/* * Copyright(c) 2005 Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development, The * University of Hong Kong (HKU). All Rights Reserved. * * This software is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.0 [1] * * [1] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt */ package hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.swallow; import java.net.Inet6Address; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.swallow.JSWActionServerModule.COMMAND; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.test.ModuleTest; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.test.asserts.NetworkAssert; /** * The <code>JSWActionServerModuleUnitTest</code> is the unit test of <code>JSWActionServerModule</code>. * * @author Twinsen Tsang * @version 1.0.0 * @since JDK5.0, H2O 0908 */ @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class JSWActionServerModuleUnitTest extends ModuleTest<JSWActionServerModule> { public static final int TEST_DELAY = 1500; public static final String [] MODULE_DESCRIPTORS = { "actionserver.module.def.xml", "actionserver.module.full.xml", "actionserver.module.none.xml" }; public static final Object [] EXPECTED_RESULT = { /* * The expected result is started from * 1. listenPort * 2. localConnectionOnly * 3. shutdown * 4. force terminate * 5. restart * 6. thread dump * 7. access violation * 8. JVM hang * 9. unexpected terminate */ /* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 */ new Object[]{ 9998, true , true, true , true , true , false, false, false }, new Object[]{ 9997, false, true, true , true , true , true , true , true }, new Object[]{ 9996, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false } }; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Parameters public static Collection getModuleDescriptionSet() { List<Object[]> parameters = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < MODULE_DESCRIPTORS.length; i++) { parameters.add(new Object[]{MODULE_DESCRIPTORS[i], EXPECTED_RESULT[i]}); } return parameters; } private String moduleDescriptor; private Object[] expectedInitialParamValue; /** * Create an instance of parameterized (parameter=module descriptor) JSWActionServerModuleUnitTest. * * @param moduleDescriptor The parameterized module descriptor. */ public JSWActionServerModuleUnitTest(String moduleDescriptor, Object[] expectedInitialParamValue) { this.moduleDescriptor = moduleDescriptor; this.expectedInitialParamValue = expectedInitialParamValue; } /* (non-JAVADOC) * @see hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.test.ModuleTest#getModuleDescription() */ @Override public String getModuleDescription() { return this.moduleDescriptor; } /* (non-JAVADOC) * @see hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.test.ModuleTest#initAtOnce() */ @Override public boolean initAtOnce() { return false; } /** * Test whether all parameters are extracted correctly during the init phrase. */ @Test public void testInit() { /* * Test initialization the target. */ JSWActionServerModule target = this.getTestingTarget(); target.init(); target.dumpEnabledAction(); Assert.assertEquals( "The listen port does not as ", expectedInitialParamValue[0], new Integer(target.getListenPort()) ); Assert.assertEquals( "The value local connection flag does not as ", expectedInitialParamValue[1], new Boolean(target.getIsLocalConnectionOnly())); int i = 2; // starting from index 2 /* * Assert each command action is same as expected */ for (COMMAND c: COMMAND.values()) { Assert.assertEquals( MessageFormat.format("The value of property {0} does not as ", c.getPropertyKey()), expectedInitialParamValue[i++], new Boolean(target.isActionEnabled(c)) ); } } /** * Test whether the server able to start / stop properly. * * @throws Throwable */ @Test public void testStartStop() throws Throwable { /* * Test initialization the target. */ JSWActionServerModule target = this.getTestingTarget(); target.init(); // ========================================================================= // Test action server start // ========================================================================= /* * Start the server */ target.start(); logger.debug("[JSW ActServer] Started .. {}", target.getThread().getName()); Thread.sleep(TEST_DELAY); String reachableHost = null; // String unreachableHost = null; boolean isLocalConnectionOnly = target.getIsLocalConnectionOnly(); int listenPort = target.getListenPort(); // ========================================================================= // Test action server reject other connection if localConnectionOnly is set // ========================================================================= /* * Here we test extra stuff from the below code fragment, we need to test * whether the action server can be connected */ if (isLocalConnectionOnly) { reachableHost = InetAddress.getByName("localhost").getHostAddress(); // Use local-host / address. // unreachableHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); /* * For local connection, we need to check whether the server reject * connection other than local-host. */ // NetworkAssert.assertSocketNonReachable(unreachableHost, listenPort, 5000); Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nets = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); while (nets.hasMoreElements()) { Enumeration<InetAddress> addrs = ((NetworkInterface) nets.nextElement()).getInetAddresses(); while (addrs.hasMoreElements()) { InetAddress address = (InetAddress)addrs.nextElement(); if (!(address instanceof Inet6Address) && !address.isLoopbackAddress()) { logger.debug("Assert nonreachable address {}", address.getHostAddress()); NetworkAssert.assertSocketNonReachable(address.getHostAddress(), listenPort, 5000); } } } } else { reachableHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } /* * Assert whether the socket for the server is able to listen. * * check the wrapper action server has been started or not. */ NetworkAssert.assertSocketReachable(reachableHost, listenPort, 5000); // ========================================== // Test action server stop // ========================================== logger.debug("[JSW ActServer] Going to stop .. {}", target.getThread().getName()); /* * Now stop the server and check whether we should not able to connect to action server * any more. */ target.stop(); Thread.sleep(TEST_DELAY); String host = InetAddress.getByName("localhost").getHostAddress(); NetworkAssert.assertSocketNonReachable(host, target.getListenPort(), 5000); } /*@Test public void test() throws Throwable { * Test initialization the target. JSWActionServerModule target = this.getTestingTarget(); target.init(); // ========================================================================= // Test action server start // ========================================================================= * Start the server target.start(); target.dumpEnabledAction(System.out); java.net.Socket s = new java.net.Socket("", 9997); s.getOutputStream().write((int)'V'); Thread.sleep(Integer.MAX_VALUE); }*/ }