package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import; import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import com.twmacinta.util.MD5; import marytts.Version; import marytts.exceptions.MaryConfigurationException; import; import; import; import marytts.util.MaryUtils; import marytts.util.dom.DomUtils; import; public class Mary4To5VoiceConverter { private static final String EOL = IOUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR_WINDOWS; /** * The list of property suffixes which can read from a resource file. */ private static final String[] PROPS_FOR_RESOURCES = new String[] { "Ftd", "Ftf", "Ftm", "Fts", "Fmd", "Fmf", "Fmm", "Fms", "Fgvf", "Fgvm", "Fgvs", "FeaFile", "trickyPhonesFile", "Fif", "targetCostWeights", "joinCostWeights", "cartFile", "", "", "", "", "exampleTextFile", }; private static final String[] PROPS_FOR_FILESYSTEM = new String[] { "featureFile", "joinCostFile", "unitsFile", "audioTimelineFile", "basenameTimeline", "vocalization.unitfile", "vocalization.timeline", "vocalization.featurefile", "vocalization.featureDefinitionFile", "vocalization.intonationfile", "vocalization.mlsafeaturefile", "vocalization.mixedexcitationfilter", "vocalization.intonation.featureDefinitionFile", // 4.0 prosody carts: "duration.cart", "duration.featuredefinition", "f0.cart.left", "f0.cart.mid", "f0.cart.right", "f0.featuredefinition" }; /** * The list of property suffixes which should be dropped when upgrading the config file. */ private static final String[] SUFFIXES_TO_DROP_UNITSEL = new String[] {}; private static final String[] SUFFIXES_TO_DROP_HMM = new String[] { "", "", }; private static final String[] PROPS_TO_DROP = new String[] { "requires", "provides", "voice.version", "en_US-voice.version", "de-voice.version", "it-voice.version", "requires.marybase.version", "requires.hmm.version", "requires.en_US.version", "", "", "", "", "", }; private Logger logger; private VoiceComponentDescription voiceDescription; private File mary4Zip; private Properties config; private List<String> originalConfig; private File extractedDir; private File compileDir; private String domain; private int samplingRate; private File[] filesForResources; private File[] filesForFilesystem; VoiceCompiler.MavenVoiceCompiler compiler; public Mary4To5VoiceConverter(List<VoiceComponentDescription> voiceDescriptions, File voiceZip) { voiceDescription = null; mary4Zip = voiceZip; for (VoiceComponentDescription d : voiceDescriptions) { if (d.getPackageFilename().equals(mary4Zip.getName())) { voiceDescription = d; break; } } if (voiceDescription == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No matching voice description for file " + mary4Zip.getName()); } if (!MaryUtils.isLog4jConfigured()) { BasicConfigurator.configure(); } logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); + " " + voiceDescription.getVersion() + " (" + voiceDescription.getLocale() + " " + voiceDescription.getGender() + ")"); } private void convert() throws Exception {"converting..."); File rootDir = mary4Zip.getParentFile(); extractedDir = new File(rootDir, voiceDescription.getName() + "-" + voiceDescription.getVersion()); logger.debug("... extracting archive to " + extractedDir.getPath()); if (extractedDir.exists()) { logger.debug("Folder " + extractedDir.getPath() + " exists, trying to delete..."); extractedDir.delete(); } FileUtils.unzipArchive(mary4Zip, extractedDir); loadConfig(findConfigFile()); compileDir = new File(rootDir, voiceDescription.getName() + "-" + Version.specificationVersion() + "-maven"); domain = config.getProperty(getPropertyPrefix() + "domain"); samplingRate = Integer.parseInt(config.getProperty(getPropertyPrefix() + "samplingRate")); filesForResources = getFilesForResources(); filesForFilesystem = getFilesForFilesystem(); Map<String, String> extraVariablesToSubstitute = null; compiler = new VoiceCompiler.MavenVoiceCompiler(compileDir, getVoiceName(), Version.specificationVersion(), voiceDescription.getLocale(), voiceDescription.getGender(), domain, samplingRate, isUnitSelectionVoice(), filesForResources, filesForFilesystem, extraVariablesToSubstitute); logger.debug("Creating directories"); compiler.createDirectories(); logger.debug("Copying template files"); compiler.copyTemplateFiles(); updateConfig(compiler.getPackageName()); saveConfig(compiler.getConfigFile()); logger.debug("Copying voice files"); compiler.copyVoiceFiles(); if (!isUnitSelectionVoice()) { logger.debug("Converting HMM PDF files from Mary 4.0 to Mary 5.0 format"); convertMary4ToMary5HmmPdfFiles(compiler.getMainResourcesDir()); } logger.debug("Compiling with Maven"); compiler.compileWithMaven(); String convertedZipFilename = getFilenamePrefix() + ".zip"; File convertedZipFile = new File(compileDir + "/target/" + convertedZipFilename); if (!convertedZipFile.exists()) { throw