/* * Copyright (c) 2008, WSO2 Inc. (http://www.wso2.org) All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.proxyadmin; import org.apache.axiom.om.*; import org.apache.axiom.om.impl.builder.StAXOMBuilder; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.synapse.SynapseConstants; import org.apache.synapse.config.xml.XMLConfigConstants; import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; public class ProxyData { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ProxyData.class); private String name; private boolean running; private boolean enableStatistics; private boolean enableTracing; private boolean wsdlAvailable; // the array of transports, empty list means expose the proxy service via all possible transports private String[] transports; // the array of pinned servers private String[] pinnedServers; // the endpoint key (if the endpoint is stored in the registry) private String endpointKey; // the endpoint XML string (if the endpoint is specified as anonymous) private String endpointXML; // the in sequence key (if the in sequence is stored in the registry) private String inSeqKey; // the in sequence XML string (if the in sequence is specified as anonymous) private String inSeqXML; // the out sequence key (if the out sequence is stored in the registry) private String outSeqKey; // the out sequence XML string (if the out sequence is specified as anonymous) private String outSeqXML; // the fault sequence key (if the fault sequence is stored in the registry) private String faultSeqKey; // the fault sequence XML string (if the fault sequence is specified as anonymous) private String faultSeqXML; // the WSDL key if in registry private String wsdlKey; // endpoint which used to fetch WSDL private String publishWSDLEndpoint; // the WSDL URI if given as an URI private String wsdlURI; // the inline WSDL definition private String wsdlDef; // additional resources required by the WSDL private Entry [] wsdlResources; // true if either wsdlKey, wsdlURI or wsdlDef is present private boolean publishWSDL; // true by default private boolean startOnLoad = true; // service parameter map Entry [] serviceParams; private boolean enableSecurity; private ProxyServicePolicyInfo[] policies; private String serviceGroup; private String description; /** name of the artifact container from which the proxy deployed */ private String artifactContainerName; /** Whether the artifact is edited via the management console or not */ private boolean isEdited; public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public boolean isWsdlAvailable() { return wsdlAvailable; } public void setWsdlAvailable(boolean wsdlAvailable) { this.wsdlAvailable = wsdlAvailable; } public boolean isEnableTracing() { return enableTracing; } public void setEnableTracing(boolean enableTracing) { this.enableTracing = enableTracing; } public boolean isEnableStatistics() { return enableStatistics; } public void setEnableStatistics(boolean enableStatistics) { this.enableStatistics = enableStatistics; } public boolean isRunning() { return running; } public void setRunning(boolean running) { this.running = running; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void setTransports(String [] transports) { this.transports = transports; } public String [] getTransports() { return transports; } public String [] getPinnedServers() { return pinnedServers; } public void setPinnedServers(String [] pinnedServers) { this.pinnedServers = pinnedServers; } public String getEndpointKey() { return endpointKey; } public void setEndpointKey(String endpointKey) { this.endpointKey = endpointKey; } public String getEndpointXML() { return endpointXML; } public void setEndpointXML(String endpointXML) { this.endpointXML = endpointXML; } public String getInSeqKey() { return inSeqKey; } public void setInSeqKey(String inSeqKey) { this.inSeqKey = inSeqKey; } public String getInSeqXML() { return inSeqXML; } public void setInSeqXML(String inSeqXML) { this.inSeqXML = inSeqXML; } public String getOutSeqKey() { return outSeqKey; } public void setOutSeqKey(String outSeqtKey) { this.outSeqKey = outSeqtKey; } public String getOutSeqXML() { return outSeqXML; } public void setOutSeqXML(String outSeqXML) { this.outSeqXML = outSeqXML; } public String getFaultSeqKey() { return faultSeqKey; } public void setFaultSeqKey(String faultSeqKey) { this.faultSeqKey = faultSeqKey; } public String getFaultSeqXML() { return faultSeqXML; } public void setFaultSeqXML(String faultSeqXML) { this.faultSeqXML = faultSeqXML; } public String getWsdlKey() { return wsdlKey; } public void setWsdlKey(String wsdlKey) { this.wsdlKey = wsdlKey; } public String getWsdlURI() { return wsdlURI; } public void setWsdlURI(String wsdlURI) { this.wsdlURI = wsdlURI; } public String getPublishWSDLEndpoint() { return publishWSDLEndpoint; } public void setPublishWSDLEndpoint(String publishWSDLEndpoint) { this.publishWSDLEndpoint = publishWSDLEndpoint; } public Entry [] getWsdlResources() { return wsdlResources; } public void setWsdlResources(Entry [] wsdlResources) { this.wsdlResources = wsdlResources; } public Entry[] getServiceParams() { return serviceParams; } public void setServiceParams(Entry [] serviceParams) { this.serviceParams = serviceParams; } public String getWsdlDef() { return wsdlDef; } public void setWsdlDef(String wsdlDef) { this.wsdlDef = wsdlDef; } public boolean isStartOnLoad() { return startOnLoad; } public void setStartOnLoad(boolean startOnLoad) { this.startOnLoad = startOnLoad; } public ProxyServicePolicyInfo[] getPolicies() { return policies; } public void setPolicies(ProxyServicePolicyInfo[] policies) { this.policies = policies; } public boolean isEnableSecurity() { return enableSecurity; } public void setEnableSecurity(boolean enableSecurity) { this.enableSecurity = enableSecurity; } public String getServiceGroup() { return serviceGroup; } public void setServiceGroup(String serviceGroup) { this.serviceGroup = serviceGroup; } public OMElement retrieveOM() throws ProxyAdminException { OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMNamespace syn = SynapseConstants.SYNAPSE_OMNAMESPACE; OMNamespace nullNS = fac.createOMNamespace("",""); OMElement proxy = fac.createOMElement("proxy", syn); proxy.addAttribute("name", name, nullNS); // adds any transports listed in the configuration if (transports != null) { proxy.addAttribute("transports", createCSString(transports), nullNS); } if (pinnedServers != null) { proxy.addAttribute("pinnedServers", createCSString(pinnedServers), nullNS); } if (serviceGroup != null) { proxy.addAttribute("serviceGroup", serviceGroup, nullNS); } // adds the state of statistics and tracing if (enableStatistics) { proxy.addAttribute(XMLConfigConstants.STATISTICS_ATTRIB_NAME, XMLConfigConstants.STATISTICS_ENABLE, nullNS); } else { proxy.addAttribute(XMLConfigConstants.STATISTICS_ATTRIB_NAME, XMLConfigConstants.STATISTICS_DISABLE, nullNS); } if (enableTracing) { proxy.addAttribute(XMLConfigConstants.TRACE_ATTRIB_NAME, XMLConfigConstants.TRACE_ENABLE, nullNS); } else { proxy.addAttribute(XMLConfigConstants.TRACE_ATTRIB_NAME, XMLConfigConstants.TRACE_DISABLE, nullNS); } if (startOnLoad) { proxy.addAttribute("startOnLoad", "true", nullNS); } else { proxy.addAttribute("startOnLoad", "false", nullNS); } // creates the target section of the configuration OMElement element = fac.createOMElement("target", syn); if (inSeqKey != null) { element.addAttribute("inSequence", inSeqKey, nullNS); } else if (inSeqXML != null) { try { element.addChild(createElement(inSeqXML)); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "Unable to build the \"inSequence\" element"; log.error(msg + e.getMessage()); throw new ProxyAdminException(msg, e); } } if (outSeqKey != null) { element.addAttribute("outSequence", outSeqKey, nullNS); } else if (outSeqXML != null) { try { element.addChild(createElement(outSeqXML)); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "Unable to build the \"outSequence\" element"; log.error(msg + e.getMessage()); throw new ProxyAdminException(msg, e); } } if (faultSeqKey != null) { element.addAttribute("faultSequence", faultSeqKey, nullNS); } else if (faultSeqXML != null) { try { element.addChild(createElement(faultSeqXML)); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "Unable to build the \"faultSequence\" element"; log.error(msg + e.getMessage()); throw new ProxyAdminException(msg, e); } } if (endpointKey != null) { element.addAttribute("endpoint", endpointKey, nullNS); } else if (endpointXML != null && !"".equals(endpointXML)) { try { element.addChild(createElement(endpointXML)); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "Unable to build the \"endpoint\" element"; log.error(msg + e.getMessage()); throw new