/** * SearchServlet * Copyright 22.02.2015 by Michael Peter Christen, @0rb1t3r * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.loklak.api.search; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.loklak.data.DAO; import org.loklak.http.ClientConnection; import org.loklak.http.RemoteAccess; import org.loklak.objects.MessageEntry; import org.loklak.objects.QueryEntry; import org.loklak.objects.Timeline; import org.loklak.objects.UserEntry; import org.loklak.rss.RSSFeed; import org.loklak.rss.RSSMessage; import org.loklak.server.AbstractAPIHandler; import org.loklak.server.ClientIdentity; import org.loklak.server.Query; import org.loklak.tools.CharacterCoding; import org.loklak.tools.UTF8; /** * The search servlet. we provide opensearch/rss and twitter-like JSON as result. */ public class SearchServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 563533152152063908L; private final static String SEARCH_LOW_COUNT_NAME = "search.count.low"; private final static String SEARCH_DEFAULT_COUNT_NAME = "search.count.default"; private final static String SEARCH_MAX_PUBLIC_COUNT_NAME = "search.count.max.public"; private final static String SEARCH_MAX_LOCALHOST_COUNT_NAME = "search.count.max.localhost"; private final static int SEARCH_CACHE_THREASHOLD_TIME = 3000; private final static AtomicLong last_cache_search_time = new AtomicLong(10L); public final static String backend_hash = Integer.toHexString(Integer.MAX_VALUE); public final static String frontpeer_hash = Integer.toHexString(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1); // possible values: cache, twitter, all public static Timeline search(final String protocolhostportstub, final String query, final Timeline.Order order, final String source, final int count, final int timezoneOffset, final String provider_hash, final long timeout) throws IOException { Timeline tl = new Timeline(order); String urlstring = ""; try { urlstring = protocolhostportstub + "/api/search.json?q=" + URLEncoder.encode(query.replace(' ', '+'), "UTF-8") + "&timezoneOffset=" + timezoneOffset + "&maximumRecords=" + count + "&source=" + (source == null ? "all" : source) + "&minified=true&shortlink=false&timeout=" + timeout; byte[] jsonb = ClientConnection.downloadPeer(urlstring); if (jsonb == null || jsonb.length == 0) throw new IOException("empty content from " + protocolhostportstub); String jsons = UTF8.String(jsonb); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsons); if (json == null || json.length() == 0) return tl; JSONArray statuses = json.getJSONArray("statuses"); if (statuses != null) { for (int i = 0; i < statuses.length(); i++) { JSONObject tweet = statuses.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject user = tweet.getJSONObject("user"); if (user == null) continue; tweet.remove("user"); UserEntry u = new UserEntry(user); MessageEntry t = new MessageEntry(tweet); tl.add(t, u); } } JSONObject metadata = json.getJSONObject("search_metadata"); if (metadata != null) { Integer hits = metadata.has("hits") ? (Integer) metadata.get("hits") : null; if (hits != null) tl.setHits(hits.intValue()); String scraperInfo = metadata.has("scraperInfo") ? (String) metadata.get("scraperInfo") : null; if (scraperInfo != null) tl.setScraperInfo(scraperInfo); } } catch (Throwable e) { //Log.getLog().warn(e); throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } //System.out.println(parser.text()); return tl; } @Override protected void doPost(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { doGet(request, response); } @Override protected void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); final Query post = RemoteAccess.evaluate(request); final ClientIdentity identity = AbstractAPIHandler.getIdentity(request, response, post); try { // manage DoS if (post.isDoS_blackout()) {response.sendError(503, "your (" + post.getClientHost() + ") request frequency is too high"); return;} // check call type boolean jsonExt = request.getServletPath().endsWith(".json"); boolean rssExt = request.getServletPath().endsWith(".rss"); boolean txtExt = request.getServletPath().endsWith(".txt"); // evaluate get parameter String callback = post.get("callback", ""); boolean jsonp = callback != null && callback.length() > 0; boolean minified = post.get("minified", false); boolean shortlink_request = post.get("shortlink", true); // query parameters // naming schema according to SRU 2.0 // see http://docs.oasis-open.org/search-ws/searchRetrieve/v1.0/os/part3-sru2.0/searchRetrieve-v1.0-os-part3-sru2.0.html // for compatibility "query" can be replaced with "q" String query = post.get("q", post.get("query", "")); query = CharacterCoding.html2unicode(query).replaceAll("\\+", " "); // paging options, syntax and meaning as defined by SRU 2.0 final int startRecord = Math.max(1, post.get("startRecord", 1)); // the first record is number 1, not 0, see http://docs.oasis-open.org/search-ws/searchRetrieve/v1.0/os/part3-sru2.0/searchRetrieve-v1.0-os-part3-sru2.0.html#startAndMax final int maximumRecords = Math.min( post.get("count", post.get("maximumRecords", (int) DAO.getConfig(SEARCH_DEFAULT_COUNT_NAME, 10))), (int) (post.isDoS_servicereduction() ? DAO.getConfig(SEARCH_LOW_COUNT_NAME, 10) : post.isLocalhostAccess() ? DAO.getConfig(SEARCH_MAX_LOCALHOST_COUNT_NAME, 1000) : DAO.getConfig(SEARCH_MAX_PUBLIC_COUNT_NAME, 100))); // create tweet timeline final String ordername = post.get("order", Timeline.Order.CREATED_AT.getMessageFieldName()); final Timeline.Order order = Timeline.parseOrder(ordername); Timeline tl = DAO.timelineCache.getOrCreate(identity, query, startRecord <= 1, order); JSONObject hits = new JSONObject(true); JSONObject aggregations = null; if (tl.size() > 0) { // return the timeline from a cached search result // in case that the number of available records in the cache is too low, try to get more // otherwise there might be nothing to do here } else { final long timeout = (long) post.get("timeout", DAO.getConfig("search.timeout", 2000)); String source = post.isDoS_servicereduction() ? "cache" : post.get("source", "all"); // possible values: cache, backend, twitter, all int agregation_limit = post.get("limit", 10); String[] fields = post.get("fields", new String[0], ","); int timezoneOffset = post.get("timezoneOffset", 0); if (query.indexOf("id:") >= 0 && ("all".equals(source) || "twitter".equals(source))) source = "cache"; // id's cannot be retrieved from twitter with the scrape-api (yet), only from the cache final AtomicInteger cache_hits = new AtomicInteger(0), count_backend = new AtomicInteger(0), count_twitter_all = new AtomicInteger(0), count_twitter_new = new AtomicInteger(0); final boolean backend_push = DAO.getConfig("backend.push.enabled", false); final QueryEntry.Tokens tokens = new QueryEntry.Tokens(query); if ("all".equals(source)) { // start all targets for search concurrently final int timezoneOffsetf = timezoneOffset; final String queryf = query; // start a scraper Thread scraperThread = tokens.raw.length() == 0 ? null : new Thread() { public void run() { final String scraper_query = tokens.translate4scraper(); DAO.log(request.getServletPath() + " scraping with query: " + scraper_query); Timeline twitterTl = DAO.scrapeTwitter(post, scraper_query, order, timezoneOffsetf, true, timeout, true); count_twitter_new.set(twitterTl.size()); tl.putAll(QueryEntry.applyConstraint(twitterTl, tokens, false)); // pre-localized results are not filtered with location constraint any more tl.setScraperInfo(twitterTl.getScraperInfo()); post.recordEvent("twitterscraper_time", System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } }; if (scraperThread != null) scraperThread.start(); // start a local search Thread localThread = queryf == null || queryf.length() == 0 ? null : new Thread() { public void run() { DAO.SearchLocalMessages localSearchResult = new DAO.SearchLocalMessages(queryf, order, timezoneOffsetf, last_cache_search_time.get() > SEARCH_CACHE_THREASHOLD_TIME ? Math.min(maximumRecords, (int) DAO.getConfig(SEARCH_LOW_COUNT_NAME, 10)) : maximumRecords, 0); long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; last_cache_search_time.set(time); post.recordEvent("cache_time", time); cache_hits.set(localSearchResult.timeline.getHits()); tl.putAll(localSearchResult.timeline); tl.setResultIndex(localSearchResult.timeline.getResultIndex()); } }; if (localThread != null) localThread.start(); // start a backend search, but only if backend_push == true or result from scraper is too bad boolean start_backend_thread = false; if (backend_push) start_backend_thread = true; else { // wait now for termination of scraper thread and local search // to evaluate how many results are available if (scraperThread != null) try {scraperThread.join(Math.max(10000, timeout - System.currentTimeMillis() + start));} catch (InterruptedException e) {} if (localThread != null) try {localThread.join(Math.max(100, timeout - System.currentTimeMillis() + start));} catch (InterruptedException e) {} localThread = null; scraperThread = null; if (tl.size() < maximumRecords) start_backend_thread = true; } Thread backendThread = tokens.original.length() == 0 || !start_backend_thread ? null : new Thread() { public void run() { Timeline backendTl = DAO.searchBackend(tokens.original, order, maximumRecords, timezoneOffsetf, "cache", timeout); if (backendTl != null) { tl.putAll(QueryEntry.applyConstraint(backendTl, tokens, true)); count_backend.set(tl.size()); // TODO: read and aggregate aggregations from backend as well } post.recordEvent("backend_time", System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } }; if (backendThread != null) backendThread.start(); // wait for termination of all threads if (scraperThread != null) try {scraperThread.join(Math.max(10000, timeout - System.currentTimeMillis() + start));} catch (InterruptedException e) {} // in case that the scraper thread had been started and was successful, we do not wait for the other threads to terminate if (scraperThread == null || tl.getHits() == 0 || query.indexOf(':') >= 0 || query.indexOf('/') >= 0 || fields.length > 0) { if (localThread != null) try {localThread.join(Math.max(100, timeout - System.currentTimeMillis() + start));} catch (InterruptedException e) {} } if (scraperThread == null || tl.getHits() == 0) { if (backendThread != null) try {backendThread.join(Math.max(100, timeout - System.currentTimeMillis() + start));} catch (InterruptedException e) {} } } else if ("twitter".equals(source) && tokens.raw.length() > 0) { final String scraper_query = tokens.translate4scraper(); DAO.log(request.getServletPath() + " scraping with query: " + scraper_query); Timeline twitterTl = DAO.scrapeTwitter(post, scraper_query, order, timezoneOffset, true, timeout, true); count_twitter_new.set(twitterTl.size()); tl.putAll(QueryEntry.applyConstraint(twitterTl, tokens, false)); // pre-localized results are not filtered with location constraint any more tl.setScraperInfo(twitterTl.getScraperInfo()); post.recordEvent("twitterscraper_time", System.currentTimeMillis() - start); // in this case we use all tweets, not only the latest one because it may happen that there are no new and that is not what the user expects } else if ("cache".equals(source)) { DAO.SearchLocalMessages localSearchResult = new DAO.SearchLocalMessages(query, order, timezoneOffset, last_cache_search_time.get() > SEARCH_CACHE_THREASHOLD_TIME ? Math.min(maximumRecords, (int) DAO.getConfig(SEARCH_LOW_COUNT_NAME, 10)) : maximumRecords, agregation_limit, fields); cache_hits.set(localSearchResult.timeline.getHits()); tl.putAll(localSearchResult.timeline); tl.setResultIndex(localSearchResult.timeline.getResultIndex()); aggregations = localSearchResult.getAggregations(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; last_cache_search_time.set(time); post.recordEvent("cache_time", time); } else if ("backend".equals(source) && query.length() > 0) { Timeline backendTl = DAO.searchBackend(query, order, maximumRecords, timezoneOffset, "cache", timeout); if (backendTl != null) { tl.putAll(QueryEntry.applyConstraint(backendTl, tokens, true)); tl.setScraperInfo(backendTl.getScraperInfo()); // TODO: read and aggregate aggregations from backend as well count_backend.set(tl.size()); } post.recordEvent("backend_time", System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } // check the latest user_ids DAO.announceNewUserId(tl); hits.put("count_twitter_all", count_twitter_all.get()); hits.put("count_twitter_new", count_twitter_new.get()); hits.put("count_backend", count_backend.get()); hits.put("cache_hits", cache_hits.get()); } // create json or xml according to path extension int shortlink_iflinkexceedslength = shortlink_request ? (int) DAO.getConfig("shortlink.iflinkexceedslength", 500L) : Integer.MAX_VALUE; String shortlink_urlstub = DAO.getConfig("shortlink.urlstub", ""); if (jsonExt) { post.setResponse(response, jsonp ? "application/javascript": "application/json"); // generate json JSONObject m = new JSONObject(true); JSONObject metadata = new JSONObject(true); if (!minified) { m.put("readme_0", "THIS JSON IS THE RESULT OF YOUR SEARCH QUERY - THERE IS NO WEB PAGE WHICH SHOWS THE RESULT!"); m.put("readme_1", "loklak.org is the framework for a message search system, not the portal, read: http://loklak.org/about.html#notasearchportal"); m.put("readme_2", "This is supposed to be the back-end of a search portal. For the api, see http://loklak.org/api.html"); m.put("readme_3", "Parameters