package; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.jdiameter.api.Answer; import org.jdiameter.api.Avp; import org.jdiameter.api.AvpDataException; import org.jdiameter.api.AvpSet; import org.jdiameter.api.EventListener; import org.jdiameter.api.IllegalDiameterStateException; import org.jdiameter.api.InternalException; import org.jdiameter.api.Message; import org.jdiameter.api.NetworkReqListener; import org.jdiameter.api.OverloadException; import org.jdiameter.api.Request; import org.jdiameter.api.ResultCode; import org.jdiameter.api.RouteException; import org.jdiameter.api.SessionFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Basic implementation of ShServerSession - can be one time - for UDR,PUR and * constant for SNR-PNR pair, in case when SNA contains response code from range * different than 2001-2004(success codes) user is responsible for maintaing * state - releasing etc, same goes if result code is contained * Experimental-Result AVP <br> * If ShSession moves to ShSessionState.TERMINATED - it means that no further * messages can be received via it and it should be discarded. <br> * <br> * Super project: mobicents-jainslee-server <br> * 10:53:02 2008-09-05 <br> * * @author <a href=""> Bartosz Baranowski </a> * @author <a href=""> Alexandre Mendonca </a> */ public class ShServerSessionImpl extends ShSession implements ServerShSession, EventListener<Request, Answer>, NetworkReqListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected ShSessionState state = ShSessionState.NOTSUBSCRIBED; protected boolean stateless = false; protected IShMessageFactory factory = null; protected String destHost, destRealm; protected Lock sendAndStateLock = new ReentrantLock(); protected ServerShSessionListener listener; protected long appId = -1; //Subscription timer protected ScheduledFuture sft = null; protected ScheduledFuture txSft=null; protected boolean receivedSubTerm=false; protected TxTimerTask txTimerTask=null; public ShServerSessionImpl(IShMessageFactory fct, SessionFactory sf, ServerShSessionListener lst) { this(null, fct, sf, lst); } public ShServerSessionImpl(String sessionId, IShMessageFactory fct, SessionFactory sf, ServerShSessionListener lst) { if (lst == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Listener can not be null"); } if (fct.getApplicationId() < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ApplicationId can not be less than zero"); } appId = fct.getApplicationId(); listener = lst; factory = fct; try { if (sessionId == null) { session = sf.getNewSession(); } else { session = sf.getNewSession(sessionId); } session.setRequestListener(this); } catch (InternalException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } public void sendProfileUpdateAnswer(ProfileUpdateAnswer answer) throws InternalException, IllegalDiameterStateException, RouteException, OverloadException { send(Event.Type.SEND_PROFILE_UPDATE_ANSWER, null, answer); } public void sendPushNotificationRequest(PushNotificationRequest request) throws InternalException, IllegalDiameterStateException, RouteException, OverloadException { send(Event.Type.SEND_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST,request,null); } public void sendSubscribeNotificationsAnswer(SubscribeNotificationsAnswer answer) throws InternalException, IllegalDiameterStateException, RouteException, OverloadException { send(Event.Type.SEND_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFICATIONS_ANSWER, null, answer); } public void sendUserDataAnswer(UserDataAnswer answer) throws InternalException, IllegalDiameterStateException, RouteException, OverloadException { send(Event.Type.SEND_USER_DATA_ANSWER, null, answer); } public void receivedSuccessMessage(Request request, Answer answer) { try { sendAndStateLock.lock(); if (request.getApplicationId() == factory.getApplicationId()) { if (request.getCommandCode() == PushNotificationRequestImpl.code) { handleEvent(new Event(Event.Type.RECEIVE_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_ANSWER, factory.createPushNotificationRequest(request), factory.createPushNotificationAnswer(answer))); return; } } listener.doOtherEvent(this, new AppRequestEventImpl(request), new AppAnswerEventImpl(answer)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Failed to process success message", e); } finally { sendAndStateLock.unlock(); } } public void timeoutExpired(Request request) { try { sendAndStateLock.lock(); if (request.getApplicationId() == factory.getApplicationId()) { if (request.getCommandCode() == ProfileUpdateRequestImpl.code) { handleEvent(new Event(Event.Type.TIMEOUT_EXPIRES, factory.createPushNotificationRequest(request), null)); return; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Failed to process timeout message", e); } finally { sendAndStateLock.unlock(); } } public Answer processRequest(Request request) { try { if (request.getApplicationId() == factory.getApplicationId()) { if (request.getCommandCode() == { handleEvent(new Event(Event.Type.RECEIVE_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST, factory.createSubscribeNotificationsRequest(request), null)); return null; } else if(request.getCommandCode() == { handleEvent(new Event(Event.Type.RECEIVE_USER_DATA_REQUEST,factory.createUserDataRequest(request),null)); return null; } else if(request.getCommandCode() == { handleEvent(new Event(Event.Type.RECEIVE_PROFILE_UPDATE_REQUEST,factory.createProfileUpdateRequest(request),null)); return null; } else { // FIXME: Anything to do here? } } listener.doOtherEvent(this, new AppRequestEventImpl(request), null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Failed to process request message", e); } return null; } public <E> E getState(Class<E> stateType) { return stateType == ShSessionState.class ? (E) state : null; } public boolean handleEvent(StateEvent event) throws InternalException, OverloadException { try { sendAndStateLock.lock(); ShSessionState oldState = this.state; ShSessionState newState = this.state; try { Event localEvent = (Event) event; AppEvent request = localEvent.getRequest(); switch (state) { case NOTSUBSCRIBED: if (event.getType() == Event.Type.RECEIVE_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST) { //Do nothing, we have to wait for response send callback startTxTimer(request); //We use newState in case of first request, it can be unsubscribe or bad newState=doSNX(request); } else if (event.getType() == Event.Type.RECEIVE_PROFILE_UPDATE_REQUEST) { //newState=ShSessionState.TERMINATED; startTxTimer(request); } else if (event.getType() == Event.Type.RECEIVE_USER_DATA_REQUEST) { //newState=ShSessionState.TERMINATED; startTxTimer(request); } else if(event.getType()== Event.Type.SEND_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFICATIONS_ANSWER) { newState=doSNX(localEvent.getAnswer()); stopTxTimer(); } else if (event.getType() == Event.Type.TIMEOUT_EXPIRES) { newState = ShSessionState.TERMINATED; //FIXME: What happens here? } else if(event.getType()== Event.Type.TX_TIMER_EXPIRED) { newState = ShSessionState.TERMINATED; //FIXME Result code ??? try { Answer answer= ((Request)request.getMessage()).createAnswer(ResultCode.TOO_BUSY); session.send(answer); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Unable to send failure answer", e); } } else { // Other messages just make it go into terminated state and release send: UDA stopTxTimer(); newState = ShSessionState.TERMINATED; } break; case SUBSCRIBED: //FIXME: should we also use here startTx, stopTx? if(event.getType()== Event.Type.SEND_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFICATIONS_ANSWER) { newState=doSNX(localEvent.getAnswer()); stopTxTimer(); } else if(event.getType() == Event.Type.RECEIVE_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST) { newState=doSNX(request); //startTxTimer(request); } //FIXME: Any change here - even on timeout? break; case TERMINATED: break; } // Do the delivery // FIXME: Should we look if we are in terminated state? try { switch ((Event.Type) localEvent.getType()) { case RECEIVE_PROFILE_UPDATE_REQUEST: listener.doProfileUpdateRequestEvent(this, (ProfileUpdateRequest) localEvent.getRequest()); break; case RECEIVE_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_ANSWER: listener.doPushNotificationAnswerEvent(this, (PushNotificationRequest) localEvent.getRequest(), (PushNotificationAnswer) localEvent.getAnswer()); break; case RECEIVE_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST: listener.doSubscribeNotificationsRequestEvent(this, (SubscribeNotificationsRequest) localEvent.getRequest()); break; case RECEIVE_USER_DATA_REQUEST: listener.doUserDataRequestEvent(this, (UserDataRequest) localEvent.getRequest()); break; case SEND_PROFILE_UPDATE_ANSWER: dispatchEvent(localEvent.getAnswer()); stopTxTimer(); break; case SEND_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST: dispatchEvent(localEvent.getRequest()); break; case SEND_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFICATIONS_ANSWER: dispatchEvent(localEvent.getAnswer()); stopTxTimer(); break; case SEND_USER_DATA_ANSWER: dispatchEvent(localEvent.getAnswer()); stopTxTimer(); break; case TIMEOUT_EXPIRES: break; default: logger.error("Wrong message type={} req={} ans={}", new Object[]{localEvent.getType(), localEvent.getRequest(), localEvent.getAnswer()}); } } catch (IllegalDiameterStateException idse) { throw new InternalException(idse); } catch (RouteException re) { throw new InternalException(re); } } finally { if (newState != oldState) { setState(newState, true); } } } finally { sendAndStateLock.unlock(); } return true; } public boolean isStateless() { return stateless; } protected void send(Event.Type type, AppEvent request, AppEvent answer) throws InternalException { try { //FIXME: isnt this bad? Shouldnt send be before state change? sendAndStateLock.lock(); if (type != null) { handleEvent(new Event(type, request, answer)); } } catch (Exception exc) { throw new InternalException(exc); } finally { sendAndStateLock.unlock(); } } protected void dispatchEvent(AppEvent event) throws InternalException { try{ session.send(event.getMessage(), this); //FIXME: add differentation on server/client request } catch(Exception e) { logger.debug("Failed to dispatch event", e); } } protected void setState(ShSessionState newState) { setState(newState, true); } protected void setState(ShSessionState newState, boolean release) { IAppSessionState oldState = state; state = newState; for (StateChangeListener i : stateListeners) { i.stateChanged((Enum) oldState, (Enum) newState); } if (newState == ShSessionState.TERMINATED) { if (release) { this.release(); } stopSubscriptionTimer(); stopTxTimer(); } } public void release() { try { sendAndStateLock.lock(); if (state != ShSessionState.TERMINATED) { setState(ShSessionState.TERMINATED, false); //session.release(); } if(super.isValid()) { super.release(); } if(super.session != null) { super.session.setRequestListener(null); } this.session = null; if(listener != null) { this.removeStateChangeNotification((StateChangeListener) listener); } this.listener = null; this.factory = null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Failed to release session", e); } finally { sendAndStateLock.unlock(); } } protected long extractExpirationTime(Message answer) { return -1; } protected ShSessionState doSNX(AppEvent message) throws InternalException { ShSessionState newState = state; AvpSet set = message.getMessage().getAvps(); long resultCode = -1; // Experimental-Result-Code:297, Result-Code:268 Avp avp = null; try{ if(message.getMessage().isRequest()) { Avp subsReqType = set.getAvp(705); if(subsReqType == null || subsReqType.getInteger32() < 0 || subsReqType.getInteger32() > 1) { // This is wrong! newState = ShSessionState.TERMINATED; } else { switch(subsReqType.getInteger32()) { case 0: // Subscribe startSubscriptionTimer(message.getMessage()); break; case 1: receivedSubTerm = true; break; } } } else { if(receivedSubTerm) { newState = ShSessionState.TERMINATED; stopSubscriptionTimer(); } else { avp = set.getAvp(Avp.EXPERIMENTAL_RESULT) != null ? set.getAvp(Avp.EXPERIMENTAL_RESULT).getGrouped().getAvp(Avp.EXPERIMENTAL_RESULT_CODE) : set.getAvp(Avp.RESULT_CODE); try { resultCode = avp.getUnsigned32(); if (resultCode >= 2000 && resultCode < 3000) { startSubscriptionTimer(message.getMessage()); newState = ShSessionState.SUBSCRIBED; } else { // its a failure? newState= ShSessionState.TERMINATED; } } catch (AvpDataException e) { logger.debug("Could not retrieve Result-Code from message", e); } } } } catch(Exception e) { logger.debug("Unable to process event", e); newState = ShSessionState.TERMINATED; } return newState; } private void startSubscriptionTimer( Message message) { long expiryTime = extractExpirationTime(message); if (expiryTime >= 0) { stopSubscriptionTimer(); this.sft = scheduler.schedule(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { sendAndStateLock.lock(); if (state != ShSessionState.TERMINATED) { setState(ShSessionState.TERMINATED); } } finally { sendAndStateLock.unlock(); } } }, expiryTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } private void stopSubscriptionTimer() { if(this.sft != null) { this.sft.cancel(false); this.sft = null; } } private void startTxTimer(AppEvent request) { try { //FIXME: isnt this bad? Shouldnt send be before state change? sendAndStateLock.lock(); this.stopTxTimer(); this.txTimerTask = new TxTimerTask(request); this.txSft = ShSession.scheduler.schedule(this.txTimerTask, this.factory.getMessageTimeout(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { sendAndStateLock.unlock(); } } private void stopTxTimer() { try { //FIXME: isnt this bad? Shouldnt send be before state change? sendAndStateLock.lock(); if (this.txTimerTask != null) { this.txSft.cancel(false); this.txSft = null; this.txTimerTask.cancel(); this.txTimerTask=null; } } catch (Exception exc) { } finally { sendAndStateLock.unlock(); } } private class TxTimerTask extends TimerTask { private AppEvent request = null; public TxTimerTask(AppEvent request2) { super(); this.request = request2; } @Override public boolean cancel() { this.request = null; return super.cancel(); } @Override public void run() { try { //FIXME: isnt this bad? Shouldnt send be before state change? sendAndStateLock.lock(); handleEvent(new Event(Event.Type.TX_TIMER_EXPIRED,request,null)); } catch (InternalException e) { logger.error("Internal Exception", e); } catch (OverloadException e) { logger.error("Overload Exception", e); } finally { this.request = null; sendAndStateLock.unlock(); } } } protected boolean isProvisional(long result) { return result >= 1000 && result < 2000; } protected boolean isSuccess(long result) { return result >= 2000 && result < 3000; } }