import; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import java.util.logging.Formatter; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** Run-time file-based logging, using standard java.util.logging. * It is REALLY too bad that JUL was added before Java enums! */ public class RuntimeLog { // The JUL Log Levels are: // SEVERE (highest value) // WARNING // INFO // CONFIG // FINE // FINER // FINEST (lowest value) // Change this to MODE_DEBUG to use for in-house debugging enum Mode { MODE_DEBUG, MODE_RELEASE } private static final Mode mode = Mode.MODE_RELEASE; private static String logfileName = "/sdcard/YourAppName.log"; private static Logger logger; // initialize the log on first use of the class and // create a custom log formatter static { try { FileHandler fh = new FileHandler(logfileName, true); fh.setFormatter(new Formatter() { public String format(LogRecord rec) { java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); return new StringBuffer(1000) .append((date.getYear())).append('/') .append(date.getMonth()).append('/') .append(date.getDate()) .append(' ') .append(date.getHours()) .append(':') .append(date.getMinutes()).append(':') .append(date.getSeconds()) .append('\n') .toString(); } }); logger = Logger.getLogger(logfileName); logger.addHandler(fh); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // the log method public static void log(Level logLevel, String msg) { //don't log DEBUG and VERBOSE statements in release mode if (mode == Mode.MODE_RELEASE && logLevel.intValue() >= Level.FINE.intValue()) return; final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(logLevel, msg); record.setLoggerName(logfileName); logger.log(record); } /** * Reveal the logfile path, so part of your app can read the * logfile and either email it to you, or * upload it to your server via REST * @return */ public static String getFileName() { return logfileName; } }