q=(query), source=(cache|backend|twitter|all), callback=p for jsonp, maximumRecords=(message count), minified=(true|false)"); } metadata.put("startRecord", Integer.toString(startRecord)); // the number of the first record (according to SRU set to 1 for very first) metadata.put("maximumRecords", Integer.toString(maximumRecords)); // number of records within this json result set returned in the api call metadata.put("count", Integer.toString(tl.size())); // number of records available in the search cache (so far, may be increased later > hits) metadata.put("hits", tl.getHits()); // number of records in the search index (so far, may be increased later as well) if (tl.getOrder() == Timeline.Order.CREATED_AT) metadata.put("period", tl.period()); metadata.put("query", query); metadata.put("client", post.getClientHost()); metadata.put("time", System.currentTimeMillis() - post.getAccessTime()); metadata.put("servicereduction", post.isDoS_servicereduction() ? "true" : "false"); metadata.putAll(hits); if (tl.getScraperInfo().length() > 0) metadata.put("scraperInfo", tl.getScraperInfo()); if (tl.getResultIndex() != null) metadata.put("index", tl.getResultIndex()); m.put("search_metadata", metadata); JSONArray statuses = new JSONArray(); try { for (MessageEntry t: tl.getNextTweets(startRecord - 1, maximumRecords)) { UserEntry u = tl.getUser(t); statuses.put(t.toJSON(u, true, shortlink_iflinkexceedslength, shortlink_urlstub)); } } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { // late incoming messages from concurrent peer retrieval may cause this // we silently do nothing here and return what we listed so far } m.put("statuses", statuses); // aggregations m.put("aggregations", aggregations); // write json response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); PrintWriter sos = response.getWriter(); if (jsonp) sos.print(callback + "("); sos.print(m.toString(minified ? 0 : 2)); if (jsonp) sos.println(");"); sos.println(); } else if (rssExt) { response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); post.setResponse(response, "application/rss+xml;charset=utf-8"); // generate xml RSSMessage channel = new RSSMessage(); channel.setPubDate(new Date()); channel.setTitle("RSS feed for Twitter search for " + query); channel.setDescription(""); channel.setLink(""); RSSFeed feed = new RSSFeed(tl.size()); feed.setChannel(channel); try { for (MessageEntry t: tl.getNextTweets(startRecord - 1, maximumRecords)) { UserEntry u = tl.getUser(t); RSSMessage m = new RSSMessage(); m.setLink(t.getStatusIdUrl().toExternalForm()); m.setAuthor(u.getName() + " @" + u.getScreenName()); m.setTitle(u.getName() + " @" + u.getScreenName()); m.setDescription(t.getText(shortlink_iflinkexceedslength, shortlink_urlstub).text); m.setPubDate(t.getCreatedAt()); m.setGuid(t.getIdStr()); feed.addMessage(m); } } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { // late incoming messages from concurrent peer retrieval may cause this // we silently do nothing here and return what we listed so far } String rss = feed.toString(); //System.out.println("feed has " + feed.size() + " entries"); // write xml response.getOutputStream().write(UTF8.getBytes(rss)); } else if (txtExt) { post.setResponse(response, "text/plain"); final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(1000); try { for (MessageEntry t: tl) { UserEntry u = tl.getUser(t); buffer.append(t.getCreatedAt()).append(" ").append(u.getScreenName()).append(": ").append(t.getText(shortlink_iflinkexceedslength, shortlink_urlstub).text).append('\n'); } } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { // late incoming messages from concurrent peer retrieval may cause this // we silently do nothing here and return what we listed so far } response.getOutputStream().write(UTF8.getBytes(buffer.toString())); } post.recordEvent("result_count", tl.size()); post.recordEvent("postprocessing_time", System.currentTimeMillis() - start); post.recordEvent("hits", hits); DAO.log(request.getServletPath() + "?" + request.getQueryString() + " -> " + tl.size() + " records returned"); post.finalize(); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.getLog().warn(e.getMessage(), e); //Log.getLog().warn(e); } } public static void main(String[] args) { try { Timeline tl = search("http://loklak.org", "beer", Timeline.Order.CREATED_AT, "cache", 20, -120, backend_hash, 10000); System.out.println(tl.toJSON(false, "search_metadata", "statuses").toString(2)); } catch (IOException e) { Log.getLog().warn(e); } } }