ProxyAdminException(msg, e); } } proxy.addChild(element); // creates the publishWSDL section of the configuration element = fac.createOMElement("publishWSDL", syn); if (publishWSDLEndpoint != null) { publishWSDL = true; element.addAttribute("endpoint", publishWSDLEndpoint, nullNS); } else if (wsdlKey != null) { publishWSDL = true; element.addAttribute("key", wsdlKey, nullNS); } else if (wsdlURI != null) { publishWSDL = true; element.addAttribute("uri", wsdlURI, nullNS); } else if (wsdlDef != null) { publishWSDL = true; try { element.addChild(createElement(wsdlDef)); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "Unable to build the in line WSDL definition"; log.error(msg + e.getMessage()); throw new ProxyAdminException(msg, e); } } if (publishWSDL){ // builds the additional resources (if any) required by the WSDL if (wsdlResources != null && wsdlResources.length != 0) { OMElement resource; Entry wsdlResource; for (int i = 0; i < wsdlResources.length; i++) { wsdlResource = wsdlResources[i]; resource = fac.createOMElement("resource", syn); resource.addAttribute("location", wsdlResource.getKey(), nullNS); resource.addAttribute("key", wsdlResource.getValue(), nullNS); element.addChild(resource); } } proxy.addChild(element); } // creates the additional service level parameter list of the configuration if (serviceParams != null && serviceParams.length != 0) { Entry serviceParam; String value; for (int i = 0; i < serviceParams.length; i++) { serviceParam = serviceParams[i]; if(serviceParam != null){ element = fac.createOMElement("parameter", syn); element.addAttribute("name", serviceParam.getKey(), nullNS); value = serviceParam.getValue(); if (value.startsWith("<")) { try { byte[] bytes = null; try { bytes = value.getBytes("UTF8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.error("Unable to extract bytes in UTF-8 encoding. " + "Extracting bytes in the system default encoding" + e.getMessage()); bytes = value.getBytes(); } element.addChild(new StAXOMBuilder( new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)).getDocumentElement()); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "Service parameter: " + serviceParam.getKey() + " has an invalid XML as its value"; log.error(msg); throw new ProxyAdminException(msg,e); } } else { element.setText(value); } proxy.addChild(element); } } } if (enableSecurity) { element = fac.createOMElement("enableSec", syn); proxy.addChild(element); } if (policies != null) { for (ProxyServicePolicyInfo policy : policies) { proxy.addChild(policy.toOM(fac, syn, nullNS)); } } if (description != null) { element = fac.createOMElement("description", syn); element.setText(description); proxy.addChild(element); } return proxy; } /** * Creates a comma separated string from the given list * @param lst the array of strings * @return a comma separated string */ private String createCSString (String [] lst) { String str = ""; for (Object item : lst) { str += item + ","; } return str.substring(0, str.length() - 1); } /** * Creates an <code>OMElement</code> from the given string * @param str the XML string * @return the <code>OMElement</code> representation of the given string * @throws XMLStreamException if building the <code>OMelement</code> is unsuccessful */ private OMElement createElement(String str) throws XMLStreamException { byte[] bytes = null; try { bytes = str.getBytes("UTF8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.error("Unable to extract bytes in UTF-8 encoding. " + "Extracting bytes in the system default encoding" + e.getMessage()); bytes = str.getBytes(); } InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); return new StAXOMBuilder(in).getDocumentElement(); } /** * Get the name of the artifact container from which the proxy deployed * @return artifactContainerName */ public String getArtifactContainerName() { return artifactContainerName; } /** * Set the name of the artifact container * @param artifactContainerName */ public void setArtifactContainerName(String artifactContainerName) { this.artifactContainerName = artifactContainerName; } /** * Whether the proxy is edited through the management console * @return isEdited */ public boolean getIsEdited() { return isEdited; } /** * Set whether the proxy is deployed via the management console * @param isEdited */ public void setIsEdited(boolean isEdited) { this.isEdited = isEdited; } }