new IOException("Maven should have created file " + convertedZipFile.getAbsolutePath() + " but file does not exist."); } updateVoiceDescription(rootDir, convertedZipFile); File finalZipFile = new File(rootDir, convertedZipFilename); if (finalZipFile.exists()) { finalZipFile.delete(); } boolean success = convertedZipFile.renameTo(finalZipFile); if (!success) { throw new IOException("Failure trying to move " + convertedZipFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + finalZipFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } protected void saveConfig(File configFile) throws IOException { saveConfigToStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(configFile))); } private boolean isEmpty(String line) { return line.trim().isEmpty(); } private boolean isComment(String line) { return line.trim().startsWith("#"); } protected void saveConfigToStream(OutputStream out) throws IOException { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8")); StringBuilder comments = new StringBuilder(); try { for (String line : originalConfig) { if (isEmpty(line) || isComment(line)) { comments.append(line).append(EOL); continue; } String key = new StringTokenizer(line.trim()).nextToken(); if (config.containsKey(key)) { pw.print(comments.toString()); pw.print(key + " = " + config.getProperty(key) + EOL); if (key.equals("name")) { pw.print("locale = " + config.getProperty("locale") + EOL); } } comments = new StringBuilder(); } } finally { pw.flush(); pw.close(); } } private File[] getFilesForFilesystem() throws IOException { return getFilesFromProperties(PROPS_FOR_FILESYSTEM); } private File[] getFilesForResources() throws IOException { return getFilesFromProperties(PROPS_FOR_RESOURCES); } private File[] getFilesFromProperties(String[] propertySuffixes) throws IOException { ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(); for (String suffix : propertySuffixes) { String key = getPropertyPrefix() + suffix; if (config.containsKey(key)) { String value = config.getProperty(key); if (!value.startsWith("MARY_BASE")) { throw new IOException("Property '" + key + "' should hold a filename but the value is '" + value + "'"); } value = value.replace("MARY_BASE", extractedDir.getAbsolutePath()); File f = new File(value); if (!f.exists()) { throw new IOException("Config file refers to non-existing file '" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); } files.add(f); } } return files.toArray(new File[0]); } protected void updateConfig(String packageName) { updatePropsForResources(packageName); dropOutdatedProps(); addNewProps(); } private void addNewProps() { config.setProperty("locale", voiceDescription.getLocale().toString()); } private void dropOutdatedProps() { String[] suffixesToDrop = isUnitSelectionVoice() ? SUFFIXES_TO_DROP_UNITSEL : SUFFIXES_TO_DROP_HMM; for (String suffix : suffixesToDrop) { String key = getPropertyPrefix() + suffix; config.remove(key); } for (String prop : PROPS_TO_DROP) { config.remove(prop); } } private void updatePropsForResources(String packageName) { String oldPrefix = "MARY_BASE/lib/voices/(.*)/"; String newPrefix = "jar:/marytts/voice/" + packageName + "/"; for (String suffix : PROPS_FOR_RESOURCES) { String key = getPropertyPrefix() + suffix; if (config.containsKey(key)) { String value = config.getProperty(key); value = value.replaceFirst(oldPrefix, newPrefix); config.setProperty(key, value); } } } private File findConfigFile() throws IOException { File confDir = new File(extractedDir, "conf"); if (!confDir.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("Expected directory " + confDir.getAbsolutePath() + " doesn't exist."); } File[] confFiles = confDir.listFiles(); if (confFiles.length != 1) { throw new IOException("Conf directory " + confDir.getAbsolutePath() + " should contain exactly one config file but contains " + confFiles.length); } return confFiles[0]; } protected void loadConfig(File configFile) throws IOException { FileInputStream configStream = new FileInputStream(configFile); InputStream bufferedConfigStream = IOUtils.toBufferedInputStream(configStream); loadConfigFromStream(bufferedConfigStream); } protected void loadConfigFromStream(InputStream in) throws IOException { config = new Properties(); try { byte[] byteArray = IOUtils.toByteArray(in); config.