package; import info.limpet.ICollection; import info.limpet.IObjectCollection; import info.limpet.IQuantityCollection; import info.limpet.ITemporalObjectCollection; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.measure.Measure; import javax.measure.quantity.Quantity; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive.Point; public class CsvGenerator { /** * prevent accidental instance declaration * */ protected CsvGenerator() { } private static final String LEFT_BRACKET = "["; private static final String RIGHT_BRACKET = "]"; private static final String RIGHT_PARENTHESES = ")"; private static final String LEFT_PARENTHESES = "("; private static final String COMMA_SEPARATOR = ","; private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = "\n"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String generate(ICollection collection) { if (!(collection instanceof IObjectCollection)) { return null; } StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); if (collection.isTemporal()) { header.append("Time,"); } if (collection instanceof ILocations) { header.append("Lat(Degs),Long(Degs)"); } else { // "(" and "(" has special meaning in CsvParser (separate unit) // replace with "[" and "]" String name = collection.getName(); name = name.replace(LEFT_PARENTHESES, LEFT_BRACKET); name = name.replace(RIGHT_PARENTHESES, RIGHT_BRACKET); header.append(name); addUnit(header, collection); } header.append(LINE_SEPARATOR); Iterator<Long> timesIterator = null; if (collection.isTemporal()) { List<Long> times = ((ITemporalObjectCollection<Object>) collection).getTimes(); timesIterator = times.iterator(); } IObjectCollection<Object> objectCollection = (IObjectCollection<Object>) collection; List<Object> values = objectCollection.getValues(); Iterator<Object> valuesIterator = values.iterator(); while (valuesIterator.hasNext()) { if (timesIterator != null && timesIterator.hasNext()) { Long time =; header.append(CsvParser.getDateFormat().format(new Date(time))); header.append(COMMA_SEPARATOR); } Object value =; if (value instanceof Measure) { header.append(((Measure<?, Quantity>) value).getValue()); } else if (value instanceof Point) { Point point = (Point) value; header.append(point.getDirectPosition().getCoordinate()[1]); header.append(COMMA_SEPARATOR); header.append(point.getDirectPosition().getCoordinate()[0]); } else { header.append(value); } header.append(LINE_SEPARATOR); } return header.toString(); } private static void addUnit(StringBuilder header, ICollection collection) { if (collection.isQuantity()) { header.append(LEFT_PARENTHESES); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") String unitSymbol = ((IQuantityCollection<Quantity>) collection).getUnits().toString(); // DEGREE_ANGLE if ("°".equals(unitSymbol)) { header.append("Degs"); } else { header.append(unitSymbol); } header.append(RIGHT_PARENTHESES); } } }