package hu.sztaki.ilab.longneck.process; import hu.sztaki.ilab.longneck.bootstrap.Repository; import hu.sztaki.ilab.longneck.process.block.Block; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * * @author Molnár Péter <> */ public class FrameAddressResolver { protected final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(FrameAddressResolver.class); /** The file id counter. */ private int fileIdCounter = 0; /** The file url to id map. */ private Map<String,Integer> fileIdMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); /** The address -> per file map -> frame map. */ private Map<Integer, Map<Integer,Block>> fileMap = new HashMap<Integer,Map<Integer,Block>>(); public void put(Block block) { FrameAddress address = getAddress(block); Map<Integer,Block> blockMap = fileMap.get(address.getFileId()); if (blockMap == null) { blockMap = new HashMap<Integer, Block>(); fileMap.put(address.getFileId(), blockMap); } block.setFrameAddress(address); blockMap.put(block.getSourceInfo().getSequenceId(), block); } public Block get(FrameAddress address) { try { return fileMap.get(address.getFileId()).get(address.getSequenceId()); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { return null; } } public FrameAddress getAddress(Block block) { String url = null; try { url = block.getSourceInfo().getDocumentUrl(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Reading block source failed, block: " + block.toString() + ", sourceInfo: " + block.getSourceInfo(), e) ; } if (url == null || "".equals(url)) { throw new RuntimeException("Specified url was null or empty on block: " + block.getClass().getName()); } int fileId = getFileId(url); return new FrameAddress(fileId, block.getSourceInfo().getSequenceId()); } private int getFileId(String url) { Integer id = fileIdMap.get(url); if (id == null) { ++fileIdCounter; id = fileIdCounter; fileIdMap.put(url, fileIdCounter); } return id; } }