModelField; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.modello.plugins.xml.metadata.XmlAssociationMetadata; import org.codehaus.modello.plugins.xml.metadata.XmlFieldMetadata; /** * @author <a href="">Simone Tripodi</a> */ public class SnakeYamlWriterGenerator extends AbstractSnakeYamlGenerator { public void generate( Model model, Properties parameters ) throws ModelloException { initialize( model, parameters ); try { generateSnakeYamlWriter(); } catch ( IOException ex ) { throw new ModelloException( "Exception while generating SnakeYaml Writer.", ex ); } } private void generateSnakeYamlWriter() throws ModelloException, IOException { Model objectModel = getModel(); String packageName = objectModel.getDefaultPackageName( isPackageWithVersion(), getGeneratedVersion() ) + ".io.snakeyaml"; String marshallerName = getFileName( "SnakeYamlWriter" ); JSourceWriter sourceWriter = newJSourceWriter( packageName, marshallerName ); JClass jClass = new JClass( packageName + '.' + marshallerName ); initHeader( jClass ); jClass.addImport( "org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions" ); jClass.addImport( "org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions.Version" ); jClass.addImport( "org.yaml.snakeyaml.emitter.Emitable" ); jClass.addImport( "org.yaml.snakeyaml.emitter.Emitter" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); jClass.addImport( "" ); addModelImports( jClass, null ); JField factoryField = new JField( new JClass( "DumperOptions" ), "dumperOptions" ); factoryField.getModifiers().setFinal( true ); factoryField.setInitString( "new DumperOptions()" ); jClass.addField( factoryField ); JConstructor jacksonWriterConstructor = new JConstructor( jClass ); JSourceCode sc = jacksonWriterConstructor.getSourceCode(); sc.add( "dumperOptions.setAllowUnicode( true );" ); sc.add( "dumperOptions.setPrettyFlow( true );" ); sc.add( "dumperOptions.setVersion( Version.V1_1 );" ); jClass.addConstructor( jacksonWriterConstructor ); String root = objectModel.getRoot( getGeneratedVersion() ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write the write( Writer, Model ) method which will do the unmarshalling. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- JMethod marshall = new JMethod( "write" ); String rootElementParameterName = uncapitalise( root ); marshall.addParameter( new JParameter( new JClass( "Writer" ), "writer" ) ); marshall.addParameter( new JParameter( new JClass( root ), rootElementParameterName ) ); marshall.addException( new JClass( "IOException" ) ); sc = marshall.getSourceCode(); sc.add( "Emitable generator = new Emitter( writer, dumperOptions );" ); sc.add( "generator.emit( new StreamStartEvent( null, null ) );" ); sc.add( "generator.emit( new DocumentStartEvent( null, null, dumperOptions.isExplicitStart(), dumperOptions.getVersion(), dumperOptions.getTags() ) );" ); sc.add( "write" + root + "( " + rootElementParameterName + ", generator );" ); sc.add( "generator.emit( new DocumentEndEvent( null, null, dumperOptions.isExplicitEnd() ) );" ); sc.add( "generator.emit( new StreamEndEvent( null, null ) );" ); jClass.addMethod( marshall ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write the write( OutputStream, Model ) method which will do the unmarshalling. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- marshall = new JMethod( "write" ); marshall.addParameter( new JParameter( new JClass( "OutputStream" ), "stream" ) ); marshall.addParameter( new JParameter( new JClass( root ), rootElementParameterName ) ); marshall.addException( new JClass( "IOException" ) ); sc = marshall.getSourceCode(); sc.add( "write( new OutputStreamWriter( stream, " + rootElementParameterName + ".getModelEncoding() ), " + rootElementParameterName + " );" ); jClass.addMethod( marshall ); writeAllClasses( objectModel, jClass ); jClass.print( sourceWriter ); sourceWriter.close(); } private void writeAllClasses( Model objectModel, JClass jClass ) throws ModelloException { for ( ModelClass clazz : getClasses( objectModel ) ) { writeClass( clazz, jClass ); } } private void writeClass( ModelClass modelClass, JClass jClass ) throws ModelloException { String className = modelClass.getName(); String uncapClassName = uncapitalise( className ); JMethod marshall = new JMethod( "write" + className ); marshall.addParameter( new JParameter( new JClass( className ), uncapClassName ) ); marshall.addParameter( new JParameter( new JClass( "Emitable" ), "generator" ) ); marshall.addException( new JClass( "IOException" ) ); marshall.getModifiers().makePrivate(); JSourceCode sc = marshall.getSourceCode(); sc.add( "generator.emit( new MappingStartEvent( null, null, true, null, null, false ) );" ); ModelField contentField = null; String contentValue = null; List<ModelField> modelFields = getFieldsForXml( modelClass, getGeneratedVersion() ); // XML attributes for ( ModelField field : modelFields ) { XmlFieldMetadata xmlFieldMetadata = (XmlFieldMetadata) field.getMetadata( XmlFieldMetadata.ID ); JavaFieldMetadata javaFieldMetadata = (JavaFieldMetadata) field.getMetadata( JavaFieldMetadata.ID ); String fieldTagName = resolveTagName( field, xmlFieldMetadata ); String type = field.getType(); String value = uncapClassName + "." + getPrefix( javaFieldMetadata ) + capitalise( field.getName() ) + "()"; if ( xmlFieldMetadata.isContent() ) { contentField = field; contentValue = value; continue; } if ( xmlFieldMetadata.isAttribute() ) { sc.add( getValueChecker( type, value, field ) ); sc.add( "{" ); sc.indent(); writeScalarKey( sc, fieldTagName ); writeScalar( sc, getValue( field.getType(), value, xmlFieldMetadata ) ); sc.unindent(); sc.add( "}" ); } } if ( contentField != null ) { XmlFieldMetadata xmlFieldMetadata = (XmlFieldMetadata) contentField.getMetadata( XmlFieldMetadata.ID ); writeScalar( sc, getValue( contentField.getType(), contentValue, xmlFieldMetadata ) ); } // XML tags for ( ModelField field : modelFields ) { XmlFieldMetadata xmlFieldMetadata = (XmlFieldMetadata) field.getMetadata( XmlFieldMetadata.ID ); if ( xmlFieldMetadata.isContent() ) { // skip field with type Content continue; } JavaFieldMetadata javaFieldMetadata = (JavaFieldMetadata) field.getMetadata( JavaFieldMetadata.ID ); String fieldTagName = resolveTagName( field, xmlFieldMetadata ); String type = field.getType(); String value = uncapClassName + "." + getPrefix( javaFieldMetadata ) + capitalise( field.getName() ) + "()"; if ( xmlFieldMetadata.isAttribute() ) { continue; } if ( field instanceof ModelAssociation ) { ModelAssociation association = (ModelAssociation) field; if ( association.isOneMultiplicity() ) { sc.add( getValueChecker( type, value, association ) ); sc.add( "{" ); sc.indent(); writeScalarKey( sc, fieldTagName ); sc.add( "write" + association.getTo() + "( (" + association.getTo() + ") " + value + ", generator );" ); sc.unindent(); sc.add( "}" ); } else { //MANY_MULTIPLICITY XmlAssociationMetadata xmlAssociationMetadata = (XmlAssociationMetadata) association.getAssociationMetadata( XmlAssociationMetadata.ID ); type = association.getType(); String toType = association.getTo(); if ( ModelDefault.LIST.equals( type ) || ModelDefault.SET.equals( type ) ) { sc.add( getValueChecker( type, value, association ) ); sc.add( "{" ); sc.indent(); writeScalarKey( sc, fieldTagName ); sc.add( "generator.emit( new SequenceStartEvent( null, null, true, null, null, false ) );" ); if ( useJava5 ) { sc.add( "for ( " + toType + " o : " + value + " )" ); } else { sc.add( "for ( java.util.Iterator it = " + value + ".iterator(); it.hasNext(); )" ); } sc.add( "{" ); sc.indent(); if ( !useJava5 ) { sc.add( toType + " o = (" + toType + " );" ); } if ( isClassInModel( association.getTo(), modelClass.getModel() ) ) { sc.add( "write" + toType + "( o, generator );" ); } else { writeScalar( sc, "o" ); } sc.unindent(); sc.add( "}" ); sc.add( "generator.emit( new SequenceEndEvent( null, null ) );" ); sc.unindent(); sc.add( "}" ); } else { //Map or Properties sc.add( getValueChecker( type, value, field ) ); sc.add( "{" ); sc.indent(); writeScalarKey( sc, fieldTagName ); if ( xmlAssociationMetadata.isMapExplode() ) { sc.add( "generator.emit( new SequenceStartEvent( null, null, true, null, null, false ) );" ); } else { sc.add( "generator.emit( new MappingStartEvent( null, null, true, null, null, false ) );" ); } StringBuilder entryTypeBuilder = new StringBuilder( "java.util.Map.Entry" ); if ( useJava5 ) { entryTypeBuilder.append( '<' ); if ( association.getType().equals( ModelDefault.PROPERTIES ) ) { entryTypeBuilder.append( "Object, Object" ); } else { entryTypeBuilder.append( "String, " ).append( association.getTo() ); } entryTypeBuilder.append( '>' ); } if ( useJava5 ) { sc.add( "for ( " + entryTypeBuilder + " entry : " + value + ".entrySet() )" ); } else { sc.add( "for ( java.util.Iterator it = " + value + ".entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )" ); } sc.add( "{" ); sc.indent(); if ( !useJava5 ) { sc.add( entryTypeBuilder + " entry = (" + entryTypeBuilder + ");" ); } sc.add( "final String key = String.valueOf( entry.getKey() );" ); sc.add( "final String value = String.valueOf( entry.getValue() );" ); if ( xmlAssociationMetadata.isMapExplode() ) { sc.add( "generator.emit( new MappingStartEvent( null, null, true, null, null, false ) );" ); writeScalarKey( sc, "key" ); writeScalar( sc, "key" ); writeScalarKey( sc, "value" ); writeScalar( sc, "value" ); sc.add( "generator.emit( new MappingEndEvent( null, null ) );" ); } else { writeScalar( sc, "key" ); writeScalar( sc, "value" ); } sc.unindent(); sc.add( "}" ); if ( xmlAssociationMetadata.isMapExplode() ) { sc.add( "generator.emit( new SequenceEndEvent( null, null ) );" ); } else { sc.add( "generator.emit( new MappingEndEvent( null, null ) );" ); } sc.unindent(); sc.add( "}" ); } } } else { sc.add( getValueChecker( type, value, field ) ); sc.add( "{" ); sc.indent(); writeScalarKey( sc, fieldTagName ); writeScalar( sc, getValue( field.getType(), value, xmlFieldMetadata ) ); sc.unindent(); sc.add( "}" ); } } sc.add( "generator.emit( new MappingEndEvent( null, null ) );" ); jClass.addMethod( marshall ); } private void writeScalarKey( JSourceCode sc, String key ) { writeScalar( sc, "\"" + key + "\"" ); } private void writeScalar( JSourceCode sc, String value ) { sc.add( "generator.emit( new ScalarEvent( null, null, new ImplicitTuple( true, true ), " + value + ", null, null, ' ' ) );" ); } }