/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 eXo Platform SAS. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ***************************************************************************/ package org.exoplatform.forum.webui.popup; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.exoplatform.container.ExoContainerContext; import org.exoplatform.forum.ForumUtils; import org.exoplatform.forum.service.ForumPageList; import org.exoplatform.forum.service.JCRPageList; import org.exoplatform.forum.webui.BaseForumForm; import org.exoplatform.forum.webui.UIForumPageIterator; import org.exoplatform.forum.webui.UIForumPortlet; import org.exoplatform.forum.webui.UITopicContainer; import org.exoplatform.ks.common.webui.BaseEventListener; import org.exoplatform.ks.common.webui.UIPopupContainer; import org.exoplatform.webui.config.annotation.ComponentConfig; import org.exoplatform.webui.config.annotation.EventConfig; import org.exoplatform.webui.core.UIPopupComponent; import org.exoplatform.webui.core.lifecycle.UIFormLifecycle; import org.exoplatform.webui.event.Event; import org.exoplatform.webui.event.Event.Phase; import org.exoplatform.webui.form.UIFormStringInput; /** * Created by The eXo Platform SAS * Author : Vu Duy Tu * tu.duy@exoplatform.com * 23-12-2008 - 04:17:18 */ @ComponentConfig( lifecycle = UIFormLifecycle.class, template = "app:/templates/forum/webui/popup/UIBanIPForumManagerForm.gtmpl", events = { @EventConfig(listeners = UIBanIPForumManagerForm.AddIpActionListener.class), @EventConfig(listeners = UIBanIPForumManagerForm.OpenPostsActionListener.class), @EventConfig(listeners = UIBanIPForumManagerForm.UnBanActionListener.class, confirm="UIBanIPForumManagerForm.confirm.UnBanIP"), @EventConfig(listeners = UIBanIPForumManagerForm.CancelActionListener.class, phase=Phase.DECODE) } ) public class UIBanIPForumManagerForm extends BaseForumForm implements UIPopupComponent { public static final String SEARCH_IP_BAN = "searchIpBan"; public static final String NEW_IP_BAN_INPUT1 = "newIpBan1"; public static final String NEW_IP_BAN_INPUT2 = "newIpBan2"; public static final String NEW_IP_BAN_INPUT3 = "newIpBan3"; public static final String NEW_IP_BAN_INPUT4 = "newIpBan4"; public static final String BAN_IP_PAGE_ITERATOR = "IpBanPageIterator"; private String forumId = "null"; private boolean isForum = false; private JCRPageList pageList; private UIForumPageIterator pageIterator; public UIBanIPForumManagerForm() throws Exception { addUIFormInput(new UIFormStringInput(SEARCH_IP_BAN, null)); addUIFormInput((new UIFormStringInput(NEW_IP_BAN_INPUT1, null)).setMaxLength(3)); addUIFormInput((new UIFormStringInput(NEW_IP_BAN_INPUT2, null)).setMaxLength(3)); addUIFormInput((new UIFormStringInput(NEW_IP_BAN_INPUT3, null)).setMaxLength(3)); addUIFormInput((new UIFormStringInput(NEW_IP_BAN_INPUT4, null)).setMaxLength(3)); setActions(new String[] { "Cancel" }); pageIterator = addChild(UIForumPageIterator.class, null, BAN_IP_PAGE_ITERATOR); } public void activate() throws Exception { } public void deActivate() throws Exception { } public void setForumId(String forumId) { this.forumId = forumId; isForum = true; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String getRestPath() throws Exception { try { ExoContainerContext exoContext = (ExoContainerContext) ExoContainerContext.getCurrentContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(ExoContainerContext.class); return ForumUtils.SLASH + exoContext.getPortalContainerName() + ForumUtils.SLASH + exoContext.getRestContextName(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can not get portal name or rest context name, exception: ", e); } return ForumUtils.EMPTY_STR; } @SuppressWarnings( { "unused", "unchecked" }) private List<String> getListIpBan() throws Exception { List<String> listIpBan = new ArrayList<String>(); if (isForum) { listIpBan = getForumService().getForumBanList(forumId); } else { listIpBan.addAll(getForumService().getBanList()); } pageList = new ForumPageList(8, listIpBan.size()); pageList.setPageSize(8); pageIterator = this.getChild(UIForumPageIterator.class); pageIterator.updatePageList(pageList); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.addAll(this.pageList.getPageList(pageIterator.getPageSelected(), listIpBan)); pageIterator.setSelectPage(pageList.getCurrentPage()); try { if (pageList.getAvailablePage() <= 1) pageIterator.setRendered(false); else pageIterator.setRendered(true); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to init page iterator", e); } return list; } /** * Validates an IP Address. IP elements must be 4 integers between 0 and 255. * is not a valid IP address; * is not a valid IP address; * @param ipAdd elements of the address * @return null if the address is not valid */ public String checkIpAddress(String[] ipAdd) { StringBuilder ip = new StringBuilder(); if (ipAdd.length < 4) return null; try { int[] ips = new int[4]; for (int t = 0; t < ipAdd.length; t++) { if (t > 0) ip.append("."); ip.append(ipAdd[t]); ips[t] = Integer.parseInt(ipAdd[t]); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (ips[i] < 0 || ips[i] > 255) return null; } if (ips[0] == 255 && ips[1] == 255 && ips[2] == 255 && ips[3] == 255) return null; if (ips[0] == 0 && ips[1] == 0 && ips[2] == 0 && ips[3] == 0) return null; return ip.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to check IP address, Ip is not format number."); return null; } } private String getValueIp(String inputId) throws Exception { UIFormStringInput stringInput = this.getUIStringInput(inputId); String vl = stringInput.getValue(); stringInput.setValue(ForumUtils.EMPTY_STR); return ForumUtils.isEmpty(vl) ? "0" : vl; } static public class AddIpActionListener extends BaseEventListener<UIBanIPForumManagerForm> { public void onEvent(Event<UIBanIPForumManagerForm> event, UIBanIPForumManagerForm uiForm, final String objectId) throws Exception { String[] ip = new String[] { uiForm.getValueIp(NEW_IP_BAN_INPUT1), uiForm.getValueIp(NEW_IP_BAN_INPUT2), uiForm.getValueIp(NEW_IP_BAN_INPUT3), uiForm.getValueIp(NEW_IP_BAN_INPUT4) }; String ipAdd = uiForm.checkIpAddress(ip); if (ipAdd == null) { warning("UIBanIPForumManagerForm.sms.ipInvalid"); return; } if (uiForm.isForum) { if (!uiForm.getForumService().addBanIPForum(ipAdd, uiForm.forumId)) { warning("UIBanIPForumManagerForm.sms.ipBanFalse", new String[] { ipAdd }); return; } else { UIForumPortlet forumPortlet = uiForm.getAncestorOfType(UIForumPortlet.class); UITopicContainer topicContainer = forumPortlet.findFirstComponentOfType(UITopicContainer.class); topicContainer.setIdUpdate(true); event.getRequestContext().addUIComponentToUpdateByAjax(topicContainer); } } else if (!uiForm.getForumService().addBanIP(ipAdd)) { warning("UIBanIPForumManagerForm.sms.ipBanFalse", ipAdd); return; } refresh(); } } static public class OpenPostsActionListener extends BaseEventListener<UIBanIPForumManagerForm> { public void onEvent(Event<UIBanIPForumManagerForm> event, UIBanIPForumManagerForm uiForm, final String ip) throws Exception { UIPopupContainer popupContainer = uiForm.getAncestorOfType(UIPopupContainer.class); UIPageListPostByIP pageListPostByIP = openPopup(popupContainer, UIPageListPostByIP.class, 650, 0); pageListPostByIP.setIp(ip); } } static public class UnBanActionListener extends BaseEventListener<UIBanIPForumManagerForm> { public void onEvent(Event<UIBanIPForumManagerForm> event, UIBanIPForumManagerForm uiForm, final String ip) throws Exception { if (uiForm.isForum) { uiForm.getForumService().removeBanIPForum(ip, uiForm.forumId); UIForumPortlet forumPortlet = uiForm.getAncestorOfType(UIForumPortlet.class); UITopicContainer topicContainer = forumPortlet.findFirstComponentOfType(UITopicContainer.class); topicContainer.setIdUpdate(true); event.getRequestContext().addUIComponentToUpdateByAjax(topicContainer); } else { uiForm.getForumService().removeBan(ip); } refresh(); } } static public class CancelActionListener extends BaseEventListener<UIBanIPForumManagerForm> { public void onEvent(Event<UIBanIPForumManagerForm> event, UIBanIPForumManagerForm uiForm, final String ip) throws Exception { if (uiForm.isForum) { UIForumPortlet forumPortlet = event.getSource().getAncestorOfType(UIForumPortlet.class); UITopicContainer topicContainer = forumPortlet.findFirstComponentOfType(UITopicContainer.class); topicContainer.setIdUpdate(true); event.getRequestContext().addUIComponentToUpdateByAjax(topicContainer); } uiForm.cancelChildPopupAction(); } } }