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray)); originalConfig = IOUtils.readLines(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray), "UTF-8"); } finally { in.close(); } } /** * Returns true for a unit selection voice, false for an HMM-based voice. * * @return true if config.containsKey("unitselection.voices.list"), false if config.containsKey("hmm.voices.list") * @throws UnsupportedOperationException * if the voice is neither a unit selection nor an HMM-based voice. */ protected boolean isUnitSelectionVoice() throws UnsupportedOperationException { if (config.containsKey("unitselection.voices.list")) { return true; } else if (config.containsKey("hmm.voices.list")) { return false; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "The voice is neither a unit selection voice nor an HMM-based voice -- cannot convert to MARY 5 format."); } } private String getVoiceNameFromConfig() { if (isUnitSelectionVoice()) { return config.getProperty("unitselection.voices.list"); } return config.getProperty("hmm.voices.list"); } private String getVoiceNameFromVoiceDescription() { return voiceDescription.getName(); } protected String getVoiceName() { String voiceNameFromConfig = getVoiceNameFromConfig(); String voiceNameFromVoiceDescription = getVoiceNameFromVoiceDescription(); if (!voiceNameFromConfig.equals(voiceNameFromVoiceDescription)) { logger.warn("Name discrepancy: component.xml says '" + voiceNameFromVoiceDescription + "', config file says '" + voiceNameFromConfig + "'"); } return voiceNameFromVoiceDescription; } protected String getPropertyPrefix() { return "voice." + getVoiceNameFromConfig() + "."; } private String getFilenamePrefix() { return "voice-" + voiceDescription.getName() + "-" + Version.specificationVersion(); } private void updateVoiceDescription(File rootDir, File packageFile) throws MalformedURLException, ParserConfigurationException, MaryConfigurationException, IOException { logger.debug("writing new voice description..."); voiceDescription.setVersion(Version.specificationVersion()); voiceDescription.setDependsVersion(Version.specificationVersion()); voiceDescription.setPackageFilename(packageFile.getName()); voiceDescription.setPackageMD5Sum(computeMD5(packageFile)); voiceDescription.setPackageSize((int) packageFile.length()); voiceDescription.removeAllLocations(); voiceDescription.addLocation(URI.create("" + Version.specificationVersion() + "/").toURL()); Document doc = voiceDescription.createComponentXML(); File newVoiceDescriptionFile = new File(rootDir, getFilenamePrefix() + "-component.xml"); DomUtils.document2File(doc, newVoiceDescriptionFile); logger.debug("... created " + newVoiceDescriptionFile.getPath()); } private String computeMD5(File packageFile) throws IOException { return MD5.asHex(MD5.getHash(packageFile)); } private void convertMary4ToMary5HmmPdfFiles(File mainResourcesDir) throws Exception { File list[] = mainResourcesDir.listFiles(); for (File f : list) { // if mainResources dir contains f0.pdf mgc.pdf str.pdf and if (f.getName().contains("dur.pdf") || f.getName().contains("lf0.pdf") || f.getName().contains("mgc.pdf") || f.getName().contains("str.pdf")) { logger.debug("converting file: " + f.getName()); convertPdfBinaryFile(f); } // if mainResource contains gv-lf0-littend.pdf, gv-mgc-littend.pdf and gv-str-littend.pdf else if (f.getName().contains("gv-lf0-littend.pdf") || f.getName().contains("gv-mgc-littend.pdf") || f.getName().contains("gv-str-littend.pdf")) { logger.debug("converting file: " + f.getName()); convertGvBinaryFile(f); } } } /** * Converts format from pdf Mary format 4 to Mary 5, the converted file will have the same input name * * @param pdfInFile * pdfInFile * @throws Exception * Exception */ public void convertPdfBinaryFile(File pdfInFile) throws Exception { int i, j, k, l; boolean lf0 = false; String pdfInFileString = pdfInFile.getName(); // the destination file name will be the same as the input file so String pdfOutFile = pdfInFile.getAbsolutePath(); String path = pdfInFile.getParent(); // I make a copy or the original file FileUtils.copy(pdfInFile.getAbsolutePath(), path + "/tmp"); pdfInFile = new File(path + "/tmp"); DataInputStream dataIn; DataOutputStream dataOut; dataIn = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(pdfInFile))); // numMSDFlag int numMSDFlag = 0; // numStream int numStream = 1; // 1 for mgc, str, mag or dur // vectorSize int vectorSize; // numDurPdf int numPdf[]; logger.debug("Reading: from file " + pdfInFileString); float pdf[]; // pdf[vectorSize]; float fval; int numState = 5; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------ Read header -------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectorSize = dataIn.readInt(); if (pdfInFileString.contains("lf0.pdf")) { numStream = vectorSize; vectorSize = 4; // vectorSize = 4 --> [1]:mean f0, [2]:var f0, [3]:voiced weight, [4]:unvoiced weight lf0 = true; numMSDFlag = 1; } else if (pdfInFileString.contains("dur.pdf")) { /* 2*nstate because the vector size for duration is the number of states */ // pdf = new double[1][numDurPdf][1][2*numState]; // just one state and one stream numState = 1; numStream = 5; } logger.debug("vectorSize(r) = " + vectorSize + " numMSDFlag=" + numMSDFlag + " numStream=" + numStream + " numState=" + numState); /* Now we need the number of pdf's for each state */ numPdf = new int[numState]; for (i = 0; i < numState; i++) { numPdf[i] = dataIn.readInt(); logger.debug("loadPdfs(r): numPdf[state:" + i + "]=" + numPdf[i]); if (numPdf[i] < 0) throw new Exception("loadPdfs: #pdf at state " + i + " must be positive value."); } pdf = new float[2 * vectorSize]; dataOut = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(pdfOutFile))); // This is the format in version 2.0 // numMSDFlag dataOut.writeInt(numMSDFlag); // numStream dataOut.writeInt(numStream); // vectorSize (for lf0 vectorsize is the same numStream) if (lf0) dataOut.writeInt(numStream); else dataOut.writeInt(vectorSize); // numPdf per state for (i = 0; i < numState; i++) { dataOut.writeInt(numPdf[i]); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------- Now read the data ------------------------------------------------ // in the old version the mean vector goes first and then the cov // in the new version the mean and cov elements of the vector are one after another // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lf0) { /* read pdfs (mean, variance). (2*vectorSize because mean and diag variance */ /* are allocated in only one vector. */ for (i = 0; i < numState; i++) { for (j = 0; j < numPdf[i]; j++) { for (k = 0; k < numStream; k++) { for (l = 0; l < vectorSize; l++) { fval = dataIn.readFloat(); // NOTE: Here (hts_engine v1.04) the order seem to be the same as before dataOut.writeFloat(fval); } } } // System.out.println("New pdf j=" + j); } } else { /* read pdfs (mean, variance). (2*vectorSize because mean and diag variance */ /* are allocated in only one vector. */ for (i = 0; i < numState; i++) { for (j = 0; j < numPdf[i]; j++) { for (k = 0; k < (2 * vectorSize); k++) { pdf[k] = dataIn.readFloat(); } for (k = 0; k < vectorSize; k++) { dataOut.writeFloat(pdf[k]); dataOut.writeFloat(pdf[k + vectorSize]); } } // System.out.println("New pdf j=" + j); } } dataIn.close(); dataOut.close(); pdfInFile.delete(); logger.debug("Updated format in file " + pdfOutFile); } /** * Converts file format from gv Mary format 4 to Mary 5, the converted file will have the same input name * * @param gvInFile * gvInFile * @throws IOException * IOException */ public void convertGvBinaryFile(File gvInFile) throws IOException { int i; String gvInFileString = gvInFile.getName(); // the destination file name will be the same as the input file so String gvOutFile = gvInFile.getAbsolutePath(); String path = gvInFile.getParent(); // I make a copy or the original file FileUtils.copy(gvInFile.getAbsolutePath(), path + "/tmp"); gvInFile = new File(path + "/tmp"); DataInputStream dataIn; DataOutputStream dataOut; dataIn = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(gvInFile))); // int numMix = data_in.readShort(); /* --NOT USED -- first short is the number of mixtures in Gaussian model */ int order = dataIn.readShort(); /* second short is the order of static vector */ float gvmean[] = new float[order]; /* allocate memory of this size */ float gvcov[] = new float[order]; logger.debug("Reading from file " + gvInFileString + " order=" + order); for (i = 0; i < order; i++) { gvmean[i] = dataIn.readFloat(); // System.out.format("gvmean[%d]=%f\n",i,gvmean[i]); } for (i = 0; i < order; i++) { gvcov[i] = dataIn.readFloat(); // System.out.format("gvcov[%d]=%f\n",i,gvcov[i]); } dataIn.close(); dataOut = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(gvOutFile))); /* This is the format in version 2.0 */ // numMSDFlag dataOut.writeInt(0); // numStream dataOut.writeInt(1); // vectorSize dataOut.writeInt(order); // numDurPdf dataOut.writeInt(1); for (i = 0; i < order; i++) { dataOut.writeFloat(gvmean[i]); dataOut.writeFloat(gvcov[i]); } dataOut.close(); gvInFile.delete(); logger.debug("Updated format in file " + gvOutFile); } public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 2) { usage(); System.exit(1); } File componentsFile = new File(args[0]); if (!componentsFile.exists()) { System.err.println("No component file: " + args[0]); usage(); System.exit(1); } List<VoiceComponentDescription> voiceDescriptions = null; try { InstallFileParser parser = new InstallFileParser(componentsFile.toURI().toURL()); voiceDescriptions = parser.getVoiceDescriptions(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); usage(); System.exit(1); } for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { File voiceZip = new File(args[i]); if (!voiceZip.exists()) { System.err.println("No such voice file: " + args[i]); usage(); System.exit(1); } try { new Mary4To5VoiceConverter(voiceDescriptions, voiceZip).convert(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); usage(); System.exit(1); } } } private static void usage() { System.err.println("Usage:"); System.err.println("java " + Mary4To5VoiceConverter.class.getName() + " mary-components.xml [more voice files...]"); } }