package info.limpet.stackedcharts.ui.editor.drop; import info.limpet.stackedcharts.model.AxisType; import info.limpet.stackedcharts.model.Chart; import info.limpet.stackedcharts.model.Dataset; import info.limpet.stackedcharts.model.DependentAxis; import info.limpet.stackedcharts.model.NumberAxis; import info.limpet.stackedcharts.model.impl.StackedchartsFactoryImpl; import info.limpet.stackedcharts.ui.editor.commands.AddDatasetsToAxisCommand; import; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.gef.EditPart; import org.eclipse.gef.GraphicalViewer; import org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command; import org.eclipse.gef.commands.CompoundCommand; import org.eclipse.gef.editparts.AbstractGraphicalEditPart; import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent; public class DatasetToChartDropTargetListener extends DatasetDropTargetListener { public DatasetToChartDropTargetListener(GraphicalViewer viewer) { super(viewer); } @Override public boolean appliesTo(DropTargetEvent event) { EditPart findObjectAt = findPart(event); return findObjectAt instanceof ChartEditPart; } protected Command createCommand(AbstractGraphicalEditPart editPart, List<Dataset> datasets) { // just check what we've received if(!(editPart instanceof ChartEditPart)) { System.err.println(this.toString() + " received wrong type of edit part"); } CompoundCommand res = null; Chart chart = ((ChartEditPart) editPart).getModel(); for (Dataset dataset : datasets) { // find a dataset to dump this dataset into String units = dataset.getUnits(); DependentAxis targetAxis = null; if (targetAxis == null) { // ok, we have to go in at the chart level targetAxis = findAxisFor(chart.getMinAxes(), dataset.getUnits()); if (targetAxis == null) { targetAxis = findAxisFor(chart.getMinAxes(), dataset.getUnits()); } if (targetAxis == null) { // ok, just create a new one StackedchartsFactoryImpl factory = new StackedchartsFactoryImpl(); targetAxis = factory.createDependentAxis(); targetAxis.setName(units); NumberAxis aType = factory.createNumberAxis(); aType.setUnits(units); targetAxis.setAxisType(aType); chart.getMinAxes().add(targetAxis); } } // ok, create the command AddDatasetsToAxisCommand command = new AddDatasetsToAxisCommand(targetAxis, dataset); if (res == null) { res = new CompoundCommand(); } res.add(command); } return res; } private DependentAxis checkThisAxis(DependentAxis axis, String units) { DependentAxis res = null; AxisType aType = axis.getAxisType(); if (aType != null && aType instanceof NumberAxis) { NumberAxis na = (NumberAxis) aType; String axisUnits = na.getUnits(); if (axisUnits != null && units != null && axisUnits.equals(units)) { res = axis; } } return res; } private DependentAxis findAxisFor(EList<DependentAxis> axes, String units) { DependentAxis res = null; for (DependentAxis axis : axes) { res = checkThisAxis(axis, units); if (res != null) { break; } } return res; } }