package hu.sztaki.ilab.longneck.process.task; import hu.sztaki.ilab.longneck.bootstrap.KeyGenerator; import hu.sztaki.ilab.longneck.process.constraint.CheckResult; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * * @author Peter Molnar <> */ public class CheckTreeItem { /** The tree item wrapped. */ private CheckResult result; /** The node key assigned to this result. */ private long checkId; /** The key of the parent event caused by this. */ private long checkParentId; /** The key of the parent event caused by this. */ private long checkTreeId; /** The level of this constraint check. */ private int checkLevel; public CheckTreeItem() { } public CheckTreeItem(CheckResult result) { this.result = result; } public CheckResult getResult() { return result; } public void setResult(CheckResult result) { this.result = result; } public long getCheckId() { return checkId; } public void setCheckId(long checkId) { this.checkId = checkId; } public int getCheckLevel() { return checkLevel; } public void setCheckLevel(int checkLevel) { this.checkLevel = checkLevel; } public long getCheckParentId() { return checkParentId; } public void setCheckParentId(long checkParentId) { this.checkParentId = checkParentId; } public long getCheckTreeId() { return checkTreeId; } public void setCheckTreeId(long checkTreeId) { this.checkTreeId = checkTreeId; } private static void flatten(CheckTreeItem item, KeyGenerator keyGenerator, List<CheckTreeItem> outList, long checkParentId, long checkTreeId, int checkLevel, int maxLevel) { item.setCheckId(keyGenerator.getNext()); item.setCheckParentId(checkParentId); item.setCheckLevel(checkLevel); // Assign check tree id if this is the topmost node checkTreeId = checkTreeId > 0 ? checkTreeId : item.getCheckId(); item.setCheckTreeId(checkTreeId); outList.add(item); if (item.getResult().getCauses() != null && (maxLevel < 0 || maxLevel >= (checkLevel + 1))) { for (CheckResult child : item.getResult().getCauses()) { flatten(new CheckTreeItem(child), keyGenerator, outList, item.getCheckId(), checkTreeId, checkLevel + 1, maxLevel); } } } public static List<CheckTreeItem> flatten(CheckResult result, KeyGenerator keyGenerator, int maxLevel) { List<CheckTreeItem> outList = new ArrayList<CheckTreeItem>(); CheckTreeItem item = new CheckTreeItem(result); if (maxLevel != 0) { flatten(item, keyGenerator, outList, 0, 0, 1, maxLevel); } return outList; } }