/* * Copyright(c) 2005 Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development, The * University of Hong Kong (HKU). All Rights Reserved. * * This software is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.0 [1] * * [1] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt */ package hk.hku.cecid.corvus.ws; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.xml.soap.AttachmentPart; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.activation.FileDataSource; import hk.hku.cecid.corvus.util.FileLogger; import hk.hku.cecid.corvus.ws.data.Data; import hk.hku.cecid.corvus.ws.data.Payload; /** * The <code>MessageSender</code> is the abstract class which is used to send * SOAP messsage request to B2B Collector series product. * * @author Joel Matsumoto, Twinsen Tsang * @version 1.0.2 * @since Elf 0818 */ public abstract class MessageSender extends SOAPSender { /** * The partnership properties used for sending. */ protected Data ps; /** * The default content type of payload. * In profiling, the content type of payload message is plain text. */ private String msgContentType = "text/plain"; /** * The start time of sending. It is used for sender which * want to track how long it take to execute. */ private long startTime = 0; /** * The end time of sending. It is used for sender which * want to track how long it take to execute. */ private long endTime = 0; /** * Explicit Constructor. * * @param l The logger used for log message and exception. * @param m The message properties including how many message need to * be sent and some performance parameter. * @param p The partnership properties used for sending. */ public MessageSender(FileLogger l, Data m, Data p){ super(l,m); this.ps = p; } /** * [@EVENT] This method is invoked when the sender begins to execute the * run method. */ public void onStart(){ this.startTime = new Date().getTime(); } /** * [@EVENT] This method is invoked when the sending execution is ended. */ public void onEnd(){ this.endTime = new Date().getTime(); } /** * [@EVENT] Log all known exceptions and stack trace. * * @param t The exception encountered. */ public void onError(Throwable t){ String msg = t.getMessage(); if (this.log != null){ if (t instanceof SOAPException){ this.log.log("Could not send the SOAP message: " + msg); } else if (t instanceof MalformedURLException){ this.log.log("Could not find the URL: " + this.getServiceEndPoint()); } else if (t instanceof UnsupportedOperationException){ this.log.log("Unsupported SOAP class and web services: " + msg); } else if (t instanceof NullPointerException){ this.log.log("Null Pointer Exception"); } this.log.logStackTrace(t); } else { t.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Add a set of payloads to the SOAP Request.<br/><br/> * * The payloads are attached in the attachment part in the SOAP Message. * * @param payloads The array of payload. * @return true if payloads is added succesfully. */ public boolean addRequestPayload(Payload [] payloads){ if (this.request == null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < payloads.length; i++){ if (payloads[i] != null){ AttachmentPart ap = this.request.createAttachmentPart(); if (ap != null){ // Create file datasource. FileDataSource fileDS = null; fileDS = new FileDataSource(new File(payloads[i].getFilePath())); ap.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fileDS)); ap.setContentType(payloads[i].getContentType()); this.request.addAttachmentPart(ap); if (this.log != null){ this.log.info("Adding Payload " + i + " " + payloads[i].getFilePath()); } } else{ if (this.log != null){ this.log.error("Unable to create attachment part in SOAP request at :" + i); } } } } this.setRequestDirty(true); return true; } /** * Get the payload from the SOAP response. This should be called * during {@link #onResponse()}. * * @return A set of payload in SOAP message. * * @throws SOAPException * When unable to extract the payload in the SOAP Response. * @throws IOException * When unable to open the input stream for the payload. */ public Payload[] getResponsePayloads() throws SOAPException, IOException{ if (this.response == null) return null; int index = 0; Iterator itr = this.response.getAttachments(); Payload[] payloads = new Payload[this.response.countAttachments()]; while(itr.hasNext()){ AttachmentPart ap = (AttachmentPart) itr.next(); payloads[index] = new Payload( ap.getDataHandler().getInputStream(), ap.getContentType()); index++; } return payloads; } /** * Clear all payload in the request. */ public boolean clearRequestPayload() throws SOAPException{ if (this.request == null) return false; this.request.removeAllAttachments(); this.setRequestDirty(true); return true; } /** * Set the content type of the message to be sent. * * @param contentType The content type of message to be sent. */ public void setContentType(String contentType){ this.msgContentType = contentType; } /** * Return the content type of the message. * * @return The content type of message to bes sent. */ public String getContentType(){ return this.msgContentType; } /** * Get how long it tasks for the sender to do it's tasks. * * @return The times for the task from start to end in milleseconds. */ public long getElapsedTime(){ return (this.endTime - this.startTime); } /** * @return Return the start time of the sending process. */ public long getStartTime(){ return this.startTime; } /** * @return Return the end time of the sender process. */ public long getEndTime(){ return this.endTime; } }