package com.darwinsys.gcmclient; import; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Menu; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.darwinsys.gcmclient.R; import; import; import; /** A simple(?) demonstration of GCM messaging; in this demo the app only * receives a message from GCM, which is originated by the "GCMMockServer" project. * @author Ian Darwin with help from Google documentation */ public class GcmMainActivity extends Activity { static final String TAG = "com.darwinsys.gcmdemo"; private static final String TAG_CONFORMANCE = "RegulatoryCompliance"; private static final int PLAY_SERVICES_RESOLUTION_REQUEST = 9000; /** The Sender Id is the Project ID number from the Google Developer's Console */ private static final String GCM_SENDER_ID = "117558675814"; public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE = "message"; public static final String PROPERTY_REG_ID = "registration_id"; private static final String PROPERTY_APP_VERSION = "appVersion"; /** A Context to be used in inner classes */ private Context context; /** The log textview */ private TextView logTv; /** In real life this would be in the Application singleton class */ private Executor threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); /** the GCM instance */ private GoogleCloudMessaging gcm; /** The registration Id we get back from GCM the first time we register */ private String registrationId; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Log.d(TAG, "MainActivity.onCreate()"); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); logTv = (TextView) findViewById(; context = getApplicationContext(); logTv.setText("Start\n"); // GCM stuff if (checkForGcm()) { logTv.append("Passed checkforGCM\n"); gcm = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(this); registrationId = getRegistrationId(this); if (registrationId.isEmpty()) { threadPool.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { final String regn = registerWithGcm(); Log.d(TAG, "New Registration = " + regn); setMessageOnUiThread(regn + "\n"); } }); } else { final String mesg = "Previous Registration = " + registrationId; Log.d(TAG, mesg); logTv.append(mesg + "\n"); } } else { logTv.append("Failed checkforGCM"); } } void setMessageOnUiThread(final String mesg) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { logTv.append(mesg); } }); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); Log.d(TAG, "MainActivity.onResume()"); checkForGcm(); } boolean checkForGcm() { int ret = GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this); if (ConnectionResult.SUCCESS == ret) { Log.d(TAG, "MainActivity.checkForGcm(): SUCCESS"); return true; } else { Log.d(TAG, "MainActivity.checkForGcm(): FAILURE"); if (GooglePlayServicesUtil.isUserRecoverableError(ret)) { GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(ret, this, PLAY_SERVICES_RESOLUTION_REQUEST).show(); } else { Toast.makeText(this, "Google Message Not Supported on this device; you will not get update notifications!!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); Log.d(TAG_CONFORMANCE, "User accepted to run the app without update notifications!"); } return false; } } /** * Gets the current registration ID for application on GCM service. * <p> * If result is empty, the app needs to register. * * @return registration ID, or empty string if there is no existing registration ID. * @author Adapted from the Google Cloud Messaging example */ private String getRegistrationId(Context context) { final SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(GcmMainActivity.class.getSimpleName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String registrationId = prefs.getString(PROPERTY_REG_ID, ""); if (registrationId.isEmpty()) { Log.i(TAG, "Registration not found."); return ""; } // Check if app was updated; if so, it must remove the registration ID // since the existing regID is not guaranteed to work with the new app version. int registeredVersion = prefs.getInt(PROPERTY_APP_VERSION, Integer.MIN_VALUE); int currentVersion = getAppVersion(context); if (registeredVersion != currentVersion) { Log.i(TAG, "App version changed."); return ""; } return registrationId; } /** * Get the app version, which comes ultimately from the AndroidManifest * (you don't have to keep your own "version number" in the app too!). * @return Application's version code from the {@code PackageManager}. */ private static int getAppVersion(Context context) { try { return context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0).versionCode; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { // This is a "CANTHAPPEN", so why is it a checked exception? final String mesg = "CANTHAPPEN: could not get my own package name!?!?: " + e;, mesg); throw new RuntimeException(mesg); } } /** * Register this app, the first time on this device, with Google Cloud Messaging Service * @return The registration ID * @author Adapted from the Google Cloud Messaging example */ private String registerWithGcm() { String mesg = ""; try { if (gcm == null) { gcm = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(context); } registrationId = gcm.register(GCM_SENDER_ID); mesg = "Device registered! My registration =" + registrationId; // You should send the registration ID to your server over HTTP, // so it can use GCM/HTTP or CCS to send messages to your app. // The request to your server should be authenticated if your app // is using accounts. sendRegistrationIdToMyServer(); // For this demo: we don't need to send it because the device // will send upstream messages to a server that echo back the // message using the 'from' address in the message. // Persist the regID - no need to register again. storeRegistrationId(context, registrationId); } catch (IOException ex) { mesg = "Error :" + ex.getMessage(); // If there is an error, don't just keep trying to register. // Require the user to click a button again, or perform // exponential back-off. Toast.makeText(context, mesg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); throw new RuntimeException(mesg); } return mesg; } private void sendRegistrationIdToMyServer() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /** * You need to save the long RegistrationId string someplace; this version * stores the registration ID and app versionCode in the application's * {@code SharedPreferences}. * @param context application's context. * @param regId registration ID * @author Adapted from the Google Cloud Messaging example */ private void storeRegistrationId(Context context, String regId) { final SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(GcmMainActivity.class.getSimpleName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); int appVersion = getAppVersion(context); Log.i(TAG, "Saving regId on app version " + appVersion); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putString(PROPERTY_REG_ID, regId); editor.putInt(PROPERTY_APP_VERSION, appVersion); editor.commit(); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); return true; } }