/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2010, WSO2 Inc. (http://www.wso2.org) All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.message.processor.ui; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.client.Options; import org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.message.processor.service.xsd.MessageProcessorMetaData; import org.wso2.carbon.message.processor.stub.MessageProcessorAdminServiceStub; import org.wso2.carbon.message.processor.ui.utils.MessageProcessorData; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class MessageProcessorAdminServiceClient { private MessageProcessorAdminServiceStub stub; private static final String adminServiceName = "MessageProcessorAdminService"; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MessageProcessorAdminServiceClient.class); public static int MESSAGE_PROCESSORS_PER_PAGE = 10; public MessageProcessorAdminServiceClient(String cookie, String backendServerUrl, ConfigurationContext configurationContext) throws AxisFault { String serviceURL = backendServerUrl + adminServiceName; stub = new MessageProcessorAdminServiceStub(configurationContext, serviceURL); ServiceClient client = stub._getServiceClient(); Options option = client.getOptions(); option.setManageSession(true); option.setProperty(org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPConstants.COOKIE_STRING, cookie); } /** * This method will add Message processor to the synapse configuration * * @param xml * @throws Exception */ public void addMessageProcessor(String xml) throws Exception { try { if (xml != null) { stub.addMessageProcessor(xml); } else { handleException("Error Can't add message processor. Error in the configuration " + xml); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } public void modifyMessageProcessor(String xml) throws Exception { try { if (xml != null) { stub.modifyMessageProcessor(xml); } else { handleException("Error Can't change message processor. Error in the configuration " + xml); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } public void deleteMessageProcessor(String name) throws Exception { try { if (name != null) { stub.deleteMessageProcessor(name); } else { handleException("Error Can't delete Message Processor " + name); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } public String[] getMessageProcessorNames() throws Exception { String[] messageStoreNames = null; try { messageStoreNames = stub.getMessageProcessorNames(); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return messageStoreNames; } public String[] getPaginatedMessageProcessorNames(int pageNumber) throws Exception { int numberOfPages = 0; String[] processorNames = getMessageProcessorNames(); if(processorNames != null) { numberOfPages = (int) Math.ceil((double) processorNames.length / MESSAGE_PROCESSORS_PER_PAGE); } if(pageNumber == 0) { numberOfPages = 1; } if (pageNumber > numberOfPages - 1) { pageNumber = numberOfPages - 1; } int startIndex = (pageNumber * MESSAGE_PROCESSORS_PER_PAGE); int endIndex = ((pageNumber + 1) * MESSAGE_PROCESSORS_PER_PAGE); if(processorNames == null) { return null; } ArrayList<String> nameList = new ArrayList<String>(); for(int i = startIndex ; i < endIndex && i < processorNames.length ; i++) { nameList.add(processorNames[i]); } return nameList.toArray(new String[nameList.size()]); } public MessageProcessorMetaData[] getPaginatedMessageProcessorData(int pageNumber) throws Exception { int numberOfPages = 0; MessageProcessorMetaData[] messageProcessorMetaDatas = getMessageProcessorMetaData(); if (messageProcessorMetaDatas != null) { numberOfPages = (int) Math.ceil((double) messageProcessorMetaDatas.length / MESSAGE_PROCESSORS_PER_PAGE); } if (pageNumber == 0) { numberOfPages = 1; } if (pageNumber > numberOfPages - 1) { pageNumber = numberOfPages - 1; } int startIndex = (pageNumber * MESSAGE_PROCESSORS_PER_PAGE); int endIndex = ((pageNumber + 1) * MESSAGE_PROCESSORS_PER_PAGE); if (messageProcessorMetaDatas == null) { return null; } ArrayList<MessageProcessorMetaData> nameList = new ArrayList<MessageProcessorMetaData>(); for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex && i < messageProcessorMetaDatas.length; i++) { nameList.add(messageProcessorMetaDatas[i]); } return nameList.toArray(new MessageProcessorMetaData[nameList.size()]); } public MessageProcessorData getMessageProcessor(String name) throws Exception { MessageProcessorData data = null; try { if (name != null) { String xml = stub.getMessageProcessor(name); assert xml != null; data = new MessageProcessorData(xml); } else { handleException("Error Can't access Message processor" + name); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return data; } public String getClassName(String name) throws Exception { String className = null; try { if (name != null) { className = stub.getClassName(name); } else { handleException("Error accessing Message processor" + name); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return className; } public MessageProcessorMetaData[] getMessageProcessorMetaData() throws Exception { MessageProcessorMetaData[] messageProcessorMetaDatas = null; try { messageProcessorMetaDatas = stub.getMessageProcessorDataList(); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return messageProcessorMetaDatas; } public String[] getMessageIds(String name) throws Exception { String[] messageIds = null; try { if(name != null) { messageIds = stub.getMessageIds(name); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return messageIds; } public String getEnvelope(String name, String messageId) throws Exception { String message = null; try { if (name != null) { message = stub.getEnvelope(name, messageId); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return message; } public void deleteAllMessages(String name) throws Exception { String message = null; try { if (name != null) { stub.deleteAllMessages(name); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } public void deleteMessage(String name , String messageId) throws Exception { try { if (name != null) { stub.deleteMessage(name,messageId); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } public void deleteFirstMessage(String name) throws Exception { try { if (name != null) { stub.deleteFirstMessages(name); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } public void resendAllMessages(String name) throws Exception { try { if (name != null) { stub.resendAll(name); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } public void resendMessage(String name , String messageId) throws Exception { try { if (name != null) { stub.resend(name, messageId); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } public void resendFirstMessage(String name , String messageId) throws Exception { try { if (name != null) { stub.resendFirstMessage(name, messageId); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } public String[] getPaginatedMessages(String name, int pageNumber) throws Exception { List<String> midList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { if (name != null) { String[] messageIds = stub.getMessageIds(name); if(messageIds == null || messageIds.length == 0) { return null; } int size = messageIds.length; if (size <= 0) { return new String[0]; } int numberOfPages = (int) Math.ceil((double) size / MESSAGE_PROCESSORS_PER_PAGE); if (numberOfPages == 0) { numberOfPages = 1; } if (pageNumber > numberOfPages - 1) { pageNumber = numberOfPages - 1; } int startIndex = (pageNumber * MESSAGE_PROCESSORS_PER_PAGE); int endIndex = ((pageNumber + 1) * MESSAGE_PROCESSORS_PER_PAGE); for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex && i < size; i++) { String id = messageIds[i]; if(id != null) { midList.add(id); } } return midList.toArray(new String[midList.size()]); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return new String[0]; } public String[] getDefinedEndpoints() throws Exception { try { return stub.getDefinedEndpoints(); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); return null; } } public boolean isActive(String name) throws Exception { boolean active = false; try { if (name != null) { active = stub.isActive(name); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return active; } public void deactivate(String name) throws Exception { try { if (name != null) { stub.deactivate(name.trim()); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } public void activate(String name) throws Exception { try { if (name != null) { stub.activate(name.trim()); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } public int getSize(String name) throws Exception { int size = 0; try { if (name != null) { size = stub.getSize(name); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return size; } /** * Checks whether given Axis2ClientRepo is valid one or not * @param axis2ClientRepo input location of the Axis2 Client Repository given by the end user. * @return <code>true</code> if the given axis client repository valid, <code>false</code> otherwise. * @throws Exception If any error is encountered during the validation process. */ public boolean validateAxis2ClientRepo(String axis2ClientRepo) throws Exception { try { if (axis2ClientRepo != null) { return stub.validateAxis2ClientRepo(axis2ClientRepo); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return true; } private void handleException(Exception e) throws Exception { String message = "Error Executing MessageProcessorAdminServiceClient" + e.getMessage(); log.error(message, e); throw e; } private void handleException(String message) throws Exception { log.error(message); throw new Exception(